
You Better Be Good To Me

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-13-2013, 01:27 PM


The ivory temptress was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. Pregnancy was by far her least favorite thing to deal with, but she would only have to deal with it a few weeks longer. Her due date was lingering just around the corner, then she would be done with this horrid thing once she had given birth. She hated being overweight, emotional, and very irritated all the time. If Collision hadn't asked her to start a pack meeting for him she wouldn't even be here. She would be in her den, sleeping the days away until her due date. But, because she was the Beta, she had to put her own matters aside, and do what's best for the pack. She slithered toward the heart of the pack, her plump belly making her body sway from side to side. Even walking was a feat she hated to deal with. Once she had gotten to her destination she took her place where Collision usually sat, lifted her muzzle to the heavens, and sang for all of Valhalla to hear. All members were expected to attend, and if some chose not to, they would face dire consequences. What Collision wanted this meeting for she did not know, but she assumed it was important. She dipped her head back down to its usual height and began waiting for everyone to arrive.

Deadline is April 16. All members of Valhalla must attend.


04-13-2013, 01:34 PM
Walking upon the pack's land Ookami soon found herself coming upon a pack meeting. Her tail swayed gently as she came closer to Aislyn, the pack's Beta. Her green eyes looked over the fea, she was getting bigger with pregnancy, and still looking good. Ookami was confused as to why the fea was calling a meeting instead of resting in the den. What ever the reasons were she had no say in it. "Hello Ma'm, you're looking well" She spoke as she took a seat waiting for the meeting to begin. Not many were here yet, but Ookami knew that in time this place will be filled with the pack members. Her eyes scanned the land waiting for Thane's appearance to the pack meeting.


04-13-2013, 02:21 PM
The brute had heard the call of the beta as he was nearing the center of the lands. Only when the call had reached his white lined ears did he hurry up or keep a faster pace. Thane hoped he would not be late for this meeting; it would be unjust for him to do so. Aqua blue eyes averted to the sky as he walked. Cyril flew gliding calmly above him, a smile cracked at the brute's lips.

With a flick of his tail Thane began to run as fast as he could through the forest. The eagle above him gave a smirk as he then followed his master. Eventually the two ran or flew parallel to each other. The shadow of the bird covered Thane as if it were a dark cloak cast upon the wolf. The mighty and majestic bird had the Sun's rays hit his amber feathers as it flew. Golden eyes glinted with aqua as both focused on ahead.

"Careful you don't run into a tree Master Thane." the bird called down to his master.

"That was one time Cyril, and the ice was rather slippery. Was it not the first time my father Caligar showed me to the ice?"

The bird only gave a grunt before he spoke in reply.

"I suppose so....although I myself am a brilliant flyer and always have been."

Thane laughed as he heard the reply.

"You mustn't tell lies Cyril, they are not for the honest souls. But yet, what about when you flew into a tree, a branch, and one time a thorn bush. And who was there to care for you my dear friend?"

"You were Master Thane, it not for you should I even be alive this very day? And you even shed a tear as I lay in that bush covered in thorns, but why?"

"I was young and thought that my dear friend would not live. What would I have done if I would have to lose my best friend and companion? You are like a brother to me Cyril and I will have you as nothing less." he finished as he slowed to a complete walk.

Aqua blue eyes set upon the scene and the brute was surprised to see only two wolves. Aislyn and Ookami were the only ones here so far, besides himself and Cyril. The bird then settled on his master's shoulder once more. The brute made his way to Ookami and nuzzled her neck as he sat down beside her. So Thane sat patiently and attentively in wait for the others.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-13-2013, 03:21 PM

Her head lifted from the lazy nap she?d been enjoying next to Nova. Pack meeting? Called by Aislyn? Where, in Luna?s name, was Collision? She nosed into Nova?s ear. ?Best see what that?s about. Ooh, the children are up.? The last statement announced the activity sparking up inside her belly. All five were moving this time.

She hoisted herself to her paws and headed out of the alcove, eyes glancing over the stock pile that grew daily from her, Preston, and Rayne?s frequent gatherings. Everything was in order. She made her way out of the den, satisfied, and down the ravine, grabbing a drink from the pool, before she left. Then through the winding and twisting pathways toward the meeting place.

Her haunches sank to the ground as she took a place toward the front, leaving a space for Nova. Deep blues rose to look for Collision, and he was not there. Soleil hadn?t arrived yet. However, this time, Erani knew she would arrive. She had fought off that illness, won her battle. She would live.

Erani settled back and waited for the meeting to begin, as she enjoyed the lively action the litter was taking up inside her womb.


04-13-2013, 04:20 PM

The boy was pleased by his acceptance. Cairo seemed to have no problem allowing him back into the ranks of Valhalla and a contented rumble reverberated through his chest. He'd spent the short time he was given wandering about the new territory. Fenrir was a cautious being and didn't like knowing about the place he called home. He had intended on exploring every inch of the place and then eventually finding a den.

Thoughts wandered to his mother. Cairo hadn't seemed to appreciate her presence one bit, but he was oddly dismissive of her. She still had the mouth that she always had. She truly wished only the best for him, but Fenrir couldn't help but wonder if it was healthy for him to be around her. She hadn't been the best mother ever, but she had done the best she could without Thor around. Regardless, he was aware that Tortuga and Valhalla weren't on the best of standings. He still intended to visit her in his spare time, but how would others look at it? She had left Valhalla for a new home. He would be visiting a Tortugan. Most would probably frown upon it. Then again, a part of him didn't care.

A howl broke his thoughts. Ebony ears flicked forward and the man brought his muscular form to a halt. Head cocked to the side and an ear flicked backwards as he tried to determine who could be calling to the rest of the pack. It was obviously a higher ranked member, but something told him it wasn't the Alpha female. Shoulders rolled back in a shrug and he changed direction.

Upon arriving, dual colored hues flickered to the four other wolves there. There was a white female who smelled strongly of herbs. She seemed to be pregnant as well, that or she was just extremely fat, but he doubted it. Then there was a black male with odd markings and a golden eagle. The way he carried himself suggested that he was of higher rank. Then there was another female. She was black and white with a star on her face. Then there was another pregnant female. She looked like a Beta, but he could tell she was no higher. She certainly had called the pack meeting. She too seemed pregnant. Seems as though there's a puppy bloom.

After observing each and every one of them he came to the conclusion that only two of them were normal. The fae with the star on her head was odd, so was the black male. Only the two white pregnant females were the only ones with normal markings (not that they bore any) and even himself was an oddity, more so than the others. He was larger than most. He stood at a proud 38 inches and over 150 pounds in weight. He had one crimson and one emerald colored eye and a red stripe ran from his forehead to his tail tip. He doubted he could look any odder. He was proud of his looks though. He was an equal representation of both his mother and his father.

Head remained high and his tail retained it's neutral position as he took a seat a little ways from the others. A respectful tail flick and a soft dip of his head was his only greeting. He was a man of few words. He preferred to let his actions speak for him. A tail flicked lazy over his paws as he sat back and waited silently for the meeting to begin. He was aware that Valhalla was large and that more members would arrive so it would be a while. He had time, so he could be patient.




04-13-2013, 05:29 PM

Cormalin heard the call and rose from his resting position under a shady willow tree. He?d just finished another training session with Obsidian, even though he was supposed to be resting and letting his bruises heal, under Erani?s orders. ?Sounds like a Pack meeting.? Soft British tones mixed with a faint Scottish lilt and burr and settled in a deep baritone to complete his voice as he spoke to the large black mare that grazed nearby.

He pulled himself to his paws with a huff and made his way out from under the willow?s shade. ?Come on.? He broke into a lope toward the call, long haired tail swaying, thick ruff flowing in the breeze made by his passing. He came to a trotted stop at the edge of the still small group. It looked as though they?d gained a member, and-- Ah, there was his sister. He padded to her other side, brushing his cheek against her shoulder, tail swaying in a lazy wag.

?My Dearest Sister, you are looking beautiful today. Litter doing well in there?? His voice was warmed by love as he took a place nearby and looked over his shoulder for Obsidian.



13+ Years
Extra large
04-13-2013, 06:02 PM
Obsidian was enjoying her after training meal when the howl rose. Her ear cocked toward it as she wondered who that was. It wasn?t Collision?s familiar call. Her head lifted as Cormalin spoke, ears pricking to enjoy his voice. He rose, and she followed him as he took off, matching his pace in a canter, enjoying the sound of her cadence. One two three, one two three. It broke as they reached the meeting place, and she stood off to the side as Corrie went over to greet his sister.

After a moment, she ventured over, standing behind Cormalin as she gazed around with inquisitive blue eyes to take in the other wolves. Some were familiar from the other meetings, one was new. He was as large as Cormalin, black but with a red dorsal stripe down his back. Her long tail flicked slightly, as she looked about and waited to see what was up.



04-14-2013, 04:07 PM
Her mentor was extremely pregnant. It was, unfortunately one of the first thoughts that crossed her mind after looking at her. Yet she offered the beta a smile, glad to see her up and about, even though the worry lingered. Should she be directing a meeting when she should be attending to her own needs? The girl didn't see anyone from her family here either, and it was strange - weren't they usually the first ones to respond to a pack gathering like this? Regardless, Chrysanthe took a seat next to Aislyn, curing her dual colored tail near her legs as she waited for the woman to start speaking. She had been told to leave Collision's side after they returned home from the battlefield, and it was strange - but she didn't question her brother's motives. He was alpha, there was a plethora of things and reasons that he had for her to go on ahead. so with that in mind the yearling sat and waited, wondering what was in store for the wolves that were gathered.


04-14-2013, 05:23 PM

The male had just been accepted, literally. He approached the group of wolves that surrounded Aislyn, it had been 2 years since he had been home. He searched the crowd for his mother, Morgan; his sister, Pepper; but they were no where in sight. Looks as though his hopes were gone, but he knew he would find them, even if it meant being disloyal to his pack. He then made his attention to the pregnant white female that had called all of Valhalla to it's heart. He was ready to serve Valhalla just like he had pledged to do as a pup, but if they got in the way of seeking his family, they were going down.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-14-2013, 07:13 PM

The ivory dame would careen across the earth, languid strides that carried the older dame with confidence and a sense of kindness. She was a thin, lithe, creature, on the smaller side, but not overly so. Oculars are clear and as blue as a cloudless day absorbed the beautiful lands that Valhalla called its own. The howl had come, slightly irritated and seemingly distressed, but the winter fae was not one to judge.

She arrived swiftly, blending seamlessly amongst a crowd of strangers, she had yet to meet anyone within Valhalla's ranks aside from Syrinx. Most of that had been to her own violation, she wanted to understand the land and the pray before she acquainted herself with the pack. a bit of knowledge at a first introduction never hurt anyone and Syrinx had accepted her so... quickly. In Arkhein she had been made to prove herself, become worthy of bearing the title. She had been knocked for a loop by his quick acceptance, but she would not spit upon good fortune. She sat amongst the crowds awaiting a command, posture relaxed and languid, curious as to why she had been summoned.



04-14-2013, 07:45 PM
Shoulder blades would press against her flesh as she stalked between the trees, bodice winding like a vice and careening through the forest. Mismatched gaze would drift between the empty forests committing the terrain to memory and leaving the stench of Tortuga in her wake. The multi-hued dame had been stolen. A wicked grin pulled at the corners of her maw at such a prospect. Just the thought of such a wicked act making her shiver in delight. She hadn't felt this excited best not think of that.

The assassin glided easily to the source of the howl. She wondered if Valhalla's precious members would attack her on first site, or if Collision had spoken of her arrival prior, she sure as hell didn't smell like a Valhallan, at least not yet. She glided with ease and pulled her lethal body to a halt, there would be no blending amongst this crowd, she was a sitting duck here. She remained standing, n case things turned ugly fast. She had her speed and she had her endurance forever on her side.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 09:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 10:24 PM by Epiphron.)

Aislyn's call rang out sharply across the lands, summoning all of Valhalla. It was a slight surprise that it was the Beta, not Collision, not her father. The girl was slightly lazy to answer the woman's call, making her way with slight hesitation toward the group meeting. When Epiphron arrived, she slipped in with a peculiar silence, noting that Chrysanthe was her only immediately family member to arrive. It was slightly strange for the others to be late, but she noted this inwardly. She spotted a few unfamiliar faces, but certainly they would be addressed, if they were newcomers. And there was the strange horse, standing tall above the rest of them. Epiphron shot her a strange glance, but soon her gaze returned to Aislyn as she slid near Chrysanthe without a sound.

She had been distant from her family, and wondered what all had been going on. Where on earth had Collision been? And she hadn't seen much of Chrysanthe lately either, and far too much of Syrinx.. A simple nudge was offered to her sister's neck as she settled comfortably on her haunches beside her. Together they looked quite interesting -- their markings were perfectly placed, as though they were the mirror opposites of one another, forever connected.

Leon I


11 Years
04-15-2013, 01:17 PM

He had been patrolling, but that certainly wasn't new news. Leon was often out senselessly wandering, looking for signs of foul play - not that there ever was anything to be alarmed about. Frankly, the man had been quite bored, but he set his mind to thinking about other things. Mostly of Ashtoreth, but also of the new ranks to come that he'd heard whispers about. Would things be totally changed, would they just be slightly altered? The possibilities were endless, not that Leon could do much about it. As the call rang out, he found himself pivoting automatically to it, bodice carrying him at a comfortable speed to where the meeting was being held.

Aislyn had called the masses, and few had responded so far. Leon nodded to each in turn, before settling beside his cousins: Epiphron and Chrysanthe. He would linger on Epiphron's side, though a gentle grin and wink was given to both females. Casually he would pose a query in Epiphron's ear, quiet enough so that only she would hear. "What do you suppose this is, cousin?" It was curious that Aislyn had called out, and not Collision, or Cairo, or any Adravendi for that matter. Had something gone amiss from the Sentry's watchful eyes and ears?



04-15-2013, 02:14 PM

Slowly but surely. Very slowly it seemed today, he wasn't feeling very rested at all when Erani had woken him. He had gotten plenty of sleep, but oh well. When it's time to go it's time to go. He rose and let he make her own way, deciding to follow behind. And he took off shortly after she was out of sight, the heat practically sweltering under his thick ebony coat of fur. ~Damn summer and all of its heat.~ He thought to himself, slightly aggravated. Maybe it was the heat that had him so sluggish, he was pretty certain of it. None the less, as he went on, mimicking his love in wetting his muzzle with some fresh water he felt better and was shortly at her side as after a few more of the pack had arrived. He nestled by her, thankful she had chosen a spot with a generous amount of shade and rested his head along her spine, looking at the one who had beckoned. Aislyn was looking huge, very big indeed, but none the less as beautiful as when he had first seen her that seemingly short time ago. He nuzzles into Erani's back and closed his eyes. "What's going on M'love?" He rumbled, still fighting the sleepy in his body. His eyes met on Cormalin's big black frame and he smiled at him, he still hadn't exactly met with his new brother. Perhaps he would.



Extra small
04-15-2013, 02:48 PM

OOC: [ ]

The summon of aislyn danced over his ears and the heir would squint his eyes ever so slightly. Interesting quite interesting. What had given Aislyn the need to summon him? A sharp smile appeared on his inky lips and the russet lord would quickly move to the borders. His eyes would run over the crowd that was gathering and he would walk past lion, bumping his head against his shoulder, he would nuzzle lightly into Epiphron and Chrysanthe, but finally he would settle beside Evelette. He was quite fond of the older lady, she was an interesting motherly figure of sorts.



04-15-2013, 08:52 PM

A summoning howl reached ivory audits, causing the dame to lift her head from her meal. Skull tilted to the side. It was an unfamiliar sound, but came from the Beta. With curiosity growing, paws carried her to the source, where other wolves had already began to gather. She dipped her head in greeting before taking her seat amongst the others, waiting to see why they had all been called.

"speech" thought



04-15-2013, 08:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The call echoed through the territory, drawing the creeping wolf's ears upward and to peak upon her head. For a second, she ignored it, focused intently upon the little creature ahead of her that sat unsuspecting a few feet from its burrow. If she timed it just right, if her angle was just right... But no, she could not simply ignore the call of the Beta wolf for the pack to meet in favor or catching a small meal for the pack's stores. Ashtoreth sighed loud enough for the rabbit to hear, and watched as its large ears twitched and it disappeared with a few hops into its home, safe and sound and able to live another day before turning and setting off quickly in answer of the call.

Though it seemed she did not travel quite fast enough. A nice sized gathering was already milling around Aislyn where she sat, positioned in the seat Collision would have taken had he called the gathering himself. Which begged the question: where was he? But willing to wait and let the group be addressed as a whole - for all she knew, it could have been part of the announcement - she slipped into midst and glanced around at familiar and unfamiliar faces alike. Her gold and purple eyes spotted the Lead Hunter and his eagle, seated casually beside another dark colored wolf with a strange, star-shaped mark. Toward the front, she spotted some of the Adravendi family, including Chrysanthe and Leon. She smiled in their direction, unsure if either would see, her gaze lingering just a little longer on Leon, before she took a seat nearby where they sat, not wanting to intrude on the familial group. Letting her attention shift back to Aislyn expectantly, she quietly awaited the outcome of their meeting.


04-16-2013, 08:08 PM

He plodded toward the meeting ground, weak, hungry, broken. They had tortured him just by making him return to this wretched place and yet they still saw the need to make him suffer further. His muscle and trim was beginning to fade, his ribs showed through his now brittle fur, but most of all was the look of sheer and utter hatred that never left his features. His fur stood on end, his fangs constantly bared through a raised lip and his tail never lower than the rest of his body. They sought to take everything from him, every bit of joy he had ever felt, and so far they had succeeded. Every night, he swore he would watch Valhalla burn. But his fantasies were almost always surrounding his half sisters. Watching them scream and beg him for mercy, have them writhe under his paws and beg to be spared. He would be merciful, he would rip out their throats instead of their stomachs. They were the only thoughts that kept him sane, the only thoughts that made it seem like he would see the next day. That...And the thought of his mate...Would that she could see him now, she would fall onto her underside and weep for him, and only speak of how brave he had been all this time.

The slave sat at the edge, far away from the others. He refused to be one of them. Refused to fall for the false pretense those toad lickers called paradise on earth. There was only one paradise, only one place where strength and not blood was awarded, where titles were earned, not given. Where they didn't need to fight old men to stroke their egos. Tortuga. The true paradise.

Words words words

This is speech


04-16-2013, 08:22 PM

Preston had grown fat and healthy in Valhalla, anyone that had seen him as a pup would be surprised to see him now. Fully grown. A man. An adult. He settled beside Erani, his eyes falling on the rather ghastly wolf that had arrived just before him. It took a while to realize, but eventually it dawned on him, it was his brother, Neo! He attempted to step toward him, but the hatred in his eyes terrified him, made his stomach twist into knots. He felt unclean just from staring at him. He averted his gaze and turned his attention toward Collision, waiting to be given orders.





04-17-2013, 03:41 PM

He would take a moment after allowing Luce and Neo to go to their respectable destinations and the great Lord would take his time allowing the fire in his heart to calm. He would finally exhale slowly as Aislyn's summons echoed through the air. Fantastic, she had adhered to his request. His xanthous gaze would roll over the grasses and beneath the hard sun he would move forth towards the front of the crowd and his head would nod gently to Aislyn. Flawless. Thanks resonated in his eyes and a smile warmed his features before he turned back to Valhalla. The grave information would be given lastly.

Everyone who had not shown their faces. They were no longer a part of Valhalla. "Valhalla. Our Alliance with Glaciem is retained. We will remain beside them, as my brother by blood has recieved the throne, and his judgement is one that I find capable, and we have also forged an alliance with Seracia," His head would turn until he found Chrysanthe and he would slowly breathe out, "This alliance did not come without a cost. Chrysanthe! She will be married to the Seracian heir, Maverick," He didn't know how the beta would take the news, but hopefully she could handle it with grace, knowing that she would be securing her home.

He would find himself pondering what exactly to say next, and decided on something more simply said, "The rank system is also being re-done. We no longer focus upon what you can do, but what you've offered Valhalla in terms of yourself. You can challenge to usurp ranks, or you can climb by helping the pack, myself, those who need it, etcetera," Final bit of business was nearing him, "What I am about to tell you, Valhallans, is I want warriors to each find a sparring partner, I will pop in and decide a winner at the end of the fight and various other observations. Healers be on ready. Why though? Tortuga and Valhalla are official enemies," Eyes would turn upon Neo and a deep glare would become his visage, "Valhalla has also been betrayed. Neo has decided to tell Tortuga all about us. He is our first slave, and I pray the only one we will need. He has been stripped of rights, and he has been stripped of the Adravendi surname. His punishment will be discussed between myself and the betas," Gracious did he feel dirty.

"Hunters, I want a full out hunt and as much caught as possible. Anyone else who wishes to assist, please do," Ah yes, he had one more thing to mention. Damn his mind was sporadic, "Due to Soleil's weakness I'm sure you have all noticed a decline in her presence. She will be placed in the ranks again and Epiphron you will become the alpha at my side. Preston, you will rise into the position of Centurion, and I will be watching your healing skills,"