
I Walk Alone...



06-28-2013, 11:46 AM
ooc: Skim read posts out of laziness so excuse me if I left some stuff out.

A low growl was sent to Augustus who had come up to the male like she had, yes she heard his words but it still brought a growl of irritatin from her jaws. Loccian turned away from the male to stand before her nephew, ears back, tail up and lashing behind her. There was disappointment in her eyes. You will be silent. You are only a yearling, you may be able to defend yourself but only to younger wolves. This is no place for you. Head home now or I will force you. She warned him. The shewolf would not let this child tell her, even if he was Octavian's son. His actions would bring the rough side of his aunt out.

When she had finished though the male behind her spoke up, causing her head to turn and rise, being held leveled as she glared at him. As he explained who he was the woman did not soften her gaze, not even when he mentioned his pack being wiped out. She would not feel bad for him now after his actions.

At last he finished, asking them to do with him what they wished. Loccian blew air through her nose as she rose, standing straight with her tail still held up and ears back. Squall Leonhart. She spoke his name with a slight hiss, but turned her head to looked to Augustus, giving him a small nudge to get moving. We will be leaving you here. No punishment for I wasn't here to see what happened exactly between you and my brother. She took a step back, turning her gaze onto him. Icy, threatening. I am Loccian, Contessa of Seracia. My brother whom you were fighting, Pontifex, our Esquire. And this young lad is Augustus, my nephew. Her eyes narrowed after she motioned towards her brother then to Augustus.

She gave him a bit to let the names and ranks sink into his head before continuing on. If you ever lay a single paw, tooth, claw, or even a hair on them along with coming anywhere near them. You will have me to deal with. I may be small in size but I am a force to be reckoned with. Same for if you ever come near our borders. Your first impression got yourself in a bad place.


Awesome table by Lu <3

Pontifex I


06-28-2013, 02:25 PM

Despite being the son of Octavian, the boy didn't much common sense yet. He obviously didn't realize that his aunt and uncle were trying to protect him from the possibly dangerous man that called himself Squall Leonhart, seeing as though he came out from behind Pontifex to put himself between Loccian and the man, trying to apparently strike amount of realization into the trio of wolves. But he had no place to speak. Augustus was merely a yearling, still learning about the world. He wasn't doing any good putting himself in danger when his family was trying to protect him. The esquire watched as his sister turned towards the young boy, scolding him and basically putting him in his place. The bi-colored brute stepped in, using his body as a barrier, muzzle pressing into his nephew's shoulder, urging the boy on, a gentle nip given as encouragement.

He paid little attention to what the man Squall had to say. He frankly didn't care. The man had attacked him unprovoked and therefore was not welcome with Pontifex. Even if he did apologize, he wasn't about to become all chummy chummy with him. He waited until his nephew had gone ahead a few paces before stopping, turning back to his sister and Squall, listening as she introduced herself, him and their nephew, threatening the man if he were to ever come near them again, or the borders of their home. Next time you might come away with something missing. He snarled, audits pining themselves flat against his skull, whipcord lashing behind her dark haunches as he waited for his sister to accompany him and Augustus back to Seracia.

Talk like this


06-29-2013, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2013, 11:54 AM by Augustus.)
Auggie's white eyes narrowed at his Aunt as she told him where his place was. Heck, he had hs own place and why would she have to tell him where he was. As far as Augustus was concerned he had no place. He had just been some pup wandering around for the past half year!

"How are you gonna force me? Hurt me?!?! I'll do as you say now but don't expect to see me too often when you get back! This man opened up! Can't you see?!? And why do I have to be put back in my place when I have none?!?! Yes you're my family and protecting me! But maybe! Just maybe! Maybe I've been without family for so long that I just don't know what that's like anymore. Do you think I'm used to you caring about me? No! It was just me myself and I! And it'll stay that way! You think I'm just some stupid pup don't you! I guess I'll just take my naive self and do as you wish and leave... Only the stars know what I mean by leave. And may you pray I don't end up in my own puddle of blood like my father as well...." he said with a flick of his tail.

Augustus then nodded towards Squall before taking the encouraging nip from his Uncle and turned to start to walk away. He turned around to glare back at his Aunt due to the snarl she gave him before. He wouldn't snarl back but only glared at her with his white gaze never leaving her own gray eyes.

Soon enough the boy turned and started to a slow run and let his paws carry him wherever he wished to go. Flee must he do and flee somewhere safe. Auggie sought solitude and seclusion at this time. And he would keep running even when his so called family beckoned him home. He had no home, he was no one...he was as dead as his father is. Black lines ears lay flat against his head as he ran. A single tear escaped his eye as it rolled down his face to fall behind him in the snow as he ran. Paw prints were what would be left in the snow until something erased them of their existance. As erased will they be such as he...

OOC: can't really tell how long this is cause phone posts look longer. So I'm just gonna say short and crappy post cause it feels like it xD


07-01-2013, 03:10 AM
Squall kept his gaze on Loccian as she spoke. Body language betraying nothing but a smooth composure. His eyes showed no other emotion, he was a rather serious epitome. He observed the angry she-wolf, the look in her eyes clearly showed the dislike she had for him. He hadn't intended to anger her, in fact he was trying his hardest to be as polite as he could. An action most unusual to him. Curbing his usually sharp tongue and attitude was a rarity. Few if any witnessed such a thing from him. However, thinking back on his actions, he figured now that he shouldn't have attacked the grey brute. Even if it seemed to Squall that he was being a little rude. Then again, Squall always perceived that from others he came across. Even now, as much as he wanted to make a stinging reply in defense, he decided to suck it up. Besides, he wouldn't talk back rudely to a girl. Even if they pissed him off, unless it was a girl who was completely rude and evil and deserved to die.

The silent warrior nodded respectfully as Loccian finished speaking. He had remained silent the entire time, not speaking or allowing his sight to wander. Even if he wanted to give a death glare to Pontifex. However, he pushed that feeling from his mind as well. Ellone had once told him to forgive if he wanted to be a better person. Even if he wanted to rip the other creature to shreds. Finally, he used this silence to speak; ""If that is what you wish, then I will a--" The warriors words were cut short when he heard another voice speak up nearby. He had watched the kid get scolded and told off. Followed by a nip from the male warrior. However, it seemed this kid had a plan of his own. Albeit a rather unproductive one, but his own nonetheless.

This kid, Augustus, decided he'd do what he wanted and go off on his own. The thin warrior watched as the kid spoke against his "aunt" and then walked off after his outburst. He watched the pup, a concerned expression clouding his eyes. Obviously the kid was having problems. Squall felt something stir within him, perhaps he and the child had something in common. He wanted to know why he had acted in such a manner, but he also wondered how Loccian and her brother would react to his asking about him. They'd both probably try to snap his ears off for even asking. As concerned as he was for a kid, he refrained from asking..."I know it's not my place to say this seeing as how I'm of you. But the kid looks like he could use some help with his life. He voiced his feelings in a way. It's up to you whether to try and be there for him, or wait until he follows another path. And it might be the wrong path he follows without guidance. Ask yourself, what would you do if that were to happen?" He glanced from Pontifex to Loccian, his words meant for both brother and sister. Yeah it wasn't his place to speak about it, but the least he could try to do was keep a family together before they broke what they had...unlike him. His family was gone, and he had no one. He disliked seeing others broken apart.

He stood then, stance as composed and as not threatening as he could make it. He didn't know what he would do now, and when night came, he didn't know where he would sleep. He supposed that maybe he would just wander again until a pack accepted him. He didn't care where, he just wanted a place to finally call home. A place he could protect from outside threats, a place where others could look to him for assistance, for guidance, for any sort of help. A place, where he could finally belong.

Speech, Thought, You



07-02-2013, 03:38 PM
ooc: Crappy post

Your right, it's not your place. Stay away from him. She growled at him after Augustus stormed off. She would not follow him, if he wanted to get himself killed then so be it, he had to place to even be here. She turned from the male, going few steps before stopping and turning her head to the side to say one last thing to him. He is my family, I will do what I want, not take advice from some hot head that caused this. If I see you near him at all or hear you were with him, I will come for you. She glared at him with a cold and threatening stare or a few moments before turning away and continuing on her path towards Seracia, she meant ever word and would pull through. She wouldn't hold back next time.



Awesome table by Lu <3