
Come Softly, Come Swiftly



7 Years
09-25-2015, 03:48 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She had chosen a spot of high ground in the estuary for this little meeting. She had tried to do her best to make her two youngest understand that there were invaders in their land when they had moved. She felt Tor understood, but Baine; friendly, sweet Baine, she was sure understood quite as well. It pained Surreal to have to tell her sweet child that some wolves could be enemies. So, she would be holding a family meeting to better brief her family, especially Falk, since the move had been rushed. Of course, he knew better than the rest of the family, being that at one time, he was a warrior. But Battlesong had flown about, scouting and listening from her lofty domain in the sky, and Surreal had more information than she had when she had gone to Bass. She would be going back again soon.

Her haunches settled on the damp earth, tail flicking to wrap about her hips as she scanned the surroundings. Finally, she tilted her head back and sang a low howl, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to carry too far. As well as her family, Creed was involved in the call. He’d stuck around, even though the west was hell in thick fur, and she appreciated that. As she lowered her muzzle, her ears flicked to catch the sounds of whomever might arrive first. She had no doubt that Regulus would be one of the first; he was pretty good about being punctual to these things. Falk might take a bit longer, unless the kids were guiding him in this less familiar landscape.

As she waited, she ran over what she needed to say, and how to say it. She had little doubt that Falk would want her to get involved in the fighting if a siege did take place. But their youngest were almost yearlings, and the Summer heat was already beginning to cool towards Autumn. And even if there was no siege, Surreal had her own plans. She already knew that she wanted nothing to do with Sin unless it was watching him fall under her own teeth. The continuing scents of his borders in her home made it more and more likely that the only way they would meet was in battle.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



12 Years
Extra large
09-25-2015, 04:03 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He’d been expecting her call; she’d told him it was coming. But it still made his heart leap in his chest to hear her low song thread its way through the trees; soft enough to leave the birds unafraid, but loud enough that he and the others could hear. He gave a gruff bark to add emphasis, before taking off at a quick trot. He was at his mother’s side within minutes, giving her shoulder a nuzzle before taking a seat beside her. No one else had gotten there yet. It didn’t surprise him; they would probably be guiding their father through the unfamiliar landscape, going at a blind wolf’s pace, and also protecting him against any sudden ambush.

The prospect of a war both frightened and exhilarated him. He was meant for fighting; meant to cut through those that would harm his family or take his land. He gave his vibrant coat a quick shake as Cinder waddled out of the undergrowth, a small duck in her jaws, it’s limp body dragging between her front legs, and an entirely annoyed expression on her feline face. The spikes in her fur, sandy red-brown darkened to wet points, said she’d taken a swim for this duck, and was already counting the licks it would take to get her fur back in order. She flashed him a haughty glance as she dropped the duck and settled between his front paws, already getting down to grooming, ignoring him as he gave a low chuckle.

"Bhuel ghabhtar, Cinder." He murmured, receiving a halfhearted rumble from the cat, though she didn’t slow her grooming. Regulus straightened and gazed out at the Estuary, leaning slightly to press a fraction of his weight into his mother’s shoulder. Like any good son, he would be at her side in all her endeavors.



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-25-2015, 04:44 PM
Tor was, while not on edge, not feeling quite his usual self. He was worried about his mother, about Regulus who seemed so beside himself over losing their home, about Zuriel. He was so worried about his father who needed to learn this new land and seemed so helpless. He was very worried about Baine, who had always seemed to him too carefree and reckless when it came to meeting new people.

When his mother called them together, he was quick to answer, appearing before them with a serious expression and tension carried across his young shoulders. He didn't say anything, didn't launch into any of the questions that he desperately wanted to know the answers to, didn't even sit. He just stood somberly nearby his family, his sharp blue gaze turning nearly constantly about the lands around them for danger. If something came, he would be beside his brother and mother to protect Baine and Zuriel and his father.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



10 Years
Athena I
09-25-2015, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2015, 07:58 PM by Báine.)

Báine didn't like that she couldn't go back to their usual den in the ravine. This new place wasn't nearly as nice as their home, but now there were a bunch of strangers living there and her mother wouldn't let her go back with them there. She knew how packs worked and she knew she couldn't walk into packs without asking but why couldn't she ask? And why were these wolves so mean that they would steal their home? She had to admit it was a pretty great home, but there had to be other places that they could have lived! She huffed and stared up at the sky from where she was laying on her back, watching the clouds and birds go by above her. She didn't like it here as much, the birds were too loud and it was hard to sleep with all their chirping.

Suddenly her mom's voice broke through the bird's chatter and she of course was quick to get to her paws and shake the dust and grass out of her pale coat. She hated that her fur was so pale cause whenever she got dirt on it every little bit of it showed! She hurried toward the call and she was happy when she saw that she was only the fourth to arrive. She even beat Daddy and Zuriel! She trotted over to where Tor was standing, plopped down next to him, and leaned her head over onto his shoulder. They were almost a year old now so they still had some growing to do, but the height difference between them was already very obvious. Her head was basically at his shoulder! "Conas a fuair tú mar sin ard, deartháir?"

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
09-26-2015, 10:56 AM

Creed had been pretty happy with how his life had been going since he'd ran into Surreal. A tiny part of him still pined for the north and the old ways when he'd lived with his family in Glaciem, but it was only a fraction of him that still wished for this and it was quickly snuffed out with logic and reason. Glaciem was long gone and so were his parents and the majority of his other family. Whether it had been death that had claimed them or just the wanderlust that seems to eventually claim most wolves, one way or another they were gone. He was still content with his life now. After all what more could he ask for? Granted he was six and without a mate, but he'd reconnected with an old friend and had found a new place to call home. He had to say he was doing pretty well for himself.

That all had changed pretty abruptly.

Creed was still quite unfamiliar with the packs that dotted the lands of Alacritia. He knew nothing of any of the others and along with that he knew nothing of the wolves either. He could faintly remember the chaos that had ensued with the coming of Isardis, but that had been five years ago. After spending a few days in Vericona plains with Surreal and her family, he'd been under the delusion everything would be okay. It hadn't occurred to him a pack of wolves would move in on the territory Surreal had intended on claiming for her own pack, Celestial.

He was feeling a bit bitter about having to leave so suddenly, but he had no desire to stick around and see the new residents of the plains. So when Surreal and the rest of them turned to leave, he did so as well. The new area wasn't any better for his thick pelt and he'd long since accepted the fact he'd have to get used to it. He accepted his fate with dignity though and a single complaint couldn't be heard passing his lips. It was summer now but he could patiently wait for the cooler months to be upon them.

He hadn't been far when Surreal's low call summoned them all to her. He'd been lingering nearby trying to distract himself with a hunt. He quickly abandoned that effort and instead headed towards the meeting place. When he arrived he wasn't surprised to see others had made it before him. There was an albino pup which caught his curiosity and there was also another pup that seemed to be the same age. He quickly determined they must have been almost a year old. He attention didn't remain on them for long and instead it went to the giant redder-than-the-leaves-in-the-fall colored wolf that sat by Surreal's side. If he'd thought his father's brief bit of color on his pelt was strange then this just broke the scale. He couldn't help but glance back and forth between Surreal and Regulus trying to determine where he'd gotten the size and the bright coloring from. He quit gawking at the boy though and plopped his rump to the ground in anticipation.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



5 Years
09-27-2015, 05:51 AM
The brute had been contently lost among his own thoughts when his sister's call reached his ears. It was a low, soft howl beckoning her followers to her that would cause his gaze to turn skyward in the direaction from which it had come. With little pause and no hesitation, he set off at a run to answer her summon. He had a feeling too that he knew what this meeting would be about. Surly it had something to do with Sin's pathetic ass. Such a fitting name for a squater on land they'd fought over for far too long. And there was more, he was sure. What she expected of them all as the current head of the family. His family. Newol was an Adravendi. This was not a lost notion on him nor would it ever be. Charging threw the trees of the West, he considered how he too had words that might surprise her. He was still very scarce about his voice though so his only regret was that a crowd would be there to witness it all. But he'd stuck his scared snout in a few of these meetings back in Erani's time atop the thrown, so surly he'd see a few faces he reckognized and who also remembered him.

In all honesty, this claiming of the Plains had been no surprise to him at all. Such was the nature of the world. They would have to wad through the mud to get back what was theirs. Sin. Such a fitting name. That's all he was really. Just another Sinner. Unquice in absolutely no way. Another tyrant here to play the same sad sorry tune of burn the forest down. Another pathetic pup who's mother didn't love them enough. They all where, in one way or another, broken. But they where needed. Wolves like this Sinner. It was obsticales like them that made the taste of victory so sweet. The brute quickly found the lid for the bottle of hate he'd opened and settled himself back down into his calm nature. His temper would get the better of him if he didn't allow himself so control over it. And he was not about to let that happen.

Before long he arrived on the spot of her call, slowing to a walk as he approched. Regulus was as always an icon easily picked out even from a distance. The boy was huge, Newol gave him that. The second he crawled out form underneath Surreal's paw he would be swiming in more tail than he knew what to do with. Accept that that would never happen. Sure he had the build for it, but Newol didn't picture a child of Surreal's to have the personality. Still, whoever snaged that one up would win the lottery. Making his way up to the small group, he offered his sister a bow of his scared snout, one of the few traits they shared, before taking a seat.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-27-2015, 02:15 PM

She'd stuck to Newol like glue when she wasn't performing duties for the pack and training Juniper. She'd been recently adopted into the Adravendi line, and she couldn't be happier now that she'd found Newol. She was afraid that he would dissappear again, afraid that after so many years he would vanish. Was it wrong to want to be with the one you loved? She knew it in her heart he was the one, after all this time...her head jerked up from her thoughts, the Cliff noted Newol's urgency as he heeded the call of a familiar. Surreal was calling for family, though what it was about was nearly a mystery to her, but based on what Arian had told her...Surreal was none too pleased about the new pack in her homeland. She wondered then, what surreal planned to do about it. Had they even gone to speak with him? Sin had been in Sonticus only for a short time, and Avalon had kept an eye on him...but he hadn't done anything in the pack to jeopardize them, it seemed he was more interested in his own things and his family. Arietta his mate was such a sweet woman...and she didn't understand why she was with someone like him.

Following Newol to the call in the Estuary, she spied the familiar form of Surreal and Regulus, both had been at the meeting but the others she didn't know. The two kids smelled similar to Surreal, her children no doubt. And Avalon felt a pang of pity that they'd been displaced from their home, but everyone knew that as a loner, those kinds of things were bound to happen. She sat next to Newol, her fur brushing his as she gazed at the others. They looked upset, edgy, maybe even confused...but maybe the bit of information she knew would help in whatever endeavor they sought. "Surreal, nice to see you. I...have a bit of information about Sin from when he resided in Sonticus." She wasn't too keen about the man, though Arian had trusted to bring him to the pack in the first place, she was the one that invited him, had told him to go after Threar, and then later gotten mad at him for what? Avalon knew everything that went on in Sonticus and it's members. It was her job as a beta after all. Surreal would listen right? They were family now, and she could potentially use the information she had.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
09-27-2015, 08:59 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdaya had been nipping sprigs of water mint when the soft song rolled through the Estuary. Of the wolves that had been inhabiting the Plains, she knew. They were young Zuriel's family. The girl was an apt mind, and it was during their talk, that some of the connections between Kavdaya and herself had begun to become clear; Erani. That one name had been like a legend among the Nomads. The Heir to The Redwoods, grand-daughter of Briena, daughter of Aoibhinn, who was lost in the massacre of the Redwood pack. No one had known where she had gone; her brother Cormalin had been near death when the Nomads had entered the clearing for their annual visit and found the pack in ruins. All that the Elders and assigned healers had been able to get from him at first was that he'd told her to run, and she had, and that was the last thing he had seen of her.

Kavdaya hadn't been born at that time. But she hadn't needed to be. It had become a sort of custom to stand in silence on the day the Redwoods had fallen, as a gesture of respect, and to tell the healers who decided to go on alone to other lands and other packs to spread their knowledge, or gain new knowledge, to keep an eye out for the lost Erani. Kavdaya held that missive particularly close. Erani was her distant cousin, through Alorek's line. Blood. Family. It finally made sense why the scents of these wolves were so familiar. They were Erani's descendents; her children, her line. And at least one of them had kept the interest in healing alive. So Kavdaya turned and followed the call, watermint still carried in her jaws, until she came to the small, still growing group of wolves.

The silver and black timber marked female sitting at the head of the group was easily picked out as the leader, Surreal. The massive male beside her... Kav felt her breath catch momentarily in her throat. He was the spitting image of the late Briena. Kavdaya's memories of the great Elder of the Nomads were fizzy; Briena had passed on during Kavdaya's puphood. Nodding to the other wolves, Kavdaya approached Surreal, dipping her head, allowing the mark upon her brow to show clearly as she announced herself to the silver woman. "I am Kavdaya of the Nomads. I would like to settle with you, if you don't mind?" Her eyes lifted to meet the mismatched eyes. There was a nod of acquiescence. She knew Surreal would want to speak afterward, so, she took a seat at the back of the group to see what would follow.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



2 Years
09-28-2015, 09:30 PM
Seether - Remedy

BIC:: The brute had been loosely engrossed in his own thoughts when the familiar woman's voice reached his ears. Such was Obito's nature, being naturally more instinct than than thought, another trait of his tribal upbringing. Running would be today's activity. Building himself in preparation for something that felt like impending fire storms. He was built for a fight, but in his youth he lacked the experience and so needed to take up sparring and soon. Perhaps Surreal herself could be his teacher. Again with his trust issues. All the same when her voice reached his ears he came to a sliding stop. His blank expression would turn skyward toward the direction of the call, maw held open as he panted heavily. With only a moment's pause, he turned his course and continued on at the same level pace he had been going at. Controlling each breath and attempting to regulate his pulse to maintain himself. It didn't take him long to reach the meeting spot.

Slowing to a trot, he would eventually arrive at a walk. Standing tall and his impressive height, he didn't look around once to meet a single gaze, eyes fixed on the woman who had summoned him. His head was upright, tail swaying calmly behind him, maw still held open as he caught his breath back up. He was aware of the sinning thieves that had taken up her blood right land. They would surely be punished for their sins. But right now his stack in all of this was merely interest. He knew that Surreal owned the land. But she had still to earn his respect, and he'd finally made up his mind how she could do so. That was a more private conversation to be had though. He needed to see the woman painted red. He needed to see the look in her eyes when she snuffed life from out of existence. He needed to see her as a huntress to see if she was worth him as a weapon for her to use. It was old tradition. Back to the first group of Folami. But he figured that they old ways had been silent for long enough now.

And so, bold as brass by muscle memory alone, his expression still blank, he took his seat and prepared to listen.



8 Years
Athena I
09-29-2015, 09:26 PM

Moving across this new terrain was tedious, slow, and infuriating. He shouldn't have to learn a new territory. He should be in his home right now, in the den that was so near and dear to his mate's heart. But instead a pack had invaded their home and claimed it as their own. And what could he possibly do about it now? Nothing. He couldn't do a single thing. That was really more infuriating than having to learn his way around again.

His mate's voice caught his ear and he frowned. He was more than happy to answer her call, but he was getting no where fast and the thought of making his way to the other side of the estuary was daunting. With a sigh he began making his way toward Surreal, stumbling occasionally along the way. When he arrived he realized there were many more scents than he had anticipated and several of them were scents of wolves that he had never met before. He was curious and slightly nervous all at once. Who were these wolves? He quickly sought out his mate's scent and moved toward her to sit down at her side with a relieved sigh. Of course his oldest son was on her other side as always and he was glad to catch his youngest children's scents as well. Zuriel was there yet, but he was sure she would be there soon.

Speech Thought Others



7 Years
Athena I

09-29-2015, 09:52 PM

Zuriel didn't want to admit it, but she was sulking. She hated that they had to leave their home, but she just didn't have it in her heart to hate anyone, even these jerks that have taken their home from them. She had been searching around the edge of the Estuary for herbs just to kill time and keep her mind off of her depressed state when her mother called for them. Her head popped up at the faint echos of her call. She sighed and left what she was doing to go find her and her family. She wasn't surprised that she arrived last, even after her father no less, but what she was surprised about was all of the other wolves that were there. She eyed them all cautiously, not really knowing who they were or what they were doing here at her mother's meeting... until she saw Kavdaya. Zuriel perked up a little bit then and hurried over to the pale woman, settling on her haunches near her. She wanted so badly to ask the woman why she was here but she would just give Kavdaya a smile before looking to her parents and siblings.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
09-30-2015, 09:50 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2015, 09:52 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

She didn’t have to wait for long before Regulus arrived, settling at her side. Cinder came shortly after, hauling a duck and looking wet and annoyed. Tor and Baine were shortly after, and Surreal took a moment to look them over, noting Tor’s tense frame, the way his eyes roved the surroundings. It gave her another conviction that perhaps she wouldn’t claim the Estuary when she raised her standard. She had noticed the sudden silence in Druid’s Moor, and the fading scents. Further investigation had seen the rest of Sonticus’ territory fading, and empty. Had Arian moved them yet again? Creed arrived after a moment, and Surreal gave the fluffy male a smile and nod of appreciation for his attendance. Newol showed up shortly after, with Avalon seemingly glued to his hip, which brought a raised brow point and a faint frown. Surreal had not called for anyone beyond the inner circle of her family and a few select others, and her call had not been loud enough to carry beyond the Estuary.. A sharp look was cast to the woman as she approached. Avalon was family, yes. But what would the information be that she carried? And why was she here, instead of with her pack? “Then speak it, Niece, after I address my family..”

Next to arrive was a graceful female, younger than Surreal. The way she moved brought a faint hitch to her breathing. It was gentle and sure, the same way Erani carried herself in life. The female approached, and spoke, and Surreal nodded. A Nomad. And the mark was that of one who was Fully Trained in her Craft. Erani had shown Surreal what the marks looked like, should she ever meet a Nomad. Kavdaya could be an asset to their family with her training. Zuriel needed someone trustworthy to teach her everything she needed to know. Who better than a Nomad? By now, Surreal had begun to wonder what was taking Falk and Zuriel so long. She had been aware of her daughter’s displeasure, and of Falk’s discomfort with having to learn a new terrain, but she would have thought that they would have been here by now.

Instead, a surprise came in the form of Obito, and then, at last, Falk arrived, settling at her side with a sound of relief. Why had Zuriel not guided him? And lastly, Zuriel herself arrived. Surreal noted the way she immediately gravitated to Kavdaya, but thought nothing more for the time being, instead turning her mind to the present matters at hand. Sitting straighter, she locked eyes with each of those present, before speaking clearly, her voice calm but carrying easily to those present. “Thank you for coming, everyone. As most of you know already, we have moved rather suddenly, and invaders have taken over our family Seat. Thanks to my friend and companion, Battlesong, I’ve been gathering information on this pack they call Hellstrom. I believe I have enough to carry to Bass Destruction, whom I met with the day after Threar fell to Sin Armada. Children. Listen to me, and listen well. Do not interact with the Hellstrom wolves. That is an order to all four of you. That includes the children of Hellstrom. Until they leave, or are crushed by a war, they are our enemy.” Her mismatched eyes bore into each set of her children’s eyes.

Now she turned To face Falk more. “I intend to lend my paw to Bass in any way I can, whether it means fighting alongside his pack should he decided to besiege Hellstrom, or if fighting is not available, then guarding the wounded; again, should he intend to siege. But I will not sit idly by while invaders squat within our home.” She wasn’t asking permission from him. She was telling him what she would be doing, and that she would be doing it. To the adults and yearlings at large, Creed, Regulus, Zuriel, and Newol, Kavdaya and Falk she spoke softly, though not softly enough to be misunderstood. “We will keep our distance, but patrols will be set in place. Tell me what you have seen, smelled, and heard on these patrols; what are they doing, have they come into the Estuary, and who was there. I will be pairing you carefully. Creed, you will be with myself and Falk; if you wish to join in on these patrols, love? If not, Regulus will join us.” She turned her head slightly, allowing her voice to inform Falk that she had looked to him for a nod or shake of his head, before she continued on to the rest of the group.

“If any of you have preferences of whom you wish to patrol with, please announce whom. I will be going to meet with Bass soon to see what he plans to do, and offer my services in any way I can. If any of you wish to add your own service to any efforts he intends to make, let me know, and I will take you with me.” She fell silent for a moment to allow the group to absorb her words and think, before she turned to her two younger children. “War and invaders aside, we will soon be celebrating the first and second years of my children. No, I haven’t forgotten in all the hullabaloo. Regulus, Zuriel, Faite, Tornach and Baine, I salute your lives, and I am proud of you.” Even though her youngest born first litter daughter was missing still, she said the name, determined that someday, Faite would be there to hear her.

She smiled at each of them before turning to face the gathered faces at large. “I have decided that when Celestial is raised, we will not be claiming this land, the Estuary. There are bad emotions tied to it now, and the going is difficult to those who have no sight. Perhaps someday, should a war prove fruitful to us, we will eventually gain this land to thwart attempts to flank us from an enemy, but perhaps not.” She swept her gaze over the faces of her family and her friends a final time before announcing gently “That concludes all I had to say. If you have anything to tell or ask me, please, come see me in a bit.” She turned, finally, to Avalon. brow points raised. “Now what is the information you had?” She asked quietly. May as well ask now.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



9 Years
10-12-2015, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 03:46 PM by Creed.)

Creed hadn't missed the nod Surreal had given him when he arrived and he smiled softly back before settling back to wait for the rest of those summoned to arrive. He couldn't help but survey them with keen interest as more wolves came to the meeting. He'd expected it to be a small affair really. After all how many could really be in Surreal's inner circle?

It was the arrival of a brown male that caught his attention. He'd arrived after himself, but it wasn't the male that piqued his interests but the female that seemed glued to his hip. It brought back an itching feeling, similar to when he'd first come across Surreal's scent, and he couldn't help but stare at the woman. She smelled of another pack but that made no difference. She bore the markings of himself and his family. She was another color than himself as he'd been a bi of an oddity in his family, but she was still very much recognizable. It was a child of Ocena and Gargoyle, he was sure of it.

He shifted anxiously on his paws quite ready for the meeting to be over with. He wouldn't dare approach the woman now but he was eager to go see for himself. He'd just have to wait though. Instead he studied the rest of the group. It seemed everyone had arrived. He took note of the rest of Surreal's children and then the brown blinded male that he could only presume was Falk, Surreal's mate. It was finally nice to have some faces to match up to the names.

Finally the meeting started and he listened intently with his ears pricked forward. She mentioned many things and he perked up at the mention of his name. He couldn't help but give her a toothy grin as she paired him up with herself and her mate should he wish to come along. He gave a nod, not wishing to interrupt, but it was his consent nonetheless.

"If an when th' siege occurs Ah'd like to help in any way Ah can."

He wasn't good with herbs but he could fight and he could always run errands if needed. So whether a message needed delivering or an herb needed to be fetched he could do both. With his services offered though and seemingly not much else to talk to he took one more glance to Avalon and then slunk away from the meeting already forming a plan on seeking the female out later on in the evening.

-Exit Creed unless stopped-

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



2 Years
10-13-2015, 09:52 PM
Fall Goliath Fall - Project 86

BIC:: The brute would listen to the woman's words with the same unreadable expression on his face that he had walked in with. He kept his gaze fixed on her and did not waver once. Watching her and studying her every movement carefully. Her face, her words. So far, all he had was a history lesson that proved her the rightful queen of The West. She may have only settled her gaze on the plains. But to Obito, it was all hers. He didn't process like any other wolf here, at least that's what he felt in his heart. It had taken some meditation to work out all the riddles and figure out what a Folami was supposed to be doing in a place as made and chaotic as this. But he felt called a certain way. That word. Mlezi. Perhaps he was meant to become such a thing after all. He was meant to become a Mlezi to the should be Queen if she could but just prove herself to him. He knew nothing about her accept what she deserved by birth right. But a creature such as a Folami needed more than birthright to follow.

This Hellstrom, though, he would admittedly burn to the ground for good sport. The dance of tyrants and kings. It was all so petty and stupid to him. The Folami had never once stacked a claim to a single patch of earth and the first batch of Folami, probably no more than forty or so wolves, could have washed this land clean end to end. Quickly he caste all these stupid thoughts aside. He knew he had to stay level headed, because again in his youth, Obito had all the potential in the world. But he lacked any real experience. He knew he was a true beast of nature and a power house. But he still had much to learn before he was ready to juggernaut a war. Raising to his paw, he would come to his full height. It was a bold notion that he was about to make. But he was a loner still. He had every reason to make it. "Prove to me your worth is more than just birth right. And I you can fashion me into what ever nature of weapon you desire, Malkia. We will speak later." And with that, he would lower himself back to his seat.



5 Years
10-14-2015, 12:03 AM
massive attack - teardrop
Newol was very pleased with the turnout to Surreal's meeting. He couldn't help but think back all those years ago. He'd been in this seat before. Watching someone standing atop a stand that fit them quite well. Surreal though, it would seem had been born for it. Their mother had simply adapted beautifully to it. Out of all the wolves that showed up though. It would be the massive brute who walked in bold as brass and never removed his gaze from his sister that would really catch his eye. He was massive and only one thought would cross his mind later when he would rise up and make his bolder still deceleration. Where. In the Seven rings of HELL. Did she find THAT? But he would say nothing against it. Because he had been rather bold once himself. Only this time he wasn't surrounded on all sides by strangers. He'd been around the block once or twice.

The brute moved around a lot and knew the West very well at this point, assuming that all the old paths still existed. He'd be able to scout around and keep up with who was where with relative ease, and he was a decent hunter so he knew he would still be of good service to her. He knew he would be welcome as well. His concerns though lay beside him. Avalon and him had made themselves official at last after all the years of waiting. He had always been a family man, but the term was about to take on a whole new meaning for him. So he would not be as readily available as he once could have been. Things would all be different now. That's why this was all so much more important than it had once been before. And he still had the notion to run and finish the dream he'd set off upon all those years ago. He wasn't sure how he'd find the time to do it now. But he'd have to see all the same.

Surreal had been there the night he'd pledged himself to Erani's service. So she would remember well the gesture that he was about to make and it would be all the indication that he needed. Looking her square in the face and locking her gaze, his maw would pull back into a slowly forming smile as he slowly brought his paw up higher and higher. Once it had reached a certain height, his maw had pulled back into a big toothy grin. And he would tilt his head back just a tad, raising his chin with the same age old spark of defiance from all those years ago. Then he would slam his paw against the earth as he had once before. He didn't say anything. Didn't have to. Surreal had heard him say it before.

Once his fur settled again and he was at once calm once more, he would reach over and nudge Avalon gently with his nose. "You'll be fine. She bites, but only when she has to." He would jokingly whisper to her with a calm and gentle voice. The brute was so very satisfied with himself. His family was getting so big again.