
Black and Gold



10-02-2013, 08:00 PM

Imena would sit there silently as she listened to her pack around her. She pressed into Cael, breathing in his scent that was so oh so familiar to her as her own paws. With Cael so silent on her question she guessed it would be best to talk to Chrysanthe after the meeting. As her name was spoken she straightened up. Sky blue eyes lit up at being giving a task involving the pups. Her tail wagged happily behind her.I will teach them all i know." She vowed softly and dipped her head.

As she continued to listen she frowned slightly. She did not like this idea of war, but there seemed to be no way around it. She sighed softly, mentally counting her and Cael's stocks. She could only pray this war would hold off till spring. Winter was harsh enough and if many were wounded during this war, she feared there would not be enough herbs. As Chrysanthe called the meeting to an end she glanced at Cael and nudged him softly before padding over to her alpha."Chrysanthe, may i have a word with you?" She would pause to allow her alpha to address her before she would continue."This ambush..could it wait till spring? I fear with winter we will have it hard enough to stay fed and fit. Plus..if there are injuries we Healers will be limited on our stocks." She eyes cast down to her paws and worry sank into her and she shivered. But not all thing had to be negative. She looked back up at her leader. "Also...Chrysanthe..Cael and I have taken each other as mates. I hope you agree..." Her voice trailed off, not knowing what else to say about Cael and her. Eyes looked at her alpha, searching for approval.



10-03-2013, 01:38 AM

ooc// sorry, I don't check pack boards often >.>

He had heard, he had heard about everything that had happened. And that was why when the pack meeting was called he had stood and lingered near his den for quite some time. It seemed like hours slipped by and honestly he knew he would be late but could he even face his pack? All of this had happened because of his daughter, Chrys's mate was gone now and who knew what they were doing to him over there. So it took him a long time before he finally began moving towards the pack meeting. When he did arrive it was wrapping up, he would have to get the details from someone else afterwards. He moved towards his daughter, head lowered as to not draw attention to himself. He would sit quietly and wait until the meeting was concluded and then maybe call to someone later to catch him up on everything.



10 Years
Athena I
10-05-2013, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 02:30 PM by Cael.)

ooc: sorry for long stretch between posts, got sidetracked x_x

The meeting was a whirlwind of activity. New titles being named, plots of war being made, so much to keep up with. Cael almost couldn't keep track of it all. The high points for him were getting to sit beside his beloved sister, Rayne being assigned to work alongside his aunt as lead healer, and his love showing up to sit beside him. He looked to Rayne and gave her a congratulatory nod and a smile before giving Imena his full attention. Her question sparked his interest. He gave a gentle shake of his head and brushed his muzzle against hers. "No, lets wait till after the meeting, dear. No need to bother everyone with our business when there's war to discuss." He smiled tenderly and rested his tail over hers. Even with the talk of fighting and the mass chaos that was their huge pack meetings, Cael still felt calm and at ease with Imena by his side. His ears perked up and a happy smile came across his muzzle when he heard Chrysanthe's request to have Imena help with the pups. He knew how much his dear loved children and knew that would be a perfect task for her. He gave Imena a knowing, happy look before turning his attention back to the alpha.

Once the meeting was beginning to draw to a close, he followed his mate over to speak with Chrysanthe. He stood a step or two back from Imena's shoulder, letting her speak her piece. Elva tagged along, slipping between his forelegs to peak up at the alpha. Cael nodded in agreement with Imena's suggestion of holding off till spring. Of course, there was nothing they could do if Glaciem decided to strike first or if Chrysanthe decided they needed to go ahead and take their chances. The healers would do their best under any circumstances they were given.

Cael smiled a little and took a step forward to stand at Imena's shoulder. "Yes, it's true. I love Imena very dearly and, as long as you agree, I would want no one else as my mate." Cael turned his saphire and gold gaze to look at Imena, his gaze shining with affection. In the turmoil and strife that swirled around them recently, it felt good to know that love still existed and was proud to have that love in his heart.




Extra small
10-11-2013, 08:22 AM


verdicts had been delivered and the serpent would readily take the strides forward to exit. he needed to make haste and he needed to make sure that they knew how hard his tactics would be. He would be a king unlike anything Valhalla had yet to tolerate, but his power and dedication would be seemingly insurmountable. the rigid movements of Syrinx allowed him to disappear as rapidly as he had come and with a twist of the maw and a shrug of the shoulders he was preparing to summon them for their training. they would be forced to be reckoned with; of this he was certain.



10-13-2013, 03:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2013, 03:37 AM by Chrysanthe.)
She was glad that Imena was willing to train the pups that they had. Soliel's pups were growing quickly, and Eos's children had been abandoned by their mother, so they would need a bit of guidance. Syrinx was a good father in his own right, but she wanted them to have a bit of experience working with the pack. They may like it or hate it but at least it would be experience at the end of things. Imena had a big job - but she trusted that the den keeper would do well.

The eta was concerned about the up and coming war, but her worries could not be snuffed out. Unfortunately, although the alpha would listen to her request, she could not adhere to it. "We have to strike, hard and fast, or else we will be taken off guard." She would be sending the children to Seracia as soon as the message was sent, the warriors would begin immediate training, this was happening - it couldn't be stopped regardless of the danger involved. "I am sorry Imena, but we have no choice. This will happen very soon, whether we make the first move or not. Waiting until spring is simply out of the question." She wasn't even sure if she had the privilege of putting this off a few weeks, let alone an entire season.

The alpha would lower her head, she was sorry - but that was simply the way that things were.

The female came with good news though - and the alpha would smile toward the couple as they announced their relationship. "Congratulations - I hope that the two of you are happy together. I would put pups off until things have calmed down, but whenever you two want to start your family you are welcome to." Their lives would not be put on hold because of fighting with Glaciem - that would meant hat even if the ice pack lost, they had won. Putting so much fear into them that they could do nothing else was part of the point they wanted to make, the woman was sure of it.