
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
04-11-2015, 01:30 AM

He never wanted Anais to feel she had to run and hide from the world, but even he didn't fully trust the world with his Anais. It was a strange and complex thing to want to see her open up, come to life as she was now, to enjoy new experiences and live a little, but also for her to be safe perhaps doing the reckless things in life side by side was the right medium, to live and be alive. As it was he felt utterly alive in that moment. Despite the lull of the peaceful moment, of the sound of the waves crashing rhythmically in the distance, and the occasional howl of the wind and the otherwise silent night, he felt utterly awake.

He didn't know how Anais felt, but he would make certain that she was comfortable and safe, and able to slip into sleep any time she wished to. He would step back after fixing up her spot for the night, giving her plenty of room to either move into it or hover near by – whatever she wished, from there he could work out the best place for him to sit as they continued to talk. He intended to stay awake until she was ready to sleep, and then he would likely continue to stay awake, to guard her sleep. He didn't doubt her safety here, in his and Voltage's pack lands, with his family in surrounding caves, no, he would guard her from sleeping in the unknown, he would chase away her nightmares, and simply be there for her, for this girl he had come to realize he had loved, as she slept in his presence for the first time in their history together – that would not be a moment he would miss.

He would feel the eyes of the brown she-wolf as she thought over the question he had just asked. He could almost feel the confusion in her stare and was careful to hide his amused smile. Her first response would be simple, the no falling from her lips. She would elaborate a little further, admitting that it had simply never crossed her mind. Her next words would bring him amusement, and a crooked smile would grace his lips. “I suppose he does...” he admitted, if a little dryly, trailing off as he caught the worried expression, and mentally kicked himself as he realized he had brought up a topic that had led to Lebrah, who was often the reason she couldn't stray from her territory for long. “He'll be perfectly fine. Your family has been in that territory for a while now, the smell of a group of wolves would keep others out, and i'm sure your healer sister or brothers would be around if he needed?” he second was more of a question then a reassurance, through he had no real worries for the boy, Glacier was sure he would be fine.





5 Years
04-11-2015, 03:17 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

At last satisfied with the state of the corner that was to be his guest's, the big blue wolf stepped back from it and allow her room to examine it herself. She was curious to, truly, but rather than step right onto it Anais shifted her weight from one foreleg to the other as her ears turned back and rested against her head. As much as she wished to be here in the present again, enjoying herself as she had been only seconds before, her thoughts were still on her adopted son back in the Fjord and how he might be doing on this night without her. Despite the independent streak he sometimes exuded, he still reminded her too much of a pup, younger now even than her little brother, and she felt too responsible for him to think of causing him any discomfort. It would have hurt her heart to know she was hurting him.

Desperate for any type of reassurance, she set her bright golden eyes upon her friend and stared at him expectantly. Lebrah might have looked at him and seen a big scary blue monster, but Anais knew he was nothing of the sort. He was her friend, a guide in the world and a guardian against anyone that would seek to harm her, someone she trusted as much as she did her family. He was sweet and so very patient, quietly stealing her heart before she could realize what was happening. And, as he always did, he seemed to know how to answer her and ease her troubles. It was true, the Fjord was well marked in their piece of the river, and her family was well aware of the childlike wolf and his peculiar ways. They would help as soon as they realized she was not there with him, undoubtedly. He had managed to spend nights alone and away from her elsewhere; she supposed he would be capable of doing so in their den.

"Yeah...they would," she answered with a nod, drawing in a slow breath and releasing it quietly. Her brothers and sister were there. Lebrah knew them, even if he was not quite so familiar with them as he was with her, and they would help if he needed it. Not to mention he could be strong when he wanted to be. "It's only one night," she repeated to herself, aloud this time, and with a decisive nod she stepped forward onto the softly padded area that was to be hers for the night. It was indeed soft as she had suspected it to be, likely more so because of Glacier's attention to it, and after a turn she lowered herself to her side and curled up on it, facing her friend where he stood at a short distance.

As she looked at him, a part of her wanted to call him closer, to convince him to lie down with her so that she could snuggle against him like she had done when they had still stood on the cliff. To fall asleep wrapped up in his warmth, his scent, would have thrilled her more than the thought of their reckless adventures, but would he have allowed for it? He had others he needed to watch over here, not just her. Maybe it would be wrong to ask him. But at least there was still a reason to keep him where he was. "Is it my turn?" she asked, trying to bring their focus back to the game they had going. Assuming he was still willing to play despite the lateness of the hour beginning to settle in more deeply and more noticeably.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
04-11-2015, 03:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2015, 03:56 PM by Glacier.)

Glacier knew he had really put his foot in his mouth when he brought up children. Surely she knew Lebrah would be fine and that she didn't have to worry so. Certainly, he didn't like to see her joy flood away to be replaced by anxiety. His words would bring back some of her old peace, and he could see that she agreed with his words. He was glad that he had managed to soothe some of it, but was also sure she also wouldn't forget Lebrah, likely he would be a worry ticking in the back of her mind. He did of course wonder if he should suggest escorting her back home, to give her peace of mind and ease her worries. He would be loathe to do so, to cut their time together short, but he would do anything for Anais.

However, the little brown wolf seemed to become resolute, consoling herself that it was only one night and stepping forward onto the bedding he had carefully arranged. She curled up in it, and the sight of the little brown figure curled up in the wild bedding, made another smile twitch at his lips. She made for a tiny, sweet figure, and with a soft breath he would think how can I not love her?

he lowered himself to the floor in front of her bedding, curling his tail about his body and stretching out his paws until the touched the bedding where she lay. He wasn't a small wolf, and took up a great deal of room, his coat flooding the floor before her bedding. His head would be raised, and his eyes would be upon her as she spoke. “Of course” he replied, his voice teasing “Ask me anything” he added, more softly, wanting her to know there was nothing in the world she could not ask him.





5 Years
04-16-2015, 04:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just as she laid down, her big blue protector did too, settling onto the floor of the cavern right before the bit of bedding that she rested upon. Even lying down he looked large and intimidating, but there was no fear in her. If there was anything, there was a need to scoot closer and settle herself against his shoulder, to coax him into resting his head atop hers again while he held her to him. And what thoughts wandered through his mind as he looked across at her? Did they mirror her own as she was beginning to suspect or was Anais simply imagining what she wished to see?

She tried to steady and bring back her thoughts after finding out that it was still her turn, and with some effort she set herself to thinking of another question that she could ask. It had to be something different than the questions they had already asked. Something that she was truly curious about. Something that might be fun, or funny, or maybe would open up new adventures for them in the future. As the thought came to her, the golden brown wolf smiled and stretched her neck out to rest her chin on the soft bedding - a subtle reach for Glacier - before she asked, "What's the most fun adventure you've ever been on?"
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
04-24-2015, 09:47 PM

This little adventure had gone by far better then he could ever have imagined. It was just so easy to be in her presence. He felt as relaxed as he was in Voltage's presence, like he just instinctively knew that every word he said would be taken well, as through the two had been in each others company for years instead of months. He no longer felt like he had to be slow and easy around her for fear of startling her, instead he could stretch out without fear of startling her, his fore paw would brush against the side of her coat and his tail would flick lazily behind him.

Anais also seemed to reach out for him in her own way, stretching her head closer to him, and he would see her little features resting in the bedding and he would lower his own head onto the bedding, not quite staring into her eyes but it was a close thing. It was her turn to ask a question, and ask away she would ”Hmm” he murmured lazily, favorite adventure? His lips twitched in amusement, did this one count? But instead his thoughts would turn to Voltage and some of the adventures the two of them had been on. “Well.. back when we lived near out family's island but before out other siblings joined us, me and Voltage found ourselves on a few adventures. I suppose one of the ones that comes to mind first would be” his lips twitched in amusement “Well, I ended up falling into a mud pond came out wholly coated in mud. I'm sure you can imagine my size and bulk, with nothing of me showing but my eyes, making my way through the forest trying to find some clean water to wash up in, and that's when Voltage found me. You should have heard him scream, I don't think I've ever heard a more girly sound leave his mouth” there where rises in his speech that spoke of the laughter he was holding in, and she could surely see the brotherly love shining in his eyes as he spoke of his dear brother. “I chased him down trying to tell him it was me, but he's a quick brute and had reason to run. He managed to get up on top of our den and by the time I caught up to him most of the mud had fallen of, slipping and sliding I managed to crawl up onto the top of the den with him and after a little brotherly fight we where both through and through coated with mud. Once we could finally stop laughing ourselves we ended up staying up their for a few hours in the sun and the mud got so crusted I was still cleaning it out of my ears weeks afterwards...” he finished the story, through his thoughts remained lost in the moment for a little while after. He finally shook away the cobwebs of the past and smiled at Anais.

“There are plenty of adventures I could tell you that me and Voltage went on, but that's certainly one i'll never forget. Alright, my question... have you met anyone out on your adventures that you would never forget? In a good way, someone fun that you might have had a few adventures with. Well.. excluding me of course” he teased her, winking so she knew he jested. He wanted to know what it was like for her before she became afraid of adventuring on her own, and that was sort of what the question was trying to uncover.





5 Years
05-05-2015, 12:08 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Giddiness fluttered in her stomach as she felt Glacier's paw brush against her fur and her eyes never strayed from his face as he rested his head close to hers. It was strange to her how the nearness of him tempted her to get closer, how the thought of it made her happy and a little nervous but excited all the same. There was nothing that she could compare it to, nothing that even came close, and though she should have been scared of the unknown aspect of it, nervous of what it would mean should it all be brought into the open, Anais could not say that she was.

She listened with the whole of her attention, smiling as the story her friend painted played out within her mind. How would the two brothers have looked as children? Anything like the men they had become? Glacier certainly must have been the bigger, bulkier of the two, and add in a healthy coating of mud she could just picture the sight he must have been. She chuckled at the vision she had created of him in his muddy coating, and chuckled again, only louder, when Glacier spoke of running into Voltage. Poor Voltage, she thought. He must have felt scared out of his wits!

Like all good stories, his had a happy ending, and she was glad to hear that the scare had easily been forgotten. It was a wonderful story made all the better for knowing both of those involved, and she felt privileged to be let in on a piece of their childhood. Just as quickly as the telling of it was over, Glacier moved on to ask a question of her, allowing their game to continue without interruption.

Very quickly Anais found herself at a momentary loss. Other wolves? Other adventures? That felt like such a long time ago now, at least in comparison to all the things that had happened since she had felt free enough to wander without supervision. The look on her face became thoughtful as she delved into her memories, but fairly quickly she found her answer with a return of her natural smile. "Crucifix," she answered with certainty. "He was probably my first actual friend outside of my family. He was fun and liked playing games," she reflected aloud, recalling happily the times she had met him during their acquaintanceship, "but he was an Alpha too." It always struck her as odd how playful he could be and yet still possess the maturity to run a pack. "He had pretty purple eyes," she added quietly, absently, "I hope he's still well."

Realizing it was her turn again, she decided to go with a question that had popped into her mind as Glacier had told his story. "What was your...first home like? The island?" Anais asked, her words interrupted by a yawn that left her golden gaze a little half-lidded.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.