
Suitable, My Queen?


08-08-2015, 06:50 PM

It was hard enough to find a land that was good enough for the siblings, but seemingly even harder to walk from place to place. He scowled as he came to a pause beside the first willow tree, stopping to sniff at its trunk. All scents in this area were pretty stale, it would seem like another being hadn't been here for quite some time. Good, it was so very annoying to run into the little wolves that think they ruled the damn world. No, that was for him and his sister to do. Peeking over his shoulder to look at her similar form, he tossed a grin in her direction. "Does this suite your fancies? Seems like we are rather alone here and away from all those bothersome souls." A single brow was risen as he awaited her answer before he turned around and took a few more steps in to the area. The tendrils of the willows swept low and towards the ground, creating a curtain of sorts that he had to push his large form through. Ambrose didn't stop until he found a tiny little clearing, the drooping branches cutting off most of the world. It was like their own little bubble. Chuckling he sat in a patch of sunlight that was cutting its way through the trees, warming his white and mocha pelt. Green and blue gaze searched for his sister, the only person who really mattered to the large man. He really would do anything for her, which is why they had been walking so damn far. He would walk to the ends of the earth for her, but if she wanted to stay here he was rather content with that. After all, his paws were starting to ache a bit.

With his usual scowl returning to his maw he looked around again. The spring was so cold that most of the prey was still in hiding, but he was sure that they might settle in here after it warmed up. The hanging branches offered some sort of protection and comfort, like a shield to the outside world. That is why he was drawn to this place in the first place, it was like a slice away from the world. Their domain. Well, hopefully anyways. "Wouldn't doubt there is water around, we can settle in here and move on later if you want." He quirked a brow at her again, slowly blinking at her mirror form. "Unless you had some... other plans in mind?" The smirk returned to his maw, parts of his teeth bared at the prospect. They both disliked the other wolves here, but it was also fun to poke and prod at them every once in awhile. Or maybe they needed a new little minion... Someone to do their bidding. When was the last time they had had that, anyways...?

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
08-08-2015, 07:16 PM
She moved through the trees, the dappled light shining through the holes in leaves and branches falling on her delicate form. Each paw stepped before the other almost daintily, head high and regal. She walked behind her brother, dual toned eyes slowly sliding this way and that. There was a smile upon her lips, a slow smirk as her eyes narrowed. This place seemed almost...perfect, if there was such a thing. It was hidden, stale, their own. A soft giggle bubbled from her as she turned her muzzle to look at her brother as he commented. "Dare I say it's almost.." She hummed then, glancing around again. "perfect" Her voice came out a rumbling purr as she looked back to her brother, following after him. "Almost." She said with a gentle smirk, watching as Ambrose moved to sit in the sunlight. He had been walking oh so very far, and she was so happy with him. With a bounce in her step she moved towards him, a giggle bubbling from her throat as she stepped beside him. When he asked her his question she hummed lightly again, looking up towards the curtain of leaves and tilting her head.

"I do say...we need to have a little fun." She said softly, her voice smooth and rich as she turned dual toned eyes back to her brother. He was everything in this world to her, absolutely everything, and she loved him dearly. "All fun and no play makes Ros very very cranky." She nearly breathed, moving to lean against him again as she glanced around, gazing through the trees. This was their little seclusion, and she was already loving it. It was perfect for them, a dear god they deserved perfection. "Are you hungry? Perhaps...a hunt?" She would smile softly turn, leaning more against him and looking up at him as she attempted to rest her skull in his neck fur.

"Burn Baby Burn"


08-08-2015, 11:03 PM

Her bubble of laughter brought his pale ears around to capture its sound, not being able to help chuckling in response. He was always the more stoic one, grim set face and narrowed eyes. While his sister was the more up front one, her manic grin always on her face with those dangerous eyes of hers. Honestly he was surprised that she didn't have men knocking on her door -- only a bit though. He was very over protective of his sister, plus there wasn't a male in this world that was deserving enough for her attention. But when that day came, if there was anyone suitable, he was going to be right there to beat the shit out of him if he tried anything stupid. The twins were each others world, there were times when he felt like they didn't even have to speak out loud. This much time spend with each other helped, body language was all they needed. It was nice, but talking was pretty much the norm too. Her words reached him then, and the man snorted. Almost perfect. There would be something wrong, he just new it. "Would there be any way to make it perfect, or are you the only perfection in this world?" Ambrose asked, turning around again to flash her a wink. What were brothers for if not for teasing?

He watched his mismatched gaze as she practically danced over to him, bringing a lopsided grin to his maw. Roselin looked up and around as she thought, giving him the perfect opportunity to lean forward and try to nip gently at her throat. He quickly pulled back, knowing that there was a high chance that she would try to bite back. Ambrose chuckled again when she talked about having fun, there was a lack of it in their recent travels as of late. He knew that she grew bored easily at times, and the lack of play time must be wearing heavily on the tall girl. "You know I despise a grumpy Ros, I would hate to have to sit on you or something." He teased her again. This was so often a side that he showed with her, but something that was locked off from the rest of the world. His Ros saw all the good in him, as well as all the bad. But isn't that what made him so loveable? Focusing once more on her opposite features he paused as she offered up a hunt. "And what will we be hunting for this time, dear sister?" Ambrose asked in a darker tone, teeth flashing at the thought of tearing into another. But there was more than just hunting for food. They could hunt for another to bother, or maybe even go wolf hunting... Not that he would ever eat another wolf, but it didn't mean that they couldn't have a little fun with the lesser beings. Peeking at her as she rested her head on his neck, he arched upwards slightly to rub his fur against the underside of her chin. "You pick my love, I am in no rush to do much at all."

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
08-15-2015, 07:04 PM
Roselin giggled as she pressed against him, her eyes slowly closing to the world as she settled in the only fur she didn't grow sickened too. A giggle burst from her as he nipped at her, and she shook her head, too much in a good mood to bite him back, though she wanted too he had moved away far too quickly. "You're such a smooth talker." She said with a roll of her eyes, shoving slightly with her shoulder against his as he nuzzled her. She hummed lightly, softly as he told her could decide what to do, and for a moment the aspect of hunting was suddenly...duller than it had been previously. Here, pressed close to her beloved brother, she wanted to spend this time here with him. Celebrate this place that was nearly perfect enough for them. But eh, Ros always knew her standards were (rightfully) high.

So she turned mismatched eyes back up to her brother, the colors dancing excitedly in the dappled light that fell upon them. "Actually..." She drawled, shifting up more to turn more fully towards her brother. "After such a long walk, I'd like nothing more than to stretch my legs." She would lift up onto her paws, stepping away from him and searching for a flat enough arena. She spun then, almost hopping as she settled into a play bow she would never let anyone but Ambrose see. Her tail swished behind him, a genuine grin upon her lips. "Care to join me?" She wanted to fight, and the best opponent she could ever ask for was her mirror opposite.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-02-2015, 12:03 PM

He let out a low rumbling laugh when he called her a smooth talker, nuzzling up against her after she shoved her shoulder into his. His sister took more than a moment to think over what they would do, until she rose and faced him. A single eyebrow pulled upwards at the mention of stretching her legs, all he wanted to do after all that walking was rest here with her. In the comfort of their willows, he could relax. But he rose to his paws along with her, turning after her at a slower pace as she set herself into playful bow. He chuckled again, head slowly shaking back and forth. "You ideas of fun often require me to do things I have no want to do." He teased, nodding as she asked for him to join her. Oh yes, he would be joining her alright. It was hard to turn down a fight with his dearest sister, no matter how tired he may be.

Quickly settling with ease into a fighters stance, his shoulders rolling forward as his head aligned with his spine, chin tucking towards his chest. Legs were equal distance apart as he bent at the knee, toes spreading as his claws bit into the soft earth. Eyes narrowed as his ears pulled back against his skull, lips pulling upwards into a snarl. Finally his pale tail rose to align with his spine as well, a rare smile teasing his snarling lips. He eyed the distance that Rose had but between them, there was only a few feet separating the siblings. For now. Without a single warning he took off towards his sister, aiming to keep them in a head on position. He tried to stop himself only an inch away from her bowed body, where Ambrose shifted his weight to his back legs and reared up, both front paws leaving the ground. With a snarl he attempted to slam his left front paw down on Rose's right front paw, his right front paw down on her left front paw. He hoped to keep himself standing on top of her paws, hopefully keeping her from being able to stand upright. At the same time his jaws parted, head turning towards his own left, nose tipping towards his right to hopefully align his mouth with Rose's neck. Ambrose was trying to lock his jaws down on the base of her head, hardly an inch below her ears. His top jaw sought the space just behind her left ear, his lower jaws aiming for just behind her right ear. The brute hoped to get a solid grip on his sister, wanting full control of her head. This movement hopefully also kept her from rising up into a standing position, keeping her low to the ground.

Ambrose vs Roselin for Fun Spar
Round 1 of 2,3?

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
09-03-2015, 01:10 AM
Roselin wagged her tail too and fro as she carefully set her balance, her paws spreading evenly even with her front end bowed and nearly touching the earth. Most of her weight settled on her hind limbs, which bent at the knees and coiled tightly. Toes would massage against the ground, nails biting through the earth as she waited. Her lips would smirk lightly, laughing softly as he spoke. "If I didn't, you would grow lazy. And we cannot have that!" She said with a bright grin, smirking as he settled into his stance. Hah! It was on. Her lips would curl lightly as mismatched eyes narrowed, watching for that fraction of a second she needed. Her tail would sway lightly, remaining out to use as balance for when she needed. He kicked off, and instantly her ears would press back, her head would duck lower to protect her neck as she shoved her shoulders forward. Loose fur and flesh would bunch along the back of her neck as fur raised on end. Three...two...

The second he went to rear she would snarl and lung, bursting forward on coil bound hind limbs. The power and momentum rushed through her as she rose onto steady for limbs, her head still ducked as she saught to slam and dig jutted shoulder blades into the delicate flesh along his throat, in hopes of knocking the wind from him and have him stumbling from her. Her balance would settle back onto all four limbs as she tried to thrust herself into him. In this time his paws landed on her forelimbs (which never moved as she burst forward). The impact would cause moderate bruising, and pain in her steps for a few days but nothing too serious. His jaws would latch on behind her shoulders on the way to her tail end, along the start of her Thoracic Vertebrae (Ref). His upper jaws would sink deeply into the left of her back, while the bottoms hooked along the right, digging in deep enough to cause pain and instant blood. He recieved a solid grip, but not the control he had desired. Her head would tilt to the left, in what little breathing room she had in her desired movement, to try and aim for a grip on his right forelimb. She hoped to wrap her jaws around the cushy muscle of his Extensor Capri Radius (Ref). She wanted a good grip along his leg, to sink her teeth deep in his flesh so that she might have control of it.  She loved her brother to bits and pieces, but everything was free game when they sparred.

Ros vs Amby
1/2 rounds
for fun!