
Don't Understand


09-24-2015, 11:54 AM

The young boy didn't understand what had happened. One day they were living in Abaven, happy, safe, and the next they were being told by his father that they had to leave. Noen was scared. He didn't like the fact that they were out away from home. He wanted to go back. He wanted to see uncle Bass and ask him why they had to leave. But the boy was too scared to go back on his own. So, without much choice, the poor little one was forced to reside where his father had left him, his mother, and his sister.

It was just outside of Abaven lands, really. But still far for a young one to walk alone. There was any number of dangers, Allen warned, telling him to stick close to the den. To make matters worse the little one was sick. A horrible cold had set in the boy's body. A cough would shake his small form as he curled back up in the warm summer sun, just trying to get fresh air. The water here was calmer... he... he didn't like it.

"I wanna go home..."



4 Years
09-24-2015, 12:51 PM

Nona had recovered from what ever she had but it was a rough move to where they were now. Her herb supply was dwindling and this wasn't pleasant in the slightest. All she could really remember was they had to go away from Abaven. The trip was rough on her but probably more so for her young ones, her pups. Nona watched carefully as her little Noen took his steps from their home here in Fontamo Bay. Quietly the fae herself would get up carefully as to not disturb her daughter from her slumber so she could follow her son. Nona would come to Noen's side as she would gently press her muzzle into his form, "Noen if there was anything I could do for you I would but there isn't much I can do particularly with the dwindling herb supply... oh how I love you and your sister so much my precious son" her voice would fade as she gave the young boy a loving lick on the forehead.

Hopefully Alna would wake soon so Nona could see if she needed anything. For now her attention was on her son after she heard his cough. He must have still been fighting off what they had and for a moment Nona felt helpless as a healer and as a mother, "Oh my dearest son I hope you can forgive me but I too wish we could go back to Abaven but I think your father has a plan in mind I hope for all our sakes" as she would go back and pick her sleeping daughter up by the scruff and gently lay her out in the warm sunlight before laying between the two.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-25-2015, 04:31 PM

Noen would look up as his mother came to sit beside him. He knew she was stressed, even if he didn’t completely understand the situation they were in. He knew it was bad. His father had said that he was going to look for a new home for them, and had left, but that was the last the boy had seen of him. He was worried for Allen too, but he knew his dad would be back. He always came back.

“It’s alright mama. My throat is a little dry is all.” He didn’t want to make her worry any more than she already was. He would lean against her brown furred body, whining softly. “He told me he was gonna go look for a friend... So I think he does. Papa is smart.” The boy would let his gaze wander as his mother went to get his sister. His heart gave a small pang, and when Nona returned he would give a small whine.

“I don’t get it though, mama. Papa said Bass was mad at him. But I just... I don’t understand. They were friends. Friends... Don’t do this... Right?” The pup whined. ”Can’t we go talk with him mama?”



4 Years
09-25-2015, 05:16 PM

There was a hard thump in her heart as she listened to her son speak about Allen and Bass being friends, "Noen this is difficult to say but things can happen and what happened between them... sometimes friends will get upset with one another and sometimes how we think when we're upset is not so clear..." she would nuzzle Noen gently before continuing, "Maybe one day we can go see Bass, he was so happy to have met you and Alna when you were born but when that day may come I do not know". Nona would drift off into think about the day Bass came to her after she howled for him. One line from what Bass told her since that day came back to her that he said "No need to be sorry Nona, I understand. Family is very important, trust me. You be with you little ones all you can, they grow up far too quickly".

Nona felt like her pups got the worst of Allen and Bass's fight after they left. They seemed too young to understand it all but enough to know that what transpired wasn't right. Perhaps one day she could take her children to see Bass but that was a day far away. The fae's thoughts swerved from being at home in Abaven to that day of having to quickly get her pups up and ready to leave. She would nuzzle her son again before turn and nuzzling Alna, "I don't know anymore though we just have to make it through this and most of all stay together till we have a new stable home to be together". The words from her son snapped back to the forefront of her attention, "Get a drink dear no one is gonna harm you while I'm here with you and Alna".


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



2 Years
09-25-2015, 05:42 PM
Alna would wake up to the feel of her mother's touch. She only knew that her mother was stressed but by what the pup didn't understand yet. All she really remembered that could be the cause of it was having to get up from such a wonderful nap in the den to being cold and not doing much better out here. The young one would do her best to return the gesture as she would move a little closer into her mother's body to try and stay warm while taking in the sun's light. The young voice would speak up coming from Alna, "We won't get to see uncle Bass?" her voice light and sweet still maintaining the innocence of a young pup. Alna understood that their father was doing all he could for them which was why he wasn't with them right now but she didn't fully grasp what it all meant.

The young girl would slowly sprawl out and stretch before rolling onto her belly to stand up. The water here was still and she could feel her mother's gaze follow her to the edge as she would attempt to get a few good laps in to quench her thirst. Feeling slightly better from the cool liquid that flowed down her throat Alna decided to move by Noen's side and curl up beside him and Nona. Alna began to speak again hopefully to help Noen feel better, "I love you, En" as she pressed her face into her brother's body a little before pulling back with a small smile.


09-25-2015, 06:00 PM

Noen would give a soft whine as his mama answered. He wanted to go back to Abaven now. To see uncle Bass and ask him if he could forgive his papa for whatever he said or did. "I hope that it's soon, mama. I want them to make up. Friends need to be friends forever." He would nuzzle her leg. Somehow things were going to be okay. He didn't know when, but he was sure that someday they would return to Abaven. They would go home to a place they had always known, where the lands and faces were warm and friendly. Unlike out here... all they had was each other.

"Mmkay mama..." He would pad over to the water and take a deep drink. The water was warmer here... and stagnant. He didn't like the taste. When Alna woke, coming to his side, he would return her loving gesture with a hug of his own. "Alna~" His sister's name left his lips softly with a gentle smile. "I love you too, 'nana." The boy would look up at his mother, his eyes shining some.

"Mama, when I'm big, I'm gonna make sure papa and uncle Bass become friends again. They'll be happy just like before, and we'll go home together." He would look at Alna, head tilting to the side. "You'll help me, right?" He asked his sister, wanting her support.



4 Years
09-25-2015, 06:36 PM

Nona giggled a bit hearing what was coming from Noen. Right away she figured that her son was going to have a way with words and a good heart to go with them. She would nod letting him have his moment for now seeing her children in higher spirits than before was a bit uplifting even for her. Her gaze would watch her pups show each other affection, "You two will make your father proud to know he has such wonderful children to come back to and I'm sure your sister will help you, won't you Alna?" Nona would ask her daughter as she gave them both a kiss. Even she had to aid her son in that endeavor because her husband and close friend were close like brothers. Her voice swept up in a gentle way, "I'll even help you as much as I can... you two didn't deserve to have your home ripped out from under you and we need to find a way to make things right... at least so you two may have a home there again but I'm not sure if your uncle will let me and your father back in".

The dark brown fae would stay quiet for a bit to watch Alna and Noen do what pups who are in high spirits do. They were her pride and joy, most of all this was her family she was happy being with as long as she could be by her husband's and children's sides. For now as a mother she was content hearing her optimistic son and was quite curious to hear what her daughter was going to say to Noen. Hopefully she would say something to please her brother but they seemed already close enough that she would.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



2 Years
09-25-2015, 06:50 PM
Alna would listen carefully to her mother and brother before making up her little mind, "Of course I would, En" she would playfully speak as she would nuzzle her mother's leg. Hearing her mother also wanting to help her brother only served to make Alna's already small smile wider than before. That was settled then they were going to eventually speak to their uncle Bass to patch things up but when even their mother didn't know. Alna wasn't as concerned about when that may be as for now she was  content with spending what time she had with her ma and En until her pa got back. Her little brain was going all over the place trying to peg the voices she heard in abaven to that of her uncle Bass. Eventually she was able to remember his voice and the fact he called her and Noen cutie pies brought a small but pleasant warmth through her.

Perhaps Bass wouldn't be mad if they came to try and patch things up between him and their pa but she didn't understand some of the concepts of how certain things work. Alna thought her mother was the smartest wolf in the world because after all she was their mother and mother is always right. Her own gaze would look up set her own sight upon Nona's eyes, "Ma, will pa ever take us adventuring... I want to learn what it is he goes out and does?". Just like a pup she couldn't help but not stay so focused on a single topic not that she didn't mean well when her voice came out to respond to the questions that they asked her.


10-08-2015, 02:37 PM

Noen would brighten at his mother and sister’s words. He had their support and that made the young man very happy. He would look at his mother, his gaze gentle as she said that Alna and himself might have a home with Abaven again even if they didn’t have one with their mother and father. Well that was no good! “It’s not a home if we’re not all together.” The boy would say softly. He would look out over the lands, towards Abaven as he thought quietly to himself.

“I think he will, Alna. Papa is busy right now, but he loves us lots, right Mama?” The pup would look back to Nona, his tail wagging furiously back and forth. “I want to learn about herbs, like you. So I can make us feel better, and so you’re not doing all the work.” The boy would grin, nudging Alna. “...and if Nana is Papa then we’ll definitely be a strong family!”



4 Years
10-11-2015, 06:14 PM

Still as bright as ever her children were that was something that brought a smile to Nona's maw as she would gently draw herself closer to them and gently give them both a lick on the forehead. Of course she would gladly teach her son about what she knew and let Allen handle their more adventurous daughter which drawn a even wider smile upon Nona's maw. Something just couldn't stop Nona from giggling a bit, "Noen I'll gladly teach you what I know and besides you can also use that to help Alna and your father when they go out and explore". She would lower herself so she could gently rest and wrap her head around them both and hold them close. Her pups were part of her world and just like Allen they too were her suns in the sky. Nona would teach Noen when there were a bit more herbs in the supply of theirs but for now the time to teach wasn't quite yet. Perhaps Allen wouldn't mind helping out with that not like she would actually harm her mate too badly just enough to be of a useful demonstration and something Allen could bounce back from quickly.

Something about what Alna asked was adorable too, "Of course he will Alna... you know your pa will do stuff to spend time with both of you when he can but right now he's just been away doing stuff to secure a better home for us and once he gets back I'm sure he will". Right now though with the length of how long Allen has been away worried Nona. This reminded her of the time she and Allen were apart because of he went to join Quelt's pack before returning to Abaven. Surely he'd come back to them she thought to herself he just had to. Unknowingly Nona would tighten her hold on her pups a little bit more as she thought about her husband.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



2 Years
10-11-2015, 06:32 PM
Alna would feel her ma give them a kiss on the forehead and hold them. On the inside Alna felt warm and fuzzy being held like that as she hung onto every single word that came from ma and Noen. The young fae would sigh as Noen pointed out that Abaven wasn't a home with out ma and pa there with them too. Though something else he mentioned brought a grin as she barked out in agreement that they would be a strong family together if her and En learned from ma and pa. Together they would indeed become a strong family however for now they had to just stay together and do what they could to get by however just how difficult this was though was unknown to Alna.

After a bit though she felt Nona tighten her grip on them which got Alna to yelp in surprise but instead of trying to wriggle away Alna would move closer to Nona and nuzzle into her ma's fur to try and comfort her. Alna felt like if she were bigger than she was now that there would be more she could do for her family in terms of comforting them than just pressing herself into them. The pup was caring though and did so as a way to emulate her pa to try and comfort her ma, "Pa will certainly come back like he always does and we'll work together to learn what we can from you both" there was a gentle laugh that escaped from Alna as she would rub her head against Nona and then once more turn again to gently press her head into Noen's fur, "We will always work together".


10-22-2015, 02:58 PM

Noen felt excited when his mother said that she would teach him. That was all he wanted in life -- to aspire to be just like her. But as Alna said they would always work together. That was what being a family was about. He would feel his heart lift at the thought of them all training together. Perhaps Allen could shed some light upon what he had been doing when he returned. The thought of them having a family conversation again, and then training when they were all well, was an exciting thing.

“We’ll always work together.” Noen would repeat quietly. He’d move next to his sister and his mother, snuggling into both of them. “I love you, Nana, and mama.” Noen would say in a gentle tone. He supposed for now the only thing that they had to do was wait for Allen’s return.