
Fire and Ice


12-31-2013, 02:18 AM
Part of her couldn't believe this was actually happening. To her, of all wolves. Her, Roman Armada, the epitome of royalty. This cretin was attempting to rape her as if she was a peon, a commoner, not a goddess. It was scandalous. Movement happened in whirlwind, and she found herself pinned on her back, his teeth wrapped around her jugular. She froze. She wasn't a fool, she was in a position now, that could be deadly. She had tasted his blood again in satisfaction as she ripped into his ear, such satisfaction it had been. She had froze for a moment, her chest heaving from effort. How had she gotten into this position, let alone from a smaller creature... a stranger? She tried to kick with her back legs, that had been folded to her stomach, hoping the talons the bared would claw at his stomach, his wolf junk, anything that may make him let go.


12-31-2013, 02:31 AM
It was actually happening. He was on top of her, the feeling of complete control coursing through his veins. His blood was running hot now and he could feel the heat of effort rolling off of her in ribbons. And he was definitely no stranger to the smell of her womanhood so close to his own masculinity...She was desperate now, flailing her legs in futility at his underbelly. His jaws squeezed harder on the sensitive vein until she stopped struggling. His hips shimmied themselves into position above her and his grip loosened slightly around her neck, allowing him to make the short, sharp movement necessary to complete his domination.



12-31-2013, 02:38 AM

Words that she never once dreamed would apply to her. His teeth dug into her neck and she stilled, and in one brutal movement he would push into her. Her mind screamed out, but a sound would not escape her jaws. No yelp, whine, or growl. Silently she would stare at the male who defiled her. Violet eyes would not stray from him, as she lost herself in the pain and the movement. She had fought for honour and her dignity and he had taken it from her. Her honour, dignity, and virginity. The pain was deafening. It felt as if she was being ripped apart, from the inside out. It hurt. For the first time in her life. Roman Armada was a victim. The thought hit her as he drove into her, a scream threatening to claw its way from her jugular.

-fade to black-


12-31-2013, 02:49 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2013, 02:49 AM by Fugue.)
Fugue pulled himself off of the girl, his body sore and tired from the excitement. He rolled his shoulders out and straightened his neck, dropping his golden orbs to the ground only for an instant to see the crumpled heap of white fur lying nearby. She was breathing, and bloodied, but definitely alive.

See what you've done. What you've become. You are no son of Flamesong.

He left us all to die and you just proved that you can fight for yourself!

And rape.

Rape her again.

Do it again.

He turned from her image and smiled, satisfied. No, he would not need it again. Not today, at least. At this thought, his ears perked and he turned back to the woman.

"Don't you worry dear, I'll see you again soon. You're always welcome with me in the swamplands, and we can play like that every night." His tones expressed a soft chuckle then. His teeth flashed briefly in the sunlight as he nipped affectionately at her ear. "Welcome to the wild, princess."



12-31-2013, 03:02 AM
And it was over. She was humiliated. She had been defiled, victimized. Laying there in a heap of white fur, she didn't move, other than to roll over on her side. Her chest heaved. Eyes glazed over as she stared blankly away from him. It this was such a crime why were the feelings inside her so mixed. Adrenaline pumped, endorphins surged through her. The experience had been brutal and though she felt a twinge of fear at his departing words, she also felt a feeling that she wasn't sure of. Something akin to a stock-holm feeling, she wanted to follow him. Forcing herself to lie down she wanted more to get angry. Of course the only reason that she would follow him would be to kill him. Wouldn't it?

As far as she was concerned no other soul except the monster who had attacked her had witnessed the event. Laying there, the sand mixing into her ivory fur she stared blankly into the brush trying to process her feelings and emotions. She knew her ivory coat would be stained crimson where his teeth at met her, and those wounds would take time to heal, but she wondered what physical signs the rape would leave to her. Could she return home with others not knowing how she had been defiled? Would she ever change? And God, why did she feel... satisfied?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 03:35 AM
Sin Armada

The scent of familiarity would draw the Devil forward. A twisted sneer on his face as he followed the cries of a losing fight, sharpened claws moving swiftly over the snow covered earth. The lowest of sounds rumbled in the fiery pits of his chest, amber eyes barely registering the last of a departed scene as he approached within the shadows. He went unseen, his scent hidden by that of the pines and the blood that adorned his coat. Undetectable as was his usual fashion.

He stopped some distance away, venomous slits falling upon a crumpled figure in the snow. The trail of another having left the scene, and he knew what had transpired. The smell of a male's desire was thick and strong in the air, the stench of blood from the woman heavy and permeating his senses. He reveled in the taste and scent of blood, but this was no ordinary drawn blood. It was the blood of a victim, a virgin, the blood of innocence stripped away unwillingly. Zeroing his gaze on the fallen weakling, his brows raised when he recognized the pelt markings. He scoffed, of all creatures it had to be his pitiful sister. "I always knew she was weak..." He murmured quietly to himself, inaudible to the ears of others.

He kept in the shadows, silent, watching, waiting. Would she remain there defeated? He supposed a situation such as this was inevitable. All his other siblings were weak. He had been the only strong one. Lips rose slightly to reveal the point of his canine, body rigid as he held himself from stalking over to reprimand her for being so weak. It was no wonder he didn't associate much with her. He only dealt with the strongest, and witnessing this loss of hers, only confirmed his thoughts about her. And so it was, that he would wait until she left the scene before he too would leave to return to Glaciem lands.


12-31-2013, 03:52 AM

He wasn't one to get involved in others antics, but the sound of a fight had lulled him from this nap, and he had moved slowly towards the sound wondering what in the hell the commotion was about. He had arrived, in time to see the deed, remaining in the cover of the trees, aware that he wasn't the only to lurk. He did not move to intervene on the wraiths behalf. No, he wouldn't interfere. His eyes watched the scene, eating as the woman was bested. He remembered the feeling of his various victims, as they would panic beneath him. It appeared he had made his devilish acts "fashionable", everyone here in this pathetic land seemed to want to become a beacon of darkness, but none would be as intimidating as the devil himself.

When the brown male dismounted, and walked away, he watched for a moment as the wolf rolled over but made no move to stand. Strolling from the shadows, he entered the clearing, walking proudly towards her. He wasn't sure what moved him. Age or experience, maybe, but something drove him forward. He would stare down at her coldly, before he would speak, his tone brash.

"Get up."

Moments would pass and an annoyed snarl would leave him as the bitch wouldn't heed to his commands. Reaching down his teeth would meet her scruff and he would physically drag her upwards. Letting her go, he watched as she stumbled to her footing, staring at him with violet eyes. With a low growl he would speak again.

"Get up. Go home to your pack, child. You should have learned something here. The next time I come across you lying about after a defeat, I'll kill you myself."

With that, the ivory beast turned, disappearing into the shadows once more, heading back towards the forest he had been stalking as of late. The figure of the woman lying to brokenly flashed before his eyes, reminding him of his more primal urges, though he hadn't taken further advantage of her, the blood from her neck tasted good in his mouth. He wouldn't turn back, rather, would let his warning simmer in her mind. She'd do well to learn from what he had said.


12-31-2013, 04:02 AM
She had been jerked to her feet by a strange white man. Her first reaction was to fight back but when he let her go, and she stumbled to a standing position his words weren't aggressive. She watched as he turned to walk away and she shook herself, riding the sand from her pelt. Ashamed, that she had to be jerked from this position by a stranger she moved away from the place a slight limp to her walk. She would shake it off before she got home, and would do her best to forget the pain that she had endured. She wouldn't go home until she washed the scent of blood from her bodice, but for now she would retreat to the forest for much needed privacy to lick her wounds. Mentally and physically.

-Exit Roman-



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 05:00 AM
I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

He watched, he waited. His cowardly sister remained on the ground. Growing impatient for a pace of action and angered by the disgrace she brought to the Armada name, he was soon to take a step forward to finish her off himself; if only to rid the world of one more weak link in its chains. But it would seem that another would approach first, the scent hadn't gone unnoticed, yet he himself remained in the shadows. His sister need not know he watched her failure. "Now won't daddy be proud?" He whispered in a mock tone under his breath. He watched as the stranger approached her, lifting her to her feet after she remained on the ground like a whipped dog.

Such Weakness.

Keeping himself in check, he watched as his sister was yanked to her feet, tail flickering slightly as his breath was release slowly. This male seemed powerful, easily able to pick apart his sister and overtake her once more like the male that had done so previously. And yet, he did not. Instead, issuing the threat of killing her himself should she fail again. Oh, but that was the job of Sin. He couldn't have someone interfere in his business, it was his job after all. Perhaps he would find this male in the future, and maybe then something would fall in his favor to move closer to his future goal. Eyes narrowed as his sister left the scene, a gruff sound resonating in his vocals before he too left the scene. Except, he would return with news on his tongue.

-Exit Sin-

And do what I do best to your heart

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

[Sin Armada]


12-31-2013, 06:04 AM
The scene would continue to unfold before the unstable one, his paws shifting on the ground, his ice blue gaze flickering between enjoyment, sadness, and, for a moment, horror, before his contaminated mind would rid the sense of justice and truth from his mind. Where was the line between right and wrong? Where was the line between sanity and utter madness? The brute would chuckle softly to himself as he watched the brown male finally get the better of the white maiden.

Such a fate would never befall such a beautiful princess as himself. Surely not. No wolf stayed around Kyda that long, though it was hardly for the reason he thought. The poor little pack wolf. She should know better than to play in the big bad wild. Such dangers lurked here. Oh such terrible, terrible dangers. Like the handsome brown rogue brother that shamed her. Like the princess himself. Oh yes, in Kyda's own mind he was quite the dangerous foe. How wrong he was.

With the deed done the brown rogue left... but another had come upon the scene. The woman had remained lying there on the cold ground until he arrived. For a moment Kyda thought perhaps this one too would take the already damaged and broken she wolf. But he did not... though he issued a threat. My my my, enemies of the weak. Such was the fate of life. Cruel as it was, the weak would be dealt with in some form or another. Boredom starting to gnaw at him now Kyda would slink away, the last to leave the scene.

-Exit Kyda.-