
Reaching Out

Medusa i


5 Years
10-11-2013, 07:30 PM

Somehow, Medusa?s hind legs had landed upon Canttina?s stomach, despite the fact that her front ones had been the ones pouncing for her and her hind legs had merely been pushing her forwards. She wasn?t sure how this had happened at all, but she would just roll with it. Jaws managed to sink into her flesh, somehow loosely despite how she hadn?t been hindered by Canttina at all, but the harlot would not care. Immediately her head began to shake side to side, teeth clamping down, hoping to damage the muscle she?d managed to grip, hoping to keep that grip. Her opponent would attempt to assault her, to stop her. Nonetheless, Medusa?s attacks had been aimed to put her rear closer to Canttina?s face than her front. Her head and chest were not within the skull-wearing woman?s reach; instead her hind legs were.

Both claws scraped along the backs of her hind legs, delivering slight lacerations, as wolf fur was thick but wolf claws were dull. Her balance wobbled for a moment, unsteady, but she adjusted for this quickly. She did her best to balance more weight upon her front legs, right one hoping to return to the ground after it pawed the air and not her opponent?s stomach as it had attempted, which had landed upon the ground instead of on Canttina, her weight distributing accordingly. Limbs spread equally apart, elbows bending, weight lowering for a better center of gravity. Tail tucked, as it was the most vulnerable appendage within the skulled woman?s range, hackles rising, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, head lowering to align with her body, chin tucking, jaws parting, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
Her right hind leg lifted, hoping to move up and then down, powerful thighs contracting in the attempt to slam down upon the stomach of her exposed enemy. With luck, she desired to damage vital organs, but she?d settle for crippling blow. Stheno?s bite had not been effective; it was strange, because wolverines had jaws that were capable of crushing bone, and they were not meek creatures, and yet her assault had only caused the opponent prick of pain and had not offered lacerations. Medusa did not concern herself with this for now, although her servant received a nasty kick, bruising covering Stheno?s chest and sending her flying away from the other. The wolverine would need a bit of healing when it was all done, but her mistress could care less for now; the harlot was hoping to end this.



ATTACKS: attempting to grip down and shake her head in order to worsen the damage, attempting to stamp her right hind leg upon Canttina?s stomach
DEFENSES: She did her best to balance more weight upon her front legs, right one hoping to return to the ground after it pawed the air, which had landed upon the ground instead of on Canttina, her weight distributing accordingly. Limbs spread equally apart, elbows bending, weight lowering for a better center of gravity. Tail tucked, as it was the most vulnerable appendage within the skulled woman?s range, hackles rising, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, head lowering to align with her body, chin tucking, jaws parting, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.

INJURIES: slight lacerations to backs of hind legs, moderate bruising/soreness to jaw, scratches to chin, moderate scratches to lower left leg, deep punctures/tears to upper right arm

The Judge


10-12-2013, 04:38 AM



clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; the visual of canttina?s swipe attack was confusing, especially since cant would have to reach across her own body to swipe her left paw at the lower right portion of medusa?s chest (at least, that?s what I?m assuming, since you did not clarify whose right). if cant is, simultaneously, attempting to bite into med?s leg ? which is lower than her chest ? she would also need to lift her leg up higher than her own head, which is highly improbable given the fact that wolves aren?t really that flexible.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 5 out of 10 ; hackles raised, head aligned with spine, knees bent, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, ears pinned, teeth bared. subtracted two points from initial score for compromising her balance by lifting her forepaw from the ground and failing to redistribute her weight accordingly.

attack ? 2 out of 10 ; attempt to grasp med?s right front thigh, swiping her front left paw at med?s lower chest. subtracted three points from initial score for not only utilizing her injured forepaw in her swipe attack, but utilizing it ineffectively. a wolf?s claws are extremely dull and especially would not break skin where the fur is thickest on the lower portion of a wolf?s chest.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round. injured left forepaw, fresh wounds to both front shoulders and right hind limb, bruised chest and ribs from previous fight.



clarity ? 7 out of 10 ; ?The woman came forth, jaws and claws reaching for Medusa?s chest at the same time.? canttina had aimed for medusa?s right forelimb with her jaws, not her chest. this was fixed later on, however, so only one point was subtracted. also, i was a bit confused as to how medusa would manage to move to the right while she?s on three limbs unless she hopped.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 10 out of 10 ; legs spread equally apart, weight distributed, limbs bent (lowered center of gravity), toes splayed, nails gripping soil for traction, tail flagged, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.

attack ? 8 out of 10 ; attempt to grasp cant?s injured left forepaw, intending to swipe her own left forepaw into cant?s right elbow in order to knock her off balance, aided by maneuvering to the right.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round. deep tear to her upper right forelimb.




clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; the injury to cant?s left forepaw needs to be expanded on other than ?very hurt,? i.e. broken or fractured. ?The mahogany woman snarled as she tried to do anything she could to stay upright.? it should also be specified exactly how she managed to maintain her balance for the short while between having her injured limb grasped and her right elbow hit.

powerplay ? 6 out of 10 ; ?Her attack on Med's upper right thigh was a success so Canttina staid locked onto the tender thigh.? it was specified in medusa?s last post that canttina did not obtain a grip to her forelimb as she tore the skin right from the appendage due to medusa?s movement. ?Canttina went tumbling down under Medusa. She flipped to where she was on her back and her face under Med's chest.? although very minor pp, you can?t assume of medusa?s positioning, for med could move out of the way before cant even landed.

defense ? 1 out of 10 ; ears pinned, teeth bared, knees bent, tail tucked, eyes narrowed, hackles raised. having her ?shoulders aligned? was not counted as a defense for shoulders are normally aligned with one another anyway. subtracted two points from initial score for the vulnerability of being on her back, and another three for exposing her neck to medusa by turning her head towards medusa?s right forelimb without any protection.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; kicking her hind limbs up towards medusa?s chin, aiming to bite medusa?s lower right forelimb. no points were awarded for the kick to medusa?s chin due to the improbability of it all since, again, wolves aren?t very flexible and there is a very slim chance that cant would be able to kick high enough and far back enough to actually impact medusa at all.

injuries ? 5 out of 10 ; bruised back, unspecified but presumably severe damage to left forepaw. i?m only counting the injuries obtained this round.



clarity ? 4 out of 10 ; there was confusion regarding medusa?s attack, because, not only are her claws and jaws aiming for the same area at the exact same time, but they are aiming for a protected area, as canttina specified she had her tail tucked. thus, the probability of this attack succeeding was compromised.

powerplay ? 7 out of 10 ; it was never mentioned that medusa released canttina?s forepaw, yet she continued to make another attack with her jaws.

defense ? 7 out of 10 ; limbs spread equally apart, weight distributed equally, limbs bent (center of gravity lowered), toes splayed, nails gripping the soil for traction, tail flagged, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. three points subtracted from initial score since medusa exposed her neck by reaching over cant?s side to bite at her stomach.

attack ? 5 out of 10 ; attempted bite and swipe at canttina?s stomach, full points not received due to clarity issue. companion attack does not count towards medusa?s attack score, but would rather count towards canttina?s injuries should she take them.

injuries ? 7 out of 10 ; bruising/scrapes to mandible, moderate scratches to her lower left forelimb.



clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; ?Hind legs came bounding down onto her lower belly?? medusa aimed to place her front limbs at cant?s stomach, not her hinds. also, the entire attack to medusa?s eye was extremely hard to visualize given the fact that medusa?s face is located towards canttina?s left, and yet canttina attempted to swat her left paw at medusa?s eye, which would mean that her paw would have to completely twist around in order to reach its intended target. this was made especially confusing with the mistake in regard to medusa?s hind limb placement, which would place her front half entirely out of canttina?s grasp. the damage dealt to canttina?s tail also needs to be specified.

powerplay ? 0 out of 10 ; medusa intended to scratch and bite into canttina?s stomach, and yet both of these attacks essentially failed without canttina performing counteractions in order to hinder the damage dealt. stheno?s attack to the base of canttina?s tail was also intended with the force to break her tail, and yet it was minimalized without reason.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; teeth exposed, ears pinned, tail tucked, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, head tucked.

attack ? 1 out of 10 ; swipe at medusa?s chest, not awarded points due to the fact that a wolf?s claws are rather dull and would not be effective against the thick fur lining a wolf?s chest. the swipe at medusa?s eye was not awarded points either due to the fact that canttina would have to awkwardly twist her paw in order to even reach medusa?s face, again with her injured paw. points awarded for the kick towards stheno, but not in full due to the fact that the kick was made blindly.

injuries ? 4 out of 10 ; bite to her upper stomach, lower stomach bruised, unspecified damage to tail.



clarity ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

powerplay ? 6 out of 10 ; ?Immediately her head began to shake side to side, teeth clamping down, hoping to damage the muscle she?d managed to grip, hoping to keep that grip.? both of these need to be made as attempts regardless of how logical it would be to make them so as to give canttina enough time to react to them.

defense ? 8 out of 10 ; limbs spread equally apart, knees bent (lowered center of gravity), weight distributed, tail tucked, hackles raised, rolled shoulders, neck scrunched, head lowered, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. two points were deducted due to the compromised balance of having her hind limbs on canttina?s stomach.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to tighten her grip upon canttina?s stomach and thrash her skull to worsen the damage, attempt to slam her back paw against canttina?s stomach to damage organs.

injuries ? 9 out of 10 ; light lacerations to her hinds. stheno?s damage does not count towards medusa?s injury score.



CANTTINA ? 65 out of 150

MEDUSA ? 114 out of 150


MEDUSA! CANTTINA must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


CANTTINA ? broken left forepaw (will take 3 ooc weeks to heal), deep wounds to stomach (will take 2 ooc weeks to heal and requires immediate attention), broken tail (will take 2 ooc weeks to heal)

MEDUSA ? scratches to her hind limbs, chin, and lower left leg (will take 3 ooc days to heal), torn thigh of her right forelimb (will take 10 ooc days to heal)

the realism of attacks in this fight was extremely compromised; please keep in mind that wolves are not flexible as humans are and cannot move their limbs as freely as we can, nor can their claws do much damage to areas where fur is not thin. also, pp/gm was a recurring problem in this fight ? make sure that all attacks are made as attempts and to take realistic damage with injuries and to specify those injuries as vividly as you can. the scores were fairly low due to the clarity issue especially towards the end of the fight, so if either of you feel they are unfair, do feel free to request a rejudge ? I won?t be offended at all because I am still fairly new to judging but I did try my best. ILU both, really.

- By [ aly ]



10-14-2013, 05:30 PM

Medusa would remain upon Canttina. The pain was to much. Though Canttina staid conscious. Growls, blood, and snarls splattered about within pure rage. Her yellow eyes were fogged with pain. Her left paw was completely broken at this point, numb with pain. Her rear hurt like hell, the base of her tail was broken. She wanted to scream. Her belly was also horribly bruised, to the point of trauma. It did not look good for the bitch, but it was inevitable non the less. She went limp under Medusa, the fight was over. The winner took all. She tried to wiggle away. "You have made your point, Medusa." Her words were forced out, scattered and broken. The women laid limp in pain. She was ashamed.
