
If My Heart was a House You'd Be Home


07-04-2013, 02:28 AM

An amused chuckle rumbled in the obsidian man's chest at Silent's reaction to his nuzzle. She was quite the woman and he was beginning to understand why his wife had decided to befriend the elder woman. She was a good wolf with a big heart, one he was glad that he was able to call family now. I will not hesitate to do so, but I would like to extend the offer to you as well Silent. After all, any friend of my wife's is a friend of mine, and friends are like family to me. I protect and care for my family very much. A genuine smile spread across his dark lips, mismatched gems flickering down to Song's beautiful face, his heart thumping wildly in his chest as she whispered to him that she loved him. I love you so much more Song. He whispered lovingly, salmon tongue brushing against his wife's forehead before his attention wandered, dual-toned gems noticing the ivory woman that had placed herself at the edge of the clearing.

Before he could open his jaws to ask who she was, Song answered his question, calling the woman by the name Aurora, clearly happy to see her, another friend from what he could assume. A smile was presented to the newcomer, plume wagging in agreement as Song suggested they go for a hunt to celebrate. A hunt is a brilliant idea my little dove. Everyone is welcome! He turned to look at this two guests, ready to set out to gather some food for the festivities.

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07-04-2013, 06:02 AM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

She was quickly noticed by the ebony woman preforming the ceremony, an ageless looking woman with eyes that spoke of wisdom and age. The snowy temptress returned her nod respectfully, tiara dipping between her petite shoulders for a brief moment before letting her gaze be returned to the pair before her. As the ceremony ended, the couple shared a tender moment, warming the icy rose's heart. She was happy for her friend, to have someone who cared for her in such a way. All those thoughts came tumbling into the ivory woman's infinite mind, but were silenced as Song noticed her. "I have no doubt in my mind you can't remember, Song." She said with a smile, soft, silky voice weaving itself into the air, otherworldly in it's tone and tinged with a faint Russian accent. "You told me just a little while ago, and I decided to surprise you!" She added, chuckling. It sounded like the tinkling of tiny silver bells, and the beautiful call of the mockingbird. Her gaze was then turned to the charcoal pigmented male at Song's side, watching her curiously with slightly mismatched eyes. This was the esteemed Cherokee, the one who stole Song's heart. The giantess' eerie silver gaze bored into his, searching him for any sign's he may be of danger to her, anything that seemed wrong, but she could find nothing, and was glad. She returned his smile cautiously, still the same old quiet Aurora. Song's festive hunt sounded splendid, and the lean woman stood in one fluidly graceful motion, smiling at her and resting the side of her face against the cream coloured fae's shoulder. "Congradulations on getting married, my dearest, my apologies for being late." She said, removing her head from the odd gesture and looking down at her with a broad grin. She was ready for the hunt, lithe muscles ready for the run, the adrenaline, the thrill of the kill that was once seen a sin. She waited, patient and statuesque.


Silent I


11 Years
07-05-2013, 07:28 PM

She watched the two wolves cover the other in kisses, nuzzles, and happy yips. It made Silent's smile widen and she couldn't help but lightly laugh at their actions. Such young love...ahhh, it was a wonderful reminder of how precious life was. As Aurora approached the newlyweds, Silent remained quiet and softly padded towards them after Cherokee spoke of the hunt.
A rush like no other ran through Silent's form. The idea of hunting was one thing; being with Song, her beau, and the newly acquainted Aurora was something that sounded wonderful. How long had it been since the ebony fae hunted in a group? If she couldn't remember, then it had obviously been too long! Silent walked over to the other side of Song, nuzzled her happily, and said, "It would be an honor to accompany you and the party for such a hunt." Tail wagged behind her as she turned her gaze to Aurora and dipped her head. "I am sorry to not have introduced myself earlier...My name is Silent, and 'tis a pleasure to meet you."

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-06-2013, 12:39 AM

It seemed like the general consensus had agreed with her idea of the reception. They would go for a hunt, and what a hunt it would be. There were four proud wolves very much ready to eat, they would be a force to be reckoned with. What kind of prey would they wish to seek out? Something larger, something she had not yet hunted in Alacritis. What if they went after a moose.
Her eyes lit up as the idea popped into her head "What if we went after a moose?" She looked back to Cherokee, hoping he would lead them in their hunt.

.ooc. short post is short



07-06-2013, 10:40 AM

The woman watched with a silent interest as the older dame approached, quiet as a whisper. She spoke with Song, they clearly knew each other well, and expressed her opinions of the hunt. It would be an honor to accompany you and the party on such a hunt. For an older wolf, she seemed just as young and energetic as one of Aurora or Song's age. Soon, the ebony madame turned her emerald gaze upon the snowy temptress, introducing herself in a most polite manner. I am sorry to not have introduced myself earlier... My name is Silent, and 'tis a pleasure to meet you. She said, and even though she knew the ivory giantess' name already, is was only proper manners to offer one's own name in return. Tis a pleasure to make thine acquaintance as well, Silent. My name is Aurora, as you already know. She told her, ending with a small chuckle, like small silver bells in the breeze and a mockingbirds trill. As she spoke, her older fashion of speech and faint Russian accent was altogether mysterious sounding, and when coupled with her soft, silky delivery and otherworldly tone, most people wanted her to speak more.

Her attention snapped to Song as the creamy, smaller bride spoke of their choice of prey for the hunt. Moose. A large creature, difficult to take down, but the taste of their meat was the best of any ungulate she'd ever tasted, and there was definately plenty of marrow in the bones, the icy rose's favourite part of an animal. That sounds divine, my dearest. Are we all agreed? She asked politely, quietly. She was now itching to feel blood on her face, her paws, her tongue. Her hunger for the sanguine wine was surprising, but she was a born and trained assassin, blood was something she was supposed to love. She decided to sit, make it less obvious how antsy she was to get going now. Her tail wrapped around her powerful, dainty paws, and she waited still. She appeared calm on the outside, but if one looked deep enough into her eyes, they would see a lust for the crimson liquid roiling like magma, and a savage beast ready to be unleashed. She had never truly just been a quiet, thoughtful thing; deep within her, she held a monster.

Tagged: Silent, Song, Cherokee. | Word Count: ###


07-06-2013, 05:52 PM

He was glad that Silent and Aurora had decided to come, it made their ceremony that much special. Cherokee wished he would've had some friends of his own that he could've asked to come, but he hadn't gotten around to meeting many other wolves, but he didn't mind too much. Song's friends were company enough for the new husband. Obsidian plume wagged back and forth excitedly, mismatched gems glancing down to his little dove as she suggested that they go hunt some moose. He wasn't sure if moose frequented the area around this place, but he figured it was worth a shot. If there wasn't any moose, they could always go for deer. Moose sounds like a brilliant idea my love, but I'm not quite sure they live around these parts. But I will look for them, just for you. If not, we can always catch some deer. Does that suit everyone? He glanced around, taking a moment to look at each individual, making sure that he wasn't leaving any one out before they set off.

Talk like this

Silent I


11 Years
07-11-2013, 09:59 PM

Silent nodded to Aurora, her smile radiating warmth and light. "Well, Aurora, I am still honored," she lightly replied as a chuckle followed shortly thereafter. Her gaze left the white fae to the loving pair, who both thought that hunting was a great idea. The black female nodded to Cherokee in turn, meeting his gaze as he looked at her. "I will have no problem with hunting what is most convenient, Cherokee. You are the lovely couple, and whatever you say today will be fine." Her tail wagged behind her and she stood, getting ready to sprint off, smell scents, and search for the meat that called their names.

"talking"THANK YOU, WOLFIE! ♥



07-12-2013, 02:10 AM

The agreeing voices echoed all around, her excitement peaked as the thought of the hunt filled her mind and filled her senses. She showed off a toothy grin before bounding away, knowing Cherokee would catch up to her. Her laugh trailing off as the focus centered her. They would need all the brains and brawn this team had to offer. A moose was nothing to laugh about.
With her nostrils flaring she searched for the scent that might lead her to the next kill. Their celebratory feast. The newly weds would lead the team on their exciting hunt. The slightest whiff of what could be her prey found its way to her nose, she slowed and looked to the others for confirmation. The first step in formulating their plan. The first thing everyone would have to remember was safety. She hoped they would all take the threat seriously, not that she had doubts.



07-19-2013, 12:50 AM

She watched the murmurs of agreement flow through the group, and her ears perked as she heard Cherokee mention the rarity of moose in the area, as well as his willingness to search one out for his new bride. "Moose sounds like a brilliant idea my love, but I'm not quite sure they live around these parts. But I will look for them, just for you. If not, we can always catch some deer. Does that suit everyone?" It was amazing, the love he had for Song, Aurora didn't want to show it at all, but she was envious of them, of their shared affections. Her pristine face remained blank while her infinite mind pondered this, calculated the odds of her ever finding someone who loved her as much as Cherokee loved Song. Deciding that such a train of thought was causing far to much pain for her, she dropped it immediately.

Silent's voice was next to fill her auditory sensors. She told the angelic pelted lady that she was no less honored to meet her. "Well, Aurora, I am still honored," Aurora was humbled, her heart done well by the fact that a wolf of her status felt this way. She also professed no preference to what they hunted, for whatever they could find first was enough for her. "I will have no problem with hunting what is most convenient, Cherokee. You are the lovely couple, and whatever you say today will be fine." Her eagerness and happiness to get on with the hunt made the icy temptress equally content, that a wolf who was not quite as young as the rest of them was the most eager to get on with it.

Song was the next to make her move, standing and bounding forward, her laughter trickling through the air towards the rest of them. It did not last long though, she stopped suddenly and her beautiful sounds of glee cut off abruptly. Looking over her shoulder, she made sure everyone in the group was prepared for the hunt ahead. The she wolf with the pristine snowy derma took in everything about the cream furred newlywed's movements, watched her sniff the air for any trace of moose scent. By the look on her face, she had caught it.

Her body hungering for the thrill of the hunt, the kill, she was on her feet in a second and ready to go. A moose was a massive creature, it could take out a wolf with a single kick, a single stomp, a well timed charge with those gigantic antlers. In those silver eyes, a demon bade it's time, ready to be unleashed on the creature of choice. Long, silky banner sweeping rapidly back and forth, Aurora leapt a few times, and was at Song's side within a few heartbeats. "Ready, my dearest? Together, we are unstoppable, don't worry." She told the bride, her soft, silky voice soothing as it could be, coupled with it's otherworldly tone and hint of Russian accent. Resting her head on the pearl coloured maiden's shoulder, she remembered something her mother had told her after the fire. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." She whispered, and removed her head, looking at her with her eerie, consuming moonstone orbs. She waited, eager to be off.


07-19-2013, 01:17 AM

He was rewarded with the murmurs of approval. So that was it then. It was settled; they were going to hunt moose. He wasn't too sure if they lived in the area, but if his new wife wanted to dine on one, then he was going to try his hardest to get one for her or at least get her something nearly as good. And then they were off. Song took the lead, her pealing laughter reaching the dark man's ears as he trailed after her, powerful limbs pulling him along, mismatched gaze flickering to the second ivory woman as their small hunting party paraded through the landscape. Senses were alert, dark nostrils flaring as he began to settle himself into hunting mode. Moose were big herbivores, and they weren't the kind to just run like deer. If cornered, they didn't hesitate to fight and their antlers were much larger than any deer, and they certainly weren't afraid to use their sharp hooves. Precautions would have to be taken to ensure everyone's safety.

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