
no capes



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-30-2015, 02:26 PM

Cascade had left an alert, but quiet Chaos with his sister so that she could go for a run. Vana was... not motherhood material, that much was certain, but she was more than capable of being responsible for a barely-mobile infant for a short time, so Cas had taken the opportunity to head outside the packlands for some exercise and blessed, blessed silence.

Out of sight of the den she'd upped her speed from that long, ground-eating lope that wolves could keep up for hours to something nearer a sprint... just enjoying stretching herself out and letting go.

As her pawsteps finally slowed - her trim body out of shape from weeks spent den-bound, her endurance was less than it had been before she'd given birth, and she was unwilling to travel too far from Chaos even with Vana watching him - she found herself not far outside pack lands.

The place was mostly flat, though pocked with odd bits of useless metal sticking up out of the earth at jumbled together at random intervals. She readied herself, then took off at a dead sprint, bounding between the obvious landmarks and right before touching them twisting in place and bouncing off into another direction, to another landmark, until her breath came short and she was panting.

Halfway to a thin metal cylinder that had been twisted a third of the way down into a rusted lump of metal, a sudden pain stabbed through the bottom of her right forepaw and as she jerked her paw back up off the ground her forward momentum sent her tumbling and rolling to land in a heap.


She lay there gathering her senses for a moment before rolling over onto her side so she could bring her paw up to her face and see what the hell was wrong with it.

And there was the culprit.

A thin shard of metal as long as her toe had wedged part of the way into her pad and the webbing between two of her toes, the sharp tip poking through the thin webbing to appear a bright shiny little triangle between her toes. She examined it for any slivers that might come off if she pulled the shard out but it seemed pretty clean, except for the blood rolling down the paw. Grasping the rusty metal between her teeth she endeavored to pull it out degree by agonizing, painstaking degree, until it was out far enough to get a good grip on and in one swift tug she yanked it the rest of the way out.

A fresh gush of blood followed the metal, along with a flood of very loud, rather vulgar cursing. Well, that was the end of exercise time apparently. Still wincing and muttering not-nice words under her breath, she licked vigorously at the wound to clean it out. She'd need to head back home and have Vana help her tend it... but she'd planned to be gone for a while longer and she didn't know how soon it would be before she got another chance for time alone, with Chaos being the way he was. Maybe she'd just wait for the bleeding to stop and treat it later on.

"Talk" "You" Think
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



2 Years
09-30-2015, 06:39 PM

Traveling this far away from home was absolutely unlike her. When she traveled to study the celestial displays and weather patterns, or maybe the phases of the moon, she only strayed away so far. Maybe around Abaven, or where Hellstorm currently was. But never beyond that. Now that she was older, she found it was necessary to go on longer, more extended trips. And she was only in the South, near Imperium. Now...she's never heard of Imperium, only that it was a massive, powerful pack with lots of land. It felt a bit uneasing to be around their lands, but she wasn't quite on their territory. She was just exploring, studying the weather patterns herself, admiring the sunlight.

But that was when the strong aroma of fresh blood hit her nose. She instantly frowned, lifting her head and letting her ears rotate forward. She had previously heard a soft yelp in the distance, not able to make out the word that had been yelled out. But she grew concerned the minute the sound reached her ears. Now this heavy smell of blood...what had happened? Arivae was no healer...but Song had taught her some minor things about herbs, just so she could get by. Certainly she could help whoever was bleeding? With a cool sigh, the dark girl began to sniff around for Yarrow and Lamb's Ear, seeing as this place was pretty dry.

About ten minutes later she managed to find them, carefully removing them from the ground without harming the poor herbs and sprinting across the dangerous metal-littered hills. She had tiny, quick was unlikely she'd be impaled. However, just to be safe, she eyed the ground every so often, making sure to jump over any obstacles in her path.

Arivae slowed to a smooth, submissive walk as the apparently wounded wolf came into sight. It looked like a female, with a mismatched gaze and a rounded spot around her right eye. Pretty...her dark fur almost gave off a purple tint against the sunlight, however, the smell of blood was heavy in the air. Must have accidentally stepped on some metal. Arivae frowned and approached her, lowering her head and letting her ears fall back against her head. She smiled at the older lady and dropped the herbs at her feet. "Hello there." She began, her voice soft and friendly. "Need some help?"

"Talk" "You" Think