
Guardian Down



9 Years
07-30-2015, 02:27 PM

He wandered with no purpose. The boy's heart heavy, hurting, shattering. Or rather, it was already shattered. His mind was peeling away, the boy a ghost of his former self. What once was a proud, eager, and enthusiastic man with a willingness to learn, was now nothing more then a shell. An empty husk walking aimlessly across the lands. He welcomed death, but it seemed death evaded him as if he were some sort of disease that not even the reaper wanted to touch. He had seen his brother...and his darker counterpart was no better off then he was. His beloved brother was sick, thin, and hated him. Rin hadn't eaten since...

His fur stuck to his protruding ribs, his body gaunt and yet surprisingly, his weakening legs were still able to carry his weightless frame. His once bright green eyes were hollow, lifeless almost. He stared at things unseen, yet they would be invisible to others. His depression hit an all time high, the boy no longer caring about what happened to him now. He doubted he would ever get better, or if he'd ever break free from the chains and weights of the hatred that sat upon his shoulders. The way Kyung had looked at him...his heart and soul had been torn from his body.

He didn't know where he was going, didn't care where his next step took him. But all of a sudden his feet left the earth, an inaudible gasp escaping his dried lips as he fell. He tumbled down the side of the rock face, free falling down the edge and rolling several long yards. Rocks and shrubbery cut and bruised him as he went, and for a horrifying moment he thought the rolling would never stop. That the rocks and the debris would never stop mercilessly battering his body. With a rather hard smack, he stopped as his body was slammed right into another boulder.

He lay breathless and stunned, his battered body full of cuts and bruises. Blood oozing from his nose as he struggled to regain his breath. He didn't know if he had any broken bones, perhaps a broken rib or two...but as it was, he couldn't tell. He barely opened his eyes to see the long tumble he'd taken, at least a hundred or so yards, before his eyes closed into darkness. There he lay unconscious, his body barely rising and falling with each breath. Was life still worth living anyway? Maybe the reaper would take him today...what else did he have to live for?




2 Years
08-03-2015, 01:47 PM
Small paws carried the demon forth with more grace than one would think possible, the female stopping and staring at anything that caught her interest before continuing on her way. She had no real path here, finding that wandering was better than settling down in some pack. Blue violet eyes flicked towards a new scent, one that made Lyria's jaws water and the need for a battle even worse. This new scent, the scent of blood, preoccupied her mind and made her walk towards it, no longer taking her time. Her vibrant gaze showed some interest, and she wasn't going to waste time in heading towards the scent of blood. She wouldn't want another wolf to get there before her, now would she? Every second she walked seemed like a hour, and she picked up her pace, any grace she had now traded for galloping towards the scent full speed. As she got closer, the scent of the other's precious blood filled her senses. When she managed to get close enough, she stared down at the male who lay there. He was thin, battered, barely breathing. If he died now.... Well, that would be unpleasant for him, wouldn't it? Honestly, the female could not care either way, but the blood on him....

It drew her closer, her paws stepping only where she thought the land could hold her. She would not want to be in his situation, half dead and his fate determined on whoever came along; which happened to be her. After the longest time, or what it seemed like to her, Lyria stood before the male. If she sunk her teeth into him now, would he be able to fight back even if he did wake up? She wasn't sure if he was sick, and she didn't want to be like him. Standing there, unsure of what she should do, Lyria would change her mind several times, never really deciding on what to do.



9 Years
08-03-2015, 03:42 PM

Dark dreams began to attack him. His life up till now turning into nightmares. The latest encounter with his brother...his face etched into Rin's mind. The pure black form of Kyung ripped into his head, hatred pure in his eyes. Rin hated himself for leaving his brother behind in the first place, but now...he was running for his life. He couldn't face his brother, he didn't want to fight him. And whether this was a dream or reality, Rin's state of mind couldn't tell the two apart. He could hear the brutal snarling and the ripping barks from his brothers maw. Rin's heart pumped as he ran, darkness blinding him. No matter how fast he didn't seem like he going anywhere. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, he could see a dark blue shade of color, shadowed by fog several yards in front of him. Upon reaching it, he skidded to a halt. He had run out of room to run. Before him, a steep drop that fell away into a dark void. Behind him, his brother who seemed to be a shadow of his former self. An unrecognizable demon. It wasn't his brother. Heart pounding, Rin turned to face his chaser, frightened green eyes meeting soulless black ones. "Kyung I-I said I was sorry! Please! I never meant to leave you! I never meant to hurt you!" His voice echoed around them, cracked and desperate. "Liar! You abandoned us! Abandoned your family! Forgot about me and're pathetic!" Rin could barely respond as Kyung's demon lunged at him, jaws gaping wide and caused Rin to flinch back. His hind foot slipped off the edge, and he'd tumble down, down, down into the darkness. Kyung's maniacal laughter echoing in his ears as he screamed...though no sound came from his own throat.

He woke with a sudden start, eyes flew open as he looked wildly around. His breath came hard and fast, causing him to cry out in pain as his chest heaved and pushed at his broken ribs. If wolves could sweat, he would be drenched. His body flared in pain, he couldn't remember what he'd done or how he'd gotten here, but...that dream felt so real. At least, it felt real on his battered body. It took him a moment to realize that he wasn't alone. As he weakly lifted his head to see where he'd fallen from, an ivory form came into his vision. His breath caught as he startled, a whine escaping with each sudden movement. She was...eyeing him, like he was a piece of fresh kill. Her gaze unnerved him, but what was she doing here? Had she heard him and come to help him? Or...something more sinister? His fur bristled slightly, the areas matted with blood stuck up in small clumps, his breath ragged as he waited for what she would do first.




2 Years
08-03-2015, 04:16 PM
It wasn't that long until the injured wolf awoke with a start, Lyria herself backing up at the sudden movement. Well, she supposed that was the answer; the male's fur was bristling, but as she hesitated, she could hear the soft whimpers. She tilted her head, jaws slowly curling into an eerie smile as she stared down at him. After a few more moments, she spoke, her soft voice almost capable of hiding her intentions. "Are you trying to kill yourself or something?" As her next words were spoken, she moved closer to the male, straightening her head and staring into his green eyes. "If you are, I can help with that. If not...." If not, she would at least try and make a deal with him. Lyria was new to this place, and really needed a guide of sorts. The only problem....She was a warrior, born in a line of warriors. She didn't have any healing skill. But when she spoke, her voice held some more determination that needed. "And if not, I can try and help you. Only if you show me around this land when you're healed." Her eerie smile faded, back into her normal facial features as she waited for a response, if she could even get one.



5 Years
Extra large
08-03-2015, 04:53 PM
Unlike her brothers, Evangeline had never been interested in exploring the lands beyond their home. The furthest she'd ever gone before were the lands belonging to her grandmother Cataleya when Imperium and Arcanum had done a shared tournament. On her own, she'd never drifted beyond the lands immediately outside their borders. Until now, anyway. She wasn't exploring just for fun, though, and certainly not to meet new people. She was exploring so that when she was sent off to get herbs she'd know exactly where to go and not waste a lot of time wandering aimlessly. She loathed aimlessness. Still, it was rather nice to be up this mountainside with nothing but the chilly spring sun and her own thoughts to keep her company. No one bothering her for this or that or trying to socialize. She could practice her regal walk without any of her brothers laughing at her or teasing or trying to goad her into fighting or getting dirty. Mud was for puppies, not grown up wolves. Besides, with her daddy being alpha she was a princess and needed to act like it now. But...

The faintly threatening words of a voice drifting to her on the breeze piqued her interest and - though most of her wanted to just keep walking and not interact with anyone at all - she was curious. Who was the voice talking to in such a manner? Sweeping haughtily up the path, she was startled to see a crumpled, dirty looking, ratty vagabond being confronted by tiny pale thing she assumed belonged to the voice, since the voice had been female. She was considerably taller than the pale girl, and probably a bit taller than the male too though she couldn't really tell with him laying down. She had the advantage here, and Vana knew it. She fairly strutted as she closed the distance between her and the pair.

"Why would he want you to help him if you're going to boss him around as soon as he's better?" she sneered at the smaller girl. "You're just a little kid anyway." She swept an unpracticed but not entirely untaught evaluating gaze over the injured male - normally she wouldn't volunteer to help such a... dirty, disgusting looking thing, but she was naturally contrary and if the other girl was going to try to get something out of the situation well, Vana was going to try to take it from her. What she saw caused her face to wrinkle in disgust. "When's the last time you had something to eat? Or a bath?" His sanitary practices were hardly the worst of his problems, what with the blood leaking from his nose and cuts on his body, but still. Ew.

Tsking irritably and being none to gentle about it, she circled and poked at his legs with a paw, seeking to see if there were any displaced joints or broken bones. Her bedside manner was not fantastic but at least she had a fair idea of what to look for. "What hurts?"



9 Years
08-29-2015, 04:44 PM

Her tone and her demeanor frightened her, she was a lot smaller then he was and if he could stand at that moment, perhaps she wouldn't be so quick to try and strike an ultimatum on him. He needed the help, but he wasn't inclined to being forced to being her babysitter afterwards. He coughed once, little spots of blood spattering the ground. "Not....trying to kill...myself.." He uttered almost breathlessly. His gut clenched with pain, his bones cried out everytime he tried to shift so he kept to lying still, eyes remained on the girl. He didn't like the way she was staring at him, her demeanor putting him on edge. And before he could respond again, another voice broke out. He had failed to scent her due to the powerful stench of blood in his nostrils, but part of him was thankful that someone else had shown up.

Ears slightly lifted and fell as the darker femme spoke to the smaller girl. That was one way to put it, and frankly he wasn't inclined to doing that...not against his will, anyway. The dark girl turned her attention to him, Rin's translucent gaze locked with hers as she questioned his eating and bathing habit...he sighed for a moment, eyes closing as they scrunched with pain before opening again. "I...haven't eaten in a few days...Haven't...really of myself.." Obviously. Since the thoughts of the hatred from his family plagued his mind, he had given up on life...not having found anything to live for really. A sudden small yelp flew from his vocals as Vana poked his leg. One of them at least, was broken. His right leg had immense pain, but that wasn't all. "I think...I might have...a couple broken...ribs...on my left.." He sucked in a breath, sharp pain shooting throughout his body. Asides from the obvious cuts, gashes, and bruises, he had a broken right leg, a couple of broken ribs on his left side where his body slammed into the boulder, and a possible concussion from his head hitting the earth, thus the bloody nose he was sure.




2 Years
10-08-2015, 02:44 PM
(Sorry guys :/ I didn't have much angry Lyria muse)

Before the taller wolf could speak, another wolf came around. Already, Lyria was irritated. The words did nothing to help. "You're just a little kid anyways." A low growl rumbled in her throat, blue violet gaze narrowing as she glared up at the taller female. "And I don't think you have any right waltzing in here like you own the place." At the moment, she was all too ready for a fight, win or lose. But it seemed her words wouldn't have that much effect, the larger female already turning her gaze to the injured male. Growling to herself, she would glare at the two, no longer paying attention to the words. It was just some weird healing stuff, anyways.

Her fur bristling, she eyed the taller female before turning and walking back the way she came.