
Our love is like a Crescent Moon



6 Years
Extra large
09-11-2015, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2015, 12:08 AM by Glacier.)

A little after their parents betrayed glacier had felt himself sinking into despair, he was lethargic and didn't move around much well voltage gained in energy. His brothers emotions where strong if fleeting in its journey through all the feelings their parents left them with. He remembered how one evening during those days voltage had first snuck up behind him, before he had ended up half draped over glaciers huge shoulder to put himself in a position pull at the giants lips, a huge grin upon his own as he reminded glacier of the importance in smiling. It was the same as it had always been for the brothers, they balanced each other out. As glacier slowly grounded his brother, voltage brought him back to life. A little after that incident He had found a quartz in the shape of a Crescent moon. He had given it to Voltage, had told him it was the titan smile, and that he had found it again because of Voltage, and that Voltage should keep that stone as a reminder that Glacier would always smile so long as they where together, even if that smile was on the inside. But the boys had never called one place home and the stone had gotten lost somewhere along the way. As he stumbled across another quartz so similar in shape to the first, he couldn't help but let it bring him back to that moment and that reminder that the two of them where meant to spend the rest of their lives side by side. He could be slow, the titan, but he also knew when to seize the moment. He grabbed the stone with a swift swipe and turned decisively to the direction of voltages den. He was away in a moment, large paws swallowing the earth, taking him to his brothers side

Life had distanced them of late, they had their own mates and voltage children of his own line. The very impossible had happened, they had started to drift apart. Finding the stone, it didn't feel like a coincidence it felt right. He reached the lightning boys den and poked his head inside, and there he would find voltage. There was no sign of Gaia or the children and he marveled a little at the perfection of the timing. He didn't say a word as he slipped inside the den, placed himself at his brothers side and dropped the stone gently at his brothers paws, looked up at the grown man and saw only the boy the two had always been together. He grinned then and winked easily "try not to lose this smile, I might not find another" he teased softly, but his eyes where bright with remembrance and he wondered if the stone brought Voltage back to that moment as fully as it had Glacier.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
09-11-2015, 12:51 AM
Voltage was relaxing for the first time in a little while. Wasn't it that his children were supposed to be a fraction of him, not a...multiplication? Illume had him running wild, and a lesser man would be exhausted. Voltage, luckily was just a little tired, and completely distracted most of the time. He had dropped the ball when it came to other pack's visit, he barely kept up with his duties, but it was only for a short time. Children, as he knew, grew fast, he was just beyond happy that she had a childhood to enjoy. Then again, he had had a childhood too, untill the young age when they were tossed from their home, ripped from their younger siblings lives for a time... That wouldn't happen to his daughters, no. Dono was strong, they were fine. Illie could enjoy running around, getting her little sister in trouble, doing whatever her heart desired. They would never have to live through what he and Glacier did. He sighed softly as he relaxed in his den, alone for once but not sleeping. His sporadic insomnia had returned, he often found himself jolted awake at night either from memories or nightmares...or sometimes both.

Sometimes he was in his parents place, casting Illie and Current out into the world, alone. He wondered if they would be as close as he and Glacier had been. If Illie would remind Current how to smile, or if Current would settle the raging emotion flitting through the sky girl. There was something about his daughters that reminded him of he and his brother, perhaps not...exactly. It wasn't that current was a clone of Glacier, nor was Illie exactly like him...there was Gaia in there too. There was just something about his daughter's energy and quietness that reminded him of the original duo.

He sighed softly as he gazed at a stone he had plucked from his Pretty Rock Collection, his paw gently rolling it back and forth as he thought of his brother. With Voltage's children, he barely had time to spend with the ice beast anymore, nor anyone else for that matter. He desperately missed his family, and soon...soon they would have a celebration, welcome Illie and Current into their lives and family. But for now, Voltage just relaxed. His eyes felt heavy as he gazed at the stone, almost ready to fall into a short, nearly restless sleep, when something fell between his paw and his nose. He blinked his eyes open, ears swivelling forward as he stared at the odd quartz. Its familiarity was not lost on him.

His head would jolt up, eyes quickly turning towards his brother as he made himself comfortable in Voltage's den. Stormy eyes reguarded him, at first swimming in memory before lighting at the very thought that Glacier had spent all this time looking for an identical stone. There had been a brief moment he had thought it was the original, but that wouldn't be possible. That smile was gone, forgotten in their travels, and Voltage had spent a very large portion of his life, and most of his time settling into the beach, trying to find another one. "Glace.." He said in his gentle voice, his eyes growing misty as he turned to gaze back down at the stone. He remembered so visibly the moment they seemed to fall into their rolls when they were children. After struggling for days, weeks to try and survive, worried for their siblings and wondering desperately if they were okay and safe and happy. After Voltage nearly went insane with his flitting emotions, often shifting from laughter to rage to sorrow in millaseconds, and Glacier slipped into his tundra of solemn acceptance and his icy shield...after Voltage found the best way to combat his emotions was to hold a smirk that would become so familiare to him... He had taught Glacier how to smile again, and Glacier had shown him how to handle the static of his emotions. "Where did you find this?" He whispered softly, his paw shifting from his pretty rock to the quartz, his eyes shining and his smile stretching across his face.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
09-11-2015, 01:07 AM

It seemed he had startled his brother, Voltage had been lost in another world and Glacier could see the exhaustion in him. He imagined being an Alpha, a mate, a bother... a father, was tiring, juggling so many titles at once that he didn't know which face to put on. Glacier smiled at the thought, no, Voltage had energy enough for all that and more, he had simply caught his brother on some down time. The thoughts of the past and the present clashed in his mind. The brothers had always gone through struggle, to juggle a way of life and get through to the other side in one piece. The thing was, they had each other, they could, they had gotten through hell and back because of that one simple, yet phenomenal fact... they had each other.

Ying to my yang make sense in their lives, their balance, their differences, it all fit together in an everlasting way, a style he could see almost repeated in Voltage's children, something that just added to how right this balance was. Voltage spoke one word, his name, and Glacier's gaze returned to the present, and he smiled a crooked grin at Voltage, an easy and effortless smile that seemed only to add to the meaning of the stone between them. “I don't think I can claim I did, I might not look for meaning in the stars as often as you or our siblings, but this stone found me, in its search for you. After all, you've had my smile all along” he said, and winked at his brother. His mind flashed back to all the things the brothers went through, not just the bad, but the good that existed because they where together. A lost young golden-black wolf finding himself, yet having all the patience in the world to find his brothers smile too. A blue toned giant stuck in the mud, frightening the living hell out of his brother, and so very many more tales to tell, tales he hoped one day to pass on to children of his own. He could tell them about the adventures of Glacier and Voltage, the perfect-fit brothers.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
09-11-2015, 03:59 PM
Voltage would look fondly at the stone, thinking of all the things they had gone through. The nights he would lay restlessly when his boundless energy refused to let him sleep, when he would look around where they had managed to settle down and worry about his little siblings. It was only when Glacier would pull him close that Voltage would settle and manage to sleep through the night, and he was still unsure if Glacier was awake or asleep in those moments. He thought of all the days at the beginning when food was scarce and they would split what they had evenly despite the fact that Glacier needed more. Every smile, every memory, every pain and hurt…it was all represented by this little rock. And Glacier had found it again.

He smiled and grinned, lifting his eyes up to his brother before sighing and shifting to lean against him. "The universe always gives us what we need…when we need it." He said with a gentle grin, sighing softly and resting in the warmth of his brother's fur, feeling that familiare and unique calmness flood over him. "I've missed you, Glace.." He said with a smile, nuzzling into the gentle blue furs. "Illie is a handful, maybe i should get you to babysit every so often….youre used to dealing with handfuls." He teased, one stormy eye open and gazing up at his brother with a bright smile.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
09-11-2015, 04:20 PM

Glacier hummed softly as his brother leaned against him, resting his own head lightly on his brothers skull, as he looked down at the stone at his brothers feet. At Voltage's words he chuckled softly, he would never easily be a believer of such things, but sometimes it did simply feel right. 327880 “Perhaps that's so” [/color] he agreed softly, it was difficult not to reminiscence in these moments, but that just highlighted how far they had come. From the hardships they had suffered together, they had come out alright in the end. Some of those memories of life with just the two of them would be the greatest in his life. Not that that belittled the chance to make more memories with his complete family at his side.

At Voltage's next words Glacier pretended a panicked expression. “If history repeated itself... Illume would be the one getting me into trouble!” he teased easily, winking at his brother as they thought of the mischief the two had created during their times fending for themselves.
"Burn Baby Burn"