
Better Then Drugs



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-29-2015, 09:20 PM

Enigma's mind had been wandering today. He wasn't quite sure why, but he felt odd. He had brought Takira to his den, patched her up with some poultice that he'd learned from his mother and slapped on some leaves and cobwebs that he could find. He was no healer, and he wouldn't tell anyone else that he was caring for a slave...but he wouldn't abandon her and leave her for dead either. Besides, Paradox and Forsaken were always off doing their own thing. They surely wouldn't bother him here.

With slow steps, he was making his return trip to the den. A bundle of soaked Moss carefully held in his teeth. He didn't know when she would wake, or if she would even pull through the injuries she had...what the fuck had she even gotten into? Some of the gashes were dirtied and bleeding alot, but he'd done his best to clean them out and chew up the rather...disgustingly bitter herbs he had learned about quite a while ago. Once he entered his den, he set the Moss off to one side as he looked at her.

She was a strong female...he wondered what she'd been up to since they last parted ways, and for a while he thought she hated him when they'd first met. But when he recalled the words he heard her say as she confused his father with him, perhaps it was not true. Sighing, he lied down with his back to the entrance to block the view of any potential nosy siblings. Head rested on his paws, he watched the rise and fall of her body. He would probably have to find someone to tell him what herbs he could use...especially if she ended up getting a fever. Gods he was bad at this...perhaps a little later. For now he would drift off for a short nap..

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


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4 Years
09-29-2015, 10:10 PM

Nightmares pledged Takira, she dreamed of the night that her mother died, that night she was a young thing, barely one year old and she was left on her own, fending for herself. But she was strong, able to survive on her own if she had to. But she didn't have to for long. She met HIM.

Her dream shifted from the night of her mothers death to the day she met that charming male. She had not thought to like him, she really hadn't, she always thought herself a good child, wanting to help those who needed it, loyal to those close to her, but he seemed to bring out her inner darkness. And she liked it! She liked the feeling of taking out her anger on anything that did end up getting her anger. She like that she felt like N had her back if she needed him to. She liked him... She liked him even though she should not have, and she felt that draw to him when she met him, he charmed her... Charmed her with his wicked personality.

She hummed to herself, liking the dream. She thought she smelled him then, and felt like something was probing her side. MOON she hurt! Why did it hurt so much!? She let out a small whine, hoping that whatever was hurting her in her dream would just go away, maybe then she could get a little more sleep. Thinking of sleep, she was tired, oh so tired, but N's scent seemed to call to her, pulling her mind from her mind and brought her to reality.

As Takira's mind slowly processed her pain. And boy was she in pain! Her right side felt like she got trampled by a elk and her right hind leg didn't seem to want to move when she tested it a bit... As she woken up more she started getting back her memory of what happened. STUPID! She had been so stupid, her mother told her to stay away from grizzlies! Said that if one came at her when she was alone she was to just give it what it wanted, not challenge it! What had she been thinking!? Maybe its not what she been thinking but more of what she was feeling. Her life has been a mess since she lost her mother, and it was hard to move on from that major event in her life. The only time she was happy was when she was with N, and they took care of each other. Maybe she had been looking for an out, maybe she didn't want to struggle anymore...

She felt eyes on her as as she processed her state of mind at that moment and instead opened her eyes, which clashed with his. She drew in a sharp breath, her eyes widening. She went to lift herself in a more dignified position when her side protested. She let out a whimper and then growled at herself for looking weak in front of the male she was just mooning over.

She tried to salvage the situation by saying something. "So it was you..." She could not seem to look away from him, for fear that he was only a figment of her imagination. "Where am I?"

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-30-2015, 01:41 AM

Amber gaze lingered on her form for a long while. Strangely, he was afraid to sleep for fear that he might wake to find her body still and cold. What the hell is wrong with me...mother must be rubbing off on me. He huffed as he turned his head to face the wall, grumbling at the thought. Was he getting soft? No...he wasn't. He just..."So it was you..." The familiar voice dragged him from his thoughts. Thank god...he wouldn't have to think about it anymore for the time being.

Piercing amber gaze sought hers, her voice still weak as he processed her words. Did she think his father was him? Hmph. He was much more good looking then his old man! Perhaps it was the loss of blood and her near death experience that got her confused..."Well...actually, it was my father who found you first. You're lucky I showed up in time, otherwise you wouldn't have returned to the land of the living."

He rose a bit, bringing his forepaws to stretch out before him as he stared at her. What on earth was she doing around here? And how the hell had she gotten all those wounds? He hadn't seen her since Winter, perhaps she was one of those migratory wolves...or maybe she found a trace of the bastards they were looking for? He would brush it off for the moment, ear flicking as she asked where she was. "Welcome to Hellstrom." He would say the single phrase with a slight smirk on his face. He didn't want to tell her quite yet what rank his father had given her...but he would try to talk him into changing it. Of course, his father had the terms it wouldn't be easy.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
09-30-2015, 02:35 AM

Did she imagine the relief look on his face? She must have, N did not strike her as a wolf to become attached to another, no matter how attached she seemed to be to him... But before she could ponder that and more he spoke. His father? But she could have sworn that it was N... But then again she was already pretty far gone when she was found... And the male did seem to have a more... Vicious airs about him than N has. Not saying N did now give off a dangerous vibe because he does, but that male seemed more than willing to spill blood. And from what N said he wanted to... Well it seemed Takira owed N her life... Well even if she was inclined to leave him before she was not going to again. If there was one thing her mother taught her it was loyalty.

The ebony girl smiled then, it was ironic, he owed her nothing, if anything she owed him, he helped her in her time of need and what did she do? Left him, thinking to never see him again, and not only did they meet again but he saved her life in the process. Takira was not the biggest believer in fate but it seemed it wanted to invest into her life. Takira almost scuffed at herself; here she was acting like a pup, thinking about a white knight riding in to save her skin...

She mentally shook her head and focused as N answered her question. "Hellstorm? Well now that I think about it, you... your father said something about that... Is that a pack?" Takira lifted her head slightly off the ground and took a whiff. A mixture of scents reached her nose. Strongest was N's, but there was a heavy mixture of many individuals, most family it seem, with the over baring scent was that male that she thought was N, his father. Now that she had more of her wits about her Takira now could tell that the male scent was not N's but they where obviously father and son. "No, don't answer that I can already tell."

The ebony girl yawned, her eyes tearing up, but she was determined to stay up to enjoy N's company. And besides she did not think she was going to fall asleep anytime soon with the killing pain in her side... Speaking of her side she lifted her head again and eyed the worst of the damage. It was covered in leaves and spiders web. She tilted her head and then looked back at N. "Your a healer?" She did not mean to sound shocked or anything but it was a bit shocking, he did not strike her as the healing type. She smiled, he seemed to hold a lot of hidden depth to his character... Was it wrong to say she was pleased by that? She dropped her head as she looked at him, call her crazy but in her weakened state he was even more handsome then she remembered.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
09-30-2015, 03:05 AM

She seemed to be getting a better grip on her surroundings as the minutes ticked by. That was good at least, but it would be a while longer before she would fully recover. Or so he thought anyway. He had yet to properly splint and bind her leg, but he wasn't too sure on how to do that quite yet. He didn't want to accidentally do it in a way that it healed wrong and she end up with a noticeable deformity. It was something he would find out soon, however. Perhaps that whiny Alphess from Sonticus could help...Unless he came across someone else on the way. Or he could just ask his mother, but he didn't want her questioning him...

Her question about Hellstrom would bring his attention back, amber gaze looking steadily at her. But before he could answer, it would seem she'd come to the conclusion on her own. The least he could do was tack on how it had come to be. "My father challenged another pack. It fell, we rose. It's still a new pack, so there's not too many capable members...mostly pups." He said the last part sounding a little disgusted. He was referring to his younger siblings and half siblings. Granted, neither Paradox nor Forsaken were pleased about them either.

He watched as she yawned, his eyes never leaving her as she inspected her body. A brow rose as she quickly turned to him, surprise in her voice as she asked if he was a healer. Shrugging, he breathed as he debated what to say. No, he wasn't a healer. Yes, he did know a few things. Perhaps the truth would help here so she wouldn't think that he was some miracle worker. "I learned a few things from my mother. I'm not a healer though. A few basic things, like what to use for open wounds to keep out infection and what to use to bind them. Your leg, however, I've yet to work on. So try not to move it." A smile flashed at her, "Pretty much a few useful things in case I got myself into a jam and needed a quick fix."

That explained his lack of knowledge on how to fix her leg. But more then that, he wanted to wait for her to wake up so she could tell him how bad the pain was and what she couldn't move. The leg itself he could tell it was broken with how bad the wound was, but he didn't want to take any chances with splinting the wrong area. "If you're in a lot of pain, I can go get some pain killers." Speaking of which. He reached forward suddenly, nose pressing against her paw pad to see if she was growing a fever, though he couldn't tell exactly. "Are you feeling feverish? Cold?" He looked at her as he waited for her to respond. God he felt stupid...acting like he cared...maybe some part of him did...and if his siblings found out, they'd probably laugh at him.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
09-30-2015, 04:01 AM

Takira's eyes dropped, as he went into the history of the Hellians, hah hellians, yeah she was going to keep that to herself. He spoke with pride when he talked of his father, which if great, winning a pack was always a proud occasion but his voice seemed to go flat when he spoke of the young of the pack, something was there that he was not saying but she was in no way shape or form capable of mentally working out the problem he would have with them, the young was the future after all.

When he went on she let it drop from her mind, she would revisit that later if she remembered. Takira focused on his words keeping her mind awake, he talked of his minimal knowledge, albeit more than she knew, about healing. "Ah, your mother must be skilled." As he went on telling her that he did not have the knowledge to fix her leg she frown down at it."Yeah I really messed it up when I ran away from the bear, I don't think it was broken then but running on it did not help the situation." She blinked as he went on about her pain. "I am in pain but nothing I cannot handle, pain and I are not strangers. She tried to moved herself to release a slight cramp and winced as it stretched the gashes in her side. "Well as long as I do not moved for a few days." She tried to put a joking tone in her voice but was not sure how successful she was at it.

Takira did no sooner say when N moved then, pressing his nose to her front paw. She resisted the urge to pull her paw away in shock. her belly seemed to do a flop. Why was she such a girl around him? She did not understand, her mother never told her anything what to expect with the male kind, but what she did know was that she was not reacting like she would with a normal friend no matter how close they where... "N... No, I am fine, well other then the whole gash in the side thing."

The ebony girl tried to relax again. Trying to find comfort in being safe at least as safe as she could be in unknown territory and she was at that, she had never spent any time in a pack before, even as a guest... wait... N's father did not seem the type to let others stay in his home no matted how hurt they where... What had she gotten herself into? "N, why am I still in you pack's territory? You father did not strike me as a wolf to help those in need..." Only one thing seemed to come to mind of why she would be allowed to stay, even after she was granted her life... Did his father want something from her? Takira could not help but think the worst. She grew cold at the mere thought, colder then any fever could make her.

Today did not seem to be her day...

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-02-2015, 12:04 AM

A bear? So that's where she got the wounds from...he was surprised that she had survived, if she hadn't fallen here then she probably would have fallen dead somewhere else. Or killed by someone else...his mind briefly wandered to his father. If it were anyone else, Enigma probably would have helped out. But when he realized who it was, he couldn't let it happen. He mentally kicked himself, not understanding why. He nodded his responses as she told him what had happened...well. Somewhat. She didn't say why she was running from a bear, but that was a matter for some other time.

After he had touched her paw pad, her nervousness seemed to fly off of her. Raising a brow, he smirked as she explained that she was fine. He pulled away then, moving to sit up as he looked her over. He wasn't entirely sure why he was so...concerned...the boy unknown to the concept of love and crushes. That was something more along his mother's line. He was oblivious to the fact now, so he'd push it away for the time being. "You're other wounds should heal fine, not sure about scarring but...scars are never a bad thing." He winked at her, a mischievous look in his eye as he teased her.

And then...there it was. The question. He looked at her for a moment as he thought how to answer. He wasn't really one for sugar coating things, and she'd find put sooner or later...he knew she wouldn't like the answer, but he would make sure nothing bad happened to her. "About that..." He gazed at her calmly, tail wrapping around his feet as he continued. "My father is...strange, like all of us. He let you stay, but you're now a slave of Hellstrom. My job is to make you better, and you're to prove  that you're...not useless. I plan to talk to my father, request that you be my personal slave...proprietas." He hoped she understood where he was going with this, it wasn't easy swaying his father's mind once it was made up, but Enigma had a good tongue on him. "If you're my Proprietas, you'll be safe from being harmed by anyone else in the pack. I hope you understand."

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
10-02-2015, 04:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 04:24 AM by Takira.)

Takira was glad that he did not comment on the bear, she really was not ready to admit how much she messed up. Like big time, if she did not take care or get help with the leg she may have a bad limp. Here is hoping that it was nothing that could not be fixed with time. She had to smile when he talked about scares, well she was never a vain wolf, she never could afford to be, not with the inherited scares across her eyes; her mothers last gift to her. "I don't think a few more scares are going to make me weep, no worries about that." She resisted reaching up with her paw and touching her left eye, every time she thought about them she thought about her mother, they reminded her of the soft spoken woman. What would these new scares make her think of every time she saw them? A moment in her life where she was stupid or of N? Hoe he looked after her and saved her... She hoped it was the latter, but that would only be told with time.

But as the conversation changed she saw him tense, visibly. She grew colder at the thought, they where joking a moment before; only something bad could change the playful nature they had seemed to fall into after meeting again... Takira watched as N seemed to mull over something before he started talking. He started by telling her a little about the man who oozed violence, telling her that he was strange. Well yes, she figured that was the case. Their is no normal in the world, and if you claimed to be, you lied. So that was not that shocking to hear N tell her so... but she did not have much time to tell him so when he dropped a bomb on her.

She was a WHAT! Her eyes sharpened on the male in front of her, the very male that she was just bantering with, the very male that confused her and made her think and feel the most confusing things. But truthfully he was not the one that she was angry at. No she was not the type to blame others for things that happen because of her stupidity. No she claimed her mistakes and lived with the consequences, she had just hoped that her consequences stopped at a broken leg and a mauled side...

Takira took a deep breath as she sorted though the wave of information he flooded her with. Prove her worth? Well she was a good hunter, she was also very strong. She may have never have had to fight in her life, but she could be trained, and frankly she been meaning to. If she had she may not be in this mess... "I am a good hunter... But I am not against learning to be a warrior, that is if my leg heals right..."

She felt deflated after her initial flash of rage. She was tired, both emotionally and physically. And when he went on to tell her that he planed to make her is personal slave, well she wasn't ecstatic at the prospect but frankly she was more accepting of the situation if someone she trusted had her back in this unfortunate part of her life. She sighed, she had not had the best year that was for sure, but she could make the best of this situation. After all she had her life and she did have some skills to bring to a pack... "I understand, I made the mistake of getting in the way of something three times my size and I'm willing to deal with the consequences."

She did manege a small smile at him, he seemed to worry about her response and that is not shocking. If she had not been so understanding she may have felt hurt that he had contributed in making her a... Slave... Yeah that was a thought that she was going to have to get used to. "I trust you N. I do not blame my friends for things I do to myself." She locked eyes with him, they where pleading something she would not voice. Pleading for him to keep her safe, to not let anyone abuse her. She had unknowingly placed her life in his paws, she just hoped that her trust was not misplaced in him... Moons what had she gotten herself into?

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-02-2015, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 09:45 PM by Nyx.)

Her expression had been expected. The woman looked shocked, mortified, angry even, with what he'd told her. Then it changed to sad and weary. He made no motion, only kept his blank stare so she couldn't read what he was thinking. He would ask his father, then again he also realized that he and his siblings had the power to do it too, didn't need permission to take a slave of their own. But still, he knew his father would grow curious about her. "If it helps, I'm willing to help you train. Hellstrom is a place for opportunity, your efforts won't go unnoticed if you try hard." That much was true, and lately he'd been seeing nobody try at all. He figured his father would have something to say about it soon.

His ears perked slightly, three times her size? He couldn't help but smirk a little. It sounded like she'd gotten herself into the same kind of trouble he himself could get into. And would do it without a second thought at that. "Remember, it's only temporary. Once you are better I can change your rank whenever I wish. For now, it's best to lie low so he doesn't hurt you for not doing anything while holding a different rank." Eyes flashed with a hint of humor and something else, perhaps a cold glee..."He already has something in store for everyone else. Nobody has been doing anything since the pack rose, and he's not pleased."

The look in his eyes would be quickly replaced, however, as she looked at him oddly. Then...she said she trusted him. That shocked him to a certain degree. Nobody trusted him...and if they did, it was usually because he tricked them into thinking they could. " me?" His words were mildly shocked, but...when she gave him a certain look, she didn't need to say anymore. "Don't worry, you're safe...with me, at least." Even if paradox or forsaken came to do something, they'd get a nice surprise.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
10-02-2015, 09:39 PM

Takira did not look away from his face as he told her that she would not be a slave forever, well yeah. Like hell was she going to submit to being a slave longer than necessary. She just had to show his father that she was worth the food they give her... But first she needed to get better, and fast. Her dignity demanded nothing less. A determined look crossed her face as a devious grin spread her maw. Yes she would show the old fiend who he enslaved... All of a sudden things clicked into place, a planed formed and her emotions went from an all-time low to almost excitement, she wanted to see his face when she proved to be one of the most productive member of his pack.

But first her leg, their was that problem. A problem that could stop all her fantasies about grander. But before she could bring up her very hurt appendage she was called out of her mind by his voice again. A look of shock filled his eyes. He seemed to look to look at her like she spawned in a new head and spewed fire into his face... Did no one willingly ever tell this male that he has their trust? Which is absurd, he was strong, dependable... And quite... Well charming. She had a feeling he would talk his way outta any situation without even lifting a paw.Yeah Takira was going to keep that to herself, she was not that susceptible to others charm but N did not seem to fall into the same category as anyone else she meet to this point. He seemed to be something completely different and the rules that others fallowed did not apply to him.

She smiled at him, her face seeming to light up when he basically told her that he would protect her, something she thought she would never hear. She knew how she looked, she was a large girl with a strong look; the scars on her face made her look imposing. So this was new, and it added a new depth to what she felt for this dangerous male... At least dangerous to everyone but her. But she didn't want to have to be protected, she wanted to be his partner, and that brought her back to her leg, it need to be fixed first.

"The only way for me to prove myself is to get on my paws as quick as I can, and to do that I need to see a healer to fix my leg. Do you know any healers we can trust? Someone who won't take advantage of the situation?" Takira could feel it in her bones that if the rest of found out about her something bad was going to happen. A wolf did not name a pack Hellstorm for nothing after all.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-11-2015, 12:38 AM

He pondered a moment about her question. He didn't really know anyone that might help, but he was sure he could find someone and get them to at least teach him or tell him what to do if they didn't want to actually come and do it. Although for that, he would have to take Takira outside the territory so his father didn't come attacking whoever tried to help. It was a dilemma really, but he wouldn't stop until he finished his task of making sure she got better so she could get up and raise some hell. He was sure that she was capable.

"I don't know anyone personally...but I can find someone and persuade them to help. I wish I knew how to properly do it, but if I mess up and your leg doesn't set right, I've no doubt you'll hate me for the rest of your life due to my lack of knowledge." He wasn't sure if he was actually...worried about the thought. Part of him felt like he would be, the other part questioned why he cared to begin with. Nothing was making sense right now, and he hated that fact. It irritated him to no end that he couldn't even begin to describe what he was feeling...perhaps someone someday might be able to shed some light on that. "I'll go when you decide to sleep. You could use the rest, allow your body to heal. And I will come retrieve you if I find anyone. I'll have to take you off pack lands to do it, the pack would surely flip if I brought an outsider I'm regardless of the reason."

Speech Thought Others


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4 Years
10-11-2015, 05:01 PM

He was being sweet, there was no other word for it and that within itself should have set off warning bells that something more than she saw was going on, but frankly she could not bring herself to care. She liked him and she trusted him; with her life apparently. But even if she trusted him she was not going to lay about to be catered on, no she had walked herself into this mess and she was going to walk to a healer to fix herself, even if it killed her. Which if she was honest with herself she just might kill herself, moons knew she just nearly had.

"I would rather go with you N. I'm not going to lay here like an invalid and let you baby me. I am a big girl, I got myself in this mess and I'm prepared to get myself to your healer, on my own four paws."

Takira eyed him, her bright amber eyes watching him, she had a feeling that he would fight her on that stance but she did not care, he could not keep her on her side if she did not wish to stay. Boy was he about to get a full taste of her stubborn side for she was going to back down for nothing; her pride made sure of that...

ooc. We can end it here and continue in that new thread =3

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]