
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



1 Year
Extra small
02-17-2019, 05:13 PM
She had been stalking her dad and when he took off she was intrigued. Then there was the white man, and a red one. Well she wasnt sure what was happening but she wanted to see. She was not the quickest thing but she was determined.

She arrived close behind Miss Shaye. What was going on? The words didn't make sense. Daddy was fighting an innocent? She tried getting a better look but her short form just couldn't see. Though one form caught her eye. She was quick to make her way over and place her paw on the brown woman's side rear leg. "Grandma! What's daddy doing?  And why is everyone here?" she wasn't supposed to be outside of the pack lands but that didn't mean her curiosity wouldn't have her following her dad and everyone else. Red eyes were on the wolves here and she was uncertain about why daddy looked so angry when she got here. He was usually happy to see her. All the words were alot to take in. And there were so many new faces. She had a constant wiggle to her stubbed tail though.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-17-2019, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 05:18 PM by Shaye I.)
What. The. Fuck. this was was going from bad, to worse. First her fighters had decided to come out here and cause chaos for her pack, picking on the weak of another pack. She threatened her members, and saw that Rhyme was backing down, he came over to let her know why, and she nodded her head to him. “We will free her, but not like this” she spoke as quietly as she could to him, and then would see his child in the middle of this chaos. Oh, what the fuck.

The pissed off, angry Alpha made her way over to the young child. She already thought that Tana was a bad mother, this was just the icing on a cake. Who the hell wouldn’t notice if their child had fled the territory? Especially with this chaos going on. She wasn’t even a season old, she was epileptic as asthmatic. shorter then a damn bean, there was no way she had gotten here on her own. If she found out who had aided the pup here, she would rip them to shreds. She might not like Tana, but she wasn’t going to let a child get hurt because of it. She was, however, going to reprimand the child, weather it was hers or not. She had hoped that some of Tana’s children might show more common sense then their mother, but it seemed that wasn’t the case. She went to scruff the young girl. “We will talk about this later. Don’t let Ace do anything stupid.” she told Rhyme, looked meaningfully down at his child, and would attempt to take the young brat home.

-attempt exit with Verse-


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



2 Years
02-17-2019, 05:25 PM
Cautiously Geoffrey entered the battlefield with his siblings. The boy's movements were furtive and even the most inexperienced eye could tell he was far removed from his comfort zone. His eyes darted around in search of violence, stomach churning and ready to project vomit should there be any dangling guts anywhere. He couldn't disagree with Artur; this was important. However just because it was important didn't mean he was happy or excited about it. If he were to distill his feelings into just one word he'd have to pick 'queasy.'

Artur insisted they move to the front so they could see what was happening and even though Geoffrey protested mightily his brother wouldn't hear it. Dismayed and noticeably alarmed, Geoffrey followed his brother closely for fear of getting trampled by the frothing masses.

One big scary-looking blue woman made a point to watch him as he passed her by, causing Geoffrey to speed up and run chest first into Artur's rump. "Sorry!" Then in a lower voice, he whispered to his siblings, "This was a bad idea. Guysss. They're crazy." Just in case Artur got any ideas, he added quickly, "And you can't fix crazy!"

And then Artur had to go and complain loudly about the crazies not being crazy enough for him. Geoffrey gaped at him as if he'd sprouted a third eye in the middle of his forehead and then glanced around to see if anyone had heard him. Artur was young but he was really big. If someone particularly aggressive was around them they might overlook his age and challenge him to a fight. "Are you insane? Be quiet!"

[Image: jqslMGb.png]



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
02-17-2019, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 05:47 PM by Caelia.)
Caelia was really, really not sure about this. But she was even more unsure about staying at home and missing all the excitement while Artur and Viviane and Geo went and had all the fun without him. She'd warned them sharply that if they got caught they'd be in a lot of trouble, but she supposed if all of them got in trouble it wouldn't be quite so bad for the blame to be equally diffused among them all. Caelia gave up on her arguing, though that didn't stop her from sighing basically the entire way there. Though she was feigning annoyance, she was quite interested in what they might encounter here.

As they drew closer, she began to wonder if this really had been as bad of an idea as Geoffrey was saying. There were SO many wolves here, all unfamiliar to her - she'd never seen so many wolves all in one place, especially older wolves, ones with weird colored fur and oversized teeth and other weird features. The almost-yearling's eyes were wide as she approached, sticking close by Artur as they pushed their way through the group. She was tentative, but hoped that her posture showed confidence she didn't quite feel. She took a deep breath, her head held high and her tail curled above her back as they pushed through the crowd to see what was happening.

It was hard to tell what was happening, but the tension in the air was palpable. A few fights seemed to be breaking out, but before she could get a chance to really see what was going on Artur was complaining at her side. "I'm sure there will be blood," she assured her, though her tone was much softer, not wanting to be scolded by the adults there for talking over them. But wait - it hit her suddenly that nobody from Celestial was here, at least not that she could immediately see, and she realized they didn't have to be quiet or polite. Being relatively composed was still in her nature, so it was hard to break out of that shell, but the realization that she could made her want to try.

"Some of them do look crazy," she agreed, a bit too loudly to Geo at her side as she let herself brush against him. Her slight anxiety was comforted by the presence of her siblings, even if they were torn about being here in the first place. "I don't think we have to be quiet," she chimed in, arguing with Geo gently and rolling her eyes a bit. "None of them are even paying attention to us." If they weren't before, hopefully they'd continue to not, but she wasn't so sure with how loud Artur had been.



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
02-17-2019, 09:32 PM
Most of his time was spent in the north with his pack since it was still so small and he felt more needed there at this time. It was chance that he'd ventured south to warmer climates this day of all days. He'd met three of Boreas' other alphas, but his understanding was that there were more around the southern lands. Since he was short on members, he'd decided to make a trip down himself to see what all he could gather about the rest of the continent in a quick trip. Ignatius was... intrigued by what he found.

Before he'd even had a chance to pass the lands he was familiar with he'd heard a summoning howl ring out from the battlefield, a land he'd skirted around before. It sounded quite serious, and given that he was a leader now and wished to keep track of the goings on around him, Ignatius decided to investigate. If it was nothing of interest, he'd leave. When he arrived a short while later a crowd had already begun to form and wolves were chattering and jeering from all sides while a brown mottled man faced off with a piebald wolf he'd also never met.

Scanning the crowd, he found few familiar faces. There was Caelestis, Shaye looking utterly pissed for reasons he was unable to overhear from his side of large clamoring the group, Acere... No one else he was able to easily recognize. Ah well. Given that he'd missed a large part of the chatter, he'd just have to figure things out from here an piece the rest together with a little help from whoever he could catch later. Ig did hear the piebald man speak of someone called Tyranis, elaborating some and tossing out the name of a pack Ignatius didn't know either. Goodness, there appeared to be much left to learn about the packs and politics of Boreas. It might be a good thing that he lived far removed from the other packs. He may as well have been back home, looking at this fight that was about to start, with eager spectators awaiting the first moves of each party and whatever else was going to ensue as a result of the charged energy surrounding it.

Sitting in his own space between the groups backing each side or simply settling in to view other packs affairs being hashed out as he was, Ig sighed to himself, hoping that this wasn't a common occurrence and that if it was that such things would stay well away from him and his pack.



5 Years
Extra small
02-17-2019, 09:41 PM

There are too many of them.

Wolves have come from all parts of Ardent to gather around the battle that is brewing, either murmuring amongst themselves or keeping quiet or adding their own fuel to the flames. A sweeping gaze tells her that Erövrare is outnumbered -- but, where have all of these wolves come from? Dread fills her bones, weighs down her shoulders. Yes, Erövrare has been her kingdom on shining pillars but she knows all too well how pillars can crumble in a matter of moves.

All that matters are her children. But they are safe, aren't they? She has covered the entrance to the thicket with leaves and Eulogy has been put in charge in guarding them, but if these wolves are so against Tyranis then who is to say they won't want to harm his offspring? Leera sidesteps to allow Ezio, who has joined her and Nephthys, and nods to him. If anything, at least they've got Ezio on their side.

Jaws parted, she paces back and forth, saliva dripping from her teeth. Gutteral growls curl from her throat towards Hannibal's challenger, a man she's never seen, but she recognises the brownish woman at his side. Circe... Yes, Leera remembers Circe. She had enjoyed the woman, even taken a liking to her and her ways. And now? Leera doesn't have time to think before a towering man appears before her, draped in familiar white fur.  "It is unfortunate that your king has decided not to show his face and fight for one of his own...including you."

Acere... his challenge astounds her. Suddenly, desperation courses through her blood and heat rises to the surface of her skin; she's sparred once with Acere before and he'd shown her quite a challenge. But that had been only but a mere spar -- this is war. This is real. The Abaven male towers over her, exceeds her in almost every physical dimension, and Leera is still regaining her strength from her recent birth. The odds are unfavorable, to say the least, and without the High Lord's help Leera can predict the outcome. Another male steps in, putting himself between her and Acere, and although he smells of Erövrare he's unfamiliar. "Stop! Stop this at once!" She demands, hackles raised, tail lashing. She locks eyes with Acere and lowers her head, lips still curled over her teeth. She trembles visibly, breath falling from her jaws in helpless urgency. "Take me -- but you will not touch the children. They go unharmed. They remain in my care." She lowers herself to the ground, every nerve in her body screaming for her to fight him, tear out his eyes, drink his blood, but she knows this is the only way she can guarantee her pup's survival.

She glances to Nephthys, hoping she understands why she's submitting. Wolves move and talk and fight in all directions, but Leera can't keep her attention off of anyone but Acere. The children, the children, the children... It's her only motive. Her only fight is to keep them alive. "Acere, promise me it. Promise me they'll live if I come with you," she pleads, softly, ears against her head as she submits before the Abaven male. And then, a threatening tone creeps into her sopranos. She looks Acere right in the eye. "If so much as one of them dies as a result of this, I will make it my singular goal to murder every child you have had or ever will have. I will wear their bones around my neck and I will dress my children in their skins."


speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



5 Years
02-17-2019, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 09:48 PM by Lydia.)

Lydia shifted her pack, making sure it wasn't to tight. She'd had a good haul of a number of items that had been left in old storage dens. She wished she'd have thought of cleaning them out sooner. Now that she was part of a pack there was no reason to keep a smattering of little dens here and there though it would take awhile to clean them out. Trotting through the snow she headed south making a beeline through the battlefield when she caught a staggering amount of different scents. She'd heard the call but had ignored it. Some sort of spat she figured or challenge. It certainly wasn't for her or anyone she knew.

Curiosity got the better of her and as she approached she saw a large group of wolves, from a number of different packs gathered together. What on earth was going on? She was late to the group and very little information to go on other than an angry woman with a feather in her fur yelling at a male and escorting a pup out of the gathering. She looked around and then froze as she noticed the gathering of Abraxas. She felt her blood run cold and her gut sink as she spied Pyralis, locking eyes with the woman who suddenly started grinning. She felt her limbs starting to shake and quickly sat down. Surely the woman wouldn't be so brazen to attack her in this group. Besides, Pyralis had driven her off. She wasn't going to get captured again, definitely not. She quickly broke eye contact with the larger woman.

Another woman spoke, surrendering to a challenge if meant the safety of her children. Lydia felt a pang in her heart for the woman but when she started talking about bones and skins, Lydia shuddered. What madhouse had she walked into?

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
Extra large

02-17-2019, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 09:59 PM by Rhys.)
Rhys skipped onto the scene with Ashmedai at her side. She was nearly giddy with excitement; fights were always a good time. She knew no one who was involved, but did that really matter? No, no it did not. She didn't need to know who was trying to beat the shit out of who or what was motivating them. The fight could have been started with a baby eating contest for all she cared. No, she just wanted to watch a good ole fight. Trash talking would be a bonus, but it could be skipped if one or both participants were particularly bloodthirsty or dramatic.

"Farted out of a god's ass, huh? That's a new one," she commented in response to her dad's statement.

Her ears flicked back as Ashmedai made a comment about the participants. None of those names were familiar to her, but again, did not matter. "Gonna be boring if he doesn't." She eyed her brother, then the crowd around her. "Any betting men out there wanna make this thing interesting for us spectators?"

Ah, apparently she was wrong about it being boring. First the god fart changed tactics and challenged a mangy male, then a big tall angry guy went after a tiny woman, then *gasp* Rhyme? How...out of character with the boy she'd known as a child. His machismo was cut short as cousin Shaye grabbed him by the proverbial curlies and brought him to heel. Well, that was all very interesting. And confusing. Boy, did she have questions.

"So uh..." she asked casually. "What's up with Shaye and Rhyme?" Rhys hadn't gotten a chance to speak to Rhyme much during the raid, but she'd gathered that he was an alpha of some sort. Perhaps Shaye was too?

Oh, wait, what was happening now? The little woman submitted to the big white guy. Well that was...boring. Secretly she'd been hoping the woman was going to be some sort of spider monkey ninja who mowed down the big guy, but alas, she'd have to look elsewhere for a hero.

Rhys eyed the mangy one. He wasn't her first choice but eh, he'd do.




4 Years
Extra large
02-17-2019, 10:24 PM

It was odd for him to even head to the battlefield, but he had to admit he was curious. The call had been for his neighbors and since they were butt up against him he felt he should go see what would happen. He had to be aware when it was so close to home. He took his time and apparently that had been the worse move he could have made today. When he arrived his blue eyes would widen at the extremely large crowd, the mass of different pack and loner scents, and again all the wolves. It made him stop and stare at the butts of the crowd absolutely surprised. Eyes scanning the different pelts and picking out those he knew and those who were strangers. He then looked for a spot, but it was hard to find one. Brows would furrow slightly as he thought about turning around and going back.

Then a very familiar form caught his attention. Lydia was here and suddenly he felt very uncomfortable leaving her here while he went home. The air was tense and he had no clue what all would happen. She was the only one from his pack from what he could see and he headed straight over to her. Walking up and sitting beside her is facial expression turned more serious as he tried to figure out what was going on exactly.

"Any idea what all is going on?" his deep voice was low only for her.

Just then a women submitted to a large pale looking male and his ears would swivel forward on his head. This was one of the reasons he had hoped to secure some sort of relationship with the other packs, hoping to avoid things such as this. He had not went to Erovrare yet, and perhaps that was a good choice on his part.

Speech Think



4 Years
02-17-2019, 10:40 PM

The raven bugled his call from above circling loftily over the gathered spectators, croaking the approach of the king.

The smell would reach them first, the metallic sting of blood and the sour reek of bear bile followed by a furious scream to the heavens. Tyranis approached them, far more than he had ever seen in his life as ruby drops pattered between his feet with every step. He was only Tyranis in shape and in height, his golden eyes nearly solid with the pinprick of his pupils and his lips stretched back in a horrendous smile that showed every single white tooth in his mouth. The dark male’s fur, once a beautiful blend of slate and black was now soaked through and stained r e d with blood.

He moved closer, pushing his way through the onlookers, uncaring of who his glossy fur brushed against or how they might react. Deep, low breaths puffed from his mouth on the winter wind as he moved closer to the center, approaching the red male and his task master.

He stood before the male every muscle in his body tense with fury and wrath. He regarded no one, because in his mind the wolves that surrounded him were not the gathered wolves of Boreas and Auster, they were his ancestors and they had come to witness the power of the Apollyon’s blood in its pique form. Not a giant like his uncle and his father, not in the heavy set build of a war dog, but in the sleek frame of a runner with a mind of deadly sharp intelligence.

With no pretense he shook himself, sending a wide shower of crimson red from his body and on to anyone who had gotten too close. “WHO DARES TO CHALLENGE THE DEMON OF LIGHTNING?!” he demanded. His voice had completely forgone the soft hymn he usually spoke with, it wasn’t his voice at all; it was cracked and deep as a black night, the tones of something ancient, something that had lived long past its life, and had been brought upon the earth imbibed with bloodlust and the very essence of violence. He saw no faces he recognized, only the stony corpses of those long departed, now nothing but crumbling bones. He nailed Archon with his piercing gaze, his eyes wide and all but spiraling with wrath, some might even claim that in brief instances they were not the gold of nature demons but the red of the demon lord himself, the king in hell who called himself Praetor. His teeth clenched for a moment, his gaze never wavering from Archon’s praying in his own damned way that the male would step forth to challenge him and feed the molten blood coursing through his veins. The man who stepped into the battle field may have only been Tyranis in theory, but he was undoubtably a demon’s host, and undeniably the highlord of Erövrare.

Speech Thought You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-18-2019, 12:16 AM
OOC: We agreed on 10 ft apart facing each other

Archon's focus stayed to Hannibal as the rumble of voices around him blurred. Vaguely he saw a few fights start to break out in what he could only consider classless drama. These mortals had no respect. They were simply here, invited to spectate and somehow they couldn't even do that.

Hannibal said he was here to clean up his alpha's mess. Little did he know how true that was.

Before he could initiate the fight, the alpha slunk in. He was an ooey gooey mess of coagulating blood body fluids. Archon looked at him for a moment as he yelled. He claimed himself the demon king of lightning and Archon wasn't able to hold back the scoff that entered his throat. He almost laughed. His maw twitched. He composed himself. This was no laughing matter. This was a pathetic display, but the man seemed genuinely convinced that this was who he was and that this... appearance was somehow how he was meant to enter.

"Wait your turn, filthy waif," Archon demanded, his eyes breaking from Hannibal for a split second. "You might look like you were just born: covered in afterbirth and waste, but we both know better. You dishonor the nature of a challenge with your disgusting scum. I have another challenge in mind, now. While you were dressing yourself, I found a worthy opponent to fight. In the meantime, perhaps you should cleanse yourself. By the time you return, we will be done here."

Archon turned his attention back to Hannibal, a brief flash of concern going in the pale man's direction. This was his alpha? How pitiful. Archon knew now he had chosen well to fight Hannibal instead.

The two faced each other with 10ft between them (as agreed upon).

Archon readied his defenses: His legs spacing out slightly wider than shoulder and hip width apart for balance and he bent his knees for added agility and to lower the center of gravity. His weight distributed evenly across his legs. Archon's toes dug into the ground for traction, his tail flagging out to aid in agility and balance. His hackles laced up his back, the fur adding to the padding and protecting from glancing blows. His head came down level with his spine as he tucked his chin and rolled his shoulders, shifting his scruff to protect his neck. His ears pinned to his head and he narrowed his eyes, curling his lips in an effort to deflect blows from his face and eyes. He was ready.

More than that, he was nearly a foot larger than his opponent.

Archon launched himself at his opponent head on. He would wait until the last minute to divert himself slightly to his right. He lifted his left foreleg and pushed his left shoulder out, redistributing his weight to his three grounded legs. With his left forepaw raised and left shoulder jutting out, Archon aimed to slam down on and pin Hannibal's left forepaw, hoping the weight difference between the two would be enough to fracture some of the toes. He simultaneously aimed to ram his left shoulder into the smaller man's left shoulder. With the run-up and speed, he hoped he might be able to hit with enough power to dislocate Hannibal's left shoulder.

Hopefully the shoulder jab and paw stomp combo would render Hannibal's left foreleg unusable.

Archon's jaws opened wide, snaking around to Archon's left and seeking to bite and grip the top of Hannibal's spine, about a half inch from where Hannibal's shoulders met his back. Archon intended to encompass the spine with his lower teeth on the left of the spine and the top teeth on the right, aiming to crush a vertebrae or two with enough force to render Hannibal paralyzed.

If he was able to accomplish what he aimed to do, the fight would be over in seconds.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM
Round: 1/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy

Ezio I


4 Years
Dire wolf
02-18-2019, 12:21 PM
He simply raised a brow as both females replied to him, but he turned his head around as his eyes would hover over the gathering wolves. It wasn't until he noticed a large pale figure move towards them, he observed in silence as this other male would confront Leera. Interested, his eyes now focused on this individual and his ears listening to his words. But Ezio was also on edge as he was sitting very close to the woman, he couldn't help but a slight sneer to appear upon his features. A low growl threatened to emit from him, yet he didn't move the slightest.

Leera's next actions surprised him and he could only assume that it was an act. The choice she made was understandable, especially if the birth of her pups was recent. It was clear to Ezio that she was being smart about this situation and what she was doing. He wondered if he should say or do anything, but he wasn't too sure on how to approach this situation. "She and her pups will be going somewhere safe, I hope," he decided to speak up after giving a few seconds of thought. "I care for Leera as well as her offspring. You will also promise me, Ezio, that no harm or anything of the sort will be done to her or them," he roughly finished, there was some compassion expressed in his speech.

Ezio was keeping to what had been agreed upon their first meeting as he belonged to her and vice versa. He wasn't about to lose that now, she was invaluable to him.
Ezio can be a mature and unpredictable character sometimes.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-18-2019, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2019, 01:23 PM by Valentine.)
The crowd swelled rapidly and blew his expectations out of the water. For a little challenge like this he’d expected a couple spectators from both groups and a fistful of bloodthirsty drama hounds such as himself, but this? Hopefully the fight was worth the turnout.

As events like this were wont to do, the situation quickly devolved. Various members of his family spoke but Valentine only had eyes for the potential fighters. The one exception to his tunnel vision was Rhythm, whose question managed to pull a knee jerk reaction from him. “Oh don’t you worry, I’ll tell you all about the good bits.”  

And woo boy were there good bits. The god fart, unable to fight his target, decided to go after a scabby henchman instead. Dutifully Valentine began to narrate. “The caller’s squaring up with a henchman now. Oh- looks like Abaven’s grown some balls. One of their guys is going after a...” He eyed the scared little woman. “Nah, scratch that. It’s the same old shit. He’s fighting a little lady.”

And then... With an amused expression Valentine watched Rhyme saunter over to a yearling. His stance made it clear what he was doing. “Eh, Rhyme’s taking a swing at the other pack too. Going after a yearlin-“ Shaye to the rescue! Valentine snorted a laugh as Shaye lit into Rhyme and the other guy. Rhyme quickly feel into line and Valentine just shook his head. That exchange probably summed their relationship up nicely.

So engrossed was he in narrating that when Rhys asked her question he answered without a moment’s thought. “They’re fucking, now be quiet it’s getting interesting.”

Ah, finally the big man himself! The man of the hour, the...the...shit covered lightning demon? Eh, to each their own. It made sense, really, that the god fart would be squaring off with a dirty demon. Valentine of course laughed loudly and unabashedly at the thought. “The original challengee has arrived and he’s a doozy. Crawled into something and rolled around in the gore before coming here.”

The god fart wanted nothing to do with the dirty lightning demon and instead went after the scabby henchman. Caring little for what was happening around him, Valentine settled down to watch the fight. He’d narrate some more if anything else interesting happened, but for now he was content to simple spectate.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
02-18-2019, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2019, 01:33 PM by Chaos.)
Chaos watched the growing... well, chaos... with all the fondness of an indulgent father. And speaking of fatherhood, both Ares and Lyra decided to show up, driving a resigned sigh from their father. "Just watch," he said, somewhat more sharply than usual. "If wither one of you start a fight running your mouth, they won't have to bite you because I will." The size of this crowd, and the emotions running high as they were, blood was sure to spill and it would be like chiming shark infested waters. If one of the kids pissed someone off, who knew how many other people would turn on the pup? No yearling could hold their own against multiple opponents looking to kill. One or both of them could be dead before he or Valen could intervene. And he loved his brother, but he had no faith that he would help if one of Chaos' kids were in trouble.

It was starting to get awfully crowded around Valen, so he stretched casually and moved forward a few paces - shooting his pups a look that said clearer than words to stay put - before sprawling down on his belly. "Which one are you taking bets on, Rhys? That's what three fights now and it's just started." He shot back with a grin, as other fights started breaking out. Started, surprisingly, by Rhyme and another one of his Abaven wolves seeking to take captives from Erovrare. Chaos chuckled, practically rubbing his paws together gleefully. Oh Shaye would not like that, and what was she going to do with a bunch of inconvenient captives but trade them to Legion?

Disappointment when Shaye showed up to put a stop to it before immediately scooping up an Abaven brat - Chaos' eyes narrowed at the telltale markings under the runty little rat's eyes - and bearing it away. Chaos turned his gaze curiously to Rhyme and the other Abaven wolf, wondering if they would take her threat seriously or push forward. RHYME backed down immediately, but the other wolf didn't, and as Shaye disappeared the wolf he was challenging gave up, babbling threats even as she did.

Behind him, Rhys asked what was up with Rhyme and Shaye, and Valen was quick to answer, and answer that had Chaos whipping his head around to stare quite owlishly at his father. "They're what?" he managed in strangled outrage, torn between wanting to die laughing or kill Rhyme. What the actual fuck? "Obviously he got it from... uh..." Eyeing Rhythm sitting there, he stopped short is saying that Rhyme got it from the Destructions. "Right then. Let's just watch."

A commotion heralded the arrival of Tyranis, covered it blood and digestive fluids, and Chaos raised a brow. Drugs, he decided, were a hell of a thing. Whatever he was on, count Chaos out. The legion alpha laughed out loud in disbelieving derision, but the original challenger, farted out of a gods ass Valen called it, his reply made it even worse, and Chaos booted with laughter. "Holy shit can you guys be anymore melodramatic?" he shouted to the pair of them. "Please, say something else. But make it really, really dramatic this time. You aren't trying hard enough."

There was, of course, the problem of his very-Abaveny brother, which was a bit of a problem since all of Boreas (and some of Auster) had just seen an Imperialis thoroughly pussy-whipped by a Destruction who was supposed to be his cousin but was apparently fucking her? He thought back to the pup who had randomly managed to make it to the gathering, and his stomach clenched again. Was that worthless little inbred runt going seen by everyone here as an Imperialis? As his nephew? Or niece, whatever, he hadn't really peeked at the genitalia and pups all kind of looked the same at that age. Either way, it wasn't a problem that could be remedied here but it thoroughly pissed Chaos off that everyone here could associate him not only with Rhyme's docile behavior but with his defective pup.

"So, Abaven," he said loudly, his gaze and his words both clearly directed at Rhyme as Chaos rose to his feet and faced him. "She's got you by the balls doesn't she? Going to be a good little boy and give the bitch back to Erovrare like Shaye would tell you to do? I mean, what a waste of a slave, right? Of course, that's up to you, if you give her back there's nothing I can do about it." He heaved a sigh, but glanced at Tyranis speculatively. Well, he could do something if they gave her back, but... ew. Not putting his mouth on that to get a pretty and probably useless slave, no thanks. It wasn't even about the bitch anyway, so if she ended up back in Tyranis' loving, gooey arms that was no skin off Chaos' nose. His gaze slid back to Rhyme, dismissing the Ero alpha. "Or..." he continued, "You could just give her to me and Shaye will never have to know. You know, so she doesn't kick you out of her bed." There was a disgusted, vindictive bite to the last words, though his expression was fixed into a grin. "Hell you can even pretend not to want to so you can always tell Shaye you tried to be her obedient little boytoy. What do you say, Rhyme?"

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
02-18-2019, 03:27 PM

Corvus knew the call he'd heard, while scouting near the edge of Abaven's borders, wasn't meant for him. It had nothing to do with him, actually, but he thought back to his recent little training session with Acere and he couldn't help but wonder what was going on. He'd been thinking lately of how little he knew outside of Abaven and his own family, and for that reason alone he warily started toward the call. Worse case scenario, he could just bail when he got there if things weren't going well, right? Someone was calling for a fight and he wasn't sure whether spectating would be safe or not, but he thought back too to his talk with Peggy. They needed to learn to fight, to protect their families, and maybe he could get some valuable knowledge out of watching an actual, serious, adult fight take place.

He realized, as he drew closer to the Battlefield, that a few Abaven wolves had already gone this way. Caelestis, first of all, but that didn't surprise him much. He trailed after her scent and before long he was standing a few dozen yards away from a massive group of wolves. He wasn't sure what the hell was happening, but clearly it was exciting and the tension was palpable in the air. And was that blood he smelled? Sweet! Even from a distance he could pick out some familiar forms, including Rhyme and Acere, who seemed to be involved in an altercation of some sort. And - wait, was that Ignis? Curious, he bounded toward him, deciding he didn't need to be wary. There was way too much going on for anyone to pay attention to him; usually his size made him stick out like a sore thumb, even back at home, but there were more giants here than he could count on one paw, so it seemed like less of a big deal now.

..and oh, there was Shaye, looking quite pissed off. Maybe coming here hadn't been such a good idea. He avoided crossing her path, deciding to pull away from Ignis instead and peek over the crowd, though one big guy's voice caught his attention. He was looking toward Shaye and Rhythm, talking a lot of crap that Corvus didn't totally follow. But what he said at the end, coupled with what the other old dude had said, suddenly made him feel sick. Wait, Rhyme and Shaye had screwed? Like... actually screwed? What the hell? How did this guy know all that? Either way, he suddenly regretted coming and all his thoughts of staying and spectating the fight pretty much flew out the window. Well, he'd stay anyway but his mind was reeling with other, much weirder and way more gross thoughts. Just when I've started to feeling comfortable with everything in my life, he thought, rather melodramatically, groaning inwardly at the thought of another thing in his life going wrong.

Shaking his head, he decided to push those thoughts aside for now, no matter how badly he wanted to sprint back to Abaven and dish the drama out on Peggy. He slowly lumbered back toward Ignis, wondering if he'd witnessed anything he might've missed himself, angry Shaye be damned. He was near the front of the group and Corvus didn't hesitate to use his big size to his advantage, sneaking through toward his buddy. "Did I miss anything?" Corvus asked, shooting him a toothy grin as he settled to his hindquarters and waited for the show to unfold.



5 Years
Extra large
02-18-2019, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2019, 06:34 PM by Ra'.)

Ra knew that battle was brewing even when he was miles away. The tension lay heavy in the sky. Now he was here.

Now riot was raised and bloody slaughter ruled all. Was that a half smile. He was one for strong tastes. Gods see the fall of empires and think it no more than shallow leisure. Destruction for him was decoration. Death a sweet scent of home. And here, yes here was something for the most jaded palette to enjoy.

Ravens wheeled above, eager for carrion. Waiting for the claws to fly, the crimson spurt of blood that signalled an eagles future feed. Sharp teeth busied in the bitter battle rush. Great warriors will fall today.

Some of the stout hearted would turn coward. Fey wolves will win fame far beyond fleeting life. Lucky them that die well. Lying still on bloodied earth. They will be immortal. Hell fiends will come not for them, but for the weak, the battle shy.

Yes - this was Battle Royal - a death of kings and queens, the ultimate stimuli. Ra knew he should calmly rise above the battle, willing on those that either lose their life or avenge those they love who were lost. Admire those warriors young in Winters. But beneath his lion like physique he felt his blood begin to boil. A presence. Something, someone here that could not let him stay aloof. The presence of a pitch black heart. The Egyptian Lotus gave the game away.

Across the battlefield - the goddess - Nephthys herself.

words of a god
words of ramses

Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise



7 Years
02-19-2019, 01:29 PM

Nura had known her nephew had his sights set on something, some pack had wronged him and she knew he was determined to get back what he felt was rightfully his. It took her some time to find where they were gathered, her unfamiliarity with the locale making her slower than she was likely to admit. But the sounds and scents of many gathered wolves finally drew her in, the presence of her nephew also reached her nose.

She could not tell what it was that was occurring around her, the overwhelming scents and sounds disorienting her but she was unwilling to ask for assistance from any of the mortals here. So she simply settled upon her haunches, turning white eyes towards where she could smell Archon.

The woman was struck with a sense of foreboding. She did not know who he was fighting or what he had declared the fight to be for now but she was visited by images of revenge descending upon their heads. Her nephew's newly formed band, so promising and dedicated to their cause, was being gambled with here... and she worried Archon had failed to recognize that.


Art by ANG-07



8 Years
02-19-2019, 01:37 PM

The world was spinning at ten times speed as he stood face to face with his opponent. The sheer amount of spectators surprised him. In his time in Boreas and even Auster he had not met so many different Wolves. Where were they all lurking? Perhaps most only stretched their legs at the sense of drama. As the sounds of bickering, gossip, and even worry filled his ears it was evident most didn't even have ties to Archon. Perhaps they knew of the Godly man but other then that everyone seemed to be rather neutral when it came to the actual fight. That being said it seemed as Archon and Hannibal were hunkering down for their fight a few other fights were ready to break out. Tensions were high and he could sense the drama as if it were a noxious gas. Leera was being challenge for and then Thora too. It seemed Abaven was puffing their chest out and for what reason? It was hard to say. The name Eulogy had been thrown around but he still could not place as to why she would be of importance to these Wolves. Or even important enough to start a war.

As he ripped his thoughts away from the other seeminglymeaningless drama there was yet another dramatic entrance. This time is was much less graceful. The stench of bile and blood filled his pink nose. A snort could be seen and heard from the albino as his pale gaze reluctantly met his Alpha. Blood and chunks of muck covered his dark from and disgustingly dramatic vocals boomed through the air. At this point Hannibal was about done with the horrific and desperate need of attention these Wolves were emitting. As a vain and rather dreadfully manic creature Hannibal could reason with a bit of theatrics. Nephthys and himself seemed to both relish within their undying need of attention for one another. But to display such disgusting attempts to take the spotlight and to show up to your challenge later then every other Wolf in the lands covered in Bear guts was just pathetic. With a judgmental gaze the phantom listened to the belittlement that Archon brought forth. It seemed despite the fact that Hannibal and Archon were about to fight they could agree on their distinct disapproval for Tyranis and his little show.

Hannibal flicked his gaze to his leaders eyes and a snarl appeared on his lips. "My mighty Alpha has made his grand entrance." His head tilted and his eyes widened in a look of putrid wonder. "I am so very glad you took the time to roll about in some guts, it seems you really have your priorities straight Tyranis. In the meantime I have been challenged for my freedom." The beast raised his head and his tail shot upward to the sky. The dominance leaking from his form was greater then seen before. Hannibal had no regard for the authority his alpha held for his own power was leaking through. At this point, he had given up on attempting to please Tyranis or turning a blind eye to his utter disrespect for the most active and promising member of his pack. Hannibal had no ill will towards his leader but within recent months Tyranis did nothing but shun the albino for doing nothing but bettering Erovrare. And now? Now Tyranis shows up covered in blood demanding respect from the other creatures that were so gracious in showing up to the challenge on time. Wether that be a difference in minutes Hannibal's freedom was being challenged for due to his leader's lack of punctuality.

"You will get the fight you deserve Tyranis." However the alpha took Hannibal's last words was up to him. The truth behind his tongue would be revealed soon. "If you would, please back away from the fighting ring.. You are going to muddy up the earth with your disgusting drippings." With that Hannibal moved his gaze back towards Archon. They stared at one another with simple understanding that the fight was about to begin. They stood ten feet away from one another head on. It was a fair fight for what Hannibal lacked in height would be limber speed. He also took those moments to ready his defenses once again for that had been let up during the rude interruption of his alpha.

Hannibal lowered his head to align with his spine. His chin pointed downward to protect his throat. Eyes narrowed into slants to protect from dirt and dust. Lips curled upward to expose rigid teeth. Ears flattened against his head to make them much less of a target. His hackles raised and rolled to protect his upper back and appear menacing. A black and white tail aligned with his spine for balance, especially while moving. Legs bent to lower his form to the ground and each leg was places evenly apart for a sturdy stance. Hannibal's weight was evenly distributed between each large paw and his pads flexed to grip the earth below. His mind cleared as his breathing was much more focused. Hannibal was ready for the battle and he drowned out all of the meaningly chatter surrounding him. This was the beginning of a mighty revolution and it began with fighting for his freedom.

Suddenly Archon charged in Hannibal's direction. Hannibal dug his paws in the earth to prepare for the impact with a grimace across his pretty face. At the last moment Archon diverted and ran at Hannibal's left. The albino watched carefully as Archon moved his left forepaw upward just before the disturbing impact of their bodies colliding. Due to the force of the larger Wolf's left shoulder connecting with Hannibal own left shoulder a pang of extreme pain flowed through the albino's body. Archon's left front shoulder hit right at the joint which threw Hannibal's left shoulder back enough to almost dislocate the joint but thankfully it remained in tact. The pale male felt jolt within his front left shoulder joint led by a throbbing of pain. There would most likely be a rock hard knot forming beneath the albino's bruised skin. His left foreleg was not useless but any movement would easily bring forth heart wrenching pain for the pale male. - Though, with the impact of Archon's hit to Hannibal's left shoulder, the albino's left foreleg and paw was forced back and to the left enough to almost dodge Archon's attempt at crushing Hannibal's toes. Archon was able to press down on Hannibal's inner most right toe on his front left paw enough to send a howling sense of pain up through Hannibal's left foreleg. The inner most right toe would throb with pain and likely swell due to the amount of pressure that was stomped down upon it. The combination of Archon's first two attacks would render Hannibal's left foreleg and left shoulder extremely painful and tender. But, with the adrenaline pumping through the albino's body he was just barely able to maintain a stance enough to continue fighting on the limb. The pale male ensured his weight was redistributed between his other three legs in order to maintain balance. As well as his uninjured paws further digging into the dirt below.

Within seconds Archon was assaulting once again. This time he moved from Hannibal's left to Hannibal's right. The albino was about a foot shorter then his opponent which rendered his back an easy target. Archon moved to bite Hannibal's upper back at the top of his spine. It was an attack that could end in Hannibal's demise; paralyzation. With the albino being aware of the severity of Archon's attack, due to the amount of sensitive flesh upon his back, he was rather quick with an attempt to counter it. As Archon snaked his head up to Hannibal's right and aimed to bite, Hannibal aimed to very swiftly move his body down towards the ground with bending of his elbows and knees. Most of his weight was distributed between his front right leg and two hind legs but he still managed to press down his front left leg enough for the sake of his counter attack. Pain shot through his already sore body but Hannibal was able to clench through it for the sake of his freedom. In an instant Hannibal attempted to force his body upward and slightly to the right. The albino aimed for the top right side of his head and neck to be lurched upward into Archon's throat, about where his opponent's mandible would end and his neck begin. With the angle of Archon's own assault of Hannibal's upper back the albino's upper right neck, behind his right ear, should be easily placed at Archon's throat/neck region. Hannibal hoped to apply enough force upward to do some moderate damage to his opponent's throat and perhaps knock the wind out of the larger Wolf. Or possibly send Archon's head upward enough to move out from under him. If he was lucky Archon would be forced to take a few moments to collect himself but it all depended on his opponents movement and reaction to such a sudden lurch. - Though, Hannibal's attempt at a counter assault would not be enough to defer Archon's bite. With the upward movement of the albino's body Archon's bite purchased but slightly lower then intended. Archon's upper jaws hit at Hannibal's spine about three inches below the albino's shoulder blades. Archon's lower jaw was able to make purchase just below his upper jaws. With Hannibal's movements, (his attempt at lurching upward into Archon's throat), Archon was able to puncture the pink and scabby skin of Hannibal's upper back enough to draw blood and cause a moderate to severe amount of pain. But, there was not enough impact to crush any vertebrae, thankfully. Blood dripped from Hannibal's upper back and the sting of a bite flowed down his spine to the tip of his tail. A visible grimace could be seen in response but the attack was not enough to send the pale male into submission.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM (freedom)
Round: 1/3
Height: 35"
Build: medium

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
02-19-2019, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2019, 02:43 PM by Tyranis.)

The demon laughs, a hollow sound that seemed to come from many voices. It seems the red man would rather scrabble with the demon’s taskmaster than face him, how could he blame him when he depended so much on his size, never once believing his bulk could be a disadvantage. Hannibal it seemed had grasped that

His attention was brought away from the fight as the black man teased and taunted the other Praetor and a man who briefly peaked through the veil of an ancestor’s watching eyes to become Rhyme.

"WHAT’S THIS?! CHOOSING TO TAKE THE DEMON’S CHILDREN?!” He questioned with a gurgling and guttural snarl, moving to pace closer to the would-be Praetor and the woman who had flung herself at his paws. He looked down at the woman first, the wide splitting grin on his features never once breaking the face splitting grin then turned his attention back to the white male. “THIS ONE FEARS YOU!” He stated gesturing with his paws at the pointed woman, his voice holding a dreadfully mocking lit to it that seemed to coil around the primal tones that dominated his speech.



Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
02-19-2019, 09:30 PM

With her new found rank she was getting a little bolder about going past the pack borders on her own. When the call originally came she would simply ignore it. Why would she wanna go see a fight with Ty’s pack. She would simply look for something else to do. She kept herself occupied but something kept nagging her, something kept drawing her thoughts back to the call. She was sure uncle more then likely be there. She had also come across Ig’s trail going that way too. She huffed before deciding to go to. Lorenzo was sleeping in the den and she didn’t go back to disturb him, she went alone.

When she arrived there was a large mass of watchers and for a while she stood at the back of the crowd, mouth agap as she looked over all the wolves. She saw her Uncle step up to claim someone, saw Rhyme go for a yearling, heard some of the comments from the crowd and suddenly she felt very uncomfortable with this many wolves. She spotted Ig’s bright red coat and headed in that direction brushing up against him lightly just as Ty arrived. The site she saw made her blood boil, make her face twist in distaste and her molten gaze harden.

Was he trying to mock her brothers bright red coat?! That’s how she saw it, mocking him for his color. He arrived with all the bark he could muster, but did he try and reclaim his wife? No. Did he lash out and begin a fight? No. He simply spoke and her blood would run cold as he turned to her Uncle and began to talk to uncle in the way he did.. without a word she slaughtered fourth brushing past her brother and marching right out into the middle. The familiar face she once had as a child now on her face, bored and lacking any other emotion. Standing beside her uncle she looked up without any fear as he finished his speech.

"A demon?" she huffed slightly mockingly. "All I see is a disgusting rotten fool."

Her gaze stared directly at those golden eyes, her own molten gaze stone cold.

"You are looking at the wrong wolf when it comes to ripping families apart," she started. "You are not part of our family and you never will. You are nothing more then a mistake made because of a mental Illness and you continue to prove that with everything you do."

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them