
Cover Every Base



9 Years
08-24-2015, 09:19 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdaya had been on this continent for a while now. She had traveled a great deal, leaving caches anywhere she found good herbs, memorizing their locations and the contents until she could name each plant stored without a thought. Spring, and her first heat in the land, had passed her by without much notice; she took plants to ease the moodiness and calm her hormones, and she hadn’t met anyone who made the heat unbearable. She was soothed to know there were other Nomads on the land. Maximous had been a welcome find, and she hoped she would meet more old friends and fellow healers from her birth pack as time went by. Thus far, she had only encountered three other wolves long enough to speak to them. Deivad, Maximous, and Andreas. She knew there were far more than them; she heard and smelled others almost daily.

Right now, she was carefully uprooting a ginger root, listing the symptoms and illnesses it remedied aloud to herself, a constant train of thought. “Good for fevers, is an anticoagulant, so can stop blood clots… Can be dangerous if too much is eaten in excess amounts… Good for pain and sore muscles, coughs and colds… Good for joint stiffness.. I think it could be even better if there was just a way to heat it…” She paused for a moment to ponder that idea. She had smelled what could possibly be a hot spring in the east, but it had been protected behind a pack border. She shrugged, bending back to her careful work, gently prizing the plant from the earth, before it had been excavated enough that she could reach in with her jaws and pull it free of the hole.

She straightened, stepping away from the hole and dropping her prize on the ground. It was a good size; plenty of doses in just this one root. She bent once more, taking it up in her jaws and carried it toward the small stash she had begun to build up over the last few days. Pawing the stones she had covered the cache with aside, she set the root in among the other assorted herbs and tubers, taking a moment to catalog them in her mind before she carefully covered the cache again, stone by stone. She shook out her snowy coat and scanned the surroundings with keen deep sapphire, amethyst flecked eyes, letting them rove over the foliage around her for any other herbs that could be gathered and added to the cache.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



11 Years
08-26-2015, 08:39 AM
He had failed in finding Faite. But would the man give up? No. He would keep looking, in hopes that the girl had returned home to her family in Alacritia. The white man would wander back home, wondering if Surreal might have finally created her pack. Wondering what the state of their family was now. The man would breathe in, golden eyes searching the lands. Though he might have returned his purpose was much the same; Reunite their family. So that they might hold a stronger, more powerful bond in the end.

He had met many interesting wolves in his journey however, and he didn’t regret taking the trip. Even if he hadn’t found Faite just yet he believed there was a purpose to him searching for her.

Castiel would breathe in, ears flicked forward as he walked on. He enjoyed the things he had seen. There had been such beautiful scenery, as well as many unique individuals he had met on his search. He found himself lucky to have not run into any trouble. He would breathe in, gaze landing on a stranger.

Castiel would approach the woman, who seemed busy with her herbs. The man would take a breathe, speaking in a soft tone to hopeful not startle her. “Excuse me, miss, but might I trouble you for but a moment?”



9 Years
08-28-2015, 08:04 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Heavy paws coming up behind her made Kavdaya turn even before the male who easily soared above her height of thirty inches by nine inches, even spoke. While she greeted him with a friendly smile, her stance still changed automatically, taking on a seemingly unbalanced stance; one that might seem achingly familiar to the male, even if she might not be aware of it. Deep sapphire, amethyst sparked eyes regarded him carefully. He smelled… Familiar in a way that said family. Had one of her family members in the Nomads that had gone to see the world beyond the pack and find a niche sired or borne this fellow? He had deep gold eyes, and a powerful, sure build, well hidden under snowy white fur. He smelled like he was about the same age as herself, as well, something she jotted away in her head. Had any of her cousins or uncles and aunts left the pack five years ago?

She decided to test him. If he had come from the Nomads, even descended, whichever parent had been of Nomad descent would have hammered it into the brain of their children from an early age. His accent wasn’t like that of a Nomad, more Russian than Irish brogue. But there was perhaps, a hint of that familiar cadence she’d grown up listening to. "Aon deacracht ar chor ar bith, mo chara. Cad is féidir liom cabhrú leat le?." She answered easily, eyes searching his for any sign of recognition of the language. He carried no mark, and he didn’t smell like a healer, either. But not all descendants of Nomads became healers. After all, they had shared roots in a pack that had been renowned for their fighting skills. That was where their defensive tactics came from.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



11 Years
09-05-2015, 11:56 AM
The female would speak to him, and in Irish at that. At first it had surprised the man, but Castiel knew the language as well. He would take a breath, his golden eyes shining somewhat as he found the words he needed to speak. "Tá mé ag lorg cailín ag an ainm Faite Ethereal Adravendi . Brown , dubh , agus airgead a dhéanamh suas a coloration , leis na súile gorm éadrom . Níor thug tú a tharla a fheiceáil trí sheans , tá tú ?" Judging by the answer that she had given him this woman had understood what he said perfectly well. Had this been some sort of test? Castiel would begin to rack his brain. Something about this woman seemed almost... familiar. He couldn't place his paw on it, but he kept being drawn back to the marking upon her forehead.