


09-10-2015, 07:51 PM
*Exploring Fern Gulley for Navigation*

She emerged from her den at last! The girl hadn't been feeling well, thus she had been confined for weeks until she got stronger. She had only seen a bit of the outside world since she'd been born, and today now that she was feeling better, she would bound outside to explore their home. She took in a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scents of all the flora around them. Momma couldn't have picked a better place! Speaking of which...she glanced in all directions to make sure her mother or father weren't around to stop her exploring, and as soon as she noted that the coast was clear, she was off!

The young pup bounded off in a flash of blue, delving deeper into the Fern Gulley to see what she could find. How she wished for someone to explore with her! But her siblings were all so boring, always napping or doing other boring things. Tiny paws carried her clumsily across the ground, the girl's paws getting tangled in the long grasses or tripping over branches and twigs. Huu, it was was tough getting around when you were as tiny as she was! With the sun pouring its rays down upon the land, she felt happy. Tongue lolled out her open jaws as she explored the area, her first stop being at a small puddle of water that was fed by a trickle from on the side of the rocks. She stared into the water at her reflection, eyes bright as her tail wagged. "Why hewwo there cutie! Who are you?" She giggled at the fact that she was talking to herself, but really, nobody else was out here with her so it was ok.



3 Years
Extra large
09-11-2015, 04:31 AM
[navigation - fern gulley]

Unlike her sister, Zephyra had already ventured outside of the den where she had explored a small chunk of the gulley and even met an aunt of hers. The previous expedition had been rather eventful, however, it all simply wasn't enough to satisfy her young, craving mind. Amazed and impressed by what her home region had to offer, she desired to see, hear and touch more. Surely the gulley wasn't the only place in the world, or else that would make a small world and she would grow bored with it quite quickly. She yearned to see where her aunt resided, and everything else that surrounded that until she saw the entire world. So starting today, she proudly planned to see the whole continent of Alacritia, though little did she know that the landmass was bigger than she thought.

When she had trotted out of the den, one of her sisters was nowhere to be seen. The last time she had checked, they weren't brave enough to leave the den. Yeah, they were all chicken! Zephyra was the daring one, innocently taking risks and not caring what her mother had to say about it. Adventuring was her thing, which meant she didn't expect to find her cyan sister exploring like her. Ugh, her sister. Though she didn't enjoy hanging around her siblings, she just had to barge in. "Cutie?" she echoed obnoxiously after stepping out of the ferns behind her giggling sister. Whilst rolling her eyes arrogantly, she glared at the water of which reflected two girls of unique colouring standing alongside each other.


09-11-2015, 01:32 PM

He was returning from a sort of patrol around the territory, wanting things to be safe here for his nieces while they were still pups. Being loners, they were in danger from other lone wolves and pack wolves, knowing all too well that a pack could swoop in and separate the family with little regard. Today it was quiet, not sensing any threats or new scents which was why he decided he would return and see how the kids were doing.

Something in the air would catch his attention however, nostrils flaring as he took in a deep breath and immediately smiled. The girls were out exploring. Grey paws carried him through the vegetation, following the trail while also looking around for bright pelts poking through the plants. His ear flicked at a small voice, then the other at another tiny voice. Two girls were out, and very close.

Quietly he would sneak through, making his way forward till he could see their pelts just up ahead, his own body hidden. Nix and Zeph sat around a puddle, looking at their reflection while Zeph looked not very pleased. He grinned, pulling back and moving away in an arch around them till he was behind the kids. "What're you two up to?" He rumbled, stepping forward, stopping right behind them with his head tilted, smiling.


09-15-2015, 07:15 PM

Gaze followed the source of the familiar voice, the girl pouting as her sister walked up with a mocking tone as if teasing her...again. She didn't understand, why did Zeph have to be so mean? With an angry glare, she responded with flare to her voice. "At least i'm not green. Green is an ugly color!" She sat down with a hmph, angry gaze locked on her bigger sister. If she were bigger, she would knock her butt into the puddle...but unfortunately, she was born as small as their sister Kaitlyn. She jumped slightly then at the sound of another voice, the girl's head leaning back to see her favorite uncle! "Uncle Spencer!" She let her body fall back into his legs as she giggled and pawed at his muzzle, straightening up then as she sat between his legs. "Zeph is being mean to me!" She whined, eyes growing big as she gave her uncle the classic puppy eyes.



2 Years
09-16-2015, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2015, 07:48 PM by Ren.)
Ren was not fond of either of his greenish sisters. He much preferred Kaitlyn, who was not... whiny or obnoxious or arrogant or an icky person. Still, they were his sisters; he would protect them nevertheless... even if half the time he was busy protecting them from himm because he just wanted to smack them. Hard. And had he heard Zephyra's thoughts of them being chicken - yep, that would have earned her a smack if he hadn't resisted. He came upon them looking at their reflection, and the boy snorted. He already knew what he looked like; big and blue with black flecks and a little bit of cream. Although, much to his irritation, Zephyra was getting bigger than them now.

When he arrived, it was as Spencer arrived - and Nixie was of course whining. A prick of irritation flooded him; why couldn't they just get along? He stepped forward, approaching Uncle Spencer from the side, eyes flashing between the three wolves. "Zeph. Nixie. Uncle Spencer," he greeted each one, voice rumbling in his chest. Bright blue eyes - unlike his sisters, his hadn't changed colors since birth - blinked at all of them, and he sat down next to the older wolf, just simple watching them with a calm expression.




3 Years
Extra large
09-17-2015, 02:33 AM
Bad choice, Nixie, bad choice. There was no steering away now, the ugly girl wasn't going to gently brush the insult aside. No, it was all a chain reaction, and she would be the one to worsen the disagreement. "Oh yeah?" she challenged dauntlessly, slowly rising to her full height and glaring down at her sister with a narrowed crimson gaze. Her vocals grew dangerously quiet as she venomously spat her cunning repulse. What could she say? She couldn't use her sister's remark and substitute blue into it, for Zephyra equally hated her own fur and was secretly jealous of the oceanic shade her sister owned. "At least I'm not small."

Already, she was walking upon a thin line even without any adults around. Knowing her sister, she was bound to dob her in, give or take a tear or two - meaning trouble for the mischievous tyke. But then their uncle showed up, followed by her brother, which was when her sister whined to the black and white male. Another eye-roll, though her features remained calm and unintimidated by the grown-up before her. Well, that was it for the green pup; she was definitely going to get told-off. If only her uncle had been her aunt, she would support her no matter how guilty the child had found herself.


10-01-2015, 02:34 PM
Eyes narrowed at what he heard his niece say to her sibling, the man sitting back on his haunches and looking from one girl to the other then back to Nixie when she noticed his presence. What anger that flared over her little body washed away, coming over and pawing at her uncle and sitting between his legs. That was when she would tell him Zeph was being mean to her, giving him those puppy eyes all kids did to try and get out of trouble. "Funny, from what I heard you were also being mean to your sister as well." He brought up, looking down at the girl with a hard stare.

Nixie and Sephyra weren't the only ones who had come out of the den. The man's ears swiveled at the sound of another coming froward, Ren walking along his side and looking to each of them. "Nice of you to join us Ren." He'd give his nephew a little nudge, knowing this wasn't exactly a friendly little gathering but it was still them being together.

His gaze hardened on Zephyra though when she tried intimidating her sister, the man rising and stepping forward. They might not have been his children but he was just as much their parent as Marina or Nako, yes he might not punish them as bad but that was because he believed each child could work things out. "That will enough from you two, not another word unless its an apology or a compliment." The girl's attitude was getting worse with each passing day and he wasn't about to let her get away with it. She would learn one way or another.

He'd circle around to stand behind the green girl, giving her a small push forward then going back to standing on the side but between the two girls. "Neither of you are leaving until one of those happen. And don't worry, I have all day." Tones were calm throughout, sitting back down and looking towards Ren with a smile. "How are you Ren?" He wouldn't allow either girl to leave, and if they did manage to slip away then he would have a word with their mother. They wouldn't be able to run away.