
Black and Gold



09-24-2013, 11:49 AM

A call by the Alpha sent the young girl to all four paws- padding across the earth to find the large woman who would summon every other member. A sigh would part the rosy lips. Moments ago Guinevere only just snuck out from her mothers side to go fishing, but now curiosity reels her in towards this voice. The shadows would keep her hidden, the bright golden orbs flashing into opening light. Lifting the crown up high The youth would walk towards the gathering- lost. Her eyes would scan the area before settling upon the queen, a grin would carve upon the face as Guinevere would race forward.

" Chrysanthe! How're you? Long time no see!" The out going, bubbly personality would radiate- the ivory girl did not know what was happening or how serious the event even was and with that she'd simple sit back, a grin lightening up upon the face as she listens.

The small, earthly brown ears would slowly perk up and within seconds the right paw would shoot up. " me... Me! let me do something totally awesome!" A laugh would part the lips as the tail would thump against the floor, what would she get, would it be exciting. Then Guinevere realised- her father was here and Soleil must be freaking out. The youth would begin to fidget and twirl around in circles before finally settling back down.


09-24-2013, 12:35 PM


Sorrow clouded her features. Gideon had been captured and taken prisoner to Glaciem. However, the pale woman was certain tat his freedom would be quickly returned at the hands of Valhalla. Soon after explaining what had taken place on the battlefield her Alpha moved to assigning ranks. Everyone would be pleased. War was nearly certain to come and she knew tha Erani and the other healers would be preparing for it. Rayne.[/p] Audits stood at attention atop her crown. [i]Theta. For a moment she sat frozen, looking dumbfounded. Had she really just been promoted to Theta beside Erani? "Thank you so much, Chrysanthe!" A smile lit up her face at the unexpected but pleasant surprise.

She continued to listen. She would have stock up on a few things but she was certain she had everything she would need. Pleasure still course through her veins. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined herself being promoted to Theta. Collecting herself, the woman waited for the pack to speak, to voice their opinions and thoughts, sobering at the thought of impending war.


09-24-2013, 02:48 PM

Late. Late. Late.

Soleil sprinted across Valhalla, rushing to make the meeting in time. Surely she was missing it. Chrysanthe and her party had returned. Azalea had returned. It had been her intention to be ready for them to arrive but had gotten caught up in her work.

Azalea was back. That thought made her heart leap, her daughter had not gone to fight but the idea of her daughter going to that blood riddled field at all made her sick with worry. Solaine and Guinevere were off exploring, now permitted to go out alone. The petite wolf had set about fixing up herb store and taking mental account of what she did and didn't have. Winter was fast approaching and she would need to be ready.

When she arrived to the meeting she spoke not a word, instead looking to Chrysanthe was all the apology she needed, her face contorted into a sorry look. She truly hadn't intended to be late. She was struck, however, stopped in her tracks by the bloody wounds on her leader's face. So it had been a vicious battle after all. Eyes quickly took in her daughter, who looked very much not herself as she sat looking blankly over the ranks. And Gideon... Gideon wasn't even there.

Liberty was however, and for that Soleil was grateful. But where was there king? Chrysanthe had announced her mate and had taken him with her... now he didn't even sit at her side. Worried eyes then jumped to her husband who was suddenly speaking. He wanted to fight.

So it wasn't over.

A sick dread tightened her stomach and she moved to sit beside her mate, hugging close to his side for comfort. There were few things healers hated more than bloodshed and it seemed like soon she would be dealing with more blood than she cared for.

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09-24-2013, 11:05 PM

Since the day everyone returned from battle, the dark female had spent the daylight hours hunting down herbs. Winter was right around the corner now, and with a possible war from what Cael told her, they needed all the herbs to stock. Thought her body was tired by the time the sun was sinking, her spirit was very alive. She had Cael now at her side, not as just a friend, a denmate, but a soul mate. He was her's and she his. Today was no different. Her fur was covered in dirt, leaves, and sticks. Her scent now spoke of the earth, of her ventures in her tasks.

A howl broke out of the land, her home. Head lifted towards the sound, blue eyes narrowing with concern. With a sgh she looked down at the pile of herbs at her paws. At this place she was too far to run to the den to drop them off then to the meeting. With a shake to her fur she gathered her load and slowly made her way to the meeting. She could not risk dropping any, yet worried of being late. And as she finally reached the pack, her head hung low. She was very late, missing much of what was going on. Eyes searched out her mate and she silently slinked up to his side. With a sigh she placed her giant load down and flicked her ears in appology to Chrysanthe. She nuzzle Cael softly."Sorry im you think we should tell the pack..about us? For Chrysanthe's blessing?" She whispered into his ear.




09-25-2013, 11:17 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

No sign of Leon. As much as she tried not to let it bother her, the Adravendi male's absence did. He had promised when he had returned to stay for good this time, no more wanderings so that he could remain close. And though Ashtoreth had had no intention of holding him to it - friendship was hardly a reason to try confining someone to a specific location - somehow she still expected it. Later, she told herself, she would find him, as much trouble as that would bring her emotionally, and at the very least she would inform him of what he had missed, if not everything else that had been troubling her as of late too.

A handful more wolves arrived, and Chrysanthe began the proceedings. Ashtoreth's gaze remained attentive to their leader as she announced the success of Liberty's defense out in the Battlefield, though attested to losing Gideon in the same breath. She could only blink at the surprise of the admission. The other alpha - the one who had barely been here half a year perhaps - was gone? She had not been able to get to know the male on any level, only seeing of him what she had at their previous pack meeting, but his rank alone earned respect and the decent disappointment with his loss. Though she truthfully wanted no part in it, she hoped that Chrysanthe and the other higher ups might be able to bring him back.

Dreaded news was announced next. War. It was a possibility at this point - though Chrys seemed rather sure of their source - but even that was enough to cause the grey hunter's stomach to squirm. She was a poor fighter at best, prone to flight instead of fight, and would be of no use to her superiors if it came to battle. Her ears fell against her head slightly as she attempted not to shuffle in place nervously, casting a swift glance around again. Still no sign of Leon. She would need to mention this to him too, and if see if there might be any advice he could give her.

Names were called and ranks were given, and the sound of the word "sigma" had her ears perking curiously. Hunters? Sure enough, four new additions to the hunting ranks - her best confidant Meili included - and the uneasiness in her stomach subsided with an approving smile. This was wonderful! She had been hoping to get more recruits on her own, to pose a hunt for those who wished to show off their skills for consideration, but considering the circumstances the little nudge given by Chrysanthe had advanced the process considerably. That was okay though. Already the Psi was planning where she might test their skill, what they might be able to find and bring back for the newly appointed warriors once their training began. It was just the sort of thing she had needed to take her mind off of the pack's troubles.

A note to the healer's was given - along with another promotion to them - and things were beginning to dwindle down. Others who had not been appointed positions volunteered, speaking up to gain Chrysanthe's ear for their proposals. Having nothing to say herself, Ashtoreth remained silent, still smiling with a wag of her tail over the lucky new additions she had to her section of the ranks. While she continued to listen, though rather absently, she proceeded to make a quick run down of the territory and those beyond, brainstorming the best locations to scout and where she might call the sigmas together for a hunt.



09-25-2013, 02:42 PM

Cormalin had gone straight to Obsidian upon the return of the Council party; Or would it be called a war council now? Would he even be on it? He?d noted the fury Chrysanthe had held at him, and even at Erani. The Challenge had turned out horribly. It shouldn?t have. To be honest, no one was really to blame. They had won Liberty, which was the initial reason for the trip to the battlefield in the first place.

Obsidian was a good listener, and he hadn?t realized he was late, until Obsidian had. Erani was still deep in that icy setting, and as he loped toward the meeting, he worried about his sister. They had been born during a time of war, and their family and birth pack had been slaughtered. What must be going through her mind that kept her so cold? He had no doubts that there was a war ahead.

He slipped into the meeting, noting the other members. Erebus was there, and Cormalin paused on his way past the male to give a soft woof of greeting. Cormalin had arrived in time to hear the ranks given out, and as he settled to his place as Beta, he leaned in toward Chrysanthe. ?Erebus, the black fellow there, has also joined our ranks as a Gamma. I accepted him just before we left the next day. He?s an old member.? He wondered if she?d even accept his ranking of the male now.

Mismatched eyes swept the meeting, searching for his sister?s snowy form. Not here yet, but his scruff fur prickled. She was on her way. And indeed, her figure slipped in half a thought later. Where was his son? He blinked and looked around. And Surrea-- There she was. And Alsander on her tail, looking worried.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-25-2013, 03:09 PM

Anger, ice. It rippled through her stomach and veins like a river swollen by spring rain. This should not have happened. Deep blues, still as a frozen lake, watched the ground between her paws as she made her way toward the meeting, trying to force the ice to warm. Trying to step away from the edge. War. She had wanted, had hoped, that her last years of life would be peaceful, that it wouldn?t come full circle. No? That wasn?t completely right? Full Circle, would mean her pack?s death. Canines flashed angrily, the ice deepening it?s chill. Calm, peace. Protect.

The instinct shuddered through her bones. What would happen if this war escalated to deaths? No healer even remotely enjoyed the thought of death. Even less the thought of it coming by their own paws. Scents of the pack reached her nose, and she came to a stop beside a black form, and for a moment, she thought it was him, but no? Too small, and the wrong scent. Erebus. Deep blue gaze lifted as she gave the male a nod, eyes sweeping to Rayne. She had been vaguely aware of the ranks given out in Chrysanthe?s voice. Rayne?s training had been completed, just yesterday, so this was well timed. Despite the chill in her veins, and how deep into the ice her temper was, she let her approval show, and felt the heat in her chest. Haunches sank to the ground where she stood. One ear flicked back at the familiar steps of her daughter and middle nephew arriving.



7 Years
09-25-2013, 03:42 PM

Surreal hurried toward the meeting. She?d found Alsander as soon as she?d gotten home, and told him all she could. Part of her felt horrible that things had gone wrong. Like it was her fault, horrible. She could have told Seraphine to get home, couldn?t she? Before Cael had gotten there? Or would that Argent have challenged even if that had happened? Alsander was a good listener, and had assured her that it wasn?t her fault. It was no ones fault. She could hear him padding behind her, and she glanced over her shoulder at the misty grey male. He gave her an encouraging nod.

She could hear Chrysanthe?s voice speaking to the pack. She entered and found her uncle, settling next to him, black and silver tail curling around her rump as she gazed out at the worried faces, and leaned against her uncle?s warm side. Her mother looked scary. Was it possible to make the air around a wolf that mad colder? Or was Surreal just imagining it got colder?

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
09-25-2013, 03:57 PM
Alsander Grey

Alsander had been waiting anxiously for the return of Valhallas Council. Instead, Surreal had come racing into his den, babbling, and nearly crying. It had taken a bit to calm her down. He suspected they may have lost someone at the field, so it took a bit of self restraint not to run straight to the battlefield (nasty place that was), and protect those there. Now he was following his young cousin to the Meeting, both of them being late. It seemed many of the wolves must have been late to the meeting as well. As he stepped into the group of members, he saw fewer of the members that had come to the last meeting.

Surreal headed up front, and he himself chose a place next to his sister, nodding to the white male he?d noted her hanging around lately. Her happy pronouncement made him frown faintly, but he made no comment. She was a grown wolf? Something he still had a hard time wrapping his head around. But at least now he had younger family to protect. A whole pack to protect. Green and gold eyes swiveled to look at the pack in question. Family.



13+ Years
Extra large
09-25-2013, 04:03 PM

Obsidian had nipped Cormalin off to the meeting, and had been on her way where she ran across the wolf who had collapsed under her at the last meeting. Sarak. He looked much better now. Still skinny, but filling in again. She?d seen him before, it now occurred to her. He?d been unrecognizable that day. She?d walked with the male a ways, then become distracted by a blackberry vine catching in her tail. The male had slipped on ahead. She finally wrenched her tail free, losing hairs in the process, and took off at a trot. She wasn?t a major member of the pack, and part of her had the feeling she never would be. She knew her lifespan outlived the wolves, and it saddened her. Erani and Cormalin were getting older. They were fitter than most wolves their age, but it was still there, that knowledge.

She stepped into the meeting and settled under her chosen tree, listening to the wolves. Little Surreal was there, and Arella, as well as Cormalin?s sons Cael and Alsander. Where was Caerul? There was Claire. And Cormalin had made it, as well as? Yikes. Erani looked frightful. Still and cold, like marble given the ability to breathe. Or a fur coat. Chrysanthe?s words cottoned on, and Obsidian spoke up. ?I could be one of those that runs to Seracia to tell them.? And she would forget none of the message. Horses had wonderful memories. And a tendency to remember bad things especially well. Part of herbivore survival tactics.



8 Years
09-25-2013, 04:05 PM

Sarak was late. Beyond late, he was tardy. Long legs ate up the ground, body streamlined with the wind as he raced toward the meeting. He hadn?t realized that rabbit was going to take so long, but Azalea would probably tear his hide off if he skipped any possible meal. He skidded to a trot as he reached the edge of the meeting and found Azalea in the mix with his eyes; and her father, who already looked willing to kill someone? He sat where he stood, at the edge of the gathered wolves.

He listened to the members offering their services to the pack?s wellfare, and the ranks given out. He still had nothing in rank more than an epsilon, he realized. His head turned at the horse?s voice. Obsidian had run across him as he was leaving his den. The walk had been short-lived as she?d caught her tail in a bush, and he?d caught the scent of a rabbit. Hm. A messenger. He could definitely do that. His eyes wandered to Azalea. What would she be doing?


09-26-2013, 04:33 PM
ooc//Sorry for the lateness, I had no idea about this meeting :c plus I have been busy with school and caring for 5 orphan kittens...which are a handful >.>


Silver audits listened carefully to the words spilled from the gathered wolves. Sephiroth had decided to stick in the shadows. He was new in Valhalla, and so remained fairly close to the packs main stronghold to be sure that he didn't miss a thing. Though he hadn't spoken or made his presence known due to the fact that he had not met anyone but Seraphine here, he would have to break his silence somehow. He had hoped to speak with the Alphess alone about how he could rank up. He wanted to be the best warrior he could be, and ensure that the pack was well cared for and protected. But for now, he listened in silence as the Alpha assigned ranks to some of the members that had already appeared, and he figured it would be time to show himself. To speak up and offer his services. He had heard much about the Glaciem monsters, heard about the taking of her mate and the attempt to steal away a few others. Sephiroth laughed silently, as if that pale worm could get away with such a thing. If it were up to him, he would challenge and take a band of warriors to take back what did not belong to the ghost. He would tear the man to pieces without a second thought...without mercy. It was the way his pack had been, killing without mercy and renting apart the enemies that threatened them. But now, Sephiroth would fight for good. And now, he would speak.

Stepping from the shadows and showing himself to the presence of the others, he stared calmly at the Alphess. "Excuse me Alphess. I've been listening from back there, and thought I might take this opportunity to speak. My name is Sephiroth, and though I have just arrived within Valhalla, I would like to tell you that I am willing to do what it takes to keep these monsters at bay. Creatures such as the pale one should not walk the earth, or even be allowed to breath. I watched your battle from afar so as not to provoke the enemy, and I stand here now to request about being trained in the ranks that you deem I am worthy of. My skills that I learned in my old pack, are of elite mercenaries. So there is much that I am capable of, my old mentor Angeal from Ludicael can attest to that."

The dual toned figure stood solid and serious. He was sure all eyes were upon him, but he didn't care. All he cared about right now was finding a place he belonged, and rid the world of the one who threatened his new home...and possibly Seraphine. He would not allow the white worm to take her. He would have to kill Sephiroth first. Subconsciously, his dual toned eyes flickered to the young girl for a brief moment. Raw emotion of caring and protective desire clear before he returned his gaze strongly upon the Alpha Chrysanthe. He would speak once more, glancing towards the larger beast that stood underneath the tree. He had never seen a horse part of a pack before, but he supposed the world was changing now. "I too will offer my service to accompany the horse to other packs to inform them of the news. I am a skilled warrior, and it wouldn't do well should a Glaciem decide to intercept."



09-26-2013, 04:39 PM

She was late for a very important date.

Solaine tiptoed into the back of the gathering, hoping desperately that she would not be singled out for arriving so very tardy to Chrysanthe's call. She had been lingering just outside of Valhalla and it had taken her some time to realize that this particular howl was one that required action from her. Without hesitation she rocked onto her haunch, her tail slithering around her dainty hips. The half-grown girl's ears swiveled, taking in speech from various parties. They all seemed to be preparing for.. something. Ranks were being given out, and everything seemed to be slightly chaotic. At six months old, Solaine wondered if she would be of any use in.. whatever this was. She would have to speak to Chrysanthe when this meeting was through. Bi-colored eyes glanced round for her family, her parents were in attendance, but she made no move to get closer to them. But where was that sister of hers? Eyes sought out Guinevere, but among so many wolves it was hard to single out any one in particular. Finally her gaze drifted back to Chrysanthe, waiting for more clues as to what was happening.




09-26-2013, 04:46 PM

Of course. A meeting would take place when he was out on a hunt, so close to taking down a good sized elk before returning...but the howl had made his prey flee before he got the chance. Caerul now stood at the back of the pack meeting, green eyes had sought out his family but he didn't dare weave his way through the sea of bodies. He didn't want to cause a disturbance. Black ears perked forward as he listened to some of the members speak, then a two toned silver and black male would speak...who was he? He soon learned that the males name was Sephiroth, and his attention fell on him like a thick fog. The man seemed determined, strong willed and ready to do what was necessary. A smile would play briefly on his lips, such strong words for one so young.

He sat taller, making himself presentable to the Alphess. Clearing his throat, he spoke as well. "Chrysanthe, I offered my own strength and services in the last meeting...and I just want you to know I am still offering myself as an aid. I will stand strong and fight, to protect our borders and our pack...and my family. Isardis will not get away with he has done, but he will get what's coming to him soon." He said strongly and with determination. Though he didn't want to worry his siblings, this was what he put himself to. He would die to protect his pack...He was getting old, so there wasn't much he had to live for besides his family. Asides from that, he had nothing else to lose.


Leon I


11 Years
09-26-2013, 05:00 PM

Chocolate and creme figure stopped just behind the gathered crowd. He knew he was already late, but there were so many things going on in his mind and his thoughts lingered on bits and pieces of his past journey among other things...he had sat down, seeking out Ashtoreth for some reason, and found her. Carefully, he picked his way towards her and sat. Brushing his tail gently across her side as he then glanced towards his Alpha. "Sorry I'm late Chrysanthe...forgive me." He told her with a respectful dip of his head. He saw someone standing, like he had a purpose. But what he said was beyond Leon at the moment. Though the look in those dual toned aquamarine eyes looked determined and strong. He wondered what purpose the man had. Glancing around, he saw faces old and new. A solemn air seemed to lay thickly upon them, and of course Leon knew what it was. Chrysanthe's mate had been taken from her, held captive by the ghoul that haunted the lands to the North. He would scoff inwardly, what right did that wretched worm have to try and steal others from their homes? Pathetic was his thoughts on the much talked about "King."



Extra small
09-28-2013, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2013, 10:18 PM by Syrinx.)

OOC: Syrinx is a part of Valhalla. Idk why his rank and pack aren't updated at the moment, that will change.

The behemoth came, without the apology that so many others did, and he quickly caught the gist of what was happening, ah, so sweet Chrysanthe had successfully let war rise on the fronts? How interesting...of all the wolves to do just that he was surprised that it was she. Still, war was not just one persons' fault. Though...surprisingly enough he had no cards to play in the methods. Rolling his shoulders his eyes fell on Collision and he shrugged his shoulders, but also shook his head, at the male's request. "Is that so wise? To put an equal minded boy at your side, Chrysanthe? Perhaps it's time you play their own game against them...Isardis is so rumored to be this god of a boy, no? Then put someone as loosely wired as he to play the field. Let me sit beside you, sister," the male would stare at her, waiting, how could an offer as such be refused? He held no boundaries, and that was what Isardis wanted to cross --boundaries. If he were against an opponent with nothing to fear he could not be a victor. Ever.



10-01-2013, 04:54 AM
She was glad that more Valhallans showed, proud that many of them were members of her own family. Collision offered to step up and help her with any sort of fighting duty, and she carefully considered it. Working beside her older brother would be just fine with her, in fact, she rather missed her eldest brother being a part of the council. His decision making skills could be considered rash, but looking at things now it was more like they were unbiased. Feelings didn't matter when he was dealing with political matters. For a moment she wished that she had the gal to close herself off and make decisions without empathy or regret - but that just wasn't the woman's style of leadership.

As others stepped forward, she took a moment to decide who would stand where. She wanted each that showed to have a job, something to work toward and work for. For too long a select few had been carrying jobs on their own, a soldier here or there, and a couple of hunters at best while the member count flourished. Things would change - the alpha was going to make sure of that.

First things first though, she would let those that stepped forward to go to Seracia know what they were to do and say. "Obsidian, Sephiroth, the two of you will go to Seracia. Tell them of Glaciem, that they have taken Gideon and tried to take Liberty. Tell them of the war - warn them to steer clear of the pack if they can. The further off of their radar they remain the better. My one request, is that should war arise in the near future, that they will take any mothers and children temporarily under their wing." It was a huge favor, but she would ask of that before requesting warriors or assistance. That was up to the current King and Queen whether they wanted to get physically involved with this Glaciem mess.

It was then that she realized that someone would have to teach the children. Looking down at Guinevere she couldn't help but smile at the girl, tiny and short, but she was just so full of energy that it was contagious, even in the wounded woman's sorry state. "You're at a meeting Guinevere, go sit with your parents." She whispered to the girl, nosing her rump in the direction that her mother was in. "Imena, if you could help the children with their lessons, I would appreciate it." As a den mother she should be good with children. With both Soliel and Eos's children here, they would all be wandering a good bit now. They should start learning to track things soon.

"Sarak, Arella, and Leon - you two will join our sigma." Leon had hunted with she and Ashtoreth once before - and from what she remembered they had been relatively successful. Besides, he seemed to work well with the huntress? They seemed to be friends.

"Surreal, Alsander, Sephiroth, you will join the other gammas." And then it was on to deciding where Collision would be helping her. Off of the top of her head, she wanted to place him as her beta - and she was sure that he would help her in whatever way she needed. Trusting him was easy. Yet a part of her felt strange about tearing him away from Soliel and his girls. Seeing him settle down was rather nice, and almost seemed to suit him. Hopefully she hadn't gotten him completely wrong.

Syrinx's words would have made her smirk if they were alone - he was such an ass. Younger and less experienced than Collision, he had no right to call their eldest brother a boy. But his arrogance was looked past as it always had been - and his reasoning considered. He would place all morals aside to fight against Glaciem if she commanded it - hell, even if she didn't. He had the gusto that Cormalin did not, and although he was a damn good beta, he was perhaps too wise in these situations. Fighting in his mind, and perhaps even in her mother's, solved nothing. They were peacekeepers, and they were beyond the point of peace - now they had to fight for it.

Syrinx, heaven help her, was a being of chaos - and perhaps with her at his side, they would level out the playing field and cancel out each other's flaws. "You were our heir once." The woman would gaze at him levelly, before nodding toward him. "It's about time you stepped up as an alpha." He was a ticking time bomb, her personal wild card - this would either be a perfect fit, or perhaps, her greatest mistake to date.

"Collision you will be our first Digamma, and help me train our new soldiers. I will need all of the assistance I can get with all of the newly ranked gamma." No doubt most of them were wet behind the ears.



6 Years
10-01-2013, 07:04 AM

Azalea's chest swelled as she watched the wolves gather, watched them gain ranks. This was her home, her family. These wolves would go to war for their queen, for each other, without question. Her hope was rising but still she looked upon Chrysanthe with worry. What must she be hiding away under her torn face? How many feelings was she setting aside for the sake the pack? She deserved to be happy too.

In her relative youth, Azalea could only relate Chrysanthe's feelings of loss to what she would feel if someone were to take Sarak from her. There would be no convincing her to sit idly by while god knows what means of torture were befalling him in some unknown land. Her body shivered at the thought of Sarak's near unimaginable pain. That was all it took, her ears flipped backwards again and a sourness returned to her stomach. Something had to be done.

Her mother had finally appeared, looking rather sorry herself with her body nearly crumpled to the ground as she tried to let Chrys know that she apologized for being late. Her father was also in attendance, now speaking up as he made clear that he desired a more helpful rank. Amber eyes cast through the crowd to all the wolves (and horse) who spoke up now. Again she could not help the swell in her heart, only blackened by the worry.

If only Valhalla were not so noble. She wished that her pack could fight dirty, two on one or even three on one. Glaciem seemed rather small at current and it would surely get them a quick win. The Heir would not even suggest it though, pushing it out of her mind. Chrysanthe would not have them stoop so low.

She saw Sarak's face in the crowd, suddenly longing to be closer to him. Who knew how much take they had before the chaos that was coming? Azalea stared at the dark coated male openly, ears flipping forward. Their eyes met and she released a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Her brow spots lifted a fraction, moving closer together. Her face likely said it all, that she wanted to see him, needed to see him.

A plan was hatching in her mind and it could very easily be the last time she saw Sarak.



Extra small
10-01-2013, 08:09 AM

'It's about time you step up as alpha.' the words dripped off her tongue with some consideration evident in her eyes, and perhaps he would be volatile, perhaps he would be seen as a monstrosity in the eyes of so many, but was it not a wise decision? To put someone in a rank that cared little how they harmed those in opposition? A smirk danced across his inky lips and he stared evenly at Chrysanthe, "I'll bring my chaos to this war, sister," perhaps he was a wild gun, perhaps he was elusive and crafty and a thousand other words that negated his ability to lead, but this was where his demons hidm, in the heat of battle, in the readiness and quickness needed to spare a little blood. He had the mental instability to be a pure mongrel for them, and even through all of this his loyalty, at least to Chrysanthe, was unequivocal. Everyone else probably thought she was insane.

He rose and moved forward, they would need to begin plotting this path now, they needed to map things out and get it all figured out. Isardis needed to be forced into the depths of hell that prevented escape, the kind of flames that did not tear back flesh but licked, eternally, at it. The beasts tail flickered vehemently and he rose and he did not settle until he was beside his sister, "Valhalla, it's quite near time you set aside your neutrality and your lack of ambition. If we sit silently Isardis will overcome us. He thinks you all are his subordinate. Shall we introduce a little anarchy? Or will you all stand and act as though this will come to pass? You know he's not a man willing to back down, it's time for you all to quit living in your fantasies, it's time to show your strength," he was not one to tolerate weakness, and no longer would he do so.

Fiery depths of hell were the only thing that were reminscent on him, and though he stood with all the power of a thousand nations, it wasn't he alone that could win a war. The beasts tongue crawled hungrily across inky lips and he flicked his chin, "We begin training now. This is where you decide if you want to see how this turns out, or if you want to change the outcome, those that are ready to prepare...we move. When I believe the warriors are ready. We will launch a full attack on Glaciem...In Glaciem," it was his declaration of war, and if Chrysanthe wanted to win, she'd be willing to wait until that time came. They would make discussions about Liberty and about other things at a soon to arrive date.



10-02-2013, 08:28 AM
If there was anything that Chrysanthe would have trouble with, it was the way that her brother presented himself toward Valhalla as a whole. She may know that he had nothing but the pack's best interest in his head, swimming among the trechery Syrinx was a completely loyal creature, even if he wasn't as good as the majority of his family. His words meant not that he would cause discord and calamity, but that he would bring power to this peaceful wall that Valhalla had lived behind for so long.

Translating him would be the death of her - for eventually she would get him wrong.

But for now she had no reason not to trust him, would listen to his words without judgement. It was a plan, a strategy, one that she turned over within her own mind as his voice cut through the air. It created a tension, but honestly the plan was not a bad one - and even though he lacked any sort of filter or sugar coating, he was right. Isardis would not relent, and it was time to rally together and act as a unit while they had the element of surprise on their side. "There are few times when the element of surprise is on one's side. Syrinx is right - if we strike first, and strike hard, we can end this before it begins." It had been her fault, she had not noticed Valhalla had brought more than its five, and Seraphine could not blame herself, as Sephiroth had admitted to lingering and Erani had marched in like she owned the damn field. She had not stopped Gideon from speaking badly of their enemy, yet at the same time if he had not defended himself as per her own orders he would have been immediately claimed.

But she could not wither under the weight of her responsibility.

"We will be attacked again and again if we take this sitting down. All given a gamma rank must attend training. Any that want to watch or participate are welcome as well." She wondered just what she could learn from her brother in the art of war - he seemed to have a better instinct for it than she did. "If you have any questions, you may ask them - but if not, this meeting is adjourned." They were free to leave or speak with her should they have concerns. She would do her best to quell what she could, but she could not change that war was on the horizon.