
Southern Alacritia Natives

Sage I


3 Years
10-22-2014, 03:56 PM

Role: Normal tribe member
Family: Adeyemi
Name: Mai
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Appearance: The girl's 4 toned body boast autumnal hues. Her lower jaw, chest and underside are creamy white, while her front forelegs are a caramel brown up to top thigh, while her hind legs keep the colour just to behind her knee. A dark coffee brown drapes itself over her back, silky tones beginning at the tip of her nose and dripping to mid tail. Upon her face, the same caramel curls around her eyes, not quite touching. Down her muzzle the coffee takes over the top. Amidst all these chocolate tones, a rusty red coats ears and tail tip.
Along with Mai's beautiful markings, upon her coat she adorns green and turquoise feathers. She has 6 in total, one luxurious blue feather hangs from her right ear, while a mix of turquoise, purple, white and green hang from the start of her tail and hang just above the ground.

Personality: Mai is gentle to the core. The she-wolf hates all forms of cruelty or unjustified violence. She is kind to a fault and fiercely protective of her tribe.
Mai loves her family and would follow them to the ends of the earth. The girl would be lost without them.

Most definitely a pack wolf, Mai would rather stay behind and watch the pups rather than participate in the hunt. She sees the good in everyone. Mai is very sisterly to all the tribe, looking out for everyone she can.

Despite this, Mai often feels lonely. Never feeling very close to anyone in particular. Often she'll go exploring alone just to pass the time.

Although she loves being around her family, Mai relishes her solitary time aswell. The girl tries to gain as much knowledge as she can, in the hope to teach others what she has learned.

Mai is open to new things, ever curious. She just loves to learn and strive for better, but never at the cost of family or traditions.



5 Years
10-23-2014, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2014, 08:26 PM by Jaeger.)

ROLE tribe member

FAMILY teetonka

NAME yejide

GENDER female

AGE one


#c9af94; sides of neck, sides of body, back, face (pretty much where other colors aren't covering)

#e7c6a5; underside of belly, underside of tail, above ribs/back of shoulders, cheeks

#8b7765; upper neck to ears, from feet to elbows on front, from feet up to hips on back, speckled a bit in tip of tail

#b6b6b4; feet

#34282c; between hips trailing down top of tail and speckled in tip of tail, small strip from nose to quarterway between eyes


the woman is a mirror of a desert goddess, exotic in her colors and features. she is petite (a mere eighty-six pounds); lanky as a young lady would be but also growing into more pronounced hips. and while she is small, she does not lack the height; she stands a lovely thirty-four inches. her eyes are perhaps the most captivating as a whole; green as a leaf in its rising life. she walks with an unusual grace for her age, timid in confidence yet sure in her step that she will not make a mistake. her voice is as light as a hummingbird, perhaps just as fast, and sweet as mint.


to start off, yejide has diminished self-worth, vaguely expressed in insecurity and feelings of inferiority. these inferiority feelings are pervasive. they manifest as a lack of confidence ih her appearance and feminimity. her feelings of inadequacy are clearly demonstrated in her being reluctant to express her own needs and feeling guilty when being assertive.

because of her feelings of inferiority, yejide often craves inordinate amounts of encouragement and attention. this goes beyond the normal requirement because it seems to never get satisfied. she will constantly want to hear that she is good, worthy or competent. she may feign that she does not care about what others think or say, but the opposite is true. to get attention she will resort to just about anything. she may get showy or even outrageous. she is usually very sensitive to slights and cannot tolerate rejection. in fact she is petrified of being shunned or ignored. and although she wants affection, she is actually very selfish in giving to others; they musy show they deserve it.

as far as relationships, she is often controlling, manipulative or has unreasonable expectations of her partner. she usually sabotages her relationships, in ways that confirm her deepest fears about people; or form unhealthy attachments based on her weaknesses. she may have a terrible time becoming truly intimate with her partner when older, reflecting again a basic mistrust, an expectation that at some point she will be hurt or neglected.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-24-2014, 08:56 PM
hey guys! All normal tribe members are automatically accepted! If you are trying up for the final elder then please wait for Seren or Eli to accept you but if you want a no rank tribe member you are free to create them as soon as your app is finished!