
You do what you have to (Pack Meeting)


07-10-2013, 09:01 AM

Eria didn't know what was going on. Gargoyle had claimed Tortuga and it had seemed like they had found another permanent home. Now, they were being summoned to a meeting, and the atmosphere had changed. The stern tone that was heard in Gargoyle's howl didn't surprise her. It was the lone sadness that seemed to vibrate from him that caught her offguard.
There wasn't a hestiancy in Eria as she responded to his call. The dark she-wolf had been resting beneath a tree not too far from a nearby stream. She had been listening to the water move with gentle clicks and wurrs, taking in the sounds with a pleasant feeling of peace. It was in those moments, when she was by herself, that she thought about what she had in her life. Family...since she had flee for her life as a pup, she had wondered if she would ever find one again. a way, her family members were her friends. Despite that she hadn't spoken to a lot of them, she knew they cared to an extent. hadn't happened yet, but she kept an open mind. With these things running through her head, she rose from the ground, shook all over, and walked towards Gargoyle's direction.
The gathering was already filled with most of the wolves from old Glaciem. Eria looked around her to see if she was the only one running late. Her ears flattened when she didn't see any stragglers, so she increased her pace and trotted closer towards the group's edge. She searched the crowd for the familiar faces she held to her heart and spotted Crusade and her family. Her gaze rested on a black male that sat nearby, but she flitted towards the old fae and settled nearby. Eria gave a brief smile and look to Crusade and her small group before turning her attention to Gargoyle. Eagerly, she waited to hear him speak.



07-10-2013, 09:56 AM


At Gargoyle's summons, Ocena stirred, prodding Galileo gingerly with her paw. "Come on, my child. It's time to go." She murmured softly, nudging the youngster who took after his father so. Galileo stirred, muttering something to himself, and Ocena rose to her paws, shaking herself vigorously and padding off towards the howl. Whatever it was, Ocena was sure that it was important. Gargoyle wouldn't have called for his pack if it hadn't been.

With Galileo in tow, she made her way along swiftly towards the call, plumy tail waving easily in the air behind her. When she arrived, Ocena padded up to Gargoyle to sit, keeping a watchful eey on Galileo as he approached his sisters. They would be all right. And it seemed that most of the pack had beaten them to the punch. Ah well. The Tortugans would have to live with that.

Tortugans. It had an interesting ring to it, but Ocena could get used to it.

TAG: Tortuga WORDS: --- NOTES: short omg


07-10-2013, 10:03 AM

It was his mother that woke him up, tearing him from half-formed dreams of Syrinx's face and his father and mother. Galileo stirred, pawing sleepily at the air as he mumbled half formed words about it being too early. But he got up slowly, shaking himself out and padding after his mother as she set off towards his father. The chaotic rush of scents and sounds hit him, and it took all of Galileo's self control to not react, to keep himself padding forward with his head held high.

He would be brave, just like his father. He was brave like his father. He would handle this with the strength of the male that stood before Tortuga. But instead of padding up to stand at his paws or anything like that, Galileo sought out his siblings and flopped down next to Orica and Avalon. "Hey," The pup greeted them both quietly, tail wagging slightly against the cool ground.

With that, however, he fell silent, waiting to hear what his father had to say.

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-10-2013, 10:59 AM

Midnight moved with a measured pace, drifting across one of the valleys at the base of the hills. Life was moving on grass was growing flowers starting to sprout the only remaining ice and snow carpeted the very peaks of the mountains, she had to admit it was pretty here the ground was fertile and prey was everywhere, still she missed her old home, glaciem had been her land for almost a whole year, she had learnt every crack and crevice of the unforgiving land. Here she felt like a stranger, the land was different warmer and greener then any home she had known previously even the water tasted different, gone was the fresh cold waters melted from the ice sheets the water here was always warm and slightly bitter, but she had her pack. She sighed loudly letting her head drop so much had changed in the last few months, first she had made a friend and then she had lost her it had hurt to see the she wolf choose land over pack but she could understand the dames wish to be helpful.

She herd gargoyles call a powerful summoning cry and her ears pricked up she had not herd his voice since they had first met in this strange new territory, keeping to herself meant she had surveyed much of the land and learnt many of the new scents here but it also meant she had had little time for conversation with the others. Picking up her head and her feet she moved towards the place where she had heard the call. Coming in on the tail end of the gathering she smiled to a few wolves she knew before taking up a place at the back of the pack it was only then scaning over the crowd that she noticed the two strangers who spoke with Gargoyle, there coats smelt of the land and so she shruged putting them from her mind a little and looking instead at gargoyle. Why had he called them the last pack meeting had not been that long ago, she shivered slightly it seemed they only met when bad things befell the pack, exile and death lingered in her mind and she shook them off. Dropping into a comfortable position and waiting Gargoyle would tell them what had happen and then they would follow him as always.


Gargoyle I


07-10-2013, 01:42 PM

(ooc: just so it's clear, this is set before the morphine challenge and ic wise has nothing to do with it)

As the wolves began arriving, two new faces showed in the crowd. For a moment, Gargoyle saw the male from a distance and thought it was Nnoitra, the old white male he'd said could remain with his family in the borders untouched. But such was not the case, as he quickly observed. The white fae beside him, was Desdemonda, the former queen of the land. And she looked like she'd been through hell lately. Gargoyle was most curious as to the story that was behind Tortuga's disappearance, but his reaction was one of caution. The Ghost Queen, on seeing that her land was overrun with strangers, was all too likely to react with violence and Gargoyle prepared himself equally for explanations or battle. But the white giantess was to surprise him with her depth; For a third time since the start of their acquaintance. She asked to join him, to follow him, and her mate, an equally impressive looking white wolf, pledged his loyalty should the answer be yes. Gargoyle was taken aback for a moment. As he stood in the volcanic soil, his ears perked far forward on his head, the only sign of his inward shock. But that shock softened quickly into a sense of humility.

Taking a slow stride forward, he bowed his head to the couple. "You do me a great honor. I will take you at your word. If you wish a place among my friends and family, you may have it. But our pack has gone through many changes lately, and it is not done yet."

Saying such, Gargoyle straightened up and swept his yellow gaze over all the assembly. So many had come. From Rogue and Mahniya to Orica and Ocena. From Crusade and Cifer to Awaken and Mercianne. Armageddon had rejoined them. And Insomnia too. Even Nnoitra and his son, who looked to already have grown up some, had come at the call of the Chief. They had gathered and now it was time for Gargoyle to speak. "It takes me a moment to know how to address you all," he rumbled quietly, giving time to let the silence settle. "By the customs of wolves we no longer call ourselves Glaciems. That title has been challenged for. We can saw we are Tortugans now that we've staid in Mt. Volkan for a bit, I think that many of you have come to find that change a little difficult." He glanced quickly at Crusade, a smirk lingering in his head if not on his muzzle. "The simple truth is that we are something beyond a pack. Without name or scent markers we staid together. Many of you, when offered a home by the lips of the usurper Eos, turned your backs at once, preferring life in the unknown, to security under her rule. An Alpha might expect that from a handful of his oldest comrades, but I don't think I've ever heard of nigh on an entire pack doing it." His rumble grew warmer as he continued. "I have, however, heard that that is something family would do."

He stiffened a bit now, and after a short exhale,raised his chin. "I failed you all when I lost our home. But since then, I've continued working hard to keep our group together. I found us shelter here in the emptied lands of Toruga and tried to keep our pack going strong," His eyes, which were slowly sweeping back and forth across the upturned faces of the assembly, alighted on his mate, and lingered there, perhaps a moment more than was needed."We've all begun to carve out a new home." He shook his head, knowing that his next words would fall like a thunderclap. "But we can't stay here."

He turned his head and looked over his shoulder - high up through the break in the trees to where the snowy, cloud veiled top of the mountain lay. "When we came I was under the impression that Mt. Volkan was a dead volcano. Extinct. But myself and Crusade, while hunting, found this to not be so. There are all the signs - heated springs, rock formations, crust cracks in the top crater - that point to this volcano still being active, or at the very least dormant. I know that this was the last pack land open to us, but I cannot in good faith allow my family to stay here. The old Glaciems will remember. They saw Mt. Animi erupt almost two years ago. The fire. The ash. The rocks raining from the sky. The very air became poison." His gaze narrowed. "We lost many packmates during the escape, and that whole corner of the earth, for miles and miles and miles, became utterly devoid of life. We cannot stay here." He said again.

"So now all of you must make a choice of what you will do next. Those that still entrust themselves to my leadership, I will still guard with my life whether we carry the title of 'pack' or no. I intend to head into the unclaimed lands as, what will probably be the most powerful band of rogues this land has seen. We can return to the north, hunting where-ever we wish, and journeying into the southern regions during the cold winters. It means a measure of danger, perhaps, but no more than we have had to face day to day already."

The King's speech was now drawing to a close. "Those of you that wish to come with me, speak up. There is still much to be done before we go."



5 Years
07-10-2013, 02:13 PM

Kaala followed Gargoyles husky call. It was so familiar, almost homely. Since Gargoyle had brought her to Glaciem from the Battle field, to here in Tortuga. By the time she arrived many wolves were already there and Gargoyle himself had just finished speaking. He says that the volcano we thought had been dead in now active, or at least dormant. He spoke of a tragic volcano in his old home that killed many, and that he wouldn't allow us to stay here in case the same happened. He asked whether they were to stay with him or go. He said that they would journey north and then south for winter, they would be a force to be reckoned with. Kaala knew where her loyalties were, with family. Not her biological family, the one who cast get out, barely a yearling, no, the one she had found and has taken her in.

She sat next the front of the gathering, at the left hand side. Her beautiful week kept fur glistening. She was growing up, her curves filling out. Shaping up to be a beautiful dame. Gargoyle, I'm staying with you no matter what.




5 Years
07-10-2013, 02:29 PM

The boy didn't understand most of what was going on. Even though he wasn't quite sure of it all, he was still soaking it all in with big bright eyes. His head whipped around as fast as it could and he made sure to see everything. When the man began to speak about the volcano black tipped ears flicked forward eagerly and eyes widened with curiosity. His body quivered and he halfway stood up as he listened to the long winded speech. Tail thumped softly against his father as the man's words came to a close. He didn't understand any of the other stuff the man spoke about, but the volcano. He was so incredibly intrigued by it. He couldn't help himself. He had to say something.

"Well I coulda told ya that mister! Papa tells us all kindsa stories 'bout the active volcano, and tha hot springs are tha best!"

He was an extremely intelligent child for his age, as was the rest of his siblings it seemed. it was in the genes, and the witty remarks and comments and talking down to others (even though it wasn't so much in this case) also had free reign in his veins. Of course, this did not go without retribution. He yelped and caught himself as his father cuffed him with a large paw on the head. Bright eyes looked up at him indignantly.

"What? What'd I say?!"

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]



07-10-2013, 02:50 PM

Cifer listened quietly and attentively to the speech. He glanced back at Crusade, offered her a soft nuzzle near the beginning of what Gargoyle had to say, but his mood soon changed. Quickly too. Things went sour too fast. Teal eyes narrowed as Gargoyle shared what he had discovered. The pride he'd felt in his family making it this far vanished and instead it was replaced by something he hadn't felt in a while. Something that washed over him like ice and held him in its frozen grip.

Fear. He felt fear.

Aging white body quivered and eyes glazed over. A pained growl left his lips. He had tried not to think of it for so long. He'd put it off as a distant memory and tried to forget the agonizing pain that had come with that eruption. Everything had gone crazy that day. There had been a tension in the air that everyone could feel, but it seemed like no one could pinpoint what was wrong. Then everything fell to chaos. The ground began to shake and soon ashes could be soon from Mt. Animi. It was completely and utterly frightening. They were so closed to it.... It was a wonder more of them hadn't died. The pain of having to endure that all. It was too much to handle all at once. The pain in his lungs from inhaling so much ash. Being separated from the rest of the pack by lava as it seemed to rain down from the sky and ooze from the very pores of the earth. Ash fell like snow and coated the ground and the heat was immense. Whatever snow they had melted. It didn't even have time to sizzle. Burns. There were so many burns. His body had been scarred by the heat alone, imagine if he'd actually touched the boiling liquid fire. And so much fear. He'd never run from anything so fast in his life. How could you fight with something like nature? It wasn't natural. How could a volcanic eruption be natural? It was too chaotic, too evil.

The male shuddered, his body quaking at the memories. Reality and memories meshed together and he let out a pained gasp. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe at all. Jaws remained agape as he tried to soak up as much oxygen as he could, but it was painful. But it burned. The ashes. All he was inhaling was ashes and smoke again. He could feel the searing of his flesh again. The agonizing pain of it all as hell rained down upon them on the earth. What was real? He couldn't tell. This felt so real. It was happening all over again. They were so close to it this time, they were gonna die. They were all gonna die.

"No no no no no no no no no. Not again. I can't do this again."

He didn't notice as his owl companion lifted to the sky clearly confused as to what the hell was going on with his friend. He didn't notice that all of it was in his head. He was reliving the experience, except it was happening here. Why was it happening here? What had they done to deserve this? With that he made an attempt to bolt, tail tucked between his legs, eyes widened with terror, and ears pinned against his head fur bristling. They had to leave! They were gonna die. All of them. Dead. He couldn't take it. Not twice.

[ooc: Ya'll can feel free to dogpile him and tackle him xD]



07-10-2013, 02:59 PM

Ithurial's paws hit the dirt akwardly. She could feel rock beneath her and felt the space infront of her to make sure there were no holes. Then she realized, she had no idea where she was going. She was in the territory but she was lost. She blankly looked around, but all she could see was darkness. Her eyes were useless and there was no noise to focus on.?

Fear overwhelmed her. "DADDY?" She called for gargoyle. She didn't think he was around. She just took off running, but her legs locked up from the permenant muscle and nerve damage and cause her to collapse. Her legs acheing. Her body quivering from the fear. She didn't know where she was. She'd gotten lost for what seems like ages. Truth be know, she was right infront of the den.?She could hear his voice but had no idea where anyone was.?




07-10-2013, 03:06 PM


Cross sat calm and silent through all the outpour of news. Some of it burned a sense of purpose in his little white breast. It awoke fresh feelings of honor and loyalty. He'd seen the horrible dangers of the world. He knew that they were all gonna die bloody horrible deaths eventually, and though that scared the crap out of him, he wasn't about to show it. He was gonna help. He was gonna live what life he had, and when he grew up he was going to be a warrior just like his father befo-

"No no no no no no no no no. Not again. I can't do this again."

For a second, the pup had a miniature heart attack. Were they under attack? Was something wrong? What? But that fear faded to confusion and then just plain shock as he realized what was going on. "Huh." The boy blinked his emerald eyes in the direction of the disappearing black tipped tail. Then he glanced over at Creed, the surprise of it all, managing to knock a few calm, curious words from him. "Did you know Dad was a coward?"

Of course the next second he was head over heels, doing a beautiful face plant into the earth courtesy of his mother's right hook. FLOP




07-10-2013, 03:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As soon as she spotted Awaken on his way to join her, Mercianne's expression lit up. Her smile grew, though still remained gentle, and her tail wagged eagerly as she fidgeted in place when he came and sat down next to her. So much she wanted to press against him and lean into him while she nuzzled him and showered him with kisses but she resisted, settling instead on merely pressing her face against his cheek while he kissed hers with a kind lick. Sweetie. It made the butterflies in her stomach take flight, and she carefully, and secretly, placed a little lick against the side of his jaw. "I don't know, really. But we'll find out soon enough," she answered quietly, scooting just a little closer so that her fur mingled with his.

Others arrived at a steady pace, even faces that Merci personally was not familiar with, but eventually Gargoyle took the lead as he always did, addressing the group at large in his customarily low, gravelly voice. She couldn't help smiling as he mentioned their move here and the amount of loyalty his pack had shown in sticking together. The mere mention of "family" caused the timid wolf to glance sideways and upward at Awaken with a shy smile before returning her attention back to their Chief, ever attentive. He spoke of their new home, the one they currently resided in, and then surprised them all by his next words.

Mercianne's smile disappeared. Another volcano? She remembered that time, as much as she wished not to. The chaos, the confusion, the fear an panic. It was a horrible time, one that she would happily never have to experience again. But if they stayed here, then was that a possibility? Gargoyle seemed to think so. And having grown to trust his judgment and guidance as a leader she was more than willing to take his word on the matter. So long as they stayed together as he suggested, it did sound like a nice plan. And she truly was eager to go back to the north, where she was sure the majority of them were most comfortable. "We will stay with them, won't we?" she asked quietly, turning her gaze to stare upward into Awaken's face with a smile and feeling confident that he would answer in the affirmative.

It seemed not everyone was taking the news well, however. One of their own, a longtime member of the pack and Crusade's mate as far as Merci had gathered, seemed to crumble at the mere mention of the volcano before tearing off out of the group, looking determined to run as far away from the danger as possible. In the commotion, she leaned a little more closely to Awaken, thinking to herself that the sooner they left these lands for the safety and comfort of the north, the better.



9 Years
07-10-2013, 03:16 PM

Creed listened. He didn't know what Uncle Gargoyle was talking about really. Couldn't quite pick up on the levity of the situation. He hadn't been there for the eruption therefore he didn't know how bad it was or how badly it affected those that had been through it. He also wasn't aware that his father was suffering horribly because of it. It didn't seem like Cross was aware either. He turned to his brother to listen to him as he asked him if he knew their dad was a coward.

He opened his maw to speak but quickly shut it as their mother face planted him into the dirt. He sat wide eyed with his jaw hanging to the ground as eyes flickered from his mother to his brother before he giggled.

"Guess you shouldn't call father a coward."

He beamed widely, glad he wasn't the one that had a mouthful of dirt. After that he looked up to see where their dad had gone. He seemed pretty shaken. Was he crazy?

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



07-10-2013, 03:21 PM

Crusade was definately the sort who believed in tough love every now and then. She placed her paw back on the ground, glaring mildly at her son. "You try living through an eruption before you dare to judge your father."

She'd listened calmly to Gargoyle's words, sitting there as proud as their mother would have been if she'd still been around to see this. As for Crusade herself, she was already good to go. She intended on going with Gargoyle, no question about it. She was already at peace with the situation, she was just here to learn the details and see what everyone else's reactions would be. She expected a few of the younger, newer members would be daunted or unsure, and she half wondered if one of the pups would volunteer to go down into the volcano to check it out, but what she didn't expect.... was what had happened.

She had noticed Cifer begining to breath deeply slightly behind and to the side of her and she had started to move forward to touch her paw to his, but he exploded. Er, no pun intended.

The fear and pain choking in his voice was enough to send a knife straight into Crusade's heart and it froze her just long enough to Cifer to completely unravel. He tucked tail, turned and ran before Crusade could so much as shout for him to calm down. Her ears fell flat to the sides as she watched him go. "Crap."

She looked back to the rest of the pack. She could only imagine what was running through their heads right now. She cleared her throat, already half side stepping away. "Gargoyle, you know we're with you, uh, probably the sooner we get away from here the better, considering-" she broke off. "Carry on, everyone, please excuse me while I go hog tie my husband." And with that, she turned and was off.

She didn't go more than a few strides past some rocks and the tree line when she found poor Ithurial. "Oh darling," she said, her eye flying wide with distress. "There, there, come on, we're in the clearing just up ahead." She ran her nose along the girl's shoulders, nudging her in the right direction. "Orica!" she called back towards the meeting. "Come here!" She looked back to the fae. "Your friend will be along in just a moment, dear, now if you excuse me, I have a runaway to catch." The Timber cross was sprinting off again.

Creator Above, she was too old for this.



07-10-2013, 03:32 PM


So they were in for another move huh? Orica looked about her with a little sadness. She'd just been starting to think that it would be nice here, but honestly, nothing would compare to old Glaciem so why should it make a difference? Her immediate family would be staying together, and this way she'd be heading back to the north and the snow so she was happy. Besides they were in danger here, how good of her father to have found that out! She pointed a glare at the scruffy white pup that had spoken out of turn. But of course then her attention, or rather the attention of the whole meeting was stolen by Cifer. Orica's blue eyes flew wide as she watched him go. Between the face planting and Crusade's excuses she wasn't sure whether to be scared or to laugh. No, no, this wasn't funny. She wouldn't laugh.

Crusade had hardly disappeared before she was calling for Orica. The long legged weanling, hitched up her paws, leaving her place by her siblings to navigate a way through the crowd to the tree line. There she found Ithurial and Crusade already running off again. "Ithy!" Orica exlcaimed, wagging her oversized tail. She sidled up alongside the slightly larger fae. As soon as Ithy seemed ready she'd start to walk her in to the meeting. "Dad was just telling all of us that the mountain here is a actually a volcana-something-something that could explode! -But don't worry!" she added quickly, recalling Cifer's reaction. "He's got a plan to get us all away safely. Come on, you can come sit by me and Gali and Avie."



07-10-2013, 03:42 PM

"I was just about to ask you the same Merci." ?They'd stay with Gargoyle and his group. Being alone was more dangerous that being part of a band of rouges. Hey, maybe migrateing would be a good thing. See the wprld, travel and maybe even find a place to start a pack!?

Cifer's freak out moment caused him to jump nearly out of his skin. He snaoped his head tward him but realized he'd skitzed out and ran away. Crusade running after him. Ooookay looks like today would be very eventfull. "I honnestly say we stay by Gargoyle's side. He srugged, leaving the final decision with Merci.


07-10-2013, 03:43 PM

Ithurial jumped when she heard Crusade's voice, looking around trying to find the scource of the voice. When she was nudged in the right direction she just started walking, turning herself in the wrong direction yet again and stumbling to the ground. She shakily got back up when she heard Orica. She stoped untill she managed to find were the pup was. "Oh, uh. Hi.?

Ithurial gave a sweet smile as she felt around to try and find exactly were she was. When her shoulder touched her fur she felt at ease, now that she could actualy "see" were she was. Then the story of a mountain exploding hit her ears. She made a face of confusion. "huh, I didn't know mountains could explode... She shrugged. "Yeah, let's go dit down. My legs are killing me..." Inwardly, she felt ashamed for not being able to keep up with the rest of the wolves anymore, she couldn't pull her weight in the pack anymore and was basicly just another mouth to feed. Secretly, she felt useless. But eventhough she was blind she did still make an exelent babysitter.



07-10-2013, 06:37 PM

It was like chaos had broken out the yells and running, and she was confused she had never seen or experienced a volcano, she did not understand why Cifer was so terrified. But she could understand the packs wish to leave, if something was wrong with the mountain it could damage everything, being as it was at the heart of the pack lands, she frowned as she looked up at the mountain snow caped and beautiful, how could something so lovely be so dangerous that it would send a wolf running. As crusade bolted from the meeting in pursuit she stood moving up to sit near to where the pups where gathered. They had been through a lot in their short lives and she hoped they where going to be ok. She smiled softly as the injured yearling entered the clearing beside Orica, yes they had been through a lot. Taking a deep breath she looked up into gargoyles gaze, ?sir I owe you my life, and not only that this pack it has become my home and my family, land is land it comes and goes and changes in my time the pack has stayed constant always there to protect the underdog so if the pack is to move,? she shrugged, ?then I suppose I shall be moving,? she grinned and stretched the muscles in her shoulders, ?i suppose the snow rouges will walk again,?



07-10-2013, 07:52 PM

A volcano? The things Gargoyle spoke of made no sense to the young male. Galileo had been lucky to be born after the volcanic eruption, to simply look blankly in confusion as Cifer panicked and rushed off and his auntie chased after him, both of them clearing out within moments. Instead of reacting, Galileo turned, blinking curiously as his sister padded off and then approached with a female that he had seen around but never had been particularly close to. It took his brain a moment to supply her name - or her nickname, at least. Ithy. His sister had called her that before, but he couldn't begin to pronounce her full name.

He knew a little bit of what had happened, but not a lot. She was a pupsitter now, essentially, looking after them as much as she could, but Galileo had largely avoided her because she was intimidating and kind of scary, as much as his sister seemed to adore her. But if Galileo was going to be anything like his daddy, he needed to not be scared. "I heard," The pup began nervously, his voice gaining strength as he went on, "That the volcanthingy-" He gave up on trying to pronounce the strange word and moved on, "In the place where we used to live explodeded all over the place!" He directed the surprisingly sentence at the female, tilting his head slightly as he examined her.

If his sister liked her, she couldn't be that bad, Galileo figured. And he was going to be brave now!

table by lu for use on alacritis



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-10-2013, 08:52 PM
Avalon sighed as more wolves had begun to gather, but quickly perked up when she saw her sister Orica approach. She had licked her muzzle, and was about to reply to her question about Galileo until he had arrived with her mother. The siblings sat together, waiting for her Father to speak. She didn't have to wait long before he moved forward to address the pair of former Tortugans. Accepting them into their pack. She glanced around, so many wolves sitting one place...and more gathering still. She sat still as her Father began to speak. Her eyes widened as he talked about Mt. Volkan, an area she had visited recently with him. Her ears laid back against her head at the mention of them having to leave...again. Surely they'd be able to find somewhere to live? What about...her train of thought trailed off to a memory of a week or two ago. When she heard of crows talking about some new places not far from Alacritis. Should she mention it to her Father? What if on their traveling rogue pack, what if someone had gotten pregnant? Or sick? Or were too tired to keep going?

Avalon jumped out of her thoughts when she saw her uncle freak out. He seemed to be terrified of something unseen to her...and by the looks of it, everyone else seemed just as confused. She watched the scene unfold, he ran away into the forest. Then her Aunt pardoning herself to chase after him. She sighed. So they were moving again...she supposed it was no surprise. They were here for such short time, and after she saw the smoke streaming steadily from the mountain, she could only imagine how bad it would be. She moved over with Galileo to allow room for Ithuriel. Wagging her tail in greeting she mad a small yip to the blind girl. She looked at Galileo as he talked, she nodded in agreement. She had heard stories too, and it didn't seem at all fun.

Staring at the wolves around her, her pack, her family...she didn't want them all to be a rogue band. She supposed it couldn't be helped but...wasn't there something they could do? She stood, walking shyly over to her Father and staring up at him shyly. Her paws kneaded the ground nervously, "Daddy...can I talk to private?"


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


07-11-2013, 08:25 PM

As Eria listened to her Chief speak to their group, she took in the important parts and analyzed them. Gargoyle was going to move them again, to a place that held protection for the clan. Travelling was something that she had been doing her whole life, and so far it hadn't been a problem. It was because of her seeking a home that led her to Glaciem in the first place, wasn't it? Now, she was being asked by the man she admired to have her follow. Without a doubt, she would.
Her eyes turned away from Gargoyle and danced to the wolves that made up her family. Not many she had met yet, but the ones whom had graced their presence with hers made her feel wanted and needed. She watched the main one, Crusade, disappear to find her husband. Her tail wrapped around her hind paws and she silently hoped that everything would be all right with the couple. Letting her mind wander again, she looked back to face the Chief and nodded in response to his request.
"You don't have to worry about me going anywhere, Gargoyle," she boldly stated. There was a flash in her light ocean blue eyes as she spoke up, rising from her haunches to be seen better. Her mere thirty two inches weren't enough to have her stand out, but she was okay with it. Now, as she inclined her head to face his, she nodded again. "You and the rest of the pack have become my family...and wherever they go, I shall as well." Honesty rang true in her voice and she slowly lowered to her haunches again as one of his pups walked up to speak with him.
