
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



5 Years
Extra large
02-22-2019, 07:46 PM

Anger is a luxury. A surge that keeps you warm. That moves the blood. But it clouds the mind. Seeing his arrogant spawn Nephthys challenge him. He was nor angry in his life before now, compared to that moment. But as the hells spawn female wolf bounded the full ten metre towards him Ra knew anger could no longer be affordable. There was danger here, danger he had to guard against.

Ra forced himself to stay at full height, pushing his back upwards, to make the most  of his height advantage. He moved his hind legs apart to spread his weight evenly, making a steady platform for his body, and braced his hind feet against two large rocks. He aimed for Nephthys to break herself on him like a wave crashing into a granite cliff. Though she would make a fearful wave, her energy would dissipate against his solid body, ready for him to fight back. He waited for her to crash into his right shoulder, he stiffened his sinews ready to receive the blow. He hoped that she would damage herself in the clash as much as she damaged him. She did not dislocate his shoulder due to his rigid stance, though she caused painful bruising. He felt pain but it was not severe.

Her jaws made for his neck. Surely he soon felt the burst of pain as her teeth closed on his lower neck. He did not fear her incisors though – hopefully she would be winded enough for her bite not to be so strong. One thing was for certain, he could stand a little pain for a short while, providing she did not sever a tendon. Her jaws were locked on his neck. Her teeth plunged into his flesh striking a nerve, causing intense pain. The pain though, mixed with adrenelin just acted as a stimulant to him, it was pain all right, but while it was not pleasure too, the pain made him focus his mind. She did not lock her jaws tight and sever the tendon. There was blood though, much blood – crimson wine spurting from Ra’s neck, staining his fur, dripping onto the fur of his front leg, colouring the ground a bright red.

Despite the injury his superior height would allow his head some movement. Enough to attempt to reach to the gold ring in her right ear. With his teeth he attempted  to grab her ear ring and pull, so that he stretched her ear. Enough hopefully for him to cause her sufficient pain to make her loosen her grip on his neck. If his grab for her earring succeeded he  attempted to start to rip her ear by pulling the ring through the skin of her ear. Surely then she would then  reconsider her insolence

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 1/3
Height 42"
Build Light

" words of a god"
"words of ramses"

html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise



7 Years
02-23-2019, 01:47 AM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

Her shoulders curl upwards, hackles rising in the process as the precarious skull sitting carefully before her jugular. Meanwhile her stance sprawls, her legs spreading slightly on either side once again while her knees bend just so. Her tail remained straight and rigid in order to aid with her balance as her eyes would narrow in order to concentrate on her task at hand. And she can feel it - power, momentum as it curls in haunches now irrevocably strung tight. Ears so often casually misplaced tuck back, toes sprawl - every little detail given dutiful attention as she, unholy wraith, successfully lands each attack. The moment her left shoulder blade slammed into the bottom portion of the natural groove between Ra’s right shoulder and his chest, mild pain struck the portion where the two of them collide. She was certain it will leave behind a nasty bruise for both of them however adrenaline pumped her heart as it beat a tattoo inside of her ribcage and the pain was soon forgotten. Another success made itself known as her murderous canines penetrated the soft skin tissues around Ra's right-sided portion of the neck, applying enough pressure to draw massive quantities of vital, crimson liquid that seemed to stain a big portion of the male and the battlefield they were on. The taste of her own Father blood acted like gasoline to the fire, only fueling her further. The male counter attack came in a sharp motion, his sharp incisors landed successfuly on her golden earring, hooking themselves on the gold jewellery. Pain struck her feline-like body again as the male pulled at it and small droplets of blood were dripping down the side of her temple. She knew her options were limited but the woman had no desire to back down and therefore she maintained her grip upon the man's right-sided portion of the neck (Nephthys's left) and attempted to increase the damage she caused the first time and draw more blood out of the male by trashing her cranium right and left, hopefully her canines will penetrate the flesh deeper and the blood loss will slow him down, as her jaws remained locked. Such attack did not come without costs as her earring was successfuly ripped off, leaving a thin rupture in its place (earring actual proximity). Furthermore, own right paw would lift slightly from the ground, and as her weight shifted equally among her three grounded limbs to maintain her balance, the woman would attempt to trip the male in one fluid, attempted sweeping motion with her right paw from the inside of his left front ankle and to her right, hoping to carry his limb along with her own as she performed the swipe so that she may compromise his balance and receive the upper hand.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 2/3
Height 36"
Build Light

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
02-23-2019, 10:26 AM

Aerndis soaked in the events like a sponge, a very full sponge. There was just so much going on and so many wolves with complicated relationships that she could barely glean from the chaos around her. She settled down with the haunch of the deer leg between her paws as she ripped into the flesh and began to snack. Normally she wouldn't have dared such a think with so many wolves. However, she was confident they were all far to distracted with the going on's to worry about stealing her food and besides, with the mass of her family around her she doubted anyone would mess with them.

She focused on scents, trying to tie which wolves belonged to the same pack. Chewing thoughtfully on a piece of gristle her eyes were drawn immediately to a black and white woman with a blue feather in her fur who came blazing onto the seen like a wild fire. Her fury was palpable and as Aerndis turned to see one of the men she was addressing had the Imperialis eye dots! Strange, he smelt of a different pack though. Maybe he wasn't family despite the marking. That could certainly be. A few patches of colored fur did not denote a family tie and she knew Ash was her uncle and he didn't have the dots. Aerndis glanced at her grandfather but decided to ask about it later.

Her gaze was drawn next to three pups from another pack. She wondered what they were doing here but she was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts as someone addressed her.

"I don't suppose I get to share in the snack too, eh?"

Aerndis turned to see one of the other star wolves with the tell tale eye-markings of her family. She grinned and shifted slight to the side. "Sure, dig in! I brought this to share though I didn't realize so many wolves would be here or that our family was so big." The girl introduced herself as Lyra. "My name is Aerndis, I didn't expect to meet someone who looks so much like me either." She was excited about the prospect of having someone closer to her age to hang out with that wasn't her brothers. They were all well and good but they were boys. Boys had a special drive to be extra annoying.

Valentine made a comment that caused Lyra to stare at him in shock and Aerndis also turned to focus on her grandfather but the nuance of his comment was lost on her. He stated that the strange male with the eyedots, Rhyme she presumed, was sleeping with the feather lady, Shaye. She didn't understand the big deal but with Lyra's exclamation of ew… and then, wait, what. Incest? "Huh? What do you mean by incest? Who are those two?" She wondered why the man wasn't with his family, was this perhaps the reason he wasn't? Had he been cut off or banished or something?

Her nose wrinkled a bit as the man for whom the challenge had been called showed up covered in guts. She wasn't terribly put off by the smell but then she'd lived an early desperate life. Anything, anything could be food if you were hungry enough. She'd eaten from the corpse of just about everything, including bears, that she could find. She had no qualms about scavenging from kills or the unfortunate fates of other animals if it meant her survival.

Her attention quickly shifted to the fights. The caller, some religious nut, was fighting the scabby guy and two other wolves were getting into it. She didn't know which she wanted to focus on. She dipped her head to snag another morsel before turning her attention back to the battles.



5 Years
02-23-2019, 10:41 AM

Lydia let out a sigh of relief as Branch appeared. She hadn't even realized just how tense she was getting and she was grateful for the support his presence provided. She knew it would be good opportunity to get a feel for the other packs and the conflicts they were dealing with both externally and internally but with so many vicious creatures she'd have left if her alpha had not appeared. Of course that didn't mean they were immune to any potential danger. This battlefield was awash in madness.

"Any idea what all is going on?"

Lydia shook her head lightly then stopped and shrugged. "There is so much going on I'm not for sure. That man is an Abraxas and he's challenged the alpha of a pack for some reason or another. Whatever it is it can't be good. The Abraxas are trouble. They think they're gods destined to conquer the earth." She shuddered then tried to subtly gesture at Pyralis. "That woman held me captive for several seasons." She didn't like to think back on that time but she wanted Branch to be aware in case the other woman tried to go after Lydia. Thankfully, it seemed the older woman was engrossed in the battle and had forgotten Lydia was there. "There are also some challenges from Abaven wolves for members of the pack the Abraxas is challenging. It's… confusing."

To complicate matters the alpha of the challenged pack had appeared covered in gunk and seeming to be possessed. She tensed. What was going on? She had no idea that there were packs in Boreas with such deranged leaders. Any more she was starting to wonder if this was a trend. It was like the alphas were competing to see who was the most dark, the most blood thirsty. She thanked the spirits she'd found Kesali. A beacon of light in a sea of dark.

The battles kicked off, one between the Abraxas and a scabby male and another between a male and a woman she recognized as Nepthys. Her eyes bounced between the dueling pairs, uncertain who to focus on but her stomach turning with nerves regardless.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large
02-24-2019, 01:54 PM

Ra knew there would be blood. There was plenty spilled on the battlefield that day. And some of it was his. Nephthys grip had not slackened despite ripping her ear ring from her. But he had height advantage. He had pulled himself up to his full height and the angle meant that her teeth had sunk into the layer of fatty tissue and not into his sternomastoideus muscle. It was messy, and unless the battle ended soon it might leave him weak, but it did not immediately impair his skill. Now he needed to avoid her attempt to trip him. His legs were spread to steady himself and his rear legs were still wedged against the rocks. He used his tail to control his balance.

He made use of his rear feet being wedged against the rocks. He used his powerful bicep femoris muscles to launch himself up and forward. He attempted to take advantage of his superior height and the bounding leap to loosen Nephthys grip. If she wanted to stay hanging on to his throat she would have her feet lifted of the ground as he leapt up. If she did cling on he would use the fact she was stretching up on three legs to push her over on the right. He could then attempt to slam her head onto the floor. With luck she would hit her head on one of the sharp rocks.

If, on the other hand she loosened her grip on his throat he would attempt to slam his weight on to her as she dropped to the ground, his abdominal area landing on her neck.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 2/3
Height 42"
Build Light

words of a god
words of ramses

Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise



7 Years
02-24-2019, 02:58 PM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

Her hips pivoted more to her own left, hoping to hop to her left a bit as well. The wraith sought to bring herself perpendicular, an almost capital L-shape being her goal (more aiming for a T), seeking to preserve defenses. She spread her limbs wide apart, hoping that her limbs would balance equally, weight evenly distributing across all limbs that managed to be grounded, limbs bending, toes spreading, claws biting into the soil, center of gravity lowering with her lowered body, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her body, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. All defenses were set, muscles tensed just enough to allow for preparation, but not too much as to hinder her flexibility. Her defenses had all previously been secured, but her balance took no more than an instant to secure. Foolish man, height and muscles cannot help you if it is the brian cells that you are lacking. Then again, he always seemed to think with his lower head judging by the army of children he abandoned. A thunderous snarl escaped Nephthys maw from the back of her throat. The man used his height advantage to the best of his possibility but he could not plan the outcome, instead, her jaws released the area she’d managed to bite into, seeking to prepare for a different. The moment he leaped into the air he offered her the best opportunity she could've ask in order to hope to breach the bastards underbelly with her claws. Alas, the woman’s hind legs tensed and sought to propel her forwards. However she did not see the push, leaping forward his right pad collided with her left temple (POV). Claws lost their initial landing due to his push and confusion reached her for only a moment therefore jaws sought to twist to his left (Nephthys right), seeking to bite into the man’s left front ankle, and attempting so in a crushing motion. She desired to break the bone if possible and create some real, potent and permanent damage to the bastard that dared to call himself her father.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 3/3
Height 36"
Build Light

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-24-2019, 05:19 PM

Eyes held no emotion for his once nephew. Especially when Leera comes to stand behind him and says that Tyranis had threatened to kill her, his fur prickles with rage. Tyranis was a heartless creature, and that was all Ace could see in him. And even when Tyranis spoke, claiming he would do anything for his children, Ace growled. "They are hers as much as they are yours, but you are not fit to be a father! You failed once without even trying, just like your damned father! To threaten the mother of your children is cowardice. And you, Tyranis, will pay your debt." He would rip away all that Tyranis held dear, the alabaster warrior preparing himself to do just that. All he saw in his nephew was the same arrogance and bloodthirst and everything else that consumed Elias. His brother had claimed such things before, and in the end...he murdered his own daughter and abandoned the rest. Tyranis was just like him in every way as far as Ace could tell. He would not succumb to the lies that came through his teeth.

Before he could do anything more, however, he heard Shaye's voice. She had returned, though Ace did not care to look at her. She had embarrassed him once already, and it seemed she would do so again. One ear flicked as she addressed those involved, telling Tyranis that they would speak about the matter. And then...“Acere no longer represents Abaven as its lead warrior, those he has claimed are mine." What!? Disbelief suddenly took him over as he turned his head to look towards Shaye, and standing near her was Odysseus. His eyes went from wide to narrowed as he eyed the two, the male barely containing the snarl that threatened to form. He turned abruptly away, crimson gaze finding the ground for a moment before finding Tyranis. "This isn't over. Mark my words..." He threatened before turning away.

Shaye had shamed him. And had done so in front of all of Boreas and Auster. He pushed past those in his way if they hadn't already moved, and he didn't bother looking at Shaye again. "Ignis! Actaea! Let's go!" He shouted, ordering them to follow. As he passed Leera, he added "Come find me if you wish." Without another word, he stormed away from the crowd and took off.

-exit Ace-




6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
02-24-2019, 06:32 PM

Her eyes watched everything involving her uncle, watching Tyranis' reaction as to her it seemed he put on a show. She held back the huff that threatened to come out as he spoke. He did look like he cared for his pups, but uncle was right Leera had just as much right to her children as did Ty himself. She wasn't sure if Ty actually cared or if it was all for show. Before much more happened Shaye appeared with another adult member from the pack, taking over and addressing the crowd. She offered safety for Leera, but stated they would speak about the children. Shaye was trying to approach this in her way, which was a good way. Actaea knew how her uncle felt, he had declared Ty and her father an enemy and justice would be served. Those in their family that have already suffered and soiled the Praetor name, Uncle would get justice.

Her eyes narrowed as Shaye stripped her uncle of his rank right then and there, however her uncle felt Actaea knew Shaye was just trying to do her job and keep her pack from going to war. She was torn at how to feel, supporting her uncle and seeing what Shaye was trying to do. Her eyes looked back to her Uncle watching him, she knew he was upset. He got up and started to leave, pushing back the crowd and ordering her and Ignis to fallow. Without any hesitation the girl got up and fallowed, not looking back. She didn't look back, picking up her pace to catch up then fallowing her uncle and Ignis.

-Exit Actaea-


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-24-2019, 06:53 PM
"Talk" Walk

There was so much going on that Ignis didn't know what to do or what to think. His uncle looked about ready to fight his older half-brother. The she-wolf that had submitted to him changed sides with the claim that Tyranis had threatened her. Other fights were breaking out. And then there was Shaye. His gaze turned to her when she addressed those present, saying that she and Ty would discuss things and then...oh no. She stripped his uncle's rank. His gaze turned to his uncle, a feeling of uncertainty and apprehension taking hold. His uncle said a few words to Ty, and then pushed past the crowd and stormed off but not before ordering him and his sister to follow.

Ignis frowned and shot a worried look to Corvus before turning away and following. He wasn't sure what was going to happen now...he didn't understand politics. His sister was learning that part. He just wanted to be a warrior. He quickly got through the crowd and hurried to follow his sister and uncle.


Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



5 Years
Extra large
02-25-2019, 05:11 PM

Fast oh so fast. Nephthys sunk her teeth into his left front ankle as he bound towards her. Her teeth sunk in to his muscle – into the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris muscle. The pain was intense. The tooth cut into the muscle but the momentum he had gathered from his leap meant he moved too fast for her jaw to snap shut, he escaped the damage that would have been caused by her 1500 pounds per square inch bite. Nonetheless the wound caused would doubtless cause a lasting scar. He had to avoid any more damage.

He turned his body to the right, to move more of his body away from the reach of her claws, and lowered his rear to prevent her attacking his rear limb. As he twisted round to his right he lashed forward with his right claw, reaching for her face, avoiding her tucked in ears but attempting to get a claw into her eye. If this fight is to come to an end let her leave with her eyes damned.
His final gesture was an attempt to make worse her damaged shoulder. With a mighty roar he snapped his teeth reaching forward to attempt to sink his teeth into her left  pectoral muscle.

Nephthys vs Ra for MAIM (breaking the front left limb, resulting in permanent limp)
Round 3/3
Height 42"
Build Light

words of a god
words of ramses

Flowers in Chania
Mature themed character; thread at your own risk
Ramses is a 50" venemous Cottonmouth snake present all the time unless stated otherwise

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-25-2019, 05:27 PM
She watched Ace leave with mixed feelings, and gave Actaea a comforting nod as the girl looked between her and Ace with uncertainty. It was a good idea for Ace’s two wards to head back with him, and she was happy to see less of her members here at the battlefield right now. “Rhyme, can you take Leera home?” she asked him, speaking more softly now, through she hadn’t decided what she was going to do with Rhyme yet. They would need to have a very in depth conversation soon.

“Tyranis, perhaps we should step aside and discuss this” she told the man, hearing in his words that he had misunderstood her. It would be better to have a quiet talk with the theatrical man, and see what they could sort out. She didn’t know anything about Leera or the pups at this stage, but she did believe that Leera had some sort of rights to the children as well. Dammit, she really didn’t want to be in the middle of this.

She gave Ody a glance, seeing the support in his eyes was beneficial, especially when she felt that her pack wasn’t holding together very well just then. She gave him a gesture, indicating he should come with them, and then moved to step away from the larger scene with Ody and Tyranis.

-exit Shaye-


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



8 Years
02-25-2019, 06:59 PM
time extension allowed by iko <3

Thankfully, Hannibal's attack purchased but not as much as he hoped. As the smaller male moved up and to the right his form hit Archon's throat to cause a bit of choking but that was just about it. He had hoped for a bit more due to the angle and sheer power put into the lurch. But, there was literally no time to dwell on short comings. The fight moved on at a fast pace.

Archon went in for another attack as his grip of Hannibal's upper back had been faltered. The larger male's right forepaw lifted and aimed to hook and pull the albino's towards him (Archon.) Archon's forepaw made purchase at the back of Hannibal's right lower foreleg just under the knee. The movement caused the smaller male stumble forward but due to the swiping motion he was able to recover by digging his front left paw as well as two back paws into the earth for stability. The pain flowing through the smaller male's front left leg was intense and the limb trembled but he clenches his jaws in order to power through it. Hannibal tugged his front right paw backward and down in order to place it back down on the ground rather quickly to reduce any more balance issues. There was a tiny twinge of pain where Archon's paw made contact with Hannibal's leg but what really brought forth pain was the amount of pressure he had to put on his left leg in order to catch himself. But, as all this happened Archon was also aiming another bite in Hannibal's direction. Due to the two attacks happening simultaneously and Hannibal had stumbled down and slightly forward in result of Archon's paw swipe the location of the larger male's bite was a bit different then originally intended. Archon managed to get a grip on the right side of Hannibal's upper neck region. About four inches behind the albino's right ear. The purchase brought forth a moderate twinge of harsh pain with a generous amount of blood. At this point Hannibal's back and neck were covered in blood and it was not looking good for the much smaller Wolf. On top of all this Archon was pressing his chest into Hannibal's own which would cause bruising and call for the smaller male to put even more pressure on his injured limb. Hannibal continued to dig his paws into the earth and also attempted to apply pressure back to power against the shoves.

Once regaining balance Hannibal took a mere second to re-evaluate his defenses. As said previously paws were dug into the earth and weight was distributed between each one with less emphasis on his injured limb. His legs were pretty evenly spread with pads flexed to grip the earth. Knees and elbows bent to lower his hurting form to the earth. Eyes narrowed, lips curled upward, ears flattened, and head tucked down to protect his throat. Hackles raised despite the horrible bites and tail was flagged out to align with his spine. Hannibal's head was also lowered to align with his spine. Last but not least his breathing was steady for focus and to keep his body in-tune with the fight.

As it were Hannibal and Archon were pretty head to head with Archon's attention directly mostly at Hannibal's right side. Their chests were together and Archon had a grip with fangs upon Hannibal's upper right neck region. Things were not looking bright for the underdog but he would try his best. it was a fight for his freedom after-all.

Hannibal prepared for his own assault by using the height difference to his advantage. The smaller male had access to a lot of Archon's under bits which were rather tender and sensitive flesh. Hannibal quickly moved to open his own jaws wide and angle his head to his left. Hannibal's head shot down and slightly to the left. The albino aimed a bite at the right frontal region of Archons chest were his right humorous bone and shoulder blade would meet, essentially at Archon's right portion of Pectoralis muscles. Hannibal's upper jaw attempted to meet purchase where the right humorous and right shoulder blade would meet as his lower jaw aimed to connect a few inches below. Simultaneously, Hannibal attempted to further press into Archon by stepping forward with his two back paws and digging them into the earth. He leaned into both his attempt of a bite and the contact Archon had made with Hannibal's own chest. Despite the height difference the smaller male was hoping to push his opponent back or perhaps even slip on some Bear muck that may have fallen from Tyranis.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM (freedom)
Round: 2/3
Height: 35"
Build: medium

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2019, 10:53 PM
Archon felt his leg hook, and his bite take hold at right side of Hannibal's upper neck region about four inches behind the albino's right ear.

Their chests were together, thus making Hannibal's attempt to bite Archon's right portion of Pectoralis muscles where the right humorous and right shoulder blade met while simultaneously pushing into Archon a difficult task. Hannibal would, however sink his teeth into the front of Archon's right shoulder, where the shoulder met the neck. The gripping bite earned a moderate amount of pain and a hearty stream of vivid red blood as Hannibal pushed himself, and his teeth, towards Archon. The continuous and rough pushing would begin to cause moderate bruising to bloom in Archon's chest.

As soon as Hannibal started pushing against him, Archon checked his defenses. He brought his tail up alongside his stomach to protect from the shorter male's future assaults. He grounded all four paws, digging his nails into the bloody ground for traction while his knees bent slightly and he centered his weight to improve his agility. His hackles remained fluffed straight out to deflect attacks. He kept his face scrunched, brow knitted together, eyes narrowed, and ears flattened to protect from any possible attacks Hannibal might try to throw at his face.

Archon kept his attacks simple. Archon aimed to keep pressing on the smaller male's chest with his own even if it hurt, he hoped it would hurt Hannibal even more. He also attempted to grind his teeth deeper into the right side of Hannibal's neck about four inches behind the albino's right ear, hoping to not only hold his grip but to worsen the wound. Simultaneously, Archon attempted to twist his head to his left, aiming to tear the flesh from Hannibal's frame and cause severe scarring.

Archon hoped that with constant pressure and assault, Hannibal would crumble beneath him.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM
Round: 3/3
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy



8 Years
02-26-2019, 11:30 AM

Hannibal was able to latch onto Archon's right portion of Pectoralis muscles where the right humorous and right shoulder blade met. Teeth sunk into flesh and blood finally covered his beautifully pale lips. The albino was also able to maintain pressure on Archon's chest as they pushed against one another. It was not actually as hard as it seemed for the smaller male to bite at Archon's right portion of upper chest due to the height difference. It involved a bit of neck strain but other then that Hannibal was short enough to not have too much of a hard time, which is why he went for such a bite in the first place.

The two Wolves remained locked together. Archon pressed further into Hannibal's chest which only caused the smaller male to tense his healthy legs even more while digging his paws into the earth for balance. The pressure only increased the thrumming pain in his chest and their would likely be bruises down to the bone but despite Hannibal's size he was muscular enough to remain standing for now. The real pain came from Hannibal's right upper neck region about four inches behind his right ear. Archon turned his head which further deepen the wound and grind his precious flesh. There would indeed be scarring as blood flowed down Hannibal's ivory pelt. The pain from both Hannibal's upper back and right neck region would be nearly insufferable as the brisk air hit open wounds. The grinding of his flesh was nearly unbearable but once again Hannibal was fighting for his freedom and would do so until he couldn't any longer.

Due to there being a lack of movement the smaller male could maintain the majority of his defenses. Hannibal's ears were flattened, eyes narrowed, and lips curled. His tail was aligned with his spine and hackles were raised despite the previous damage. Legs were bent at knees and elbows to lower his form to the earth. Pads flexed and toes splayed. Breathing was directed through his nose and snorts could be heard to shoot away any blood from his nasal passage. His breathing was also steady despite the snorts to remained focused as so much happened around him. Weight was distrubuted between his front right leg and two back legs, but also applying as much pressure as he could to his front left leg to maintain balance for the last few seconds of the fight. His front left leg trembled due to the weight.

Hannibal was locked into his positioning. His own movements would be limited due to the hunkering pressure put on his upper neck. Thus, he would take advantage of the bite he had landed previously as well as Archon's continuously head movements. His own flesh was already being torn thus he would he didn't have much to loose. The albino attempted to further sink his incisors into Archon's flesh at right portion of Pectoralis muscles where the right humorous and right shoulder blade meet by flexing his jaw muscles. Hannibal's head would then aim to thrash left and right while trying to keep his teeth sunk into muscular flesh. His hopes were to dig his fangs deeper into the wound as well as widening the damage. It was savagery at it's finest but also a very instinctual move when locked into a bite. While Hannibal attempted to deepen the bite wound he aimed to continuously press his chest into Archons to combat his opponents everlasting pressure. More minuscule steps with his hind legs would be made in attempt to push his opponent back as well as reassessing his hind paw placement so he wouldn't slip or buckle under Archon's weight.

Archon vs Hannibal for FORCE CLAIM (freedom)
Round: 3/3
Height: 35"
Build: medium

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
02-26-2019, 12:14 PM

Clementine heard the call of a challenge but noted the fact that it was for no one she knew. The obsidian babe went about her business for some time but after a while an undying sense of curiosity took over her form. Within her time joining Kesali and reuniting with her family the woman hadn't seen any fights nor had she endured one. The summons were rather public in an area known to be the battlefield which was an arena for challenges and disputes. Usually the babe would allow others to settle things out on their own but perhaps by observing a fight between two capable Wolves she could pick up on some pointers as well as get to know some other natives to the land.

The dark femme allowed her paws to hit the earth like lithe war drums as she entered the battlefield. The scents were so strong and strange she almost had the urge to turn back. Yet, as she grew closer to the abundance of spectators the Wreckage girl let her eyes fall upon Branch and Lydia. A little spark of joy filled her heart as muscular legs brought her form towards the pair. Her eyes scanned the other Wolves with wonder as she passed at their rears. So many different pelts, scents, sized, and attitudes. Voices filled her black ears as well as the sounds of ripping flesh. The scent of metallic blood filled her nose as well as bile. With a little shake of her head the fae moved to sit down next to her pack mates with a little look of curiosity. "I've never seen this many Wolves in one place.."

speech action

[Image: clem_siggy.png]



4 Years
02-26-2019, 04:54 PM

speech Thought

He returned to the battlefield a hollow man, blood seeping from his shoulder and hip as he moved to sit beside his brother wordlessly. The fighting it seemed had ended, but his mind couldn’t have been further from the outcome of the fight.

From here he would return to his pack, whatever there was left of it and give away even more of his members including his pups and adopted son. He had lost everything. Everything he had worked for and loved had been taken from him, and now he was nothing. A skeleton; flesh draped loosely over bones to shade the hollow cavity under his ribs. Now there was nothing.

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
02-27-2019, 01:08 PM
Artur leveled a disgusted stare over his shoulder as Geoffrey hissed at him to be quiet, but Caelia chimed in with the opinion that none of the adults were paying attention to them anyway. "Don't be a baby, Geoff," he huffed at the smaller boy, then jerked his head at the adults. "They'd be too busy with their own theatrics to even notice if one of us bit them in the ass." He was pleased by his use of an adult word, and stared down any objections to his language. What were they going to do, tattle? They were already breaking the rules too, so they'd have to admit that before they could complain about him swearing. He did turn his head sharply when one old man with spots under his eyes said another bad word, and his young mouth formed the word 'fucking' sotto voce with a thoughtful expression. Oh, that was a particularly satisfying sort of swear word, though he wasn't sure what it meant.

Another male burst into the scene, trailing the scent of blood and bile, and Artur abandoned his thoughtful perusal of the old man, who he had been wondering if they would teach him any more of those words, to stare hawkishly at the new arrival. The blood was dark and gummy against an already dark coat, but the scent made it clear what it was. The male shook himself, splattering the youths there in the front row with congealed blood. Artur heard Viv shriek, but he just turned his head aside from the blood, and as he turned it back raised his hackles and his lips in a silent snarl. He was torn between disgusted and fascinated by the blood that coated the older male, and now also spattered his own pale coat.

He was disappointed, however, when the adults went quickly from 'possibly interesting' to suddenly the whole lot of them arguing about - incest? he wasn't sure what it meant - and this new male's offspring and whether they should go with the female, who had quickly submitted to her would-be captors upon his arrival. "Weak," he sneered aloud, staring at her with wrinkled nose. If she cared so much about her kids she should have fought for them instead of waiting for some Big Strong Man to rescue her from what she claimed was a bad situation. Clearly they'd be better off with the male that claimed to be their father, if that was the influence they were going to have from their mother. He supposed not everyone could have a mother who was a warrior like his was, but that was likely the Adravendi influence in her blood that had saved her from being just another wretched mewling girl who was only good for raising puppies. Caelia, clearly, had inherited that Adravendi strength as well.

More arguments, and fights had broken out while he'd been focusing on the blood-covered male. He frowned at all and sundry, and particularly hard at the blood-covered male when he started offering to trade anything for his pups. Why trade? Why not simply take what he wanted? He was big, though not as big as the Abaven male alpha he was not far off, so if he'd had any sort of fight training at all he should have been able to hold his own. His opinion of the male plummeted as he docilely followed the Abaven alpha female off and returned shortly with a hang-dog expression.

Actually, his opinion of adults in general had taken a severe nosedive from this experience. Bickering and whining and wheedling like pups. Clearly they were all ill-suited to a leadership role. They were practically begging for someone strong to unite them under his stable leadership.

Artur's blue eyes gleamed with an almost feverish light as his gaze darted over the scene that continued to unfold before their impressionable young eyes. "Pay attention," he murmured to his siblings, ignoring Viviane's horrified muttering. "See how well these so-called 'adults' behave. What does that say to you?"



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
02-27-2019, 01:27 PM
Viviane watched with wide eyes and rounded mouth as the adults argued back and forth, gasping at Artur's use of a bad word, but when another male had appeared covered in blood and speaking in a really scary tone of voice, her eyes went even wider, and her gaze darted to her brothers and sister questioningly. Maybe we should go home, she wanted to say, wanted to agree with Geoffrey, but the words withered away before she could say them. She knew Artur would just say something mean if she did, and she didn't want to put herself in that position. Better to just be quiet and wait for Artur to get bored so they could go. It would all work out.

But then the blood-covered man shook himself off like he was shaking off water, sending blood spraying across her from where she had sat in the front row. She jerked her head back with an involuntary shriek as globules of congealed blood splashed across her face, leaving wet clotted streaks of the dark, coagulated substance across the top of her muzzle and forehead and splattering her previously snowy white throat and chest. "Geoffrey! Caelia!" she wailed, throwing herself backward wildly and trying to burrow beneath her siblings. "Please, Artur, please let's just go, they're crazy, someone's going to try to take us too, please let's go home. I want Mom. I want Princess. Please, let's just go before someone sees us." The big tall man with the eye spots had already tried to take a yearling away from someone, and the big angry pale man had taken a mom and her babies. Why would anyone take a mom and her babies? Or a yearling? And if they'd take a mom-and-babies and a yearling, what was to stop someone from taking the whole lot of the Adravendi pups? Or worse, just Viv? She couldn't stand the thought of being taken away from her siblings. Or what if Caelia got taken? Or poor Geoffrey? But Artur was ignoring her, talking softly to them about the adults there. Viviane couldn't help but agree that they were all behaving really quite poorly and shouldn't adults have better manners than this? But unlike Artur she did not want to stick around to see any more of it.



2 Years
02-28-2019, 08:41 PM
Geoffrey's head whipped around as Artur rebuked him. He was able to set aside his growing alarm just long enough to snap at his brother. "Don't call me Geoff, Arty." Oh, how he hated that nickname. He hated it more than being called a baby.

He dropped his voice to a whisper and hissed, "And there is somebody watching us and she looks mean." The woman in question's gaze wasn't on them for long as the challenge somehow managed to devolve further.

Geoffrey stood frozen as the adults around them began to yell at one another and clash. The scene was so surreal he could do little more than stare. Seeing wolves behave so terribly was a shock to the sheltered boy. Honestly until now he had no clue adults could be so childish. He thought they were all like the ones at home.

All that sneering and insulting paled in comparison to what happened next.

He gasped and flinched back as a large, blood-covered male burst onto the scene. Geoffrey had no idea what real crazy looked like, but if he had to guess, it now stood in front of him. The big male shook out his coat and blood rained down on the unlucky spectators. Geoffrey could do little more than blink rapidly, mouth agape, as foul smelling blood trickled down his face. He could feel it in one of his ears. It was in his mouth.

Horrified and now thoroughly over their little endeavor, he turned to hiss at his brother, "I TOLD you! They're CRAZY! And this is dangerous. That's what this says to me." Artur may have been willing to risk his safety for a show, but Geoffrey wasn't. Viviane was right, the threat of violence was real. "Come on, Viv. Let's go home."

[Image: jqslMGb.png]



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
03-01-2019, 02:33 PM
Watching as the fighting broke out not only between the original summoner and an apparent secondary of the summoned alpha, but between members of the crowd, Ignatius bit back a groan as he sat there. He didn't know one pair of fighters, two wolves decorated in ornate golden jewelry, but he did know Shaye and her pack wolves. The spat that had taken place between her wolves and some others left him feeling intrigued and uncertain. With all the commotion and jeering from some group of slate-pelted wolves it was hard to catch all of what was being said. He should probably find out what his allies were caught up in lest it effect his pack later. Had Shaye not shown up to control whatever situation was unfolding he wondered what might have taken place. Not a great sign.

He watched as a group of pups up front prattled on among themselves, arguing about whether to stay or leave. Ig frowned and looked at the other wolves nearby. None of them looked like they might be the adult supervising the youngsters, although they all looked almost old enough to be out alone. Still. Ig turned back to the fighters and watched as Abaven members filed out of the area. What a mess.