
Reap Just What You Sow


06-25-2013, 10:57 PM

There was nothing he could do for Gabriel obviously. The child was too far gone, at least for his help. For once in his life, Gael rather regretted having approached the young boy, regretted having offered his help. This was the first time his help was rejected so vehemently, so cruelly. The first time that the young man actually regretted ever offering his help. He never regretted offering his help. But this time he did. He had done nothing good for Gabriel, simply brought up painful memories and made the whole situation worse. He knew he had given it his all, but he couldn't help feeling like a straight failure. He hadn't been able to help Gabriel. Gabriel hadn't allowed him to help, so it wasn't because he didn't want to help the child. The child hadn't wanted to be helped. What more could he do?

Gabriel spoke up again in response, bashing on his aunt, calling her a traitor because she want to go marry Maverick. Did the boy even know if his aunt loved the seracian prince or she'd strictly done it out of responsibility? He probably didn't. Gael surely didn't know. But if he'd been in Gabe's position, he would've understood. He might've resented his aunt for some time, but eventually he would've come to terms with the choice she'd made. He was more than 100% sure that his aunt hadn't pushed the boy out of her life. If anything, she probably wanted to include him in her new life, but it looked like that wasn't going to happen anymore since he no longer wanted anything to do with her. Or anyone that wasn't really his family for that matter. Audits pinned themselves against his multicolored skull, cerulean gems lowering in disappointment before raising to notice the new addition to the small group. Her scent was similar to Gabe's and the white woman's, so he could only assume she was part of the little family, most likely a sister to young Gabe. She was a pretty little thing, all ivory fur, an interesting obsidian marking adorning her swirling dual hued gems as well as decorating her pelt. She said nothing, merely stayed by the white woman's side, observing her brother. The young Adravendi said nothing now, his words were unnecessary. It would be a waste of his breath.

With a heavy heart the young man watched as the boy's mother spoke to him, bringing him back from wherever he had been. Gabriel apologized before making his way back to his den alongside his mother and sibling. But before the trio departed the white woman turned to him, addressing him by his name and wishing him a good day, glad that he had returned. He couldn't quite place her face, but he welcomed her hospitality regardless. Thank you ma'am. Have a good as well. With a dip of his head the young Adravendi wandered off back into Valhalla, pawsteps heavy as he looked for somewhere to rest for the night. He just needed to be alone now for a change. Gabriel's rejection of his help had hit him hard.

EXIT GAEL (unless otherwise addressed)

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