
I Will Keep You Going


12-11-2013, 06:40 AM

So much had gone on within such a short time. Maverick had decided to relinquish the throne, allowing Loccian to keep it. Keeping his attention on the new Seracian queen, he wondered if she was up to the task. Although he was quite sure that she was, she was no fool after all. She was smart, fair, had a good judgment on most occasions, though she always had a reason for doing something. A small smile would crease his lips as she began to speak, though this time with much more authority then he had heard before. She was indeed ready for this task, and he would lend his aid in any way that he could. He nodded approvingly, as if giving her a sign that she was doing well for her first speech as queen. Although many of the pack members were still missing, they would all find out soon enough. Word would surely spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom, and he only hoped that the apparently monstrous Glaciem pack would remain at bay.

His face would fall to a look of concern at the mention of a Glaciem wolf having killed one of their own. This was a shock to him, he had not known that such a thing had happened so close to their borders. And seeing as that it was recent, it must have happened while he was helping get the pack in order as well as the refugees. They of course, had returned to Valhalla. The war over, but he was not sure how much damage had been done. Perhaps he would pay a visit soon to see how their family pack was doing. It was after all, courtesy to learn who were the leaders of the other packs. Asides from the glaciem king, he had yet to hear or meet the others.

The news of Loccian becoming mates with a male named Gerhardt seemed to lighten things. He was happy for her, and it seemed she herself was truly happy as well. He could see the light in their eyes as they showed affection to one another, and the surprise shown by Gerhardt about Loccian's being pregnant certainly brought a chuckle to his throat. A look of amusement in his eyes as Gerhardt seemed all too happy at becoming a soon to be father. Dragon himself wondered if he would be that way when Aeil got pregnant. He always thought about the prospect of having children, and the thought both excited and scared him. But he would be ready for it and happy all the same. It was then that he felt his love's tail touch his, and Dragon's heart gave a little flutter. It would seem that no matter what, Aeil always had that affect on him. Turning, he glanced at her ever shifting blue eyes, meeting them with his own soft red ones. Oh how he loved her so. Gently, he leaned forward to grace her neck with an affectionate nuzzle, showing her that he loved her.

At the mention of her wanting to meet with him and his wife among a few others, He was curious at to what the meeting would be about. He hadn't failed to notice the emotionless look upon one of the warriors, Squall, so he was curious as to what he thought as well. The male didn't seem happy, in fact Dragon swore he saw a look of hurt in his eyes. He would see about talking to him later, but perhaps he just wanted to be alone afterwards. Looking back at Loccian, he was curious as to what would happen about their allies. They had been allied with Seracia through Maverick, would they be allied with them still through Loccian? He only hoped so. "We will see you after this, Loccian. Though I do have a concern, what of our allies? Will we be going to see if they still stand with us?"




2 Years
12-14-2013, 10:50 PM

She laid there listening to everything. Must of it was very confusing. But she did understand that this silver lady was the new leader. Their names for ranks made her head hurt but she shook it off. If anything she'll ask about it later, but probably not since she hardly spoke to anyone. But the mention of someone being murdered had her jump up to her paws, tail tucked in and ears back. Legs shook violently but she dug her claws into the earth and clenched her jaws to keep from running away from Seracia. She had a sinking feeling something similar had happened to her mother ad brother, but by who she didn't know. Pale green eyes glanced around. She couldn't leave here, she had vowed to Epiphron to give her best to the pack for return for their protection. She couldn't abandon them.

Whatever else Loccain had said Rohini didn't hear. Not till the end. Jaws parted to let out a soft voice as she gazed at Loccain with fear. Not in fear of the women, but of speaking up, of the murder, of feeling out of place.What if these..Glaciem wolves try to take us? Or hurt us? Or wont go away? She looked down at her paws, body lowering down to the ground in a submissive posture. What if they got mad at her for speaking? She was still new and only a few knew who she was.

Talk like this



12-16-2013, 04:05 PM
ooc: Sorry for kinda going quick with some of you, just wanna get this out there so the wolves/people know she wants to do something about the prisoners/glaciem threat.

Loccian would smile at Gerhardt's reaction to her announcement of carrying his pups, nudging him gently under his jaw after he gave her a kiss. When she turned her attention back to the others though one would stand out, Destruction, a woman she never really got to know but knew had a connection with the exiled Bane. Head would be held high, eyes narrowing the slightest as she excused herself without even waiting for a response. She hoped the woman would not follow in the man's pawprints, for now she would let her be.

Dragon would speak up, grey gaze shifting over to him, ears perking up to catch every word. The Duke would ask about their allies, would they be going to see where they stood? Ah yes, their allies, that was another thing she wanted to discuss. "I will be going and speaking with those we have been previously allied with after I have the children, see if our alliance is still strong." She would answer in a strong, confident voice.

A young voice would speak up, voicing her worry, Miss Rohini. Loccian would watch the female, listen to what she had to say. She asked what would happen if the Glaciem wolves tried to take them, hurt the Kingdom or won't go away. It was a very possible situation, but so far the only issue they had was their warriors taken prisoner and Riv killed outside the border. With a heavy sigh she would look to each wolf, a softness returning to her. "I will not allow them to take any of you, I will fight with every ounce of strength in my body to keep you guys safe... If the time comes where one of you are taken, I will come for you one way or another. You will NOT become their toy, their property." Hopefully the girl and others would believe her, they were her responsibility now, she had to protect them. There was no way she would let somebody take them and treat them as though they had no say in what happened with their life.

With a wave of her tail, Loccian would clear her throat, dipping her head to the group. "You are dismissed... The four I have chosen please stay. Maverick, Epiphron, Gerhardt, if you would like to give your input, you may join us." She would flash a smile to them before motioning to follow, leading the wolves a few feet away, stopping once they were at the lake's shore.

Loccian would stand facing the lake, fur swaying gently in a breeze, her grey orbs looking out over the land. "I want to discuss those taken prisoner by Glaciem in the war... I was going to attempt a trade, my life for theirs before I took the throne but a good point was brought up. Themisto and Bronze are his trinkets, a prize from the war. He will not give them up so easily." With a heavy sigh she would turn around to face the small group, her body suddenly becoming heavy, making her sit back on her haunches. "Both men have family, and they are not property. We need to get them back." Her voice would grow stern, she didn't want to play these silly games with the Ice King.


Awesome table by Nyx <3


12-24-2013, 10:24 PM
ooc//sorry for short and crappy post, but its christmas eve and people are errywhere and bugging me lol

The questions for the new queen would come, and Loccian would answer. He was satisfied with her answers to Rohini's questions, knowing all too well that the young girl was timid. And the threat of Glaciem didn't help any. He knew the pack was uneasy about them, especially since the random attack that had happened. The sad part about that, was nobody knew why it had happened. They were unsure whether it was a provoked attack, or a killing in cold blood.

And so he'd wait for the excused to depart, and he'd remain behind with his fiance and the chosen others to speak with Loccian. He followed, brushing Aeil's side as he moved for comfort, red eyes falling upon the sparkling surface of the lake. Once they arrived, he'd sit and listen to Loccian as she began to speak, Dragon's own frame leaning forward slightly in anticipation. He'd do well to keep himself calm, though when Loccian had mentioned trading herself for the prisoners he'd nearly leap to his feet to object but stopped himself as she continued. "What do you propose we do? I know our own were taken as 'prizes' but does he not realize that they were not Valhallan? Or does he not care since they were helping on their side? Whatever the case, we must find a way to get them back. Knowing the reputation of the Northern king, he will not be on light terms. He will want something in return..."

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis

Silent I


11 Years
12-26-2013, 07:33 AM

Silent listened with baited attention as Loccian continued to speak. She also gave a glance to Aeil with a smile on her face as she multi-tasked. Having her niece in the same pack as herself made the female happy. It was evidence that her family belonging to Dezui and Garth could exist anywhere. As her mind began to wander, she forced it back to the words that left Loccian's lips. She spoke of speaking with the allies and then putting herself in the place of their chance of being captive. Her ears slightly flattened and she blinked at the idea of her Queen being traded for another. It broke her heart and she didn't like it.
However, she knew that the woman was smart and she had complete faith in the gray female. The announcement of her being pregnant made Silent's ears rise in happiness. She hoped that the litter the two of them would have would be legends like their parents. A wag of her tail was all that had to be given at the news. As Loccian dismissed them, she rose and headed out to the den where her children were currently residing. She wanted to wrap herself around their love and six-month-old forms and protect them from the outside world. Then, Silent started to think of Bronze. His white form with the facial and body scars was vivid in her mind and she wanted to race across Glaciem territory and snatch him up. If she could do anything in the world, she would bring her loving husband and father to her embrace and their home.
-EXIT Silent-