
Heaven's Gates [Meeting]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-31-2015, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2015, 06:14 PM by Sin.)
OOC// This thread is to confirm those who have agreed to follow Sin to start his new pack. Any others who would like to join may do so as well. Please post by September 7th so we can get things going and so I can put up the application, thanks <3

Note He is NOT claiming SS Antiox

It was time. Sin moved towards the deck of the ship, the summer breeze was cool here in the North and it was time to start getting things going. Arietta was in their temporary den with their new children, and he'd given her the option to stay with them or come out and join him. His two new litters had just been born a few days prior, and he wanted to waste no more time. They needed a safe place to live and grow, the man not wanting them to grow up as loners like his first litter had, no. He would take them, his children and his wife along with all others who wished to join him. Namely, those who had shown desire and the promise to follow, to aid in building a great empire. He stared out across the waters that lied below, and from his vantage point he knew that those who pledged themselves to him would hear his call. He had informed the scattered souls of his future desire, and it was now time. Lifting his head, the alabaster demon sent out a loud call to arms. Calling them to gather before him, to see who still wanted to be a part of his grand plans, and those who did not show would be the ones who decided to back out. Whether he chose to mark them as deserters or not, well...time would tell. It was around noon time, the sun sat above him which would offer light to those who would heed his call.




2 Years
08-31-2015, 06:14 PM
Apparently there was a meeting going on. She would stick by Sin's side, she had already told this to him millions of time before. However, she would listen to the alabaster devil's orders. She approached the meeting site and sat down, bowing her head to him. Her mint green optics shimmered like a gem in the rays of the sun that peeked from the clouds.

"Nice to see you today, Sin." Ylva spoke, her voice showing some kindness, but, also seeming to be rather menacing. However, that was only the way she always talked, and many seemed to have an issue with the way she talked to them. But, did she care? Obviously not.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-01-2015, 01:52 AM

Amachi had been allowed to leave with her daughter to come to Sin. In her life things came and went like the wind did. Glad however that maybe life for her would be a bit more interesting. The beasts tail would come flying behind her so to speak. It's movements mirrored that of a feline. Her paws scraping against the ground of the ship where Sonticus once stood. Now it had moved, perhaps it would change over time it was none of her concern what happened to it. As far as she knew she belonged to another pack now. Distant as she was, she was also very close.

Sitting silently her gray eyes went over Ylva for a moment. Must have been another one of Sin's brood. It put thoughts into her head, it wasn't like Sin would care much for her. Not that she really needed much of that. She rarely showed interest in most wolves, she needed no respect nor words of confidence because she had her own. Where she stood among the pack in her own mind was above a lot of others. Didn't matter her rank.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-01-2015, 03:18 PM

He'd just been to the new babies, his little was...strange, knowing that he and his other two siblings weren't the only ones anymore. And Enigma already felt like he wouldn't be too attached to this litter. He hadn't seen his fathers other litter yet, but he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to just yet. He knew of his fathers habit of lying around with other women, but he'd never seen a result of that action. Stalking quietly towards his fathers call, he wondered if his brother Forsaken would join them or if he had decided to not partake at all. He hoped he would, he dearly missed his counterpart. Golden gaze came across the couple that were gathered, his fathers mistress and the other who had been fawning over his father during the Sonticus meeting. He brushed past them without a word to sit near his father, leaving ample room should his mother decide to join them along with his littermates. He knew what this would be about, the anticipation of it gnawing at his insides. This would be a glorious time, one that would leave its mark on the world.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
09-01-2015, 11:01 PM
He had met Sin once before while having a slight interest in the packs. However it seemed that this male himself was calling something together. Liar had nothing better to do with his time, regardless of how others would view him the apathetic wall of nothing would simply waltz in on this little meeting they had called. There was a huge woman here and two of Sin's followers. Liar himself had brought a toy with him, perhaps to offer to the pack to take with him if they were in need of breeding slaves. 411 was a perfect candidate.

The strange looking male would take his seat not far from Sin but not too close to perhaps push anyone's noses. His tail curling around his waist the slave would take a seat not far from him. "Sin." Liar simply mused. The other by now should have known Liar was almost impossible to read. However, he just didn't care. To do something with himself, was to distract himself from life.

Heaven's gate with Sin&Others

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



3 Years
09-01-2015, 11:04 PM
411 followed his master quickly. It was always his duty in order to do so. However even if he stood at the same height it was obvious he was not as well off. Though as a slave, he was very plump. Well taken care off aside for the obvious lack of eyes. Replaced by jagged scars he pulled his ears forward to concentrate. Once he heard voices, he'd lock them into the back of his brain. It was easy to tell who not to mess with, and then who to please. As long as he was fed he was like a little pack mule all the same. Regarding the parts he had as well, any male could have their way and maybe have a strange feeling of being with a man who wasn't exactly a man for the night. Plopping himself down right next to Liar he kept his head low, his tail tucked between his legs. Ears twitching to every sense of sound next to him.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-02-2015, 02:24 PM

Not in a hurry to follow her father's call, Paradox had headed to the slave's den to waken the boy. Why no one was using him or bringing him to the summons was unknown and strange to the growing female but she wouldn't linger too long on the thought, he should have been awake and gone by now. A nip to the ear was all that was needed to get the scrawny boy on his feet and following beside her, keeping distance from himself and the master but remaining within grabbing space. Paws would carry her swiftly but at a steady pace, not moving too slow and not rushing off like a pup at dinnertime.

Upon arrival blue eyes narrowed on the gathered wolves, taking note of her brother, two wolves she just barely recalled from that pack meeting and three others she had no knowledge of. Mother and Forsaken were no where, then again it was understandable for Arietta not to show because of those leeches she gave birth too. Shivers ran up her spine at the thought of those pups squirming around her body, destined to be dropped off a cliff. She growled, walking briskly into the crowd and taking a seat on the opposite side of her father, saving the seat for her mother if she appeared.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
09-02-2015, 02:46 PM

A nip to the ear and Squirrel was immediately up on all fours and following behind the mini me Master. The young male made sure to remain by her side, head held below hers while bronzed eyes looked around their surroundings to focus on something. Within minutes he was led to a gathering of wolves, some he had seen around the pack lands and others he had never seen before. One of them, the boy had shared an odd night with. He paused mid-step when eh noticed him, Liar, sitting amongst the group with another male at his side. What could be seen as a int of hurt would flash across his face before he turned away and moved towards his Masters, laying down by Sin's feet, head atop his paws.


09-04-2015, 08:09 PM

The woman had carefully tucked her little ones within the den, making sure that all three were safe and sound before slipping out to head the call of her mate. Ganta was a strange little thing, almost believed to be a girl at first. Shiro looked much like her and Obscoro... oh goodness the boy looked nothing like either she or Sin. Heck, Ganta didn't either. The woman had no idea what sort of genetics were in these pups, but they were undoubtedly hers and Sins. It did make her wonder though... was there a possibility he doubted that? That he might doubt her loyalty? It made her feel sick to her stomach as she walked out onto the deck.

Others were already gathered, including the female who had also been claimed by her mate. She would lean into Sin, feeling a distance between them. She didn't like the feeling, and fought back the urge to whine. Was he angry with her? Bitter? She wished that all this could be over just so she could know.

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'


09-04-2015, 08:15 PM

The man was less than pleased, but then when was he ever? The birth of his new siblings brought a sense of disgust to him that left him fuming. Hell, they didn't look like Sin. Only one looked as though it was really a child of theirs, and that was Shiro. Had his mother screwed some other man? The thought had crossed his mind, but he dismissed it. No, his mother was loyal. Had anything happened she would have told Sin immediately and that male would be without a pair between his legs.

He would walk in, pausing near his father. But it wasn't Sin whose attention he wanted, but rather the slave that lay at his paws. Forsaken needed to vent, and he would pad close to the slave. Leaning in close he'd nip the male's ear gently, whispering within. "After this, you are to follow me. We're going to play." He would take a seat, perhaps closer to Sin than expected, but really he wanted to be next to Squirrel. Soon he was about to find out just what this play thing was made of.



09-04-2015, 08:32 PM

The devil called, and he would listen. The time had come for him to join the rank of an uprising pack, and perhaps make himself useful. He'd breathe in, taking each step slowly as he approached the ship. He could smell the scents of those already gathered, as well as the scent of Sin's young. Naoise would calm himself, mind drifting for but a moment to his family. He would miss them, yes, but this was the life he now wanted to live. His gaze was sure as he took the first step up the ramp, heading towards what he believed to be destiny.

Naoise would look around at those gathered as he sat. There were some wolves there, particularly the white female with the sharp blue gaze, made him think of his new leader. Perhaps he had an older brood as well as the younger. But the one who had truly caught his eye was the massive woman who was present. She was uniquely colored as well, veins all over her body. "Sin." The younger man would say, dipping his head towards him.
"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



9 Years
09-04-2015, 09:23 PM
Xephyris had been wandering since the meeting, after discovering that the pack would be moving to the west. And that Sin would be branching out on his own now. Arian seemed to be flip-flopping about her decisions over and over since the warm season had started. Perhaps it was motherhood that was making her so moody. Regardless, it didn't matter the reason to him - he would not be following Sonticus if Sin would not remain there. The rest of the pack were simply too soft and weak, he found no interest in them. And without a strong base of fighters, they would be vulnerable to attack. Xephyris wanted no part in that - he needed to know that the pack he planted himself with would always remain sturdy against threats.

Then he heard Sin's howl echoing from the distance, reaching out to gather his followers. The young brute would answer the call by whipping around to the source, picking up speed as he headed toward the familiar ship. By the time he arrived and made his way up the ramp, he saw that many wolves had arrived, and it thrilled him to see the variety. Sonticus had already abandoned this area, and most of the faces were unfamiliar. Except for Amachi - Xephyris was surprised to see her here. He recognized Paradox as well, though he hadn't really gotten a chance to meet her.

Trotting closer to the gathering with his tail whipping out like a flag behind him, he made his way over to where the blue-eyed girl sat, and seated himself not far away. Then he looked to Sin, giving him a nod if he'd been noticed. Silent as always, his silver eyes scanned casually but with great interest over many of the wolves gathered. He knew it would be so much fun to meet all of them, not so dull as the wolves he'd tried to get to know in Sonticus. He couldn't wait to see where this meeting went, and what was to come in the future of this pack.


09-04-2015, 09:37 PM

He would be slow to respond, Ylva slipping up and away as the lead males howl went out. Flattening his ears, the black beast groaned with displeasure as he eyed Ylva's new litter. For a moment, he considered eating them while Ylva was gone, but he knew that if he did both she and Sin would tan his hide. Instead, he would rise to his feet as his yellow glare fell on them, one straying from the safety and comfort of its siblings. With a rough shove, he would send it back to the others, the babe whining at his unkind touch. "Oh shut up you little rat!" He spat, the male still brimming with clear distaste at the little whelps. Why his sister had gone off and gotten pregnant with some stranger she barely knew was beyond him, but it was done.

Heading out to meet the others, his stone cold gaze fell on those gathered. None of them he'd met before, but there would be the chance to toy with them and annoy them once he got the chance. Seeking out his sister towards the front of the crowd, he pushed through the crowd until he came to sit beside her, attention somewhat on the blood stained male while the rest of his attention remained on still wanting to eat the little brats for lunch.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-05-2015, 01:23 AM

They would come to him like moths to a flame, the first being his mistress whom he'd nod to. Odd how she had not mentioned the status of the pups, whether they were well or ailing, he wanted to know at all times. But for now, he'd dismiss that thought and check in on them himself afterwards. "Nice to see you too, Ylva." He was pleased that she had arrived in a timely manner. Second would come Amachi, the dire creature's enormous form not easily missed. She said nothing, as she moved to sit. The little whelp that usually stuck close to her was not in sight, so perhaps she had chosen to remain hidden away from the crowd? "So you've come, Amachi. Too bad your daughter will be missing out. This meeting will be most interesting." Next would arrive one of his son's, a grin offered to Enigma as he came to sit nearby. He was glad that one of his children, at least would be joining so far. He wondered if his other children would join the meeting, make him proud like he had hoped for. He would definitely have to get into training them, perhaps after the move from the North. And then a form vaguely familiar...the man that resembled a wild dog had come and in tow, a sightless creature he'd never seen before. Did this man believe in having slaves as well? Perhaps they would get along after all. "Well well, isn't this a surprise. Glad you and your...companion, could join us. You won't be disappointed." He laughed a bit, amber gaze falling upon the male's captive with brief interest before Paradox came into his line of sight. So she came...that meant that his third child would come too, for the three were often stuck together like the heads of cerberus. Their little toy followed after her, seemingly afraid or wary of Liar. The beast eyed the other male, wondering why Squirrel was acting in such a manner but then again, Squirrel was a strange boy. The creature lied at his feet, Sin leaning down to lightly nip at the lads ear in acknowledgement though said nothing.

Ears perked and eyes shifted upwards as the scent of his beloved came into view, gaze following her as she came to press against him. Briefly he would offer a lick to her brow as he pressed against her. He knew of her insecurities, and he would have to remind her soon that he loved her no matter his unfaithfulness and his follies. "Good morning, love." He whispered to her. Indeed, she was the love of his life though not admittedly so...and that was where he ultimately failed. He would do well to correct it, though tearing himself away from polygamy would not be soon. At least, not until his bloodlines were tenfold at least. Before he could say anymore, a form ever familiar brought a grin from the male. The last of the trinity...Forsaken had arrived. Sin nodded to his child as the boy came up to the rodent, ordering him to follow after the meeting. Grinning, a rumble echoed within his chords. "Don't keep him waiting too long boy, he has a nasty temper." At least their toy was going to get some use finally. Three more would arrive, Naoise, the boy he'd met recently had decided to come. A nod offered in return as the young male greeted him. Xephyris, the brute that had shown plenty of promise was a great pleasure to see. "Xephyris, great things are to come. You've made a wise choice." And lastly, Ylva's unpredictably strange brother. He eyed him, though paid him no mind as he his gaze swept over the gathered. It was time.

"Loners. Former pack wolves. Comrades. Welcome, and I thank you for coming. Long have I waited for this moment, as I am sure some of you have waited for a greater purpose. A place where you can truly belong and bring out your full potential." His gaze lingered on a select few, pausing in his words for but a moment. "This is your moment. This, is our time. If you are gathered here today, then that means you have chosen your path. Some of you belonged to a pack, but obviously it was not what you sought. Some of you chose to seek me out, and it was not in vain. Others sought power, and it is power among other things that I can offer and promise you. The empire we will create together, will be one that will make others cower. Our names whispered upon the wind will instill fear and wariness into the hearts of others. We will strike our names in stone, and be remembered. Your legacy will start here. Our pack will be strong as we unite as one." His voice boomed over the crowd for all to hear, encouraging and promising things that would hold true as long as he drew breath. "We will be the greatest, as long as we work hard to keep ourselves strong. Do not show weakness to the enemy, for weakness will not linger within our walls. If you feel you carry weakness or fear in your heart, then they will soon be washed away. The empire we build will aid in purging the land of the weak, and ensuring that only the strong survive. I would be lying if I said we plagued the lands for the greater good, but in a way it is true when you look at it from our side of the spectrum. If, however, you feel that you've made a mistake in coming...take your leave now. Otherwise, pledge yourselves to me here today, and I promise great things will come to you on silver platters!" A long speech, perhaps the longest of his life so far, but they would be words to encourage those who wished to follow, a promise of great things that he would ensure they receive for as long as he drew breath and for as long as they were under his wing.

OOC//One more post round from everyone to confirm they're following then the pack app will go up! Huzzah guys we're almost there!! Please try and post by the September 12th guys! The sooner the better though!! <3

talk, think



9 Years
09-07-2015, 07:47 PM
Though he'd only just arrived, and it seemed he was one of the last to make his way to the meeting, Sin acknowledged him. The demon knew all the right things to say to make Xephyris shiver with anticipation. A maniacal grin spread across his muzzle, and he nodded sharply at Sin's words. He liked being recognized. And there was no way he would want to miss out on what was to come when this pack finally established itself. He perked as their master began to speak, a riveting speech spilling from his deadly jaws. Xephyris hung on every word, claws digging into the ground - the empire that Sin sought to build was everything the younger male had dreamed of. To be known and feared, and to fear nothing because of their united strength and power.

When Sin's words had ended, Xephyris nearly jumped to his paws, his tail lashing in the air. "Count me in!" he barked with an eager growl rumbling in his throat, "I will help you build this empire, and lend my strength to keep it safe." He knew that Sin was already aware of his eagerness, so his eyes moved from the demon to look around him. All of the wolves gathered would become a part of his family, so to speak. Were they as eager as he was? He hoped so, and his ears perked, wondering who would speak next to confirm their loyalty.



6 Years
09-07-2015, 09:28 PM

Liar didn't even notice the other slave when he came up to the meeting. Though he did notice Sin's disdain, making him look around for a moment. Must have been something to upset the man but Liar was no emotions expert since he himself had a hard time grasping them. Liar would stay quiet as the white male started to speak. His one black and white ear centering more towards him as he thought. No one really knew what he was going to say not a man of many words and when he did get to talking it was a real treat.

Liar didn't feel comfortable pledging himself to anyone because of his fathers past deeds. However, in response he would let out a bark to Sin. He would stick with him for the time being, Liar never did something half heartedly it was always all the way. So there wouldn't have to be any worry for betrayal which was something Liar didn't believe in. After all, if someone were to cross him and his children, he swore he would take their heart and eat it for certain. "As a little gift I'm bringing this slave with me, he's known as a male and called 411. While I'd like him to remain mine, he is obedient and will do what you say. He was bred specifically for slavery." Liar would explain though. Gesturing towards the blind wolf next to him.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



5 Years
Dire wolf
09-07-2015, 09:35 PM

When Amachi noticed Arietta, she would take note of her movements. Amachi would settled her head down a little. Her amber eyes looking at the female specifically to give her the mental message that she shouldn't worry too much. Looking at Sin her eyes closed, she hadn't felt like she belonged ever. This time would be no different seeing as she found herself different from a lot of wolves. Paws steady into the ground until she heard Sin speaking. After he was done she would give a simple answer.

"I am with the pack." She would say as she tilted her muzzle to tuck near her chest. A warrior again is what she felt like. Then again she didn't mind being used as a tool. She felt enough confidence she could leave if she really wanted to. However, it was boring and she liked Sin. Things in her life happened, so she would simply deal with them.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



2 Years
09-09-2015, 06:39 PM

One of the Masters approached, to which Squirrel lowered his gaze, barely flinching at the nip to his ear that was given. The young man wanted the boy's attention after the meeting, wanted to play. Hidden well beneath the still mask he wore, the slave boy was actually happy to find that Forsaken needed him finally. He was grateful to be taken in but had been saddened at the little attention and orders given to him, being more useless than he was suppose to be helpful. Sin seemed pleased to hear his son would put the slave to use, but he wouldn't pay too close attention to that, for it was the reason he was even here.

A lot of what was spoken from his Master was about making a name for themselves and such, a pack, but it didn't really matter to him much. The slave was here to serve, whether part of a pack or not, so he would simply lay his head over his paws and wait for this to be over so that he could follow Forsaken away and to a more private spot.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-11-2015, 11:07 AM

Arietta arrived soon after, leaning into Sin and taking her seat. Paradox would feel her ears turn sideways, an ounce of calm slipping over her features at the woman's presence. She would look away however, seated there much like she had when they arrived in Sonticus, silent on a throne and presentable. Not a hair out of place. She'd watch as others filled into the area, eyes narrowing the slightest as she tried to recall seeing them before, whether part of that sad excuse for a pack or loners. Surely the blood stained man would have used his head and sought out others that actually could fight.

Forsaken arrived, moving up and speaking into the slave boy's ear before sitting. Paradox was mildly interested in why her sibling had a sudden interest after returning to them, but she'd brush it off. Another male, one she didn't recognize at first but slowly would remember seeing him at that pathetic spar training one of the Sonticus wolves had called. Something about him caught her interest, perhaps because she also remembered him staring at her like that from the training session, or the gut feeling she was getting. He could be something, and perhaps she would be able to learn more once they were dismissed. One last dark pelted man and Sin would begin.

Ears rolled forward, the girl giving the man her full attention. It would be a mediocre speech, announcing their greatness and whatever else would pull the wolves in further to join. The whole while Paradox would sit silently, blue gaze running over the others, wondering if any would back out now that this would become official. Xephyris was the first, practically jumping at Sin in announcing his commitment. The girl rose a brow to it, but then a chuckle would slip from her jaws in amusement, flashing a short grin his direction.

The large oddly marked man who came in with a slave, Liar, offering the thing as a gift. The gigantic, oddly marked woman, Amachi would announce her commitment. So, that left Ylva, Naoise, and Diablo. Paradox would rise in their silence, holding her head high with tail held in the air, nearly curving over her spine. "Well, is the bitch in, or is she out?" Her tone was calm yet taunting, taking a few small steps forward so she was facing her father's toy. "And the bastard?" Cold blue eyes glanced towards her sibling, Diablo, nostrils flaring and a single brow raising. "Take your uncertainty to Sonticus, or else speak." Lastly she would look to Naoise, but her gaze softening, still hard. She wouldn't give him that sort of attention when he was simply joining, the woman however, there would be some beef.

Her mother and siblings were a given, they would be joining Sin even if they didn't speak up so she wouldn't poke them.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!