
King For A Day


08-30-2015, 07:13 PM
It was not usual for Allen to leave his family during this time. His mate had recently given birth to their children, just old enough to be running outside of the den now. Noen and Alna were beautiful little creatures, lovely in every right. Allen couldn't be a prouder father. With Bass back too there was a sense of security, a sense of safety that seemed to settle around the pack. The man would shake his head, not sure what it was that brought him out here. Perhaps it was that troubling dream... or the fact he had once more caught his older son's scent around Abaven's border.

He trusted Bass. He trusted Abaven. But certain things like this unsettled the man. He would let out the softest of sighs, coming to a stop as he eyed a ship. There were scents here... some faded and some fresh. There was definitely the noticeable scent of little ones here as well. Allen would hesitate, not wanting to get on some wolf's bad side because he stumbled upon some family or another. Deciding to announce his presence, the gentleman would tip his head back and let out a howl for whomever would answer.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-31-2015, 03:06 AM

He'd been resting alongside Arietta and their newborn, Ylva and her brother in a den a few doors down. The faint rise and fall of his chest indicated he'd fallen asleep, though his subconscious remained aware of his surroundings like he'd been trained. The gentle snoring and delicate whimpers and suckling of his new children was comforting, lulling him to sleep and rest peacefully for once. It felt like maybe he'd fallen asleep for a couple of hours before a howl caused his head to jerk up. Normally, he was smoother and not in a hurry about these kinds of things, but the thought that his young could be in potential danger kept him on high alert and on his toes. As he unwrapped himself from Arietta, one of the babies began to whine as it slipped away from her warmth. Gently, Sin would nose it back to her belly where it quieted before he gently nuzzled Arietta's cheek. That moment of tenderness was brief, the pale man slipping out of the den as he made his way off of the ship towards the caller.

As the stranger came into view, Sin had smoothed his fur and composed himself. His stature was tall and tail curled dominantly over his back as he stopped several feet from the man. Sin eyed him, the male reeking of another pack scent, though it wasn't any left behind from Sonticus. "Sonticus has left to other lands if they are what you seek, stranger." His guard was up in case this male had brought a raiding party, ready to protect his new litters with his life should he need to.

"Listen to my talk" 'and know my thoughts.'


09-04-2015, 07:45 PM

The man was not waiting long. He would breathe in, looking upon the blood coated stranger. Something in his heart ran cold, perhaps a shiver of fear. Who would wear blood upon their coat? It was bizarre, and Allen questioned the safety of where he was. The calico gentleman would tip his head, waiting for the other to address him first. That he had, revealing that there had once been a pack here, but it had moved on. Sonticus. He had not heard that name before, and the man questioned what sort of pack it was. Perhaps not quite like this wolf... but who was to say?

"They are not what I seek." The man would begin, feeling confusion muddle his mind. What had he come for? He didn't even know himself. "I feel that I am just... running... from a phantom who will not face me. A phantom who I can't bring myself to face. I didn't even realize that I had stumbled upon a populated place until moments ago. I did not wish to alarm you, so thus I called." The aging gentleman would let out a heavy sigh. Perhaps...

"Please forgive me if I startled you or your mate. I wish you guys no harm." The Abaven male was second guessing even calling. Perhaps if he had simply left that would have been for the better...

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-16-2015, 02:21 AM
Sin Hellstrom

Amber gaze scrutinized the man as he watched him stumble for words. He wasn't sure if he entirely trusted him, most everyone he came across had an ulterior least, he did anyway. But he would not be challenging a pack wolf, much less one that appeared to live nearby should back up be a call away, and he did not want to risk his new litters. Perhaps that's what was keeping him from taking risks right now, at least until his newborns were old enough to run or fight when need be. Eyes narrowed as the man explained his story, though Sin didn't particularly care to listen to his sob story, he was mildly curious about what this 'phantom' was. Or rather, who it was.

Ignoring most of what the man said, Sin simply dismissed him. He didn't have the time for those who whined. "Save your pity party for someone who cares." His voice was nonchalant, tail slowly rising in dominance as his fur slowly rose so as to appear larger. Who was this old fool? "You smell of a pack, old man. I don't entirely trust pack wolves...usually, pack creatures such as yourself seek one thing from a loner, and I assure you that if you are lying and you touch one hair on my family, you will come to regret it rather quickly."


09-23-2015, 03:03 PM

Allen would listen to the man speak, taken aback by his sharper attitude. Not that all wolves were so kind, but the calico gentleman would do his best to  keep from taking the words too much to heart. He would lift his gaze up to the blood stained man's own, his dark green eyes shinning with sincerity as he spoke. "I would not lie. I am a family man myself, and have no reason to harm another. I do not wish any harm upon any of you, and believe your words when you say that you'd make me, or anyone for that matter, regret messing with them." Allen's words were light, a gentle and respectable voice.

"Your family hasn't had any trouble prior to this, have they? If you were looking for a place of sanctuary I could offer my home of Abaven, though I completely understand if you wish to do things your own way, sir." Allen would try to offer a gentle smile, dipping his head. "My name is Allen Walker. If I might have the privilege, may I know yours?"

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-06-2015, 04:20 AM

He eyed the old pack wolf with great distrust, but his words seemed genuine and sincere. Still, Arian had shown the same...and in the end, she had betrayed her word. Though he wouldn't entirely place his trust in Allen at this moment, he would take his word...for now. "I do not boast, so let it be a warning." The calico male inquired about troubles on his family, and Sin would shake his head slightly. "Not yet, no. But I expect a pack wolf would take advantage if they could..." His voice was a low growl, though not threatening Allen, he would not give too much information away either.

At the mention of sanctuary in the old dogs pack, his fur bristled again slightly, eyes narrowing. Was this a trap? Did he not think him capable of protecting his own family? "I must decline. As I said, I don't trust pack wolves and I'm not inclined to me or my family potentially being slaves in...Abaven, should things go awry. I assure you, your pack would be better off without my presence among them."

He regarded the man with a careful eye, the male truthful in his words thus far...and if he sought to trick him, Sin was sure he could best him in a duel and put the senior in the dirt should he need to. But he would refrain for the time being as he watched and waited. The Abaven wolf would then give his name, and whether it was a mistake on his part would be unknown for now. But the name Walker was familiar, so he was related to Arian? Perhaps it was best to remain as subtle as possible then...he didn't trust her anymore, so why trust her relatives?

"Sin." It would be the only word to fall from his lips as he kept his guard. He wondered if the man had heard his name from Arian, or if she told him the lies she seemed to be telling everyone else about him. "I take it you're Arians relative...?"


10-08-2015, 01:47 PM

A warning, though not an action, so that was good enough. He was not being threatened, necessarily, and the other chose his words carefully, giving no information to the old male. Allen would give a small nod of understanding as Sin declined his offer. “It’s quite alright. I can understand being wary, if you’ve been a loner for quite some time.” The calico gentleman would blink with surprise, however, as Sin brought up Arian. He knew her? How was that, he wondered?

“Yes, I am.” Allen would say gently. “Though we’re a little more distantly related. She took over a pack I was once apart of, Isokan, before I went to Abaven.” The man would let his gaze travel skyward, closing his eyes.

“...I haven’t spoken to her as much as I probably should have... But she’s a good girl. She doubts herself too much... She has more strength than she believes.” Allen would let his gaze travel back to Sin. “If I might ask, were you part of Arian’s pack? Is that why you’re wary of pack wolves?” He’d ask, furrowing his brow.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah