
a real mastermind, a genius of some kind



7 Years
10-12-2015, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 07:54 PM by Cesar.)
Navigation: Cryer's Ravine

If anyone else wants to join, please wait until Brutus posts first c: Thanks

So far, most of what he had seen had been dry and dry and dry. There weren’t many plants – only prickly ones that weren’t any good for sniffing (which he had discovered at his own expense). The ground was either hard and cracked, or sandy and a task to walk across. There was little shade around, but the heat was balanced between the fullness of the sun and the changing of the season. But still, he didn’t dislike it. It was just kinda boring. And so he had decided (vaguely, so as to avoid the complete embarrassment of defeat when he inevitably got lost) that he would try and get out of here.

By some miracle, his aimless wanderings had led him and his friend to the outskirts of the desert. There were trees and grasses. ”Aaalriiight,” he crooned shrilly. He loved grass. Being short had its advantages there; he could slither and scuttle, and no one could see him! With all the noise, it made for bad sneaking, but great suspense! His energy soared in the new terrain, and he darted this way and that until nearly falling into some kind of gorge. He shrieked, stumbling to a halt centimeters from a sheer drop. He panted, clinging to the ground. A few moments after he had gathered himself, he peered down. ”Ooh, deep,” he said, a lamenting note in his voice as he thought about how silly it would have been to have fallen. Yikes.

Blades of grass clung to the edge as he did, golden stalks bent in contemplation and debate. Thin, knobby roots poked out of the dirt wall a little ways down. At the bottom, there were rocks and grass and plants and probably other things he couldn’t see. This was perfectly interesting.  A messy smile split across his face and he stood, turning to seek Brutus. ”Look. Maybe someone’s died in here,” he suggested plainly. A devious thought grinned in his head, blackened and foul. And if no one had, maybe they could get some fool to fall!

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



7 Years
Extra large
10-12-2015, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 08:27 PM by Brutus.)


The loping giant hardly contained as much energy as his comrade, though thankfully his lanky frame made it easier for him to keep up with the zooming wolf. His ears were kept down as they moved across the dry flatland, the pink muscle in his cage currently loose as it hung from his mouth in the subtle bounce of a pant. They had been walking for what seemed like forever, on a plane that gave Brutus an eerie feeling deep within his bones. Everything was so flat, nothing but the dusty earth and a sky so blue it mirrored his eyes; so when the blurry image of green on their horizon suddenly presented itself, that humble giant grew a bit more lively.

The lighter ringlets around his ankles would bend with the fluid movements of his gate as his paws slapped against the terrain in an effort to keep up with Cesar's excitement - his own was swelling within his heart with every step closer they came, as well! Once he felt the cool change of the grass against the pads of his worn feet, he nearly melted- slowing down considerably as he watched from above while his friend wove pathways in the grass. It felt absolutely phenomenal, especially once they'd moved far enough in to feel the cool shade of the trees. Finally.

Perhaps it was due to the heat and the long trek that he did not see the ravine any sooner than his companion, though he was just as well thrown into a state of awe. "They very well could have." The crevice did not seem nearly vast enough to be as deep as it was, the root-covered and rocky wall stretching far enough away from them it sent a chill up the tall man's spine. "I have never seen anything like this, this is remarkable."

cesar may enter any of brutus' threads



7 Years
10-14-2015, 06:41 PM
Some pp in terms of time passage, hope you don't mind :0 I can change it if ya do~

Brutus agreed and the imp licked his lips, glancing with a quick, bird-like motion back to the ravine. ”Mmmm, wanna get down. Let’s find a way, let’s find a way,” he hummed before inhaling through a soft gasp – not at any discovery, but merely for the effect of putting a new sound into the environment. He put his nose promptly to the ground at the ledge and snuffled rapidly, taking a few steps left and then right. He licked idly at a rock before straightening. ”Hm, okay. Brutus goes this way and Cesar will go that way. They’ll figure out how to get down,” he decided, jerking his nose to the right as he offered direction to Brutus, and then to the left to indicate where he himself would go. ”Maybe there’ll be something to eat,” he added as an afterthought. He hadn’t eaten in a while.

Then, expecting that Brutus would comply (and not really minding whether or not he did), the tiny creature would skitter off along the edge in his chosen direction. Periodically, he would check over into the ditch, only slowing a tad. It… looked the same as it did six feet ago. He wondered how far it stretched in either direction. He wondered if maybe there were any secret nooks and crannies – a secret lair! That would be fun. That would be something he would consider staying near for a while.

Not much longer after he’d started his search, he came to a halt at a sloping part of the ravine. The drop wasn’t so sheer, nor was it as high up. Maybe… about three of him tall – standing on all fours. It even looked like there were some decent footholds to clamber down. He smacked his lips with anticipation, and, without yet notifying Brutus (he wanted to surprise him and already be down), he began to shimmy down. This was a rather bad idea, for he was neither careful nor nimble when it came to any matter besides battle. Three shuffles in, and his next step found only crumbling dirt. He tumbled down with a shriek and then an undignified thump. It hurt, but less than he would have thought. Things tended to be that way. In any case, he didn’t think he was truly injured, just shocked and aching where he was in a heap on the ground. He lay dazed for a moment, his eyes wide and his face contorted in a dumb expression of pain. Then, still on the ground but in possession of his thoughts once more he squealed, ”Cesar found a waaaay!” Although, perhaps, Brutus might not care to indulge in such a fabulous method of descent.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.