
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-19-2019, 11:20 PM
She huffed at her father indignantly. "I'll behave. This time. Besides, this is something I want to watch, not really something I want involved in." And with that retort, she immediately turned her attention back to the battlefield. Oh. Guess the scabby thing wasn't Tyranis. Her head tilted as she considered Archon's words, mulling them over quietly to herself. Negotiate for what, precisely? A proposition or offer for what? Her musings got cut short abruptly at Archon's next words, and Lyra's eyes snapped to Hannibal almost immediately for his reaction. She knew immediately what Archon meant; hell, even if she hadn't, it was made all too clear by his focus on the scabby wolf, and the sudden tensing for battle. A small grin formed on the young woman's face. Oh, she liked this one. He was smart.

However, it was impossible for her attention to remain on the wolves when the scent of something heavebnly arose near her, with a thunk. Her head whipped around to stare at Aerndis, who approached the group with an easy familiarity - and oh, she was colored similarly to her and Ares! And had the Imperialis eyedots! Inquisitive, she scooted closer to other brightly-colored wolf, unabashadly eyeing the "snack". "I don't suppose I get to share in the snack too, eh?" she chirruped cheerfully, a gleam of hope in her eyes. Oh man, that'd be perfect, gnawing on a bone and watching the drama. She had know idea who this chick was, but she had food, and seemed to know her father and grandfather, and maybe more, and she had eyedots. She knew there was no way she was Lyra's sibling, but man, imperialis and star, it was like her parents all over again. "Oh yeah, I'm Lyra, should probably tell ya that if I'm gonna ask for some of the snack. Who're you? Didn't expect to see other brightly colored Imperialis or Saxes besides my siblings."

She barely paused for an answer before her attention was riveted back on the scene unfolding before her: it seemed that scabby guy was pissed. Dissing his alpha, with disdain dripping rom every word. My, my. He was a pleasant man. And, simultaneously, it seemed two more battles were about to break out. Her eyes widened as she realized when she realized who started them: Abaven wolves, against the Ero wolves. Interesting. Perhaps Abaven had grown a pair since her father last saw them and discussed them? After all, all her knowledge about them was from him, and he did not hold a very high opinion about them at all.

Oh. Wait. Guess not. She eyed the blue female who entered, and... thoroughly admonished, lectured, and publicly embarrassed her pack wolves for daring to try to claim wolves. She couldn't help the snort as the other blue wolf slunked off to his alpha. Okay, nevermind, maybe Abaven hadn't changed from what she'd been taught by her father. It seemed the other wolf didn't back down, though, so that was something. She curiously wondered what the consequence would be, but then her attention was riveted by one detail of conversation:

"What's up with Shaye and Rhyme?"

She glanced at the one who spoke. She knew Shaye - and she recognized Rhyme's name. Rhythm's child with Valentine. Her uncle. That would explain the other blue wolf, and knowing her family, it was easily to see the resemblance between Valentine and Rhythm.

“They’re fucking, now be quiet it’s getting interesting.”

Wait. What? Her head whipped around to stare at Valentine, but he could hardly care less, so engrossed was he. In fact, the statement was said so nonchalantly that Lyra's mind was working overtime to try to catch what seemed to off about that: Wait. Shaye was a Destruction. Rhythm was a Destruction. Rhyme's a Destruction by blood, and Imperialis by name. That meant... "Ew," she exclaimed in utter disgust, horror and revulsion crossing her face. "Thanks, Grandpaw. Definitely needed to know there was incest in our family." Truthfully, she doubted he'd even hear her words.

Thankfully, she didn't have to dwell on that long: something else captured her attention, something almost as revolting and aversive as the thought of incest. It was... a wolf covered in blood and core, reeking of bile and blood. Instantly, her whole face scrunched up as she studied the man... who suddenly beamed out words. Demon.... of... lightning? Her eyes only grew more wide as he spoke, and she glanced at the one closest to her: Aerndis. "What kind of drugs is he on?" she wondered. "Actually, nevermind, I don't want to know. I have no interest in acting like that." She jabbed a paw in the general vicinity of the now less-bloody wolf, for he'd flung blood all over those closest to him. Ew.

She watched curiously as he prowled close to the woman who'd surrendered to the Abaven wolf. Oh, great, he was still speaking stupidly. Was that this guy's normal voice? It was preeeeeetty fucking dumb. It just sounded like he was on drugs and trying to scare people. It wasn't working. With anyone. In fact, everyone else looked just about as disdainful as her, including his own pack: especially Hannibal, who flat out dismissed Tyranis the second she appeared. Well. At least it was proving interesting.


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-19-2019, 11:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2019, 12:04 AM by Ignis.)
"Talk" Walk

So much was going on! More wolves showed up, including Tyranis all covered in blood and gore. Ignis wrinkled his nose at the display, mostly because of the strong smell of blood that he was unused to. For once, he felt unnerved. Only because he sort of knew what the demons were capable of, or at least...based on what his father had told him. Ruina's teaching had revolved around them, and although he didn't learn everything about them, he remembered the bits and pieces he did learn. The things his father said before he abandoned them. Ignis would supposedly be closest to them because of his red fur and eyes, and his heart pounded against his chest at the prospect of him suddenly becoming like Tyranis or Elias. He didn't want to hurt anyone the way his father did...the way Tyranis might do. He didn't know what Tyranis was going to do if anything at all. And he was left feeling a little on edge.

Luckily, there were so many voices speaking at once that he was able to distract himself. There were so many interesting conversations and of course, he wanted to be nosy. But even though he tried to abandon that and focus on his uncle and the fights at hand, he just couldn't. His uncle was going after a small silver woman, Rhyme was going after a girl around his age, but before either of them could start anything else, Shaye appeared. He watched with excitement and interest as she yelled at them, and while Rhyme had backed down, his uncle did not. Ha! He knew his uncle well enough to know that he probably wouldn't, though Shaye's threat sounded pretty serious. Still, he didn't think his uncle cared enough or not. But of course, he wasn't sure exactly what his uncle would do. He had never seen him in this sort of situation, and while he knew Ace was a pretty reasonable guy, it was hard to tell how much he was willing to reason right now. Before he knew it, other wolves he didn't know were yelling out things that confused Ignis for a second. It took him a moment to process it, and then...wait...Shaye and Rhyme?! WHAT!? He shot a horrified look in Rhyme's direction but quickly turned away. What...did he just hear that? Taking a peek at the older wolves who said it, he noticed they had eye markings similar to Rhyme's and he slowly pieced together that they must be his family. He shuddered. Shaye and Rhyme were cousins and they...he felt himself wanting to wretch, but he swallowed it back.

Among the throng of bodies around him, Ignis soon felt Corvus' presence near him. Thank god! Corvus could distract him from this! But...did he know? He had to right? He was like...a Destruction and stuff, surely their family didn't keep secrets from each other. His shocked look slowly settled and Ignis shot him a mischievous smirk. He supposed he'd just have to catch Corvus up to speed. "Well, that big guy in the middle challenged the albino guy to a fight...for his freedom. I don't know why, but from what I've gathered it's 'cause I guess pinky's alpha like, disrespected him or something and didn't show up or somethin'. So big guy is takin' it out on the littler guy." He turned his gaze over to his uncle then, "Then my uncle and Rhyme challenged for a couple of their members, but Shaye showed up and yelled at them about it. Rhyme backed off, but I dunno if my uncle will...I've never seen him like this before, to be honest. But...the woman he challenged submitted instead, so." He shrugged, unsure what to make of it all. He didn't know what his uncle was planning, or if he really would get kicked out for going through with the challenge, but the woman submitted so he supposed they'd just have to find out when they got back to Abaven.

He took a deep breath and sighed, wondering if he should mention that the pack's alpha was his older half-brother. Honestly, he didn't know what Corvus would think about it. He didn't want to really be associated with him, so he kept his mouth shut about it for now. It wasn't until Tyranis spoke again that Ignis' ears flattened and his lips instinctively lifted in a snarl, his teeth bared as he jumped to his feet. Before he could say anything though, Actaea had come out of nowhere, standing on his other side. He stood between her and Corvus, chest heaving with every breath he took and his heart pounding so hard against his chest he could swear that the other two would be able to feel it. For once, Ignis felt like the wolverine companion that stood in front of him, its teeth bared as well. Actaea spoke out against Tyranis, and Ignis agreed with her but kept his eyes trained on the bloody alpha. "You're a liar! Just like that lying scumbag we called father! You're no better than he is! You're sure as hell no brother of mine anymore!" He shouted, the youth feeling heated and angry and scared and all sorts of unnamed emotions battling inside of him. If Tyranis decided to attack his sister, then Ignis would protect her! Though he knew Ty wouldn't be given the chance as long as his uncle was around.

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-20-2019, 12:34 AM

speech Thought You

Cloud had been out hunting when the initial call came, but he hadn't really thought about going because he figured that his brother would ignore it. On top of that, he didn't want to lose the elk he had been tracking. The pack needed all the food they could get during the Winter, after all. It didn't take him terribly long to bring down his prey, and as he was starting to drag it back to the pack, a prickling, nagging feeling started tugging at his mind. He was almost at the border when his Osprey companion came flying towards him. Cloud looked up as his companion told him what was going, and when he mentioned that Thora was being challenged for, Cloud's heart dropped. He abandoned his kill and raced towards the battlefield with all the speed he could muster. He leaped over logs and charged through bushes, not caring for any scratches or cuts he acquired along the way. What the hell was Thora doing there and why the hell was someone trying to challenge for her!? Nobody cared for Thora the way he did, and he was kicking himself now for failing to keep his promise to his mother. Teeth bared, he burst onto the scene and pushed through the crowd, gaze frantically searching for his little sister. By the time he saw her, however, it seemed the challenger had decided to back off. Why he wasn't sure. Perhaps he had changed his mind while his companion went to find him.

Bi-colored gaze turned to Tyranis then as his brother spoke, his ears flattening as he listened. His brother seemed focused on the large white male that stood before a member of Erovrare, but Cloud didn't know her as anything more than the mother of his brother's children. He recognized the male, and if he recalled, the male was an uncle of his but he had never really spoken to him. He had been in Ty's first pack, then again in Ruina, and now he smelled like Abaven. All around him wolves were talking, and then he saw and heard Elias's youngest litter speak up. His gaze shifted between his brother, the two yearlings, and his uncle for a moment. He knew Tyranis well enough to know that his brother would likely do something rash. Maybe even enough to throw his life away for something that Cloud didn't think was worth it. He studied his blood-soaked brother for a moment, witnessing for the first time, what plagued him. Cloud hadn't been aware that his brother might be inflicted by the same curse that he had, but he hoped that maybe he could be the voice of reason much like Ty unknowingly was for him. When Cloud fell into the pits of hell, his brother's mere presence was usually enough to keep him sane and whole.

Would he be able to do the same for his brother? If only just enough to keep him from killing himself? He had to try. Tyranis was the closest thing he had, asides from Thora. They had been through hell and back together, always there for each other and supporting one another. Even though Cloud had mixed feelings about keeping slaves and the way Erovrare was, he still stood by his brother. His loyalty to him was absolute, but there hadn't been anything to test those bonds enough to see just how far his loyalty would go. He pushed through the crowd until he brushed alongside his brother's left. He didn't care if some of the blood rubbed off on him, he needed to be there for him. Tyranis, it's not worth it." He whispered to him.

He shifted his gaze to Acere who stood tall, staring down his brother. "Please, brother. Don't do anything rash...I know he declared you and our father enemies, but you don't have to die today. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." He didn't know if his words were falling on deaf ears. Didn't even know if his brother was going to go as far as to start a fight to the death, but he had that gut feeling and knew his brother way too well. Attention turned to Actaea and Ignis then, a near pleading look in his eyes. If the situation was turned around, and your brother was in his place, what would you do, hm? You hate Tyranis and you hate Elias, I know. But we're all from the same blood, and that's something you can't escape from."

Granted, Cloudburst still kept the Wreckage name instead of Praetor, but they were still connected. Turning his attention back to Ty, he pressed his shoulder to his. "You know I support you in whatever you choose to do. If they get what they want today, then that just means you live another day to take back what's rightfully yours. You're strong, Ty. You're a fighter, a survivor. And you're smart, I know you can come up with a plan. Don't make a rash decision today when you can think about a solid plan tomorrow. We have time. There's always time." Well...for most things. He knew there was time for almost anything...except for his mother. He was glad she wasn't here to watch all of this, because he knew that if she wasn't dead yet, she would certainly have a heart attack or something with everything happening here.



7 Years
02-20-2019, 01:00 AM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

Words, they circled around the wolves like needless thing. What was set to occur would come to pass with or without anyone’s blessing. The bronze Goddess had allowed Leera and Hannibal to sooth her rage. Take time to think things threw but she had promised to come for Ra for what he had done and she had meant it. She head Tyranis, she heard Leera but she could not concentrate because loo and behold, the man happened to waltz like he belonged. She was surprised yet her exterior features displayed only ice. Her deranged Father appeared before her, like a pheonix from tha ashes, and the damned bastard refused to die. He always seemed to appear and dissapear at will and the autumn babe could not hide but be curious of his wonderings. How many more, how many more half siblings did she had out there that she knew nothing about and did he ever stood with them more than a few seasons? There where so many what if’s to think of and still she and Hannibal had a life to build. They had plans. Her pups were still too young to lose her and she had too much to fight for to let this man in their lives, to let him live.

The rotten creature will not leave this place without a scratch. She knew Hannibal was attacked but he also had faith in him and she had to carry her own weight. She had been at the ready the moment the bastard scent hit her nostrils. Her body tensed, her legs evenly spread to distribute her weight evenly. Her toes were spread and claws gripping the ground. Her tail was low and tucked in to protect her vulnerable areas. Her lips were pulled back, exposing her canines as a thunderous snarl escaped the pit of her throat. Her ears were pinned to her skull the moment her fiery orange lenses landed on the sand man in the crowd, her head lowered and bent to protect her throat, and her eyes squinted. You have one chance to remove your cancerous self from my sight.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 0/?
Height 36"
Build Light

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-20-2019, 01:31 AM

Well, well, well. This was interesting. She had heard the first howl, but she took her time getting there. By the time she arrived, a fight was already underway and it seemed a couple others were soon to least, that's what it looked like, anyway. Being smaller than almost everyone there, she pushed through some of the crowd without so much as a sorry or an excuse me as she moved to get a better view. A woman with intricate accessories seemed to be challenging some big handsome guy, but asides from that, she wasn't sure what else was going on. Ears flicked to and fro as she caught bits and pieces of conversation, but none of it was of interest. A bloody brute stood before a large alabaster man, staring him down like he was about to throw himself at him. She was highly curious, and even as she glanced around she noticed many handsome males...and very cute and pretty females. Still, the woman kept to herself as she turned her attention to the matters at hand with an expectant look in her eyes. She had never seen others fight before, nor had she been in a fight herself. From what she could see, many of the wolves here were just spectating, much like she was.

"Talk" "You" Think
If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-21-2019, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2019, 02:51 AM by Acere.)

All around him voices shouted and bodies continued to add to the already massive group that surrounded them. Ace stared down his opponent, and as he waited for an answer he flicked his ear and cast a quick glance when he heard a single word uttered from Rhyme. He didn't even have to see who he was challenging to know he, too, was going after someone from Erovrare. Ace didn't take his attention off of Leera, however, just in case she tried to attack him while he was distracted. Before long, however, a familiar and very pissed off voice yelled across the rest. “ACERE, RHYME, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?” His ears flattened, his fur starting to prickle upon his shoulders. “Fighting innocents? We are a pack that protects innocents. If the two of you are so damn certain you want to rip this pack apart, go after those that can damn well stand up for themselves. Drop your fights, and take up worthy ones, or so help me god, neither of you are welcome to return home.”

His eyes narrowed, lip curling in a silent snarl. His back was to Shaye, so she didn't see his reaction as she shouted at him and Rhyme. Had she forgotten what he told her the one time he had shown his vulnerability to her? Had she forgotten the words shared between them? He suspected that he would have to do things on his own, and at that moment he didn't care what she said. This war was his, and despite her having been adamant that day about fighting it with him, clearly he could not depend on her to back him up, even if she thought his actions were wrong. He had always thought about his actions before doing them, and he had thought for a long time ever since that night on the volcano with Elias and Tyranis. He knew Shaye didn't truly understand, and he was beginning to doubt that. What she had said was probably just for show. She had a good heart, yes. But she would never know what he truly felt inside. Whether she just tried to involve herself in every aspect of his life that wasn't really her business, or if she truly cared...he didn't fucking know. Only recently he had gotten the suspicion that she had kids with Rhyme...He also knew he was in a sort of denial about it. He cared about Shaye, yes. Maybe even started to feel something for her. But after his suspicions came to fruition, and especially after today, they quickly fell away like the tide retreating back to the ocean.

At this point, he would take his chances. With or without Shaye, he would do what he had to. Rhyme, however, would not. He backed down, and Acere couldn't help but feel disappointed in the alpha. Shaye had come and publicly embarrassed them both. And that was something Ace would not let go. Unlike Rhyme, however, Acere remained where he was instead of cowering back into the crowd with his tail between his legs. “Challenging for a mother and her children? You're a piece of shit, you know that?” An unfamiliar voice pulled his attention away from Leera for a moment, crimson gaze falling on a yearling. “Your babysitter is calling you away” His lip curled at the mocking remark, "Silence, child! Before you find yourself in the same predicament and don't think I will go easy on a disrespectful brat!" Some kids just needed to be disciplined, and he would do just that if the little shit kept talking. Besides, wasn't that the kid that followed Tyranis around in Ruina? No wonder he turned out that way. Tyranis wasn't the best influence for a child...Acere knew that to be a fact.

Shaye left, and soon after she did, Leera spoke. His gaze fell on her, the male readying for a fight but...she surprises him. "Take me -- but you will not touch the children. They go unharmed. They remain in my care." He stands there, shocked but he kept it hidden. He had not truly expected Leera to submit to him, but in the back of his mind, he knew why. And part of him felt relief that he didn't have to fight her. Despite his misgivings about the woman's nature, she had grown on him the last couple of times they had met. The only reason he had singled her out instead of Nephthys or whoever else was here in support of Erovrare. She looks him in the eye, pleading to him. And even despite her threat, he nods. "Your children will be safe, as will you. You have my word."

If there was one thing he was good at other than fighting, it was keeping his word. Before he knows it, the stench of something fierce and recognizable permeates the air. Ace lifted his head to see Tyranis stroll onto the battlefield, covered in blood and gore. Ace is all too familiar with what he sees, as it was something his once brother did. Somehow, Elias' influence had gotten a tight grip on Tyranis, and he knew the lightning child would remain stuck in those ways...unless, perhaps, something or someone gave him a harsh dose of reality. But perhaps he was too far gone even for that. His nephew's focus was on the fight between the initial challenger and the albino, however, so Ace turns his attention to a man at Leera's side who spoke to him. Ezio... His questions are valid. His concern is understandable. Ace regards him for a long moment, then nods. I promise you, they will be safe. Much safer than they would be where they are now, I'm sure." His voice is calm, non-threatening, and honest. Despite Leera's current and potential hatred for him at this moment, Ace feels no reason to lie nor did he want to hurt her and her children. Even if they were Ty's, Ace would not harm the children because of who their father was. He felt that given Tyranis' past with his first litter...this was the better option for them.

He was able to focus a little more now. And in that brief period of respite, he hears the banter of others nearby. So, Shaye and Rhyme were doing what he suspected. Part of him felt disgusted by it, but it didn't last long before the mocking tones started to make his fur prick. Of course. He didn't know what Abaven's reputation was like before he joined, but he sure as fuck wasn't going to back down. He was no coward. Yes, Shaye was his alpha but...Acere was his own wolf. He would do what he thought was necessary, and he would face the consequences later. He at least didn't have to worry about getting kicked from her den...and as for the pack? He'd take his chances. He ignored the rest of the banter, mostly because he wasn't one to be petty or childish in that regard. He had better things to focus on, and that would soon come in the form of a bloody Tyranis. While the first fight was already underway, Acere raised his head and tail as he stared down at his nephew, exuding dominance and fearlessness. He had already dealt with this shit in his birth pack...he had no problem dealing with it again.

As Tyranis mocks the woman who was smart enough to do what she did, Ace's lips curl. As the boy continues to spit lies, he growls. Before he responds, however, he hears Actaea and Ignis behind him shouting at Tyranis. Ace doesn't give the boy the satisfaction of an answer, because the white knight already knows the truth. Unlike his brother and the bloodied spawn that stands before him, Ace was always one to seek the truth. Instead, he stands calmly, knowing that his lack of reaction to the lies might rankle him. And when Cloudburst came forward, Ace steadily watched him. He feels sorry for the boy because he knows he is unlike both his father and Tyranis. He knows Cloud struggles with a demon in his own mind, but he at least fought it. Ace had only ever seen him become something else during a hunt but had always tried his best to hide it away. The Demons that his ancestors so highly regarded were nothing but bad news. They only knew how to destroy...And they often destroyed the unfortunate souls who let them in without a fight.

Despite Leera's submission, Ace knows the fight might not be over. While Cloud whispered to Tyranis, Acere ensure his defenses were in place just in case he decided to attack him. There was only one thing he cared about right now, and that was to get Leera and her pups, and get the fuck out of there so he didn't have to deal with this shitshow anymore. His next actions, however, would depend on the answer he got. I will be taking my leave with both Leera and her pups. If you have a problem with that, then I will fight for them." He uttered. Walk away...or regret not doing so. He waited for an answer, and hoped that the boy had some sense left in him.




3 Years
02-21-2019, 04:47 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2019, 04:48 AM by Cordelia.)
The spider witch stood watching the line where heaven touched earth. Her wide eyes witnessed the resounding glowing collision in blurs and bizarre shapes for her vision was not yet restored to her in full. Sparks lit the sky and blood poured, as the glory of paradise descended further behind the seam of the world. The black widow of a woman felt small as she glanced over her shoulder and saw her shadow slowly shrinking towards her massive paws. She looked back to the line, only to be able to see only a few bright streaks remained to signal heaven’s passing. The sun had set. This was her curse, to never be able to observe the day not live it, and she made peace with that. She was a witch of the night.

The demoness creeped through the land and her sight was a charm to be sure. She had the right twinkle in her eyes and a voice that was more warm than sunlight on amber. She was usually like that - smiling back and enjoying an exchange of words - yet she had the air of power, of total confidence. It seemed that this was her lucky night. Cerulean lenses gazed upon the battlefield, she had been here before only this time she did not expect to observe a crowd. It resembled the roman Colosseum, the whole of Boreas seemed to be here, circling behind two seemingly on going battles and soon enough this fiels will be engrossed in the blood of both victors and losers and she... oh, she will be Julius Caesar.

Creeping, always creeping, the predatorix prowled onward with her crown hang low and with the same cheshire smile, splitting her face from ear to ear in a disgusting and ghoulish display, all the while her long tail went towards the sky, in a pure display of confidence and dominance towards the world. She did not care who she touched, who she pushed with her skeletal figure fore what she saw next pulled her ebon lips back in order to display murderous incisors and she halted right in her tracks. Hannibal. He was engulfed in a battle of tooth and claw with a unfamilar male for his freedom. Panting, the dominatrix chest rose and fell with each life giving breath and she was enraged by the display of ignorance and foolishness she witnessed by the unknown brute. How dare he challenge the heir to the Klein throne? And for what, she did not known nor care to discover. A thunderous growl escaped the black pits of her throat, low and menancing, holding potent toxicity, venom thrown in the matter of sound and her jaws snapped right and left, uncaring of who and if it reached anyone.Do not dare lose, blood of mine. she snarled to the heavens for this was a matter of life and death to her. She just came across her blood and she was not going to lose them again, not like this. Not defeated by a foolish wannabe champion of God.

Her attention drifted towards someone else this time and her massive paws seemed to follow through. Jekyll was there, of course he was, where there was death, drama and battle blood one may find him right in the middle of it. Where were you when this happened? she snapped her jaws at him to make her point across, growling, snarling, the dominatrix was raging, anger boiling her blood as her skeletal figure seemed large than it actually was. Why are you not there with your future King? she questioned again with a snap, closing the distance between them until they were chest to chest. She was pushing him, pushing him with her own chest as her jaws continued to snap; strong, powerful.

It took only a moment to take her gaze away from Jekyll as another grandeur appearance made it's way towards them. It was the demon she met before, Tyranis was his name if she remembered correctly. The name of a demon gave you power against him though his appearance alone was something she will never forget. Glorious was demon lord, covered in snaguine colours that decorated his pelt so deliciously and oh, OH, the smell was something that could turn the dominatrix on for days. She wanted to bath in the scent of death and decay. Make no mistake, blood, we will discuss your behaviour. she snapped a quick glance to her brother before creeping her way towards the demon lord that was engaged in a preliminary discussion. Oh, the rage he displayed matched her own and she could not help but smile at the thought. She remained a few tails behind the others, cerulean gaze observed their argument and from what she could make out of it, it looked like the pregnant woman she had a freak show a week ago was no other than Tyranis wife. How dare he. How dare the demon lord give his seed to such weak creature that submits in front of other man but her husband. As she approached she made her presence known to the demon before she snapped her jaws at Leera, spitting on her pathetic, weak form. That was what weakling deserved after all, humiliation.

black widow

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.


02-21-2019, 07:47 AM

Alot happened and quickly. The beast watched as the God boy changed his targets and he released a snarl of breath. Few were allowed to touch a Klein. But to go after the Klein heir was psychotic. There were very few of them but what one wouldn't do for another was few and far between. He may have his eyes on the seat of royalty but he wouldn't dare let another harm his brother if he could help it. He merely dipped his head to his brother's words, rage dancing in his eyes. He took steps back to stay out of the rang of fighting, and as soon as he took a look at where his brother's eyes went he found his anger at Hannibal rise.

The thing had sagging teats and wasn't the picture of perfection for perfecting the Klein bloodline. Its scent off, and its vile appearance that of a freak. She had smeared her scent with Hannibal's, and it brought the conclusion forward. It had born from its abomination of an existence, the next generation of Kleins. His eyes narrowed. Let the bitch become fodder for their enemies. He turned, his form almost colliding with Cordelia's. Well now leaving hannibal to clean up his worthless king's mess wasn't an option. He'd be damned if Cordelia would be here unprotected and with potential violation from lesser men, undeserving of her.

Her works had his irritation anewed upon his features. I'll not fight for a man who doesn't deserve it. Hannibal chose to join and become some king's pawn now he must pay the price. He'll ask for help when he needs it and then and only then will I fight for him. I'll not interfere in fight I've nothing to do with dear sister. he let her come chest to chest with him his head craned to look into her eyes. Only she didn't give them to him. They were caught on another. The blasted king who didn't deserve hannibal as his pawn. Hannibal fought his battle. When she moved his way Jekyll snarled.

That's the sod who let's Hannibal fight his battles. Who arrives late because he dons a perfume and spouts nonsense. Your spirits wouldn't dare inhabit that poor excuse for a king. Do not let that thing even near yourself love. He is not worth a Klein womb, and his female is even weaker. his voice is low. A whisper in her ear. She is not up to speed on what he has seen or what he has figured out. He adds more into her ear. The golden touched abomination there, it wrongfully claimed our brother's litter. Its spawn is unclean and impure, unworthy of the throne. A witch, using its magic to keep hannibal slave to her. We should destroy it before our brother becomes unrecoverable from her spells. he is harsh with his opinion but all he knows is the witch must have Hannibal under its spell.

She moved and so does the beast. Where they end up, Jekyll keeps her form on the side of himself. He places himself between the male and his dearest sister. He deserved no claim to a Klein womb and even at the ire of Cordelia he had to protect her virtue and honor. The boy deserved none of them under him. His eyes then set hardened on the fight between hannibal and the God child. Hannibal best not lose or else he would be the reason the Klein empire died before they could rise it. He'd look for his own way to better the Klein blood later.




3 Years
02-21-2019, 08:22 AM
The devil on her shoulder, ever present, ever there. Jekyll remained glue to her side as he should; the man thought himself a knight in shinning armor, protecting the wicked queen of snakes and she appreciated the gesture and the affection her brother radiated for her and all of their siblings however her features remained solid, stone cold as rage still radiated from every single fibre of her being. She was angry at Jekyll for his lack of aid, angry at the circumstances he found her future King. Your brother deserve respect, blood. she snapped her jaws at him, closing in mid-air. I saw no way we could've offer our aid but neither had I seen your support in such harsh circumstance. her voice rose above an actove, high-pitched as anger rolled into every single word.
What do you think will happen to us if he falls prey? she questioned in a softer tone, lower than before, fore his ears alone.

Her cerulean gaze locked on the witch, on the seductress that hold their brother captive by heart and womb. She was a mutated abomination, possessing a excessivly long tail to aid to that fact. A freak show with legs. One could see small foam being trapped at the corners of her jaws as she watched her being trapped in a fight with another golden man, just as mutated as she was. We shall discuss that, blood. Now it is not the time nor the place. her attention returned towards her brother before it fell once again on the demon lord and she radiated heat each and every single time her azure gaze locked on his body. She could not help but lean over and attempt to flick her plush, coral tongue over his muscular body in order to collect a few drips of the crimson liquid from his pelt. She did not care nor give a second thought if the man minded or not of her suddent gesture because as soon as the sanguine, vital liquid touched her tongue she moaned aloud.

black widow

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-21-2019, 04:03 PM

Very publicly disgraced once now twice as he saw Verse appear in the grass behind them. He heard her squeaky voice address Rhythm and Rhyme felt panic take his heart. He wanted to be furious with Shaye and Verse both, but he only worried for the tiny child. He felt himself stand again, Imperia ad Solitude both fluttering as he disturbed them, as Shaye grabbed the tiny pup and presumably headed back to Abaven. ”Don’t let Ace do anything stupid.” He gave her a look but he wasn’t about to make any promises.

As his partner left Acere’s chosen opponent submitted to the pale wolf, Rhyme looked her over. Well if he wasn’t able to acquire his own pawn at least Acere had been successful. Surely the woman’s pups might grow up in a better environment in Abaven if they took them. He barely noticed his sister’s appearance as the man of the hour made his appearance. Tyranis looked much more crazed than the last time he’d seen him. This sight would further Rhyme’s opinion that Erovare was more enemy than ally.

Then for the third time since he’d arrived Rhyme would be shamed. His ears tilted back as he heard his father mention the one time he and Shaye had hooked up. He sighed internally. He didn’t miss the thinly (or in many cases not at all) veiled looks of disgust. Rhyme had already come to peace with what he’d done, but knew he’d be dealing with the aftermath for a long time to come. "Shit happens," he muttered as Chaos addressed himself and Acere. Rhyme turned towards Legion’s alpha. He felt his feathers ruffle at his half-brother’s words, if Rhyme had followed through on his claim Shaye would have ripped his rank from him. There wouldn't have been any use of continuing to fight if she’d followed through with her threat. They had gained one woman already, despite Shaye’s warning. "Not that it’s any of your business, but if you must know we fooled around once." While the truth was he cared deeply for his cousin, enough to admit that he loved her, their relationship now was nothing but an alpha partnership and co-parenting. Hopefully his words assured those eavesdropping that the more intimate relationship they’d experimented with was over.

"I have plans for her, and they won't be getting her back without a fight or a trade." What difference would it make to Rhyme if he returned her to Erovare or just gave her up to his half-brother? Rhyme had all but given up pursuing a relationship with anyone. He worried slightly for Acere’s rank, but with Tyranis’ words on the breeze he doubted the woman’s claiming would be the last offense the Firethorn had to worry about. "Though, if you think you can offer me anything better than respite from Shaye’s wrath I’m all ears."

He found his attention returning to Acere, Rhyme wasn’t about to deploy any punishments right now. Shaye would be the one to strip the lead warrior of his rank. The slate alpha trusted Ace’s judgement, and he had no doubt the pups in question would be better off within Abaven’s borders than Erovare. He remained silent, a passive encouragement to Acere’s cause.



5 Years
Extra large
02-21-2019, 04:52 PM

They say that beauty corrupts. Well absolute beauty corrupts absolutely it seemed to Ra. Nephthys divine exterior had been paid for by a total corruption of her mind. This insolence, to challenge him, Ra. There must be blood for this.

Nephthys stood a good strong bound apart from him, about ten metres away, her bright eyes a contrast to the barren landscape of the battlefield. There was no warmth in her eyes though, cold as the cold dark of winter. She stood at the top of a gentle slope, scattered with sharp edged rocks, a small ravine to his left. A bitter land grown more bitter by the well of tears that the current fighting was about to create. Wolves yet unborn will curse the events of this day, such misery will it bring to the defeated.

Ra raised himself to his full height – full boastful was he:

Foul spawn, detestable on land and in forest, poison of the earth. I rue the day I cast my seed to make you. Like planting hydras teeth – you have grown to be a creature of hell.

Know ye well Nephthys – I made you – your fate is mine and mine alone – you grew from my seed and it is my choice if I cut you down – if you challenge me it will be a bitter harvest of blood and bone.

You have the insolence to talk of cancer – and that is all you are –  a disease to be cut away.

The thought of me running from you is laughable. Like a forest fire running from a moth. Prepare to hear the grisly song of battle, impetuous beauty. We will see who’s heart is keener

His words sharp as they left his lips. He had no desire now for words to be sharp weapons – full violence of battle must be the language of their future discourse. He would either bend her to his way, or break her in the process.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 0/3
Height 42"
Build Light

words of a god
words of ramses

Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise



6 Years
02-21-2019, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2019, 12:28 AM by Amunet.)

Of course, she would follow him, slower than her king but always on his trail. She stalked behind him, she would remain silent, hovering at the edges of the gathering as she recognized the freak that Ra had claimed as his own. It let loose a threat towards the sun king and Amunet rleased a venomous laugh. Her king returned with poison of his own and finally, Amunet pulled herself up beside him.

"It cannot do you any harm." She purred as she moved up beside him, cooing in his ear. "If I was able to over power your little mistake over there, you should have no problem." Then she slid away, walking back into the crowd to watch her king carefully.

She hoped he'd understood the veiled threat in her words, he had displeased her many more times than she cared to count now. He had denied her one too many times, if his freak of a bastard was capable of tearing him down what use would she have for him anymore? He'd be an impotent old man, instead of the king of the realm. If he failed she would be the hidden queen no more, she'd take what was hers and he would be left at the mercy of a base born mutant.

"Sweet little lies"



5 Years
Extra small
02-21-2019, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2019, 06:51 PM by Leera.)

Her lithe body trembles with tension, bowed down in submission to the Abaven male. She reminds herself over and over that this is for her children's protection, for their safety, for their survival. What should come of them if she fights? Acere promises her that she will be safe, that her children will be safe, and she looks at him hard in the eye, wondering if this promise is just a bluff or if she can truly trust him -- but can she even trust Tyranis now? On the day of her children's birth he had threatened to kill her... perhaps trusting Acere will be her best choice.

Trusting Acere will be the smartest maneuver.

Ezio nears Leera and Acere, protecting her as she had an inkling he would, and demands the protection of her and her pups. She turns to look at him, the anger in his face, the rawness of his condition: even in this, Ezio is more of a king to her than Tyranis. Leera nods at Ezio -- if it is in her luck they'll cross paths again, either as pack mates or otherwise.

And then, with the stench of blood and gore, he enters. Tyranis. Hackles raise along her spine and bile rises in her throat as she turns her small, pink eyes to behold him... the lightening king. All around, brawls broke out, but she can't focus on anything but his booming voice. Her attention is undercut by Acere's second promise that the kids would be safer away from Erövrare, and at this point, Leera can't help but to agree. She swallows and nods to Acere, moving against the earth to slink around behind him. She can play hostage for a while if it guarantees her children's safety. "Perhaps Acere is right," she murmurs, voice trembling ever so slightly but her eyes are hard and unmoving. She then raises her voice so that all can hear of the High Lord's unfavorable actions. "This man... this 'king' threatened to kill me with his own paws on the day my litter was born. He sat at my side while they suckled and told me he'd tear my heart from my chest if I ever used them against his will. How can I trust him? How can I trust his anger and arrogance will not bring harm upon my children?"

Leera looks upon the unfamiliar faces, but eventually returns to the two males. The more she stares at Tyranis the more he looks likes he's gone off the rails, been driven to madness with all the blood he's taken the time to dress in. He is unpredictable, and unpredictable doesn't bode well with Leera. His behavior doesn't mirror that of a king, not as it once had in their first encounters. But, as Leera knows well, kings always came to their fall. She runs her tongue over her fangs and nods to Acere. "Fight well."

speech action

Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
02-21-2019, 07:19 PM

Everything was getting slowly worse and though Actaea stood her ground beside her uncle she had a feeling that this wasn't ending soon. Ty was unpredictable just like Elias and to her it seemed Ty had gone just as crazy as her father. More entered, a black female that came up to Ty and began licking blood off his pelt and moaning. Her nose wrinkled slightly, but she said nothing. The women tried spitting in Leera's direction and she huffed moving from her uncle's side as he addressed Ty. She moved back behind her uncle to the pointed women who submitted to his challenge. Actaea needed to get her at least out of the battlefield, she didn't need to see anymore of these wolves turning against her for her honorable decision. She did what she thought was in the best interest of her children and that in itself was a hard decision, but it was the right one. She needed to be healthy to provide for her pups.

She moved close enough that only Leera could hear, keeping her voice low so that she wouldn't draw any unwanted attention to them.

"I think we better move back to a more safer location, it's too heated and unpredictable and I'll be honest, I do not trust your pack and the company they keep," She said. "You made a very honorable decision, those pups need you unharmed. Fallow me and it her friend wants to come he can."

She wasn't sure if it would help her feel any better, but Actaea had to try. She moved back from the heated center, away from the large mob here to watch and to a spot that was kinda away from them all but still able to see what was going on She hoped her friend did come just in case they would have some trouble, Maybe Ig would abandon his spot and come join her, but she wanted to get away from all this heated confrontation. She sat down and motioned for the women to sit next to her. Actaea had nothing against her or her pups, they were not to blame for all this.

She looked back to her Uncle and Ty wondering what was going to happen next.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
02-21-2019, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2019, 10:28 PM by Tyranis.)

For a moment he flickered back into himself as Cloud spoke to him, then as Acere threatened more and was joined by the worthless Alpha, rage consumed him again. He suddenly remembered where the blood coating his fur had come from and why.


Slowly, as if he were swimming from a great depth, he felt himself return to his body, clawing at the surface, desperate to unleash a new rage from a stronger and more desperate portion of his heart.

“BUT IF YOU THINK YOU WILL TAKE MY PUPS FROM ME; MY FLESH, MY SOUL, MY HEART, I WILL FIGHT YOU WITH EVERY OUNCE OF STRENGTH IN MY BODY AS IS AFFORDED TO ME AS A FATHER!” He roared, his voice returning to its righteous tone, alight like the roar of a lion with paternal fury. “TAKE MY CHILDREN AND YOU TAKE MY WORLD, I WILL DIE BEFORE I LET SUCH A THING HAPPEN OR LET THEM BE POISONED BY SPITEFUL…” His eyes met Acere’s “IGNORANT.” His eyes met Rhyme’s “OR HATEFUL CURS THAT FEEL THEMSELVES FIT TO JUDGE ME AS I AM. THEY ARE MY CHILDREN AND I WILL PAY ANY PRICE FOR THEM!“ He declared with a low growl looking less like a crazed beast and more like a rampant grizzly sow defending her cubs “Name your terms Imperialis.” He hissed. “Enough of our food to starve us through the winter? All of my warriors so we cannot defend ourselves? Whatever fertile women we have to suit your pleasures? NAME IT!” He commanded. “I will give all for my children and fight to keep them living even if I die in the process!” He declared and for a moment felt tears sting his eyes at the thought of his own children never seeing him, of missing their first words, their first hunt, and rolling with them in the long grasses of the shrine. They would take all of it from him and for a price he didn't know, for a woman who from the beginning had planned against him.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-21-2019, 10:56 PM

She let out that sigh of relief then and there, when he agreed, made no motion to delay here, and was clearly ready to be on their way. She began walking, setting a quick pace from the pack lands, talking quickly as she walked. She told the man about Eulogy being in Erovrare, of Ace claiming a mother with pups, of Rhyme setting his eyes on a young wolf who looked like she had never harmed anyone in her life, and then backing down at her behest. She told him of all the wolves and packs that stood there, and of the fights that had been going on before her departure. Essentially, she shared everything without bias and got him caught up as much as possible.

She fell silent before they returned to the battlefield, and as she entered the scene, assessed what was going on. She saw fights breaking out, she saw her wolves, Rhyme doing not much all, including stopping Ace. Ace, with Leera submissively before him. She arrived in time to hear the tale end of Leera’s speech, about how Ty had threatened her, and that she essentially was happy to be claimed.

She also heard Ty’s speech, about letting her go, and simply wanting his children. Good lord, what a headache inducing moment. “Abaven, Ty” she said, addressing Rhyme, Ace, Ty, and goodlord anymore of her pack that might have been causing a bleeding issue. She was bloody glad to have Odysseus on her side right at that moment, she didn’t turn to look, but she could imagine his towering, glowering form. He was likely turning a scowl into an art form.

“I offer the asylum Leera seems to seek, and right at this moment I will not seek to take your children from you. Forced to step into this as I am, I will need a moment to understand the situation before I can make further judgements. Ty, we will need to speak on the matter of your children…”
She trailed off as she actually looked at him.
What in all that was holy? Okay, so, he might have gone off the rails slightly. Good fucking god, what had Ace gotten her into.
Speaking of Ace
“Acere no longer represents Abaven as its lead warrior, those he has claimed are mine, and I will speak with all affected parties on the matter in private to seek the best solution.”
Diplomacy, putting out fires. De-escalation, those were the words driving her on. As well as peace. She would stand for those she believed needed aid, but she would do it the fucking right way.

“It’s come to my attention, Ty, that you have a wolf that is of kin to me. Her name is Eulogy, and I would consider it an act of peace if you returned her to me..” if that bloodsoaked demon wanted escalation instead of peace, then Ace would get exactly what he wanted, but for the moment, she wanted to calm this fucking shit show down, speak with the affected parties in a more diplomatic setting, and then actually decide what the fuck Abaven needed to do, where it needed to step in, where it needed to placate, and where it needed to kill. Looking at the gathering before her, she kind of felt like the entire world had gone insane.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-21-2019, 11:49 PM
Odysseus' expression was grim as he strode across the battlefield with Shaye. She'd caught him up on what was happening and to be quite honest he still didn't quite understand what all of the fuss was about. He supposed that didn't matter much since what had led to the wolves gathering couldn't be changed and those, like Shaye, who had little interest in salivating over a fight, were left to try to keep what was theirs from breaking apart on the chaotic field.

In all that he had learned on his way to the battlefield, Odysseus was most disappointed in Rhyme. While he could understand taking drastic measures to rescue a loved one, his alpha's decision to go after a yearling of all wolves in the naive hope of a hostage exchange was foolish at best. He'd done irreparable harm to not only his character but to an honorable pack - his own pack, because he wasn't just a member of Abaven, he was one of Abaven's alphas. Rhyme should have embodied the spirit of Abaven and the fact that he abandoned its virtues so readily did not speak well of him. While he wouldn't voice it out loud just yet, Odysseus had serious doubt about whether or not Rhyme was fit for his position.

It appeared that during her absence Rhyme had made no effort to fix any of the problems he and Acere had created. Unlike her partner, Shaye immediately strove to try to undo the wrong that had been done in Abaven's name and Odysseus found himself scanning the faces of those around him as she spoke.

It pleased Odysseus to hear that Acere was losing his rank; the man had lost every right to it when he sought to capture Leera for no other reason than to spite Evorare's alpha. Admittedly he was a bit disappointed that Rhyme wasn't handed the same punishment on the spot, but he could understand why Shaye might not want to do that so publicly.

There were new developments, it seemed, since Shaye had last been on the field. It had been his understanding that the woman (Leera) was being taken against her will, but now it seemed she had changed sides. This, however, didn't change his opinion of Acere or the righteousness of Shaye's decision to demote him. But the drama didn't end there. No, of course not. There was yet another facet to this spectacle that further complicated things. The woman granted asylum had a passel of children that belonged to the alpha of Evorare, a male who Odysseus had serious misgivings about handing children to. It was Odysseus' opinion that any man who raved and shrieked, who coated himself in ichor, and who threatened the mother of his children with death, was best kept far from the children in question. For the children's sake he could only hope Shaye felt the same way.

Odysseus stood next to Shaye as she spoke, a silent and serious threat to both those of Abaven who might still seek to undermine the values of their pack and the wishes of their alpha, and those who could still declare themselves enemies of Abaven.

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.



4 Years
02-22-2019, 12:20 AM

He kept his body low, ready to surge forward and attack either of the men that came to step between him and his children, even if they intended to attack him at the same time. Someone called his name and the bloodstained wolf lifted his head at the calming yet commanding tones that passed before him. She descended upon them with the grace and power of a swan, commanding all to look at her and obey.

She said she wouldn’t seek to take his children but that they would need to speak of them. What did she want him to do that he hadn’t already done. Drenched in blood from a predator while nearly half his pack was absent for whatever circus of misery was unfurling on the battlefield.

When she mentioned the girl Eulogy he blinked slowly, needing a moment to put a face to the name. The mousey girl that Hannibal had brought one day. He looked at Shaye, visibly confused. He had offered them the entirety of his packs resources just to know his children wouldn’t be taken from him, and they wanted the girl. “That’s it?” He asked with noticeable disbelief, looking at the two alphas more confused than ever. “You’ll let me keep my boys…my two daughters…if I give her to you?” He was hesitant, it was too easily resolved, what if they chose not to honor the bargain? The woman had only said it would be an act of peace, not assurance that he would keep his children.   A snarl climbed up his lip again that he quickly sneezed away with an aggravated huff “You didn’t need to threaten my pups or my sister. You could have simply come to my borders and I would have given her to you…” He explained. "But I will be glad to be rid of that troublesome witch and all the chaos she brought to my family."

"Talk"  Thought "You"

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-22-2019, 01:15 AM
OOC: There was a miscommunication. Kara has specified, "So, I see Archon moved over to Hannibal's right with his bite over top of hannibal's spine 3inches down from the shoulder blades
hes tall enough to where archon's head could just move over hannibal's
so hannibal is lurching up and to the right in order to push his head/upper neck into archon's throat"
My post is written to reflect this standing.

There were too many things going on. Archon zoned into battle, all the chaos beyond becoming a blur.

Archon felt some of his attacks hit. His left shoulder connected with Hannibal's left shoulder, causing moderate pain and bruising on Archon's left shoulder. Archon's left paw hit the innermost right toe on Hannibal's left forepaw. As Archon went for his bite on Hannibal's back, the smaller man ducked.

And then he launched back up, tilting to his right, and forcing Archon's head back at an awkward angle. The momentum was enough to cause an irritating choking feeling in his throat. He felt his teeth pierce flesh, although the movement itself was only enough to cause mild discomfort and break any grip Archon had sought rather than cause any real damage due to Archon's height.

Archon hoped to capitalize on Hannibal's upward movement. He lifted his right forepaw, rebalancing his weight to his three grounded legs, and attempted to hook and pull Hannibal's right foreleg towards him (Archon) with his own forepaw. Simultaneously, Archon opened his jaw wide, turned his head to his right- tucking his chin slightly as his head turned- and sought to bite and grip the right side of Hannibal's skill where the base of the ear met the skull. As Archon attempted these two power grabs, he pushed himself forward and to his right, hoping to shove Hannibal with his chest and put pressure on Hannibal's wounded left foreleg by depriving him of his right foreleg while pushing him towards his (Hannibal's) left.

Archon hoped this combination would cause the scablord to collapse onto his left side, putting him in the perfect position for submission.

Archon took the opportunity to recheck his defenses: Legs bent, weight balanced, his tail flagged out level with his spine and nails dug into the ground for agility and traction. His eyes narrowed, lips crinkled, and brow furrowed to deflect attacks from his eyes. His ears flattened, chin tucked, and hackles firmly raised, further deflecting any attacks that Hannibal threw his way.

Arhon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM
Round: 2/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy



7 Years
02-22-2019, 06:28 AM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

I deem you unworthy of the title ‘father.’ Final sentiment was stated with an air of solemnity, fully intending to negatively impact his mental state and force him to realize he did more harm than good. But it was too late for epiphanies and too early for apologies; the time was only suitable for vengeance and truly, what could she use all this talk for? She had nothing to say to him. With profound confidence, the woman would usher forth an invitation for the operation to commence, insisting she take the initiative as if begging for her to taint his sandy coat crimson. Without a moment’s hesitation and without need for convincing, the wraith finalized her defenses, a sly smirk contorting her porcelain features at the mere thought of the battle to come. She waited to long for this. Skull would remain lowered over her breast to limit the possibility of grasping to her neck, eyes narrowing to visible slits while her ears slicked back against the contours of her crown and her jaws unhinged, lips unfurling to reveal gluttonous incisors that urged for use. Chin would tuck against the curvature of her neck to protect her precious mandible, hackles prickling and shoulders rolling forward to further supply the base of her neck with the protection of excess rolls of fur. Limbs would find comfort spaced equidistant apart, each bending slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity while her toes splayed and her nails bit lightly into the earth for traction. Skull would draw closer to her body to scrunch her neck while her tail remained aligned with her spinal column, abdomen tensing slightly in one final attempt to protect herself. Satisfied with her defenses and intent upon maintaining them throughout her attacks, the wench inhaled deeply before proceeding with what could easily be the final battle of her life. Pushing off with her hinds, the autumn Goddess attempted to sprint the short distance between (10 meters) she and her adversary, intending to approach the male from head-on and slightly to the right (Nephthys's POV) so that her left shoulder would be positioned to the inside of his right shoulder. If/When the woman was within striking distance of her opponent, her jutting left shoulder blade would attempt to slam into the bottom portion of the natural groove between Ra’s right shoulder and his chest, intending to dislocate the shoulder and offset his balance with the combined force of her weight and momentum. Simultaneously, unhinged jaws would attempt to snake towards the left (POV) of her opponent’s throat, muzzle hopefully angled in towards the center of his right-sided (Nephthys’s left) neck as gluttonous incisors and molars would attempt to penetrate far beyond the surface of the flesh located there, intending to both draw a significant amount of blood and sever the tendons within his neck with the pressure applied behind her hopeful bite. Meanwhile, defenses would remain upheld to the best of her ability in constant preparation for his retaliation.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 1/3
Height 36"
Build Light

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together