
What If There Were No Heavens?



7 Years
10-04-2015, 11:37 PM
Surreal Adravendi

It was her final stop before heading back home. By now, she was getting tired, and she was glad to stop when her nose caught the scent of Donostrea. She knew it was the pack, because Glacier’s scent was one of the two stronger scents enforcing the border. Her hips lowered, settling her haunches against the black sand as she took a few deep breaths to gain her wind. She took the time to breathe before tossing her nose to the sky and singing for Glacier. She wanted to know what he and Donostrea thought of the events of late, if they had noticed.

Her nose lowered and she ended her call, one that had been politely inquiring. She had enjoyed her talk with the Donostrean Alpha. She wondered vaguely what the rest of his family was like. Judging by the love in his voice when he’d spoken of them, she guessed they were much like he was; easygoing and kind. A good pack to have as an Ally in the future, and one she could see herself dealing with. If she could just remove the pesky problem that had moved in.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
10-04-2015, 11:58 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

It was not every day that Donostrea received visitors. In fact, since her siblings had finally pulled in those wolves that they had been sneaking away to visit when they had first established their pack, Gale had seen a drop in the amount of visits that they typically got. It made her job easier, which she liked. It was much more fun to run the length of the border without actually finding anyone there waiting for an audience with either Glacier or Voltage - mostly Glacier of late since Volt had isolated himself to his family while his babes were still small. But it did make it surprising when calls did go up at the border.

Which it did now. Curiously, the Aertus stopped to listen and consider what she ought to do. It had been directed at Glacier, not her, which meant, in truth, she did not need to go answering it. Her brother was fairly responsible, on most occasions, and she had every confidence that he would answer it in due time. But...she was kind of close to it. Probably capable of getting there before he did. Especially if she ran it.

Already the race was set within her mind, and after a quick scan of the shoreline to see if she could spot her brother, Gale turned and darted off at a run for the piece of seaside border where the howl had originated from. Her lavender paws carried her swiftly across the dark sandy beach toward the edge of their territory, but rather than stare ahead her grey-green eyes continued to glance around her. Was Glacier on his way to answer too? Even if he did not know they were racing, she still wanted to win.

She could not see him, but glancing ahead she could see the wolf that had called for him, and with a friendly, companionable grin Gale slowed and then stopped, glad that her run had not winded her to the point it would impair her speech. "Hi. Welcome to Donostrea," she greeted as she looked slightly up at the wolf. As much as she wanted to make a joke and ask if she was there for the next tour group, she was sure it would have gone right over her head, so instead she asked, "You're here to speak with Glacier?" That, she was sure, this visitor could understand.



7 Years
10-05-2015, 12:08 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal wasn’t given a very long wait before a female arrived. A sibling, perhaps? The female was friendly, greeting Surreal easily. Surreal paid little mind to the unnatural lavender markings; her eldest born son was bright red. And Glacier was marked in blue. So this lady didn’t surprise her. Smiling as the female spoke, asking if she had come to see Glacier, Surreal nodded. “Although I’m not averse to meeting the rest of Donostrea, unless you have duties you must attend to.” Her mismatched blue and gold eyes twinkled gently in amusement. The way this woman had arrived, it had almost seemed like she had been racing someone there.

She sat straighter, ignoring the tired strain in her legs as she introduced herself. “I am Surreal Adravendi. My Family and I reside in the Western Region. I was in the area, and wished to stop by on my way home. I have some things I want to speak to Glacier about, and I don’t mind the extra ears.” Which meant she wasn’t averse to hearing what the others of Donostrea might have to say about her news. She was curious to hear it, if anything. She wouldn’t pull them into her problems, but it would always feel good to know she had friends here as well as Fiori and Abaven.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
Extra large
10-06-2015, 02:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2015, 02:16 PM by Glacier.)

Glacier would be given no chance at all to win the unknown race, having heard the call from the Algoma Priairie he would abandon his hunt – the rabbit had skittered at the sound of a howling wolf and vanished into the undergrowth. He shook his head thoughtfully, recognizing the caller as Surreal and wondering what had brought her here. He knew she was considering making a pack and was working towards that goal and he did wonder if perhaps this was that moment, perhaps she was finalizing alliances and so forth.

At the sight of his sister in conference with the caller his expression would twitch into an easy grin. It was a pleasure to see his sister out and about, and she had gotten here in record time. Perhaps he should add entertaining visitors to her list of duties, she arrived so much more quickly then her brothers it seemed. He stopped beside his sister, facing Surreal and seating himself comfortably on the grass. “Surreal, it's a pleasure to see you again, I see you have already meet my sister Gale. What brings you to Donostrea's borders?” he wondered, giving her an opening to tell her story.

"Burn Baby Burn"




7 Years
10-07-2015, 04:29 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Glacier’s massive frame appeared on the horizon not long after his sister had greeted Surreal, and the silver timber smiled warmly, if a bit tiredly around the edges, at the Donostrean Alpha. “It’s good to see you again, as well, Glacier.” The question of what brought her to Donostrea’s borders sobered her expression somewhat, and she straightened slightly, mismatched blue and gold gaze flicking between the two siblings before settling back upon Glacier. “I am afraid nothing good. I’m sure you’ve heard about Threar’s downfall by now?” She paused to allow either or both of them to say yae or nay before continuing on.

“The wolf who challenged for Threar took his pack, Hellstrom, and claimed the Plains. My family and I were forced to move to the Estuary, just south of our home.” She wasn’t about to call her home ‘Hellstrom’s’. It wasn’t their land, no matter how thickly they laid their scent around the borders. “I went to Abaven, and Bass Destruction, to ask for help, or offer mine. Novella and Frith are his family; his Aunt and Uncle. Novella and Frith had just celebrated the births of their latest litter, not long before this Challenge.” A glacial chill made her tones hard, yet still as calm as a winter morning.

She forced her back straight again, head and ears erect, her tail flicking to wrap snuggly about her hips. “I’m not asking you to join in the fighting, mind. I know you’re a neutral pack. But I am curious to hear what you think about these latest events.” Her gaze flicked between the two curiously, head cocking just slightly as she regarded them.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
10-07-2015, 06:35 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

The grey woman appeared friendly and personable, and Gale was glad to have company of that sort. Her own dealings with others outside of her pack lands were typically few and far between, most of her runs past the border done too quickly to offer many chances for interaction, and those that she did tend to meet were really just chance encounters that never went further. It would be nice, she decided, to have a little chat with someone not of the Elementas clan before her brother arrived to get things back on the track of business. "Nothing too important," Gale assured as she took a seat and listened to the wolf's short introduction and her offer to let the Aertus sit in on the conversation.

There was a moment when she might have objected - politics and the like were entirely outside the realm of her expertise - but before she could really make any final decision her brother arrived. He seemed pleased to see her, and she beamed over at him while her wispy tail wagged against the ground. That's right, I'm watching the borders too, she thought toward him, proud of herself for actually being attentive for once and not simply running about with the utter carelessness of the wind; she could be responsible when she wanted to be.

Glacier greeted the grey wolf Surreal by name and added a quick introduction for Gale - right, she really should have led with her name first - before he directed their conversation toward whatever it was that Surreal had come all the way to their home to discuss. Feeling as if leaving right then would have been too rude, Gale merely put on a smile and stayed in place, taking up the wolf's offer to let her listen in. And then wished she had not. As the information was relayed, Gale could feel her smile slide from her expression and a growing sense of worry to twist inside of her gut. Nothing about it sounded stable and comfortable. Even the quick mention of the word fighting caused the Elementas girl to quickly glance at her brother for guidance. Donostrea had always been a happy pack, left to their own devices and happily too. It was easy to forget the rest of the world was not quite so peaceful, and she dreaded the thought of being drawn into their squabbles.



6 Years
Extra large
10-11-2015, 12:47 AM

Glacier titled his head to blow on the forehead of his younger sister, mussing up her fur with a subtle brotherly teasing – partially disguising his brotherly pride in her actions in taking an interest in the borders. His attention shifted to Surreal a moment later, and Glacier didn't miss the exhaustion eating away at the corners of Surreal's smile, but her greeting to the Donostrea giant was still pleasant and welcoming. She would mention the pack that he had been building a budding friendship with – before the pack had crumbled and vanished. He gave a minute nod in recognition of the news, his smile thinning into a grimmer expression. He had already made it clear to Sin that he was on the bench in this matter. Threar had been his friend, but this 'Abaven' Sin feared was a stranger to him. He would not stand beside either pack in how they resolved their differences, but he had reluctantly pointed out to the man his weakness to the innocence of pups.

As his thoughts took that trail, he wondered at Surreal's standings in the matter – he did know how or who she aligned with. He wouldn't have to wait long as she continued on to speak of the Plains and he would realize it wasn't so much who she was aligned with, but what. Even in their short meeting he had quickly come to realize the importance of the land to her and the rich history it bore. More then that, she had been living on the territory well she went about how to claim it as her own. “I'm sorry to hear that” it was noncommittal, intended to empathize with her without interrupting her thought trail.

In her next breath she would give him some enlightenment, giving her the name of the Abaven leader and his connection with Threar. He winced at the mention of just giving birth before the challenge and understood the position they had been in when faced with a strangers challenge. The problem was, Sin wasn't a nameless menace but a man and a father whom he could put a face too, and even if he did not approve of the mans methods he would not wish war upon him. She would ask him where he stood, his thoughts on the matter, startling him from his very musing upon them. “Hmm” he said, stalling for time. How did he begin to go about explaining his extremely neutral stance, when he considered Surreal a friend and empathized with her problem? He caught Gale's look as she turned to him, her expression as questioning as Surreal, but it reminded him the utter importance in staying strong in their neutral standing. They weren't so much a pack, but a family, their very existence was to bring stability to their siblings. “I know what the Plains means to you and wouldn't wish you to lose them. I have in fact briefly met the new Alpha – he was the one who delivered the news of Threar's downfall to me. Have you spoken to him about the plains? He's only newly arisen and perhaps hasn't grown too fond of his territories that he might be open to the suggestion of relocating. Of course, that does beg the question that if he was as open to negotiations as that then why challenge Threar to win a slot in Alacrits? Why not do as you do and bide his time? Hmm..” he added again, making it clear he was thinking newly formed thoughts out loud, letting her in on his thought process which the quite leader didn't often do. “I would be open to negotiate on your behalf if you do not wish to approach him, I know you've just had to relocate your family and might be weary of an unknown in all this - I assume Sin is still unknown to most? I have never heard of him before all this.. through that isn't much to judge by.” he paused, his thoughts still catching up with him “When you say ask Abaven for help what exactly where you hoping they could do for you?” he doubted she would have asked Abaven to negotiate on her behalf, truly the only help she could request from a pack who had just lost their Aunt and Uncle's stability would be to rain hell upon the assailant. For Glacier, it seemed a strange first request in losing her family's land, he for one never resulted in violence first unless it concerned the safety of his family, perhaps there was more to the story he didn't yet know. He let his eyes trail to Gale, hoping she might give some opinions or thoughts of her own.

"Burn Baby Burn"




7 Years
10-11-2015, 07:52 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Glaciers words were taken in. He proved his neutrality with the words he gave her, giving insight to both sides of the stone. She held none of what he said against him, even when he asked if she had tried speaking to Sin. Indeed, he offered to negotiate terms. He did voice a question, one that she had already asked herself; if Sin had been open to negotiation, why had he not merely bided his time and raised his standard in such a way that wouldn’t have had at least one powerful pack at his throat? She had smelled the pups in his pack. Even caught the scent of one having crossed into the Estuary. Her own daughter’s scent had been there too. Something she meant to talk to Baine about. It had been before the family meeting that Surreal had held, so Baine wouldn’t be in trouble for it.

Even after Glacier posed his question as to the nature of her assistance sought from Abaven, she was quiet, mulling over what he had offered her mind to think over. She hadn’t approached Sin because she had heard enough from Arian about him to know that any ‘negotiations’ he might offer would possibly have some price tacked on; not only that, she doubted any talk would dissolve into a fight. She’d had enough of being displaced from her home. And if Sin had ever been open to negotiating, why the hell had he not approached her first? Finally she lifted her head, tipping it slightly. “I went to offer my services, whichever they might be, should he decide to siege, and he sounded willing. In return, I would have his allegiance when Celestial is raised. I have smelled Sin before. He has old blood on him. What does that tell you? His scent made my stomach turn, and my gut says not to trust him with anything. He had been on the plains before he ever challenged for Threar. Plenty of time to smell each and every one of us, including my two youngest, who were still pups at the time I first smelled him.. And yet he still chose to displace a family.”

Her voice held no anger to be directed at Glacier. Merely calm conversation. “I know to trust my gut and my instincts, and they all say he is a threat. My niece, Arian, is afraid of him, and she has even moved her pack away, into this region, when she had just moved in next to the plains from the north.” She shook her head slowly. “Either way, I doubt it will make much difference. Hellstrom was doomed the moment he sang his challenge. Threar has - or had - connections to powerful packs. Abaven at the very least. Whatever happens to his pack in the future, near or far, will be on his head.” She stated smoothly, shifting her weight to settle further back on her haunches, taking most of her weight from her front paws, seeking to alleviate the soreness.

Her mismatched gaze flicked to Gale as well, a gentle offer to hear the lavender brushed grey lady’s thoughts if she wished to give any.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
Extra large
10-11-2015, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2015, 08:46 PM by Glacier.)

When she didn't answer right away he allowed a small smile to grace his lips despite the gravity of their conversation. She had politely given him a moment to think things over and it was easy for him to allow her to do the same. He still hadn't formed a full opinion on where Surreal stood. It was clear that she held a grudge for the land Sin had chosen but he could almost feel the earth shifting as people aligned themselves either with Sin or against him for he actions he had made, perhaps Surreal felt that shift also and moved to align herself against him – which in turn meant aligning herself with Abaven who from all he had heard held the most intent to take action against Sin. It would explain why she went to Abaven first of all people when Sin had chosen her land, and if Abaven did attack Sin with the intend of displacing him from leadership then she held something to gain – the return of the Plains.

When she spoke, her words did mirror some of his thoughts – she had gone to Abaven to offer her services that Alpha decide to siege, and Surreal indicated his intentions ran in that direction. She would offer him her opinion on Sin himself for the first time – not just as the Alpha that claimed her lands but as the man himself. He raised an eye at her words, could hear the mistrust and dislike in her tones as she described him. Glacier had only met the man once and it had been with his child in toe, and he had seemed pleasant and concerned for him family if a little bland and in-compassionate about his sole part in removing an entire pack and family from their lands and perhaps even Alacritis for good. Again, he found himself on the bench, unwilling to make an enemy of a man he knew nothing about despite Surreal's passionate words. Nonetheless, he did find himself trusting Surreal a little more then Sin and would if nothing else be watchful around the new Alpha. Surreal would finish her speech perhaps a little smugly as she in turn spoke of his inevitable downfall and he mentally winced. Was everyone so phlegmatic about the removal of packs in this land? He wearied with the ease that packs seemed to rise and fall even in his short time living in Alacritis.

He watched as Surreal's eyes fell on Gale, as interested in her thoughts as Glacier. What did Gale think about their political conversation? About the way alliances rose and fell even as they spoke and event moved and aligned in preparations to bring down a rising pack. After Surreal's long speech there would be a moment of silence as Glacier considered everything laid out before him. Would Glacier's true neutral stance throw off Surreal, lessen her desire in an alliance with him? Or would she see his reasons and realize in him she would find an ally that would never turn on her and deeply deliberate before taking any action that might effect the lands outside of Donostrea? Thus far his and Voltage's pack had done a good job of keeping themselves apart, untouched by the raging events happening outside of their borders. He kept back his sigh as he wondered if his actions where the right one, it didn't matter, they where the ones that kept his family safe. “Perhaps your right, certainly angering a strong pack as their first action wasn't a smart move. Through I would be sorry to see any pack fall and its wolves driven from their homes because of the actions of the leader. Personally I think any action made should be made solely with the interest of the pack and not that of individuality of the leader, that is why Donostrea must stay neutral. We are not a pack equipped for war in any way – we have but one or two fighters among us, a temporary healer mentor and two in training. More then that, my family has gone through enough and I want only for them to get a chance to enjoy life in peace” he glanced again at Gale, wondering where her own thoughts where leading her and what she thought of Glacier speaking as he did on their family's behalf.

"Burn Baby Burn"




7 Years
10-12-2015, 12:47 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal watched as Glacier thought over her words, patient as ever. He was proving to be a good source of mental stimulation, and she did value what he had to say about this whole mess known as Sin. When he spoke next, she listened with rapt attention, taking in all he said. She nodded when he spoke of needing to stay truly neutral. She understood that. She intended to remain mostly neutral with Celestial; they would have alliances, of course. It would be foolish not to do so. Abaven was to be one, and Donostrea another. Despite Arian’s unease about Yfir, Surreal could see the benefits of at least securing some deal with the northern pack. The north had less in the way of prey and herbs. The plains, once under her rule, were a valued source of both.

His words about their members, and how they were not equipped for a war struck a chord in her. What would happen, if someone like Hellstrom decided Donostrea looked like an easy target? What would happen if they decided they wanted to expand? “In the future, when Celestial is going, I would like to offer help with that. My cousin, Kavdaya, is a fully trained healer. And I would be happy to help with training in fighting. True neutral you may be, but you need wolves who know what they’re doing out there if they must fight to protect Donostrea. And should anyone decide you look like a target, you will have Celestial’s aid in battle. You can count on it.” Her tone was firm, honest, her eyes sincere are she met his. She wasn’t going to toss away a friendship, just because he wasn’t one to take sides. If anything, it did indeed make her wish even more for a strong alliance.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
10-12-2015, 06:14 PM
Walk | Talk  | Think  

Gale did her best not to fidget as Glacier and Surreal went about their diplomatic chat. As much as she tried not to listen and hear about what was going on with the packs that resided beyond their borders, she heard every word, and more or less understood that things out there between their neighbors were likely to get heated soon. Her brother seemed determined to keep a neutral position, even in the way that he answered this wolf who seemed to have her own prize to gain from the impending fight that would soon break out, and the Aertus was immensely grateful for it. She might have hated conflict and unfairness, but she liked her family's tranquility and safety better. Keeping them out of all the drama, safe on the beach, was definitely her preferred course of action.

And it seemed Glacier agreed. He was sympathetic, kind, and knew how to convey all of that without committing himself and his family to anything more than good relations. It relieved her to know they would not be jumping up to involve themselves in wars that were not their own, fights that they did not start and had nothing to gain from. As he glanced her way, she smiled, offering her support and thanks as she stared back at him. Everything would be okay. Her brothers were still looking out for their family, and were not going to let anything happen to them if it could be helped.