
A single act or many



6 Years
Extra large
09-26-2015, 08:51 PM

Anai definitively had smaller legs then the titan, but that didn't slow her down as she scales the sandy incline and hoisted herself onto the grassy patch with ease. He laughed softly, crawling over to kiss her as she moved towards him, it would appear that not even the long swim here would keep her down. He wiggled a little on the soft grass getting comfortable, even as Anais gently head butted him, he kissed her again ass he did so, through he was fully aware that she was using it to ruin her nice hairdo on purpose.

She would join him in moments and he shuffled again so they where side by side. He gave a content sigh as he squinted up at the bright sky. He could already feel the heat on his dark pelt, and he did nothing about the way his fur stick up in odd bits and bobs along his body. Instead he would look at the occasional soft and fluffy clouds and attempted to keep the sun out of his sight. When the heat started to prickle at his fur he shuffled and turned over, lying on his belly in the grass. The sea salt left his coat feeling brisk and dry, and with that in mind he shuffled his head over into Anais's belly and started to clean her coat. He glanced up at her from under his lashes, his expression somehow still mischievous as he moved along to her shoulder, cleaning and smoothing her coat as he went. “I vote we spend the full day exploring, find somewhere to sleep under the stars and leave reality until tomorrow. What do you think?” he asked, pausing in his grooming to speak the words, before moving his head to the toes on her fore-paw, and rasped his tongue along the pads in the hopes she would be ticklish.


Art by Arin





5 Years
09-26-2015, 09:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais received Glacier's kisses with a smile and stayed pressed against him even as he squirmed to get more comfortable, having chosen her spot with every intention of keeping it. Her golden eyes peered up at him as he studied the sky through a squinted expression, feeling once again amazed and delighted that he was in her life and that she had moments like these where they were free to simply be two wolves in love enjoying each others company. They were days that tended not to be overly frequent, but it only made them that much more enjoyable when they did occur.

While he cloud-gazed, the golden brown wolf outstretched a foreleg and rested her chin atop it, allowing the sunlight to warm her back and soothe the chill that still threatened to creep in through her damp fur. It was so comfortable, so delightful to simply be this way with Glacier, to have him beside her as they lounged in the sunlight. After the testing swim from their seaside home to the island, Anais felt complacent enough to nap and would have dozed off if more time had been given to her.

Glacier had other plans. Anais's closed eyes opened quickly when she felt him begin grooming her, causing her to jump at first but then to smile almost shyly as he fixed her fur. Though she still at times reverted back to her timidness and did not always known how properly to react to him, she truly did enjoy every bit of attention that he gave her and hoped that she conveyed as much. She continued to watch him as he smoothed down the rougher portions of her side and shoulder, and listened closely at his suggestion for their immediate plans. The little smile on her face grew slightly, still somewhat shy but expressing her agreement while her paw fidgeted almost reflexively as he licked at her toes. "I think that's a great plan," she answered through a quiet chuckle, excited that she would have the full day and night with him and not have to worry about the pack or his siblings drawing him away.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
09-26-2015, 09:40 PM

The Titan chuckled softly at how Anais jumped at his touch, her coat tasted like salt and sand but it was rewarding to see it smooth against her after he cared for it in patches. She twitched as he reached her toes, but otherwise it clearly wasn't an overly sensitive spot for the she wolf. “Perfect” he said simply at her response, relieved that he would have her all to himself for a decent amount of hours. The island wasn't too large and he wondered if they would manage to explore it before the day ended on them. Luckily for them both they had started their day in the early hours of the morning, giving them the most of the day for their exploring. He ruffled his coat, moving again as he felt the sin itching at his fur. He was drying quickly, his dark pelt saw to that.

After shuffling he moved his attention to her chin, cleaning beneath her muzzle and moving on to her cheek and then behind her ear, again searching for a ticklish spot. He paused and pulled away slightly to speak. “I'm feeling decently dry, and ready to explore when you are?” he offered softly, uncertain if she was ready for that yet, her lighter coat was likely drying more slowly then his own.


Art by Arin





5 Years
09-26-2015, 10:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was thrilling to think that she had hours, almost a whole day, with which to spend time solely with Glacier. No pack duties, no extra company - no matter how loved that extra company might have been. They were free, free to be with each other and choose their own course for the day, and Anais knew already that it would be memorable. Glacier was by far one of the most thoughtful wolves that she had ever met, and she held every certainty that he would make this time they had together memorable for the both of them. Somehow, he would make it happen. He had a knack for it.

He shuffled in place, probably getting comfortable again she assumed, and quietly resumed his grooming of her fur. His attention shifted from her paw to her chin, and trustingly she stretched her neck out to expose her chin more clearly for him to smooth down with the soft passes of his tongue. She was beginning to relax into his attention, growing less shy and more comfortable as he continued, and closed her eyes before he began grooming the fur of her cheek. She was letting her guard down little by little, so that by the time he reached the sensitive spot behind her ear she was caught off guard. A little gasped followed by a series of giggles tumbled uninhibited from her smiling muzzle as she fidgeted, tilting her head slightly and lifting her shoulder instinctively against the tickling sensation.

Just a little grateful that he stopped when he did to pose his new question, the ticklish Anais considered her answer. She was eager to begin exploring, there was no question about it, and even though she had been enjoying herself with all the attention and grooming she was getting from Glacier it was still their main reason for coming to the island in the first place. "I think my fur's dry enough," she stated, casting a glance over her shoulder the timber-marked fur of her sides and back. It looked like it was drying, if not all the way there. Maybe that was enough.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-11-2015, 12:12 AM

He could tell that she was wholly and completely comfortable with him. Perhaps the gesture of lifting her head and giving him full range of her neck shouldn't have effected him, but the open trust set a fluttering in his chest, and he deposited a soft kiss on the exposed area. It wouldn't be until he got to her ear that she responded at last to his attempt to tickle her. He laughed softly, wickedly as he found the sensitive spot. Now he would always know which place to go for – he was learning her body and mind still, every day.

His own effort to help the drying of her fur and the sun seemed to be getting the job done and she easily agreed that it was well enough for them to begin their adventure. It was all the prompting he needed and he rose smoothly to his paws, nipping gently at Anais's shoulder as he did so in an attempt to gently bring her with him. “I vote that you should pick our path. Into the dense trees, along the shore line? Where would you like to go, my love?” he teased her, tucking the endearment into the end with vivid, bright eyes that he kept trained upon her.


Art by Arin





5 Years
10-11-2015, 11:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Glacier was quick to move after the little hunter assured him her fur was dry enough to begin exploring, and the soft nips he placed against her shoulder were all the prompting she needed in order to follow him to a standing position. Smiling, Anais got her paws beneath her and rose beside him, noting not for the first time how much taller he stood above her, taller than any of her brothers, even her father. But, as always, she felt no fear in being so tiny beside him, only a thrilling sense of comfort in knowing she had someone so big and strong and intimidating to watch out for her. With him at her side, she could be fearless and brave and never have to worry about any harm coming her way again.

To her great delight, her big strong protector left the decision making up to her, and her heart leaped as he referred to her as "love." It never failed to leave her with such a giddiness inside that she could barely contain her joy, but she did her best not to let it distract her from the decision at hand, though her tail did wag a little more quickly as she smiled a shy but bright smile. Hmm, what to do... Her lemon-gold eyes searched down the length of the shoreline that she could see from their perch and then shifted to glance into the trees. She had already seen a little bit of the shoreline just from landing on it when they had arrived from the mainland. And they had been waiting to dry so that the shadowy forest did not chill her to the bone...

"Let's go into the forest," she decided with animated confidence, turning her head to smile up into Glacier's face as she leaned in to press her shoulder to his. "It shouldn't be too cold now since we're dry." In her excitement she fidgeted a bit on her feet and shifted just slightly away from him, indicating her readiness to begin their island exploration.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.