
Smashing The Opponent


08-12-2015, 02:22 AM

The female had decided that the time had come. The time to feel blood between her claws and taste flesh. Without fear. Such was the way of the warrior she was, and the only way she was going to get better was if she practiced her skills and kept them sharp. Bernadette would breathe in as she began to walk towards the place where battle was commonplace -- The Battlefield. An aptly named place, for what she sought anyway. Ears were perked forward, bicolored eyes shining with a light of eagerness. Let them come, she thought. Let them come and let there be a glorious rain of blood.

Bernadette would come to a stop, paws settling upon the dust of the field. Her gaze would sweep the terra before her head would tilt back, calling for whomever would come. Come without fear, come ready to bleed, for I am waiting. That was the call. Her claws would bite the dirt as Bernadette settled back down, waiting for whomever would show. What name would she give this time, she wondered? Ahh there were the luxury of two choices. One to honor her mother, the other in favor of her father's traditions. A way to honor both. Eyes would blaze as she waited. Come on, she was ready.


08-21-2015, 11:56 PM

Large paws carried the shaggy reaper towards a sound enticing to his ears. He'd been creeping on the outskirts of the battlefield, toeing the fine lines between freedom, fights, and slavery. He'd heard much about this place from his sister, and he'd kept a well placed eye on these grounds to see what kind of creatures showed up. So far, he hadn't really seen any pack wolves claiming losing creatures against their will, and that was quite boring. He himself, wanted some new toys. And in due time perhaps he would get some.

Sauntering into his view, a woman of impressive stature stood several yards away. Manic amber eyes stared unblinking as he approached, her call had been answered. "Did someone call to play with the boogeyman?" An ominous chuckle rumbled his features as he stared with a sort of hunger to be satiated only by blood. His head hung low, shaggy fur stuck in clumps around his legs and hindquarters, though around his neck it remained thick and...patchy. He looked directly at her bi-colored eyes, an attractive feature to go along with her red stained chest. Her pelt was equally as black as his, at least that was one thing he could admire.

Speech Thought Others


08-22-2015, 02:41 PM

A man approached, and gaze focused on the golden eyed devil. Well now, what was this? Someone who thought he was big and bad just because he had a pair? Bernadette would smirk, adjusting her stance as the stranger approached. She could feel the sensation, the possible thrill of battle just waiting. It felt like her skin was itching, a need filling her to break down and attack this man. But oh no, where were her manners? Bernadette would flash her teeth in a wicked smile. "Aye, someone who wishes to bring you to Forbidden Salvation, Boogeyman." Her claws would bite the earth, legs and toes spread, bending at the knees.

Hackles would raise, ears falling flat against her skull. Bicolored eyes would narrow, head aligning with her spine as she rolled her shoulders forward. Muscles were tense, a snarl ripping from peeled back lips. Tail struck out behind her like a banner. She was more than ready to deal with this man. "You answered the call, and thus I will allow you the honor of first blood, if you think you're quick enough to strike." Her words were cool, a tongue running across her teeth.

Come On.


08-29-2015, 04:05 AM

Ohohoho, a woman who thought she had a clever name? Well then...this was going to be morbidly interesting. "Forbidden Salvation...and why is that? Is it because the Devil has already claimed your soul?" He offered up a wicked grin as he watched her set herself up. Ears perked slightly forward as she spoke, the woman giving him the first move. Strange, considering she had been the one to call for a fight. Normally, he would have rushed out of nowhere to attack whomever, but he'd been feeling a little...generous lately. His grin grew wider, teeth bared as yellowed fangs were revealed. "My pleasure. Diablo comes for you."

He would immediately shift his stance, defenses coming easily and without thought just as his breathing did. Hackles rose up, tail flagged out, his stance squared and knees bent, abdomen tightened as his ears pinned flat against his crown and his eyes would narrow in delight. Maw slowly opened, drool dripping from his fangs as he prepared to use his devices for protection as well as to do harm. His toes would splay across the ground, claws driving themselves into the dirt. His head lowered slightly to align with his spine and tail, his own guttural cry resounded to mirror hers, and then he was off.

He launched himself at her in an attempt to close the few yards of distance between them. His growls erupted into a fierce snarl as he jutted forth his left shoulder, the beast aiming to smash his left shoulder into the upper portion of her chest just below her windpipe. She was taller then her yes, so hopefully he would be able to wind her and give her a collection of bruises. Should he succeed, jaws flew wide and open as spit flew in all directions, he sought to bite down upon the left side of her neck and achieve a grip in the hopes of crushing the muscle and perhaps making her bleed. Oh how he missed the taste of blood. Top fangs sought to dig into the flesh of the left portion of her neck, whilst bottom fangs sought to bite down upon her windpipe and crush the air from her body. He figured it would be a long shot, though he was unsure at how experienced she was in a fight, he would give it his all.

Diablo VS Bernadette for Spar

Round: 1/2?

OOC//Willing to do time extensions just in case you need it ^_^ (I know I might depending on my moods lately..)



09-05-2015, 10:41 AM

He spoke of her name as if it interested him. Perhaps the devil had already claimed her soul. Only one knew that, and Bernadette was not about to reveal the truth of that. She felt no regret in giving him the first move either. Such a thing was a strategy of her own, in learning her opponent before she attacked. Sure one move wasn’t enough to know them fully, but it would have to be enough. The woman felt that this spar was going to definitely be of the violent sort, and she would brace herself.

Ears would pin flat against her skull, orbs narrowing to protect the organs of sight. Head would lower, aligning with the spine, as behind her her tail would raise up behind her like a banner to aid with balance. Shoulders would roll forward, neck scrunching up to protect it as well. Chin would tip towards her chest, giving more protection to her throat, as hackles raised. Knees were bent at the joint, legs and toes widened, with weight evenly distributed across her limbs.

Let Diablo come.

He would launch himself at her in an attempt to close the distance between them. She would sidestep twice to the right {Bernadette’s right}. The attack aimed for her windpipe would instead crash into the bony part of the front of her left shoulder. Moderate bruising was sure to follow from such a hit. Luckily Bernadette had been braced for it, only sacrificing but one step backward.

His bite would be misplaced as well, thanks to her adjusted position. Shifting her head to the right, further out of his reach, his fangs would simply slice her left cheek, bottom fangs reaching up just uner her chin and upper fangs hitting her cheek dead center to give some punctures and moderate slices due to the power behind his bite.

Now it was her turn.

The woman would push back into her opponent, also jutting out the bony part of her left shoulder as she attempted to shift more to her left and dig it into the more delicate flesh of the right side of his chest {directly next to the front of the shoulder.} Furthermore she attempted to snap her head to the left and retaliate by snapping down directly over his muzzle, where her top jaw would rest over his nose and lower jaw would hold his own lower jaw in a vice like grip to keep him from using his fangs. Finally, the woman would make a last attempt in lifting her left forepaw, shifting her weight onto her other three legs, to bring it down harshly upon the toes of her opponent. With any luck at all her claws would also get between the webbing of his toes to add some cuts into the damage pool as well.

Bernadette vs Diablo for Spar || Round:: I / II

Notes:: Yes, definitely needed that laxness on default times. xD Had a busy week so take your time dear.


10-09-2015, 04:39 PM

Impact had been a decent success, the man's leftward charge with his shoulder would slam into the bony part of her left shoulder, causing a heavy bruise to well upon his appendage, but it only made him shiver in delight. Teeth would tear the flesh of her cheek, drawing blood and yet, he was disappointed that he hadn't achieved his intended mark. He so badly wanted to see the light fade from her eyes, however temporary. The pair seemed to strive in pushing back the other, her momentum bringing him forward and pushing him back a few inches as her shoulder dug into the softer part of his chest, a mild bruise slowly but surely blossoming from her digging efforts.

He hissed with the pleasure of pain, the man seeking to keep his defenses solidified as they fought on. He would suddenly drop to a bowed position, forelegs bending beneath him as his rump remained in the air. The teeth that sought his face would instead graze his crown, her bottom canines slicing his left ear due to his drop, but it was a small price to pay. Blood leaked from the delicate appendage, moderate tears on his outer left ear throbbed with pain, but it only spurred him on. His crown bled lightly, her teeth having scraped his head but leaving lighter wounds then on his ear.

Rapidly, he would keep his defenses set while changing up his defensive plan. Hackles remained up, eyes narrowed, ears pinned closer to his skull, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl as his brows furrowed. His tail tucked in, hind legs spread hip width apart as his forelegs sat beneath him and ready to spring. Toes were spread, claws biting the earth. His weight sat mostly on his front half, shoulders rolling forward to bunch his scruff once more. Abdomen tensed.

He grinned as her left forepaw came seeking his foot, however, thanks to his changed position it would instead land upon his foreleg below his elbow, and that was when he struck. Surging upwards using the springing power of his front legs, he aimed with gaping jaws to place a bite upon the throat of the larger woman, her left foot sliding off and leaving moderate scratches in their wake. He sought to grab hold of her throat just beneath her jaws, the crazed man wanting to choke the air from her lungs with a strong and powerful grip. The light of battle danced in his eyes, blood thirst taking over.

Diablo vs Bernadette
Round 2/2



10-24-2015, 08:16 PM

So intent she was on this battle, not willing to give any quarter to the crazed man. Her left shoulder would dig into the softer part of his chest, though her fangs would miss their intended target. Instead, the man would drop suddenly into a bowed position, her top fangs grazing his crown and lower fangs slicing his left ear. It was a small amount of blood, but blood all the same that danced upon her tongue. Finally her left forepaw would upon the right foreleg of the man, just below his elbow, only to slide off his leg and leave scratches upon it.

Bernadette would instinctively keep her defenses up during this time. Ears would remain pinned, her eyes narrowed, her hackles raised and jaws parted in a snarl. Her shoulders were rolled forward, chin tucked inward, her tail raised behind her. Weight would be redistributed evenly across her four limbs, legs and toes spread as claws bit into the earth below.

Now came retaliation.

Diablo, directly below her now, would surge upward with a spring from his legs. She would attempt to reel backwards, his jaws instead clamping down across her lower jaw, his top jaw resting upon her right side and bottom jaw resting across the left side directly in the middle of it with a crushing grip. Small punctures, as well as moderate bruising to the area, would be her cost to letting this man get his grip.

To attempt to shake the man the woman would kick out with her right foreleg, aiming to strike Diablo in the very center of his chest with as much force as she could muster. She would shift all of her weight into the attack, a snarl rumbling from her as her mouth hung open, trapped within his grip. In addition to this she would attempt to tear her jaw free, causing more lacerations to form and her own blood to spray as she did so.

Bernadette vs Diablo for Spar || Round:: 2/2

The Judge


01-13-2016, 12:51 AM




- 2 “He launched himself at her” Are they facing each other? At an angle?
- 2 “should he succeed” In what? Does this bite only work if the shoulder throw does? If so this is an “If Then” situation, which is PP. If not, it is incredibly unclear.
Total: 6

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (hackles) + 1 (tail) + 1 (knees) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (head)
Total: 8

+ 2 Shoulder throw
+ 3 bite to throat
+ 1 severity
+ 1 grip
Total: 7

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 41 / 50


- All Clear
Total: 10

- 2 “And retaliate by snapping down directly over his muzzle…” You need to clearly state what is an attempt. Saying where the teeth “would” rest is not an attempt.
- 2 “To bring it harshly upon the toes” I know you have an attempt in lifting, but you don’t attempt the strike.
Total: 6

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder hit
+ 1 paw stomp
+ 3 bite to muzzle
+ 1 grip attempt
Total: 7

- RND 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 43 / 50



- 2 “mild bruise slowly but surely blossoming from her digging efforts” where exactly?
- 2 “upon her throat” “beneath her jaws” this could be multiple places. With a severe attack like this you have to be very specific.
Total: 6

- 2 “to place a bite upon the throat” this does sound fishy and not attempted. Be careful of you wording. “aimed” doesn’t always make an entire movement an attempt.
Total: 8

+ 1 (hackles) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (teeth) + 1 (tail) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (weight)
Total: 10

+ 3 throat bite
+ 1 grip
+ 1 severity
Total: 5

- 1 mild bruise to left chest
- 2 moderate lacerations to left ear
- 2 moderate scratch to left leg
Total: 5

Total for Round Two: 34 / 50


- 0
Total: 10

- 3 How would a “crushing grip” cause only mild punctures and some bruising?! please be realistic with damage.
Total: 7

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (claws) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (tail) + 1 (weight) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 1 kick to chest
Total: 1

- 2 moderate bruise to jaw
- 3 minor fractures to jaw
- 2 minor lacerations to jaw
Total: 3

Total for Round Two: 31 / 50


41 + 34 = 75 / 100

43 + 34 = 74 / 100

And the winner is...

BERNIE must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- mild bruise to left chest - 2 OOC days
- Mod lacerations to left ear - 1 OOC week
- Moderate scratches - 5 OOC days

- moderate bruise to left shoulder - 2 OOC days
- Moderate slices to left cheek - 1 OOC week
- Moderate bruise to jaw - 2 OOC days
- Minor fracture to jaw - 3 OOC weeks
- Moderate lacerations to jaw - 1.5 OOC weeks


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Great fight you two! All my notes are above. If you have any questions, please let me know. Also; remember realistic damage ;3

- By [Arin]