
Lets Get Ready To Win



5 Years
08-15-2015, 03:53 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The veteran ambled through the willows. Late Spring; Summer was right around the corner. He could smell it.He was comfortable in this land, especially with his sister being around. He was also aware that the timeframe he had given Epiphron Adravendi was long since past. He’d taken a bad sprain in his last spar against a massive pack female. His paw had slipped in the mud, twisting. It hadn’t been any kind of kick to his pride to submit, but he’d been laid up for a while.

He lowered his head as he came to the pool at the center of the grove, drinking his fill before settling beside it. He was better now, but he wondered if he had lost his chance at a pack life in which he could work his way up and teach the younger generations how to fight. He was a bit disappointed in himself, to be perfectly honest. So, he pushed himself to his paws and set off at a trot.


His paws settled on the turf of the battlefield. Instinctively, his head and tail leveled out with his spine and shoulders, and he crossed the land at attention for others, eyes seeking a spot to set up. He found a clear space that he liked, and settled into a square, balanced stance, throwing his head back in a summons for a partner with whom to test his mettle.

-:: Eridanus vs ??? for Spar ::-
Round 0/0




Extra Notes: I'd like for this to be a quick spar, if possible. The time limit default will apply to this spar, and all those following this one. Whomever answers, make sure you will be able to post within the three day limit <3



3 Years
Extra large
08-15-2015, 04:07 PM
Roselin was terribly bored. This place had a lot to be desired, and while their willowy home was perfect and away from those that would annoy them, it also kept out all the Fun. Ambrose had had his fill, sparring days prior to test out the waters of this place, and now Ros wanted her turn. She longed to taste blood upon her smirking lips, feel her teeth sink into feeble and worthless flesh. So, she decided, she wouldn't wait any longer. So without a word to her beloved brother, or their puny little mouse, she ventured off, knowing that Ambrose could join her if he so pleased. The way she had smiled in the morning, the certain glint in her eye and the way her smirk curled just so before she left would have been enough for Ambrose to know what she wanted.

With a brisk trott, elegance breathing in every movement, she moved from their willowy home to the place that reeked of lesser wolves' blood. Here she would meet her new prey, calling for her to come and taste his blood and his flesh. Her eyes were half lidded, shining in a dangerous light and her smile never left her face. She moved towards him, her large but fragile looking form almost towered over him with the four inches she had on the man. She giggled at his scars, his eyes glittering as she stood a good ten feet from him. Scars spoke of weakness, it meant he was never good enough to not get hit. So she slowly lowered her head, her delicate paws seperating as she gazed at him. "You first." She spoke slowly, her gaze narrowng just so.

Ros vs. Eriandus
For spar

[Image: iqznma.png]



5 Years
08-16-2015, 11:06 AM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

His call wasn’t left hanging. Before long a large female with a delicate looking frame waltzed into view, a smile on her face. He was put in mind of a rattler in the grass. She was smiling, but her eyes were intent, and not friendly. If it weren’t for that look in her eyes, she’d be pretty. She was based in white, but was covered in splotches of brown and sand tones, including a splotch over her left eye. Her eyes were heterochromatic, left being pale blue, right being pale green. Her frame was sleek, and while fragile in appearance, he wasn’t stupid enough to think that meant she wasn’t strong. That frame meant agility. His molten dual toned gaze swept over her form in a quick, calculating glance, before the drop of the hat came.

He launched himself forward even before she spoke, taking the go signal from her body language, seeking to close the ten feet of space between them at a head on angle. Head and tail flowed level with his spine as he went, tail acting as a rudder for balance. His hackles rose from the base of his skull to the top of his tail, while his shoulders rolled forward over the base of his neck, his chin tucked to protect his throat, and he rolled his neck back into his shoulders, scruff rolling into a barrier of protection. His ears flattened to his skull as his face morphed into a wrinkly, silent snarl, jaws parting slightly, teeth unsheathing and eyes narrowing to protective molten slits. His paws fell in a balanced cadence as his abdomen tensed, and his elbows bent slightly to facilitate a lower center of gravity. Toes spread far apart for added balance while his claws extended to grab into the ground for better traction.

At the last second before possible impact, he sought to veer subtly to his left, Roselin’s right, intending to drive the bony point of his right shoulder into the woman’s right lower pectoral, seeking to cause severe bruising to the muscle there, even at risk of bringing injury to himself. His jaws gaped wide as he tilted his head down and slightly to his right, seeking to lunge his jaws towards the soft flesh nestled behind Roselin’s right front elbow, wishing to sink his teeth into that point and rip his head away, hoping to come away with blood and flesh on his teeth, while simultaneously snapping his right foreleg up - weight redistributing to his other three legs - and seeking to slam the heel of his right paw down on the toes of Roselin’s right front paw, hoping to severely bruise or fracture the toes and give her something to think about. Not only that, but he hoped to drive a fraction of his weight into that stomp, wishing to dig the points of his claws harshly against the front of her lower ankle, where it became the paw, as an extra jot of pain on the list.

Fighting was an intimate dance. Meant to be close quarters, and meant to leave scars that had stories to tell. He could feel the drums pulsing in his ears; the excitement of adrenaline, but he kept his head on, and his mind clear.

-:: Eridanus vs Roselin for Spar ::-
Round 1/2




Extra Notes: Here we go! Good luck! I'll need it.



3 Years
Extra large
08-17-2015, 01:45 PM
Sneaky! Her smile suddenly fell, her words lost to the wind as the male broke forward. Her eyes would darken dangerously, narrowing as lips pulled back to show off white canines. Oh this just wouldn't do! He certainly was little, wasn't he. A little...rat, or perhaps a bug. So low on the food chain she didn't even want to taste his flesh. But oh, he deserved it for how absolutely rude he had been! Her body flowed into position even before the male took his second step, her head and chin snapping low as her bared lips quirked into a smirk. Ears pulled back just as she shifted her paws, her shoulders coming forward to bunch the loose fur along her neck as she did. Her fur would piloerect, creating a soft puffy look to her otherwise sleek form. Tail would lash to show her distaste before raising in dominance as she leapt forward, aiding him in clearing the ten feet of distance. Toes and claws dug into the earth, more in anger and agitation than anything but it also aided her solid balance.

She was quick, her body built for agility, her paws barely touching the ground as she bounded. It took only a few steps before she was right on him, and before he could shove the right of his shoulder into her chest she would skid. Her front paws would move to dig into the ground as she swung her rear around, hoping to face him at perpedicular angle over something more head on. Her stance remained strong, balance equally distributed to four grounded paws as claws dug into the earth. His shoulder throw would graze over and glance off the edge of the front portion of her right shoulder, just off of her Scapula (Ref) due to her right forepaw being in approximately the same position, with only an inch or two off from where she had been before due to her skid. His teeth would reach for her elbow, and she would allow it, but only so she could snap forward with gaping jaws, hoping to dig her teeth into the flesh along the back of his neck before he even ripped away. She hoped for a solid grip, something that would allow her to control him. She wanted to taste his vile blood, wanted to cause him pain and add to his feeble scar collection.

Pain would swell along the right outter portion of her right forepaw, where his stomp nearly missed but hit reguardless. With her luck, however, wolves paws weren't entirely that...fragile, and while the crushing weight did hurt there was no twisting, there was no spraining. But oh, he would pay. With a deep growl, something with the sound of delight and anger the mixed and mingled, she would recline slightly on her back hind legs, her toes biting into the earth and tail out like a rudder. With only seconds between her bite attempt, his stomp and this movement she would reach forward with her left forepaw, hoping to snake it around his back left leg and then tug just as she moved to try and ram her chest with all her weight into his right shoulder and side halfway down his ribcage. She hoped that a leg pull from the back of his balance, the attempted forceful shove to the right front and the added aid of her extra height would allow her to compromise his balance and shove him down, topple him over to the earth where he belonged.

Ros vs. Eridanus
For spar

[Image: iqznma.png]



5 Years
08-20-2015, 11:27 AM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

Eridanus wasn’t blind to the sudden change of expression on his feminine opponent’s face. Oho, she didn’t like it when her opponents were smart enough to try catching their opponents off guard, now did she? As she bounded forward to meet him halfway, he tensed his muscles, bracing for the impending impact. Just before impact, Roselin skidded to a halt, swerving her hind end to one side, to her left, away from him. This interfered just slightly with his shoulder thrust; instead of meeting her pectoral, his right shoulder instead grazed her lower outer front right shoulder. Moderate bruising welled at the point of impact, but the pain was tossed to the back of his head, to be catalogued later after the spar. Blood wet his tongue as his teeth sank into their intended target and came away with his ripping motion. At the same moment, pain stung the back of his neck as his opponent’s canines caught his scruff in their grasp, leaving moderate puncture wounds, but due to his ripping movement, her grip wasn’t as solid as it could have been. However, he met with success in his stomp, hearing her growl as his claws gouged minor scratches into the toes of her right forepaw, even if the hit wasn’t as direct as he’d been aiming for.

He was in motion as soon as his stomp was completed, seeking to rip free of his opponent’s jaws, turning moderate puncture wounds into severe lacerations as her teeth tore into his flesh. Again, the pain from the fresh injuries was thrust aside as he allowed a bit of the adrenaline to mask it, in favor of seeking to surge forward in one bounding stride, and veer directly to his left in the next, wishing to gain a small amount of breathing room. The snaking right forepaw of his opponent missed its intended target, finding only air where his left hind leg had been, her shove only leaving a minor bruise to his right upper hip, his forward movement misplacing the attack.

His head and tail flowed level with his spine, paws falling in a balanced spread, toes spreading apart for further balance, claws biting into the earth under his feet for improved traction. His elbows bent slightly to lower his center of gravity for a more unshakable base. Hackles remained raised from the base of his skull to the base of his tail, fluffed out in a buffer against teeth while head and shoulders rolled together, scrunching his scruff into rolls of fatty protection, though his fur was slicked down at the top with blood. His chin tucked, and his jaws remained parted as his face maintained its silent, wrinkle-faced snarl, eyes narrowed to protective, molten slits as his ears pinned flat to his head. His abdomen remained tense as he dove back into the fray.

He sought to twist to his right, wishing to lunge in at a T angle and aim his jaws for Roselin’s right lower abdominal muscle, midway between her right hind leg and the last rib of her ribcage, wishing to sink his teeth into the flesh for a firm hold while simultaneously seeking to shove the whole of his weight into her right side ribcage with the sharp, bony point of his right shoulder, seeking to leave heavy bruising and knock the wind out of her, as well as shake her balance.

-:: Eridanus vs Roselin for Spar ::-
Round 2/2




Extra Notes:



3 Years
Extra large
08-24-2015, 04:51 PM
Smart, perhaps a tad, but incredibly rude. Like Vermin. He was nothing but a little rat...something that she should put down immediately. Her dislike for him flourished in her chest like a rose, blossoming and piercing with thorns. She snarled, lips curling, ears pulling back in annoyance and eyes narrowing more. Her face transformed into a beast, her skin wrinkling along her nose as she sought for a deeper grip in his scruff, but failed. Slippery bugger, like a fish she wanted to smash against the rock so it'd stop squirming. He flowed passed her, and unluckily for him she wouldn't allow herself to be open. She would flow through her half failed shove attempt, her paws bounding forward as blood coated her teeth and flesh ripped from her grip. She sought to twist to her own left, hoping to face him more head on. Her shoulder were rolled and her head level with her spin, skin tucked to protect her precious throat.

She didn't give pause, merely coiling the muscles in her bent hind legs, her balance constantly set on all four paws with nails and toes clipping into earth, and lunged for him as he lunged back at her. Due to her turning, everything he sought for was misplaced. Side became face and chest. Her own left shoulder trust forward like a lance, trying to thrust it in the dead center of his chest as his own shoulder throw hit hers. The pain was sudden, and it nearly knocked the wind from her, causing her to shift back just slightly on steady paws, but she persevered. She'd worry over the bruise later. A snarl burst from her throat as his jaws closed along her right shoulder, digging into flesh in what could only be described as moderate puncture wounds. She snarled deeply, fur standing more on end and hackles risen. Her tail flared behind her like a rudder, a flag as she aimed with gaping jaws for his face, hoping to hook her upper fangs onto the right of his face, and the bottom along the left, hoping to dig in around his eyes and hoping to blind the bugger but if she just left more hideous scarring along his equally hideous face she would be absolutely happy. During this her right paw would thrust forward in hopes of stomping on his own right, and suddenly twist to the left in hopes of spraining or twisting his toes painfully. Let him walk away with a limp and his tail between his legs.

Ros vs. Eridanus
For spar

[Image: iqznma.png]

The Judge


09-22-2015, 08:59 PM



10 for clarity:

  • All clear!
6 for powerplaying.
  • -2 ”At the last second before possible impact...” It's been decided that moves like this are powerplaying, because you're making assumptions about your opponent. (-so guilty-)
  • -2 “...wishing to sink his teeth into that point and rip his head away...” The ripping away part is dependent on Eridanus getting a bite.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
7 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • +3 for bite
  • +2 for stomp
  • +0 for scratch
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Eridanus' round one total: 43/50

2 for clarity:

  • -1 “His shoulder throw would graze over and glance off the edge of the front portion of her right shoulder, just off of her Scapula...” Did she take damage from this? If not I think I'd still like an explanation as to why not, that way I know including it wasn't simply forgotten.
  • -2 The bite to her elbow confused me a bit. You stated Eridanus got a bite, but since Roselin is trying to stop her opponent from tearing away and that's a counter I had to ask for help on this. We decided that damage should have been taken from the bite itself but further damage, damage from the opponent possibly pulling away, could/should be left pending. So I'm docking your points for not stating damage to the bite.
  • -2 “With her luck, however, wolves paws weren't entirely that...fragile, and while the crushing weight did hurt there was no twisting, there was no spraining.” You listed what damage she didn't take, but what about the damage she did take? XD Any bruising?
  • -2 I'm having a hard time picturing her paw swipe and chest slam. If they're perpendicular to one another with her right paw pretty much unmoved from when they were face to face, how can she reach his left hind leg with her forefoot? Or her chest to his shoulder/side?
  • -1 “...hoping to snake it around his back left leg...” Where on his back left leg? It's a fairly large area
6 for powerplaying.
  • -2 ”...she leapt forward, aiding him in clearing the ten feet of distance.” Even though you're writing a reaction to what Eridanus is doing this is still technically a powerplay.
  • -2 “It took only a few steps before she was right on him...” Same as above
5 for defenses.
  • 0 “...her head and chin snapping low...” How low? Level with her spine? Lower? Is she tucking her chin?
  • 0 “...her bared lips quirked into a smirk...”
  • +1 “Ears pulled back...”
  • 0 “...just as she shifted her paws...” What does this accomplish? Is she widening her stance or just being antsy?
  • +1 “Her fur would piloerect...”
  • 0 “Tail would lash to show her distaste before raising in dominance...” Besides showing dominance I'm not sure this would aid her in any way.
  • +1 “...claws dug into the earth...”
  • +1 “...balance equally distributed to four grounded paws...”
  • +1 “...tail out like a rudder...”
7 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
  • +1 for paw swipe
  • +2 for chest slam
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Roselin's round one total: 30/50


8 for clarity:

  • -2 “..seeking to shove the whole of his weight into her right side ribcage...” Where on her rib cage? That's a pretty big area
4 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “Blood wet his tongue as his teeth sank into their intended target and came away with his ripping motion.” Roselin countered the ripping away part so it would need to be attempted.
  • -3 “...seeking to rip free of his opponent’s jaws, turning moderate puncture wounds into severe lacerations as her teeth tore into his flesh.” This needed to have been attempted.
  • -1 “The snaking right forepaw of his opponent...” It was Roselin's left forefoot
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
6 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
  • +2 for shove
6 for injuries.
  • -1 for moderate bruising to shoulder
  • -2 for moderate puncture wounds to scruff
  • -1 for minor bruising to hip
Eridanus' round two total: 34/50

5 for clarity:  
  • -2 “She'd worry over the bruise later.” Where did his strike land? What's the severity of the bruise?
  • -3 “During this her right paw would thrust forward in hopes of stomping on his own right...” Which right to which right?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “...and suddenly twist to the left in hopes of spraining or twisting his toes painfully.” The twist is dependent on her stomp successfully making contact.
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
  • -1 for not redistributing weight after lifting foot
6 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for maim attempt
  • +2 for stomp
7 for injuries.
  • 0 for minor scratches in between toes (damage decided by opponent)
  • -1 for moderate bruising to exterior of left shoulder (placement and severity decided by judge)
  • -2 for moderate bite wound to front of right shoulder (placement decided by judge)

Roselin's round two total: 35/50


ERIDANUS: 77/100
ROSELIN: 65/100

And the winner is...

ERIDANUS! Roselin must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Bruising – 3 ooc days to heal
  • Bite wound – 2 ooc weeks to heal
  • Scratches – 2 ooc days to heal
  • Bruising – 3 ooc days to heal
  • Bite wound – 2 ooc weeks to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: I'm SO SORRY this took me so long guys! SO SORRY :c

- By [Lazuli]