
A changed alliance


04-04-2013, 07:15 PM

Home seemed to be a little quieter now. There was no ebony beast stalking her from the shadows, waiting for his chance. But in the end he had gotten his chance, he finally got his claim over her, and in return she reclaimed her freedom, no longer tied to the beast as his mate. And now he resided at Alpha male of Lentajin, ruling beside his queen, Newt. As far as she knew only a few others knew of his abandonment. Jupiter, Newt and herself. The only wolves present at their little unexpected meeting. She had returned to Tortuga alone, carrying only the would be offspring of Kaios, only time would tell. She had searched for her Alpha, but one wolf searching such a large area turned out to be useless. So settling down at the base of the mountain, she tossed back her skull and called. Her melody filled the air, calling for the Alpha of Tortuga, Kaien. She was well aware that Morphine was the second Alpha, but for now she wished to speak to Kaien first. She felt as though he needed to know that one of their wolves had changed packs, unannounced. She waited quietly for him to come, mulling over past events, that she could only shake her head too. She was getting to old for half this shit that she dealt with. Her first litter of pups and now another? Being forcibly claimed by a wolf who could only be described as the devil himself. Hopefully in the next life she'd get some peace.
"Talk here."


04-06-2013, 11:12 PM

A howl woke him from his slumber. Silver head popped up and eyelids opened to reveal groggy orange eyes. It'd been an eventful past few days and for once Kaien was content to just sleep in his den until it was time to leave to do his duties. Of course being the Alpha had its downfalls. Like right now. You were likely to be summoned and it wasn't like he could know why. It was inevitable. He had to go investigate.

He heaved himself to his feet, stretched, then shook his fur clean before heading off to see why he had been summoned. Secret had been the one who had summoned him. He hadn't seen much of her lately, though she had been the most active of his higher tiered members. It was quite pitiful. He'd have to up the activity levels later though.

He soon reached her. He took note that she carried many scents on her but that was to be expected. The boy nodded his head in greeting before taking a seat in front of her.

"You called?" He asked politely.



04-07-2013, 07:32 PM

It was long before the silvery Alpha made his appearance, nodding before taking a seat. He looked as though she had just waken him, on another occasion she might have apologized, but today seemed kinda important. His lyrics were polite, formal. "Kaios has become the Alpha male of Lentajin." She wasted no time with introductions, rather just spit it all out. Tone remained cool as she spoke, pausing to see if he had anything to say before she continued. "He claimed Newt as his new mate." Distaste colored her words. Sapphire gaze met his fiery orange eyes, wanting to know how much trouble this may cause or how it would benefit the pack. Surely Kaien would be a little upset that the brute left without any notice, the beast wasn't exactly a nobody within the pack. And before the eruption he had held a rank of somewhat importance. Skull tilted to the side, waiting.

"Talk here."


04-13-2013, 02:13 AM

Kaien expected no apology from Secret for waking him. He was used to being summoned. It was an Alpha's job to listen to his pack, and Secret was a higher tiered member. She normally never summoned him unless it was important, so he sat back to listen. Her words were surprising and were hardly pleasing. Leathery lips pulled back across ivory teeth and a deep growl rumbled in his chest and were released from his vocals without a second thought. Ears pinned back against his skull as he didn't bother to contain his uncontrollable rage at the whole situation.

Fiery colored hues seemed to dance in angry light as he controlled his temper and slowly let his lips cover his incisors once more. He'd never fully liked Kaios. He'd demoted him after he'd studied him for a while. Nnoitra had promoted him simply because the more evil of the wolves got that certain job done, but Kaien preferred Grinner's way of accomplishing things. It was quieter and didn't involve as much anger and brute strength that Kaios used. Besides, the man was a whore and every fiber of his being loathed the brute. Had he actually had a good reason he would have already killed the brute himself and been done with it. He was no good on the earth spreading his spawn across the land. Horrible spawn with bad blood. That was the way he viewed it. Now he had crossed over to Lentajin. It would worsen things with the alliance that was still a work in progress. What was worse he'd taken up a higher position that he didn't even rightfully deserve. Lips trembled as he threatened to break into an angry fit again, but he contained himself.

He was also aware that the brute had taken Secret as a mate, but she had been of a higher rank than him. She could have easily still bossed him around, regardless of the fact that she was his partner. He scoffed at the thought. The ebony male had a few things to learn, and they would be quite painful, especially if he showed his face around Tortuga again.

"He is not to be anywhere near Tortuga. If so he is to be taken prisoner. As far as you and him go as mates," He spit the word out as if it were a rotten piece of flesh, "How is that going? I want him to have no ties to you. He's chosen his side. I don't care whatever claim he's put on you, I won't have him thinking he owns any of my pack.

The silver male was a bit more than riled up and his blood boiled at the thought. This was proving to complicate more things than he had intended. Eyes watched the smaller wolf and ears pricked forward as he waited for her to speak. Tail flicked anxiously behind him only proving his rage. He'd get the male back. It was only a matter of time.



04-13-2013, 10:31 AM

It became clear very quickly that the brute was not happy about this news. His silvery lips curled back over his fangs, ears pinned flat against his skull. Once he relaxed he began to speak. He is not to be anywhere near Tortuga. Her lips twitched in what could only be pleasure. Well that took care of that. He was no longer accepted within the pack and would be taken prisoner should he return. She was certain he would, especially to see what would become of their last encounter when he finally got what he had always wanted from her. His time would come. And when it did, she would make sure that he was there. With his child by her side. It would be the last thing he ever saw. Thoughts twisted in her mind, as her anticipation grew. All she needed was for him to come crawling back. It was only a matter of time.

Eyes immediately narrowed when she was questioned about her ex-mate. "He is no longer my mate." She said nothing else, words were clipped, she kept her anger under control, not wanting to lash out at the Alpha, even if it was a touchy subject. She was never his mate, just another female that he chose to claim for his own pride and thrill. While she happy to be rid of him, she would still forever despise him for what he did.

When he finished speaking, his tail twitched behind him, rage still rolling off him in waves. Nothing good would be coming for the ebony brute, she was certain of that. Only time would tell what Kaien had in store for him. "What is this going to do to the alliance?" Skull tilted to the side. Last she had heard Lentajin was struggling to survive. A constant change in leadership, wolves fleeing, they had to low in numbers. And now with Newt as their leader, what would become of the once great pack? And with Kaios by her side. It was doubtful that another male in that pack would fight Kaios for his title, if that was still customary. Upon her brief visit, she had learned a thing or two, she found their tradition odd, and now she couldn't imagine that they were still enforced.

"Talk here."


04-22-2013, 03:29 PM

It called the silver brute to hear that she was no longer the other male's 'mate.' It still grated his nerves to hear that Lentajin had claimed another of Tortuga's members. It was tearing down their own defenses for the others to be converting over. There would have to be a point when he put his foot down. He would have to announce it at the pack meeting. Traitors were not to be tolerated, even with an alliance. He would make that very clear.

Her next question reached his ears and audits swiveled as he pondered the question. How would it effect the alliance? Shoulders rolled back into a shrug. Truthfully he didn't know. Hopefully it wouldn't effect it too bad. They needed the alliance. Activity with the others packs had bolstered and Tortuga needed this now more than ever.

"Hopefully it won't effect it too badly so long as Kaios stays away. Ground rules will be set and hopefully things will go smoothly. We'll have to do something about the wolves leaving Tortuga to go over there though.... I'm ready to put my foot down. I don't mind freedom, but if this pack isn't suitable enough then the members need to speak up and say what they want the pack to improve with. It's not my fault none of them know how to open their god damn mouth."

He was still rather pissy, and he had no problem in letting Secret see it. She seemed faithful enough and it was better she see it than anyone else. He was surprised she stayed calm through it all. Had he had someone claim him as a mate he would have threw a fit.



04-23-2013, 07:34 PM

Audits remained forward, listening attentively. From the rumors that have spread, Tortuga couldn't afford to be without an alliance. Valhalla, Sercia and Ludiceal all have an alliance, leaving only Lentajin and Tortuga out numbered. As his lyrics flowed, it became clear that he was still rather upset about this whole mess. She was too. She had had her outbursts though, for now she would remained calm and collected, though nothing would please her more than to see the brutes blood spilled. It was true that members loyalties had been swaying, several leaving, including one that went to Valhalla. Interesting choice of pack after living in Tortuga. But many didn't voice their opinions, only making an appearance at the pack meetings before going on their way again. They couldn't complain. Surely it was difficult to bring together all the outcasts of the world, the ones that wanted nothing to do with society or each other. What was an Alpha do to? "What does Morphine say about the pack?" Perhaps the secondary Alpha had some input? She had yet to the meet the dame, but surely her and Kaien kept in touch well.

OOC- lame post, my muse is for another plot with miss secret

"Talk here."