
The Mother's Pain.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2013, 11:22 PM
Her heart hurt. The hope that had been in her heart, had died in the short moment that she had seen Neo. And anger burned. But the anger was at herself. She must have done something wrong in her raising of Neo. But what? She curled at the edge of the field. Out of site. He?d always been rambunctious. He?d always been headstrong. How had she missed it? She gritted her teeth against the tears that wanted to come. Forced them down. Forced the blankness over her body and her face. She had one more call to make.

She lifted her head and called the young King of Tortuga. There was a pain that she couldn't erase from her song, no matter how hard she tried. She let the call wane, and lowered her muzzle. Then she rose and set her gaze toward the land of Tortuga.


04-03-2013, 11:47 PM

Things were becoming irritating far too fast. Cyanide had betrayed them and had swapped allegiances to Valhalla. Morphine hadn't managed to keep the traitor in Tortuga. That was fine. If Cyanide showed her face in Tortuga again they would torture her. Then murder her. Her death would be a painful one. The girl had so much potential, yet she chose to waste it in Valhalla. Cyanide would soon learn that they had no use for an Assassin. Her loyalties would switch once more and she'd only piss them off.

Then there was Neo. Nnoitra had a fit on the battlefield whole fighting for the boy. The male had become ill right before his battle even started and he passed out. Some worry still coursed through Kaien's veins. He wouldn't let anyone see it, but he cared for his old man. At least enough to be worried when the seven year old, skeletal looking wolf passed out randomly. Tortuga had only one healer. Perhaps the healer would have a look at him later. He still didn't know what to do with the young man Luce had brought to him. Things had become complicated and Valhalla obviously wanted him back, but for what reason? Kaien saw no problem in letting the boy stay. That is, if it was really what he wanted.

No doubt they'd come and challenge for Neo. This time no one would fight for him. Certainly not the ex-King. Kaien refused to allow Nnoitra to fight again and Kaien himself would not. It was petty squabbling over wolves and he wasn't quite sure if Neo's allegiances wouldn't swap again. Neo's test to prove his loyalties would to fight for his right to stay. If he won, then he of course could stay. If he lost, then himself or another member would step in and defend him. He'd call all of Tortuga if he had to. It was pointless bickering. He had to agree with Nnoitra on that. Free will seemed to have vanished along with the old lands they lived in, melted away with the lava.

Tortuga also faced another problem. Other's seemed to forget that they were a neutral evil pack, yet they seemed to expect so much more from them. Idiots. They'd sit back and have no problem insulting him for not fighting for Cyanide, yet they were hypocrites. No one had actually shown up yet for Neo. That was fine. He wouldn't stoop to their levels of childish behavior with the insults and the mockery. Tortuga was still Tortuga. Nothing had changed. Their perception was off. They kept to themselves and that was that. The rest of the world could go fuck themselves.

A call could be heard and it took the silver male a moment to realize who was calling him. Erani. The Valhallan healer that he had a conversation with when Valhalla had taken him prisoner. God that day had pissed him off! If he'd had his way he wouldn't have been anywhere near Valhalla. Stupid bastard... His lip curled up in a snarl at the thought before it lowered. He had no time to ponder such things. The girl called and his curiosity was piqued. What on earth could she want from him?

He set out upon the call. Large pads brought him swiftly to her pallid form. He made no motion to hide himself. Stealth was not needed today. Fiery orbs studied her, wondering why she could have summoned him. He was intrigued by her still. Death had entered her dreams and warned her of the carnage that was to befall their old home. He didn't know a single wolf with those abilities. Still, when he'd been released from Valhalla he doubted that they would ever meet again. Certainly not on an encounter in which she called him to her.

He came to a halt and pressed her hind quarters into the dirt, wrapping his tail loosely around his haunch. Ears pricked forward and his head cocked slightly to the left as he gave her a quizzical look. Words probably weren't needed but he gave them anyways.

"You rang Erani?"




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-04-2013, 12:18 AM
She studied the pale male with deep blue pools. He looked well, but she sensed an underlying agitation, likely left over from some recent even on his side. He came to a stop before her, settling onto his haunches. She didn?t move from where she sat, just stared at him. At length, he spoke, and she gave only the barest hint of a nod. She didn?t speak for a moment longer, not trusting her voice. Finally, she found her firm steading, and spoke.

?A moment past, I called for the male I viewed and loved as a son. Neo. He came. And my heart aches at the change I see in him. I am no stranger to loss. But this loss is new.? Her voice betrayed her.. It was faint, a feather stroke in the strength of her tones. A tremor of the pain. Her eyes gazed forward, at him, and through him. ?I have lost my son.? The words were spoken in an undertone. The voice of a mother who has lost the most precious thing in her existence.


04-04-2013, 12:33 AM

Fire colored hues watched her. She seemed off today. Something agitated her as well. The last time he'd seen her she'd seemed a bit more... loose than this. Right now she seemed rather stoic. Her composure was well held, but it didn't seem natural. No. Something bothered her on this day, but how could this pertain to him? Did it even pertain to him at all?

?A moment past, I called for the male I viewed and loved as a son. Neo. He came. And my heart aches at the change I see in him. I am no stranger to loss. But this loss is new.? ... ?I have lost my son.?

Her voice cracked as she spoke and she seemed to stare right through him rather than straight at him. It was oddly disturbing and for a moment he was at a loss for words. She was upset because Neo revoked her? The child had grown quite cold and hate filled his veins. He was too far gone for any of the Valhallan's to save him, that much was obvious. She should have expected such a reaction from him, but he could not tell her that. Instead he spoke a different tune.

"I've noticed he's been the cause of a lot of ruckus since he's come to my home. I fail to see why you called me here for. I do not see any way that I can help you. I cannot return the boy. Valhalla wonders why I will not fight for my members, it's because it's their own choice on whether they wish to stay. If Neo was honest, then I do not think he's willing to go anywhere, and he'll fight for his own right to stay in his new home."

There was no remorse for Erani's pain, but he wasn't completely heartless. He could understand it in a way. His mother had abandoned him and his father had nothing to do with him. He'd been lucky with Sikyrah had dropped him off at Tortuga's borders and Nnoitra had taken him in. It was a whole other matter to completely revoke your family, blood or not. So which pain was worse? Either way, Neo had made his choice. Kaien wasn't about to kick the kid out and start more problems for his pack. It certainly wasn't worth the trouble.

"Tell me Erani. What did you want me to do about it?"

It couldn't hurt asking her what she expected of him. Of course she should realize that there wasn't much he could do, or would be willing to do, but words never hurt. Not that much at least. He doubted she had a solution to her pain, but it would be interesting to see what she had to say.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-04-2013, 12:51 AM
She listened to the male?s words. They eased a fear that Tortuga was the one fueling Neo?s hate. Or at least, that Kaien had been the one fueling it. But it raised a more painful fear. A fear that she was somehow the cause of this new Neo. Kaien voiced a question. Her eyes focused on him, boring straight into his orange pools. There was no malice in that stare. There was no hate. Only a burning pain.

?There is nothing you can do. I called you here, to settle a worry that Tortuga might have been the reason for his hate. But now I know. I failed him somehow. All I can ask is this. Is he happy?? It was a mother?s request. The need to know. She hadn?t gathered any happiness in Neo?s eyes. Only hate.


04-06-2013, 11:03 PM

?There is nothing you can do. I called you here, to settle a worry that Tortuga might have been the reason for his hate. But now I know. I failed him somehow. All I can ask is this. Is he happy??

He could easily see the pain in her eyes. It intrigued him. He had not been away that she was a mother to the child. It was interesting in a way and yet he supposed he had to answer her. Tortuga as a whole wasn't fueling his hate, rather one wolf in particular. He would refrain from telling her that though.

"He's as happy as a kid can be after he's abandoned his family and pack for a new one. He seems content with his mate, but I hardly believe you failed him. Not from the way he speaks. He blames it more on his siblings."




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-08-2013, 09:00 PM

She listened quietly to his answer, and some of the worry faded. It was replaced by curiosity. Who was this mate? She had to thank the female for being able to bring some happiness to Neo?s life. Now that she thought of it, he?d never seemed all that happy in Valhalla. Now he seemed to hate it with a passion.

?At least he?s happy where he is. By the way, I?m glad to see you made it out alive in the Eruption.? There was no sarcasm or falsity in her voice or expression, only earnest relief. She had wondered what had become of the male. She knew Valhalla had released him, but no more that that. She rose with a small huff owing to the small weights in her womb.

?I?m keeping you from your pack. And I shouldn?t even be out here. Nova and Cairo will probably have my hide for coming out here in my condition, but I had to find out for myself.? She turned and began to make her way out of the field, but paused. ?You?re father, Nnoitra, got me out of a tight spot with Banshee. I never thanked him for that. Can you give him my thanks??


04-13-2013, 03:54 AM

Some of her depression seemed to fade at his words. He could truly see that she only wished the best for the young man. Luce taking on the roll of his mate.... well it was certainly odd, but he would keep that information from her. Luce had poisoned him with her own silver tongued lies and assurances, but it was too late now. She'd only increased the hatred he had festering within him to begin with, not started it.

"?At least he?s happy where he is. By the way, I?m glad to see you made it out alive in the Eruption.?

Her words surprised the silver male and his expression changed to a curious one. Erani surely was an odd one, but he had to commend her for not automatically stereotyping him into some evil category like most Tortugans. Sure. He had a dark side. He would easily admit that, but he wasn't all bad. At least not to those who were respectful enough to be nice upon first encounters. Erani wasn't so bad either. For a Valhallan.

"Nice to see you made it too. Out of all the Valhallans, I believe I like you the most. Which is saying something, I'm not too fond of your pack."

The male let out a soft chuckle before rising with her, taking note of her extended belly and the effort it took for her to move. Her words only furthered his suspicious, but he remained silent about them. Some things were better left unsaid. Instead he nodded his head and turned to leave, but her last set of words stopped him.

?You?re father, Nnoitra, got me out of a tight spot with Banshee. I never thanked him for that. Can you give him my thanks??

So Nnoitra had met her as well. How odd. And he had helped her? Shoulders rolled back as he stretched them, pondering the curiosities of the world. His father only did things that benefited him. He couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten out of helping Erani. A soft smirk played across his lips and he nodded.

"I'd avoid Banshee from now on. Dunno what possessed him to help you, but I'll pass on your thanks to him."

Thoroughly amused he continued on, only keeping an ear trained backwards in her direction as he headed back to his pack to see how things were doing, leaving the white female to head back to her own pack.

-Exit Kaien, unless stopped-
