
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



5 Years
Extra large
10-17-2015, 01:08 AM
Out of the corner of her eye she saw a pair of wolves diving at them, one at Lillie and the other at her, and a furious snarl of protest tore from her throat. Planting her forepaws, Vana pivoted her hindquarters to her left to move from the male's charge. His paw swiped at her left hind paw but instead barely clipped her right hind paw as she moved, only a minimal stumble resulting but it lagged her movement enough that she did not escape completely unscathed as his teeth drew moderate lacerations down the side of her right thigh halfway between her knee and her hock. She shifted her weight off her injured right hind leg and lifted the right hindpaw to aim a viscous kick at Enigma's right elbow in the hopes of folding the joint up, but her attention was otherwise on the mammoth of a female she'd been attempting to attack before she was interrupted. Tilting her head so her crown tilted to the right and her muzzle to the left, she attempted to snap her jaws shut on Amachi's right rear leg on the Achilles tendon, her upper canines seeking a grip on the right side of the tendon and her lower teeth on the left side, in a bid to completely sever the tendon. As she did, she sought to slam the point of her left shoulder hard against Amachi's female parts - yes, that's right, the labia and all that entailed - as hard as she could with the momentum of her pivot behind it. All the while she obsessively retained her defenses as her father had taught her. Her feet remained in a wide stance even in her pivot, her weight distributed evenly among her three remaining points of contact with the ground and her joints loose and slightly bent. Her toes were spread, the nails jabbing into the dirt, and she moved her tail to tuck against her belly, wary now of attacks from behind. Her head was still at the level of her spine, and her shoulders arched forward to drive her scruff up in protective folds, her hackles already raised and her ears back and eyes narrowed. She was no longer focused on where Lillie was in all this, nor did she notice as Integra joined the fray. She was intent on her goal, and that was in punishing the bitch who had dared try to usurp Vana's previous dibs.

EVANGELINE and LILLIE and INTEGRA vs AMACHI and ENIGMA and TAKIRA for MAIM (against Amachi: crippling of achilles tendon in right hind leg)
Round 2 of 2



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-17-2015, 09:53 AM

Rhythm walked confidently beside her sister and her mate, barely recognizing her journey as reality. She was going into battle with her siblings, something she thought would have never happened. However it made her feel proud, and more than invincible. Their enemies had no chance against them, and secretly Rhythm was excited to see Sin fall. She'd only met him the once, but she had hardly been impressed at that time. She should have maimed him then for his smart mouth, now she had to wait for Hati to do it.

There was no anxiety within her as she stood and watched the battle erupt all around her, eager wolves jumping in with their jaws wide open. She would stand strong, waiting for her turn as the enemy trickled in. The probability of her actually getting into a fight seemed to dwindle with every moment they occupied what would not much longer be Hellstrom lands.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



8 Years
Extra large
10-17-2015, 09:59 AM
Shai would stand with his mate as their forces halted within the territory of their Enemy. He would stand tall, easily the largest of Abaven's forces but he looked almost normal compared to Imperium's forces. He had tall family back in the South, he had no idea there was another group who boasted the same grouping of giants. He stood tall and proud as the battle began, the enemy would throw themselves at them, but the opposing force was meager at best. Was he about to witness a massacre? He'd shift closer to Motif, knowing victory was at their paws but uncertain what that might mean for the future.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



4 Years
Extra large
10-17-2015, 10:06 AM

Oh boy, this male was good.  This was going to be fun!  Karabela ignored Mercy's glare.  Imperium was technically here as back-up and there was no way Raba was going to miss out on a fight.  One, she just needed one.  One chance to show her mother that she was getting better, that she found the right path.  If Mercy wanted to take it up with her afterwards Karabela would be more than happy to put the pale woman in the dirt.  Assuming one of them wasn't taken out by this male first.

As the male twisted down and to his right he threw his left forepaw at her.  Instinctively Karabela switched targets and attempted to catch the man's left forepaw [counter] in her jaws, upper jaws seeking to land across the top of the paw, lower jaws across the paw pads.  Raba sought to snap her jaws violently down on the paw with the intention of gaining not only a solid grip but of breaking several of the bones that made up the man's paw.

With his leg lifted the front of Karabela's right shoulder would meet with the lower part of his ribcage where his left foreleg met his body leaving a moderate bruise on her opponent and light bruising on her own right shoulder from the impact.  His left forepaw no longer on the ground Raba's paw slam would miss.  With all four limbs back on the ground and equidistant apart she'd quickly shift her balance evenly between them, limbs coiling tightly to compensate for her larger height as well as to keep her center of gravity low.  Her skull and tail shifted to align with her spine as her chin tucked slightly, neck scrunching back.  Her shoulders rolled forward and her hackles raised as her toes spread wide, talons digging into the earth.  Her jaws were parted, brow wrinkling in a snarl as her ears remained pinned to her head and her eyes narrowed.

In addition to her her attempted bite Raba would suddenly shift her weight evenly to her back legs, her tail fanning out for extra balance as Raba would seek to fall upon the male.  Aiming to crash her right elbow down on the man's lower left side where his left foreleg connected to his body, the same area her shoulder had struck, with the intention of worsening the bruising and tipping him over on his right side with her heftier weight.  With Xeph rotating his head sharply to his left Karabela would seek to launch her left forepaw forward with the intent of slamming it into Xephyris' right eye with the intention of puncturing the eyeball with her claws.  They almost had him!  She loved this, she felt the thrill of it all shivering down her body with a warmth that reminded her of her mother and she knew, some how, some where that Dægmar was smiling down at her and saying that's my girl.

Karabela and Mercy vs Xephyris for Dominance Rd 2/2

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-18-2015, 06:59 PM

She would pivot her hindquarters away from him, his left paw barely scratching her right hind leg, though his teeth would connect before releasing promptly after biting her right thigh. He would immediately plant his forepaws in the ground, weight shifting onto his haunches to stop his charge and to avoid his potentially slamming into one of his own packmates. The kick from vana aimed at his right elbow would not bode well. He sought to grasp the leg within his teeth as she tried to kick, Enigma seeking to deliver a quick bite to the heel of her right foot and crush it before promptly releasing her to find other openings.[counter to Kick]

There was so much going on, Takira had joined him, attacking the other girl while he had been charging at Vana, but throughout all this he kept his defenses, one never knew what might happen. Hackles remained raised, his ears pinned against his crown, eyes narrowed, knees bent, lips bared in a snarl, his tail tucked when he had shifted his weight to his hindquarters, protecting his abdomen and man bits. Toes splayed, claws biting the ground, abdomen tensed.

Through narrowed eyes, he chanced a quick glance towards where his mother and father fought, and it was then that he would spot someone coming at him from elsewhere. He didn't have too much time to react, the woman (Integra) coming in fast and hard towards him. Swiftly, he braced himself for the onslaught, knowing he wouldn't have time to properly move out of range with the fact he was practically surrounded by fighters, as the group he was fighting in should be. Lowering his rump closer to the ground, weight distributed among his two hind legs, he would begin to pivot, turning towards his right as Integra's charge would slam into his right thigh instead of his back legs, a severe bruise likely to well up there. Likewise, her bite would land on the lower end of his rump, the taut skin making it hard for her to attain a grip, though her teeth would leave moderate lacerations approximately a quarter inch deep and three centimeters wide.

With a furious snarl, he turned his attention upon her, teeth bared, chin tucking to protect his throat, shoulders rolled forward, head pulling back slightly to bunch his scruff. He would keep his joints slightly bent, as he sought to evenly distribute his weight and he sought to turn and face her, the positioning of the pair now aligned like a T (his chest facing direction of right side of her neck). With the close proximity, he jutted his left shoulder forward, aiming to close the remaining distance and slam the point of it into the right side of Integra's elbow joint, hoping to slam the joint inward and break it with the odd angle and the force.

Simultaneously, he would seek to lift his left forepaw, the male aiming to slam it down upon the outer toes of her right forepaw and break them, his own weight redistributed among his other limbs to accommodate this. Lastly, he would open his jaws, teeth seeking his adversaries throat. Upper canines sought to grip the right side of her neck just behind the jawline, bottom canines sought to pierce skin and grip her jugular. Should he attain it, he would attempt to shake violently and keep a solid hold, wanting to choke out his enemy.

Enigma, Takira, Amachi VS Lilliana, Vana, Integra for maim (severing of tendon)

Round 2/2


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Mercy I


5 Years

10-18-2015, 11:09 PM
Mercy's bite hit where she had aimed, and she grinned at the touch of blood that sprayed into her mouth. She held him in her grips, and as soon as she got a solid hold Mercy attempted to twist her head towards her own left, hoping to snap his upper jaw off its hinge. Her ears quivered when she heard the breath rush from Xeph's lungs, and figured that Raba had hit her target as well. As much as she hated that the stupid brat jumped in on her fight, she was glad that Raba was at least good and holding her own ground, careful to not get in her way. Mercy would grant the girl the same courtesy, trying to give her as much space as possible.

As she felt Xeph's leg buckle under impact, she grinned and moved to place her paw back on the earth. But surprisingly he ripped his jaws from her grasp, causing her jaws to snap together from the force she was trying to maintain. Damn, he was better than she had given him credit for at first. From the force of her grip she didn't doubt that her teeth tore into his lips even deeper. But the woman had little time to think, he was making a move for her raised paw, and thinking quickly, the pale woman aimed to rear up on her hind legs, shifting her weight to her back legs as she tucked her front legs close to her chest, avoiding Xeph's teeth. With her now raised posture her tail tucked in towards her belly, trying to cover it's exposure. Her back legs were spread an equal distance apart as her toes spread, claws biting into the ground. Hind legs were bent slightly, her eyes still narrowed and her ears still hugging her skull. Mercy's chin tucked towards her neck, shoulders rolling forward as best as she could, hackles still raised. Lips curled as her teeth were bore, a snarl ripping through her throat. "Not close enough!" she mocked, but there was a hint of admiration in her voice.

She almost felt bad enough to stop there and not try to attack Xeph again. Almost. At her raised position, Mercy towered even taller over the shorter male, and she took only a moment to
admire the view. And then like a posed cobra, the white woman struck. Mercy attempted to lift herself on her tip toes, hoping to elevate her upper half over Xeph's downward tilted head. Her legs shot out, and Mercy intended to come crashing down on his head, her front left paw aimed for just in front of his right ear, her right front paw aimed for just behind his right ear. She hoped that with her downward motion she would force his head down with her. At the same time her jaws parted, pulling towards her own right as her chin tilted slightly to her left. Mercy aimed to bite Xeph on the right side of his neck, her upper jaw aimed for an inch behind his jaws, her bottom jaw hoping to sink into the center of his throat. Mercy hoped to bite down with enough force to crush his windpipe, as well as hoping to continue to push him down.

Karabela and Mercy vs Xephyris for Dominance Rd 2/2
Sorry for the phone post!

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

The Judge


10-18-2015, 11:12 PM




- 2 “aiming to ram his body” what part? Could be his butt for all I know.
- 2 “Seek the femme’s throat” Be specific? What type of grip are you hoping for? Where are your teeth? Where exactly are you biting?
Total: 6

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (jaws) + 1 (lips) + 1 (ears) + 1 (head) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (tail) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 2 body slam
+ 3 throat attempt
+ 1 severity
+ 1 paw stomp
Total: 7

- First Round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 43 / 50


- 1 “redistributing where she placed her weight and how she threw it around respectfully.” How exactly?
- 2 “hit her shoulder” Which?
- 2 “attempt to angle his maw upward so she’d try and get a nice grip on his neck” Is  she? I can’t tell exactly, is she actually going for a throat attempt? Or is this a set up for next round?
- 1 what is the severity of the wound to her shoulder?
Total: 4

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (maw) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (fur) + 1 (tail)
Total: 7

+ 2 shoulder thrust
+ 3 throat attempt
+ 1 severity
+ 1 paw stomp
Total: 7

- Firs round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 38 / 50



- 2 “he would feel slight pain as he begun to rise his right forleg upon his right left forepaw” …huh?
- 2 “shift his head so his neck muscles were more rigid” How exactly? Be specific with your movements.
- 1 did you receive any damage at all from the shoulder thrust? Some nose damage, hyper extension? Your teeth hurt? Anything?
Total: 5

- 2 ignored throat attempt. What happened to it exactly?
- 2 “tighten his grip” you must attempt these things! Even if it’s clenching your jaw, if it effects your opponent at all you must attempt.
Total: 6

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (tail) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (caws) + 1 (knees) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (weight)
Total: 10

+ 2 pull attempt
+ 1 scratch attempt
Total: 3

- 1 mild bruising to toes
- 2 jaw over extension
- 3 grip to throat
Total: 4

Total for Round Two: 28 / 50


- 2 “her shoulder would was now..” is it severe? Moderate? I got the dimensions but an inch wound on one body part could be FAR more severe on another.
- 2 “turned her head” which way? How? Does she still have her grip? If she does this should be attempted as it has to do with him as well.
- 1 how is ears perked possibly a defence? He’s right there, it is quite possible for him to reach and snatch one of those right off her head.
- 2 “around his right leg to try and use it to help” How? Is she pulling? Playing patty cake?
Total: 3

- 2 “Instead she turned her head” from what I can tell you still have the throat grip. This must be attempted.
Total: 8

+ 1 (balance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (neck) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (tail)
Total: 6

+ 3 throat pull
+ 1 severity
+ 1 leg pull
Total: 5

- 3 severe lacerations to shoulder.
Total: 7

Total for Round Two:  29 / 50


43 + 28 = 71 / 100

38 + 29 = 67 / 100

And the winner is...

CALYPSEI must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. NAOISE may find another fight to participate in.


Moderate lacerations to throat – 2 OOC weeks to fully heal. Seek a healer.
Minor bruising to toes – 4 OOC days. Tender to walk on.
Slight jaw overextension – 1 OOC weeks

Severe shoulder lacerations – 3 OOC weeks, will require a healer or severe scarring.


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

You lost quite a bit on clarity. Try and be as clear as possible what direction you’re going, where you’re turning, how you’re doing something. Also attempt grips and clenches, even if you already have the bite. Clarity is everything in spar posts so be absolutely positive we know what’s going on.

You also lost a lot on clarity. Make absolutely sure you state exactly what you’re doing, exactly where you’re going and how. Make sure to outline wound severity as well. Dimensions are fine but, as I said, an inch could mean a lot or a little depending on where you’re being bitten. Also, make sure it’s absolutely clear what your attacks are, where you’re bitting and how. You were also lacking in defenses as well. This is a lot of easy points, and there’s really no reason not to get a 10 in every round. Everything is in my notes, really.

- By [Arin]

The Judge


10-18-2015, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2015, 11:39 PM by The Judge.)
And the winner is...

Due to not posting within time limits, QUELT must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Congratulations Arietta, you may move onto your next fight (which you already did :P)

The Judge


10-19-2015, 12:07 AM




- All Clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (weight) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (chin)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder tackle
+ 1 leg grab
+ 3 throat attempt
+ 1 Severity
+ 1 Grip
Total: 8

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 48 / 50


- 2 “shoulder rolled forward (…) head and shoulders rolled back” Uh…which one is it?
- 2 “crown angled towards Hati (Hati’s right)” So the way you are describing this, his “crown” (aka skull) is angled towards Hati’s right, which means his muzzle is away, then he bites the right of Hati’s face. This whole bit was unclear. How close is his muzzle to Hati? Is he inches? Give this info so your opponent can respond properly
- 3 How exactly can sin reach Hati’s eyes anyways? If Hati is holding on too Sin’s Scruff, unless you are bent pretty well double there’s no way to reach his eyes and your right shoulder is aiming for Hati’s throat which means you can’s possibly be bent that way. For a maim attempt this must be clear and realistic!
Total: 3

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head) + 1 (chin) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder to throat
+ 1 severity
+ 1 paw slam
+ 3 face attempt
+ 1 maim attempt
Total: 8

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 41 / 50



- 1 “pivoted on his hindquarters (…) back of sin’s right elbow” If Sin has his right shoulder in your neck, you were almost face to face, sorta, so how would ivoting on your rear and bringing you into position to chest slam at the back of Sin’s elbow. It would make more sense if you swung your rear to the left and left your front in place. I have doodles!
Total: 9

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (head) + 1 (fur) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes)
Total: 10

+ 2 chest slam to elbow
+ 3 bite to face
+ 1 maim attempt
Total: 6

- 2 moderate strain to neck muscles
- 1 slight bruising to neck
- 2 moderate lacerations to face
Total: 5

Total for Round Two:  40 / 50


- 2 How exactly does taking two steps left and one forward possibly shift the attack to his shoulder? If he was aiming for the back of Sin’s elbow, moving forward would displace the attack back towards the ribs, not in the same-ish region.
- 2 “lower his center of gravity” So…he’s bending down? What?
- 2 “To spring up” How? Are you jumping straight up? Reared? On a pogo stick?
Total: 4

- 2 Companions can only attack once with ONE body part. That means one paw not both.
- 2 You didn’t state once previously where the lynx was. You did mention him, but you were very very unclear of where he was, giving your opponent no time to react to him. You cannot just go BAM! Random companion attack. It must be clearly laid out where they are
Total: 6

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head) + 1 (chin) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (shoulders)
Total: 10

+ 3 jaw attempt
+ 1 leg grab
+ 2 companion attack
+ 1 severity
Total: 7

- 2 moderate bruise to right shoulder
Total: 8

Total for Round Two:  35 / 50


48 + 40 = 88 / 100

41 + 35 = 76 / 100

And the winner is...

SIN must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Hati, your maim was successful and you may move on too your next spar.


Moderate strain to neck muscles – 1 OOC week to fully heal
Slight bruising to neck – 4 OOC days
Moderate lacerations to face – 2 OOC weeks, scarring if left untreated.

Severe bruising to ribs – 3 OOC weeks to heal fully plus tenderness to walk
Mild scratches to left foreleg – 4 OOC days
Moderate lacerations to back of neck – 2 OOC weeks
Moderate bruise to right shoulder – 1 OOC week


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

I got all backwards and combobulated in your positioning. It was rather unclear where who was and how they were there and what angle or degree or position or what. I actually sort of have a headache now, and a page full of doodles.

Good spar :) Hati doesn’t smell that bad.

Read my notes, lovie. Keep an eye on positioning, on clarity and your companion. You must, as I’ve said, state clearly where your companion is at the beginning of the fight. You can’t just go for a total surprise. Sadly, the surprise factor is usually a massive PP deduction, so avoid it in spars. Make sure your opponent has time to react, not necessarily dodge, but just to react to your moves and attacks and your lynx.

- By [Arin]



4 Years
10-19-2015, 11:11 PM

For whatever reason (with magic I'm sure) the red female (Lillianna) ducked out of the way of both her and the strange pelted females (Amachi) charge. While somehow ducking under a charge she moved back and gave herself a little bit of room but not too much as she was still in biting distance, and when both Takira and her packmate went to bite the red wolf somehow moved just right to avoid both wolves jaw. This female seemed to have the perfect moves because not only did she avoid Takira's and her packmates teeth, she somehow avoided both her and her packmate's paw swipe and walked away with barely a scratch... Takira would make a comment about what kind of sorcery this wolf seems to have but she was too focused on herself then the magic that the red female seem to have.

After her attacks where botched by forces unknown Takira readied herself for her opponent's counter. She tucked her tail and raised the fur along her neck. Her ears was still pressed against her skull and her feet still spread for the best amount of balance that she could have. She also dug in her claws for good traction and shifted her weight to put as little as possible on her injured leg. She lowered her head protecting the soft underside and kept her body mass low to the ground, the joints in her legs slightly bent.

The female(Lillianna) was still in front of her, slightly to Takira's left , about 45 degrees. The red female in her wisdom thought that the little space she had made for herself a good amount of space to give a charge. Even with the small lunge the red female did not have enough force to really do much when she hit Takira in the shoulder. Takira shifted slightly and took the moderate hit to her left shoulder with a small grunt and instead focused on her leg work. She saw her opponent stomped her left paw aiming for Takira's own paw. Takira jerked her paw away avoiding the hit but in the process putting a lot of her weight and the red females on her bad right hind leg. Takira begin to fall only to be caught in the jaws of her opponent, who's well timed bite helped Takira regain her balance.

Seeing that Takira had shifted, the aim of the red female was off by a lot, instead the soft underside of Takira's neck the red female's teeth sank into just skin about halfway down the left side of her neck. Takira now fully balanced on her four paws used that leverage and lifted herself and attempted to toss her right front paw over the red females shoulder and using her bigger size and weight to press down on the female, hoping to get her to the ground. While in the process of the Takira would try to sink her teeth into the scruff on the back of her neck of her opponent, gripping the skin and muscle, to help press the female down under her weight.

Enigma, Takira, and Amachi VS Lilliana, Vana, and Integra for maim (Broken Leg)
Round TWO of TWO

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



4 Years
10-20-2015, 07:45 PM

Save your fears
take your place
save them for the judgement day

Enigma would pivot to his right as Integra slammed into him, both her shoulders launching into Enigma's right thigh, the impact causing light bruising to blossom on the front of both her shoulders but she was satisfied with the damage done.  However, due to his movement her fangs would not seize his precious jewels and instead would land on the lower end of his rump a few inches before the base of his tail, leaving moderate lacerations but failing to gain hold.  Fine then, she'd just have to knock him out and take them.  She'd decided on her target, the price she needed to gain her freedom.  No Armada was meant to stay as a slave and with freedom so close and singing in the taste of blood she was not going to let him get away.  

As he started to rotate again she would as well seeking to plant her front legs and rotate her rear to her own left to bring them out of a "T" and face-to-face.  Her defenses remained solid.  Skull and tail were lowered to align with her spine, her chin tucked and her neck scrunched back as her shoulders rolled forward, pushing fur and fat over her vitals.  Hackles rose sharply as her limbs spread equidistant apart, bending slightly to lower her center of gravity as well as evenly distribute her weight.  Inty's toes splayed as her claws dug into the earth, her eyes remained narrowed and her ears pinned tight to her head.

As Enigma would charge so too would Integra as she attempted to close the distance between them and take a few steps to her left so her right shoulder would line up with the center of Enigma's chest.  Integra's upper body would raise, lifting her forepaws off the ground several inches as her weight shifted suddenly and evenly back to her hind legs, her tail flaring out stiffly behind her for added balance.

Integra's head rotated to her own right and launched down as she sought to counter Enigma's bite in a risky gambit.  Integra sought a cruel hold on the man's face, her upper fangs seeking to pierce his left eye, her lower fangs seeking to pierce his right eye and not only blind him but obtain a solid hold on his face with the hopes the sudden and intense pain would prevent him from gaining a serious hold on her neck.  She hoped the downward angle of her head as well as the bunched fur and fat around her neck would give her throat needed protection against his fangs as she sought to showcase her own brutality.

Simultaneously with her bite Integra would launch the point of her right shoulder forward in an attempt to slam it brutally into the underside of Enigma's throat, just below his jawline with the intention of crushing his larynx and stealing his breath as well as his voice.  Due to Integra's overall shift in position Enigma's left shoulder would graze past the outside of her right shoulder without leaving damage and his left forepaw would miss the toes on her right forepaw.  As a final touch Integra would seek to shift her left foreleg inward with the intention of slamming her left paw violently down on Enigma's right forepaw with the intention of shifting her weight suddenly foreward to break his toes as well as add power to her shoulder slam.  Again, Integra sought to coordinate all three attacks to hit her target at the same time.  She would overwhelm him with her ferocity, with her own uncaged pain that spilled rapidly from her in the form of blood lust.  She was the daughter of Roman and Drashiel Armada!  She'd lost her family and nearly herself and this man's blood would be the price to pay to reunite freely with the little family she held left.  Losing was not an option.

Integra, Vana, Lillie vs Amachi, Enigma, Takira for Maim (CASTRATION OF ENIGMA) Rd. 2/2
[Image: yKuOSHo.png]


10-22-2015, 11:37 AM

The young man had won his battle, the taste of the invader's blood upon his tongue. Yet, it seemed that they were all fighting a losing battle. The moment Sin went  down was the moment that the young man truly realized how futile all of this fighting was. He'd breathe out a low hiss, taking a step back. 'I can't stay here... I can't...' The youth was losing his nerve, and with good reason. Already more than half their side was down and out for the count. Perhaps it was time for a change in tactic. Turning tail, the male would do his best to try and flee.

--Exit Unless Stopped.--

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



7 Years

10-22-2015, 03:38 PM
Lillianna would release her bite on the female and rapidly set her defenses once more. Her ears were still laid flat, her eyes still narrowed. Her tail falgged behind her for balance. Her limbs were evenly spread, her knees slightly bent, her paws splayed into the ground and claws dug into the ground all for support and balance. Her shoulders rolled forward to scrunch her neck, her muzzle still wrinkled to protect her gums. Her hackles were raised and her chin tucked very last to complete her defenses.

This happened quickly, and in that time she would notice her opponent rearing - and throwing her right paw forward. She was on Takira's left side, since she had released her grip on the left side of Takira's neck, so it took only a side step to Lillie's right to almost completely avoid both attacks - the sidestep made Takira’s jaws scrape against Lillie’s shoulder, from the slightly above the top of the shoulder to the middle of the shoulder, causing moderate gashes. Now aligned and facing Takira’s left shoulder at a 45 degree angle, she would attempt to step forward and bury her jaws in the middle of the shoulder. While she did so, her left paw would snake forward and attempt to wrap itself around the back of Takira’s left paw, in an attempt to jerk it from under Lillie’s opponent and knock her off-balance. While she did so, her balance redistributed on her other three legs. Her left shoulder would, simultaneously, attempt to slam into far left side of Takira’s chest, the part next to where the arm/ shoulder just connects to the body.


"Speech" "Language"
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-22-2015, 05:34 PM
Cas' eyes wandered the field eagerly, tensing in readiness every time a Hellstrom wolf entered the fray, but she sagged back in disappointment and disbelief as every single one either attacked a weak Abaven wolf or piled in to gang up on someone. She was pleased and jealous to see Hati being a good little attack dog and single-mindedly rushing Sin, and the sight of Vana going to the rescue of some dinky little Abaven girl who'd been set on by... Arian's hulking bodyguard? well now, that made things suddenly more than a teeny bit suspicious didn't it? Was this Arian's meddling, then? ... and immediately ganged up on by two more adults nearly had her rushing in but Integra jumped in as backup and she lost sight of them all in the chaos. Integra and Evangeline had both been trained as warriors nearly from birth - though they were young she didn't think she'd have overly much to worry about unless the Abaven youth tripped them up. They could take care of themselves. She completely disregarded the eyeless wolf who quivered in in the midst of the group as though he were going to actually fight. Booooring, who wanted to fight a wolf who couldn't even see? They could save that for mopping up if they really needed to, but it wasn't like he was a threat.

Like her alpha and her son, Cas tried to bide her time, but she was simply getting more and more frustrated, her hackles raising in annoyance. Were they avoiding her? "Cowardly little pissants aren't they?" she snarled through a rather fixed grin to Valentine. Chill, chill, she was totally chill. Totally not pissed off that she wasn't getting a fight for the second siege in a flipping row, nope. Totally... chill... Of Imperium, even Valen's little toy had showed up, but she knew just from the scent markers at the border they'd crossed that this couldn't possibly be the number of adults Hellstrom could actually field. So where were the rest of them hiding? She could scent pups in the scents mixed in Hellstrom's pack scent, but did they really need to be babysat at a time like this? She shifted irritably and added, "Tempting to go looking for the rest of Hellstrom's wolves since they aren't putting up much of a fight. Find out where Sin's hiding his little brats and take one. Maybe Vana'd like a pet slave to bully instead of her baby siblings, eh?"

But her ears pricked in interest as a young Hellstrom wolf took down a (brightly colored, weird, and reminded her very much of Dione) young Abaven wolf and then immediately turned to flee instead of staying to help his pack. Wow, there's loyalty for ya. "Mine, mine, I call it, this one's mine!" she sang out to Valentine and Angelus, her whole demeanor changing from grumpitude to excitement.

Her joints bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, putting her into what amounted to a hunting stalk, her weight evenly distributed. Her stance widened, her toes spreading to increase her surface area and therefore her grip. Her dull claws dug in, ready to propel her forward, as her head and tail leveled with her spine. Scarred muzzled tucked to guard her throat, she rolled her shoulders forward, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, and her ears back tight to her head. Oh yes. This was so on.

She launched herself forward, aiming to close the distance between her and the boy Naoise in great big bounds, attempting to come in directly behind him and without breaking stride, sought to shift her weight to her hindquarters and midleap attempted to rear up and bring her whole weight crashing down with her lower chest aimed for his hips halfway between hip bones and the base of his tail. Her forepaws sought to wrap around the front of his hips - her right paw on his right side, her left paw on his left - seeking to hook under his hips against his belly and drag him back against her. "Where d'you think you're going, sweetheart?" she snarked at the lad with a manic grin, aiming to snap her head forward, jaws attempting to hook around his spine with her nose to his left side and her chin to his right halfway between his hips and shoulders, seeking to crush vertebrae and cripple him.

Round 1/? (as it is a claim it can be as many rounds as you want it to be)
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


10-22-2015, 06:55 PM

Naoise was afraid yes, but only because he saw the rest of his pack getting creamed. What would you feel if not one, but two packs were up against your own, and you were already on the losing side? Naoise might have had a bit of a cowardly moment, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t fight when it came down to it. He would look back over his shoulder, hearing shouting. Mine? Oh shit. Well great, the wolf was coming right for him. Spinning on his heels he’d turn to face his attacker. There was no way in hell he was just going to sit there and allow her to come at him like that.

Naoise was now facing his attacker, throwing up his defenses once more as he prepared for a fight. Ears would pin flat against his skull, eyes narrowing, jaws parting in a snarl. Shoulders were rolled forward, legs spread, toes spread, and claws biting into the earth. His weight was evenly distributed across his four limbs, tail tucked beneath his legs. Muscles were tense, knees bending at the joints as he raised his hackles. Here went something.

It was only through luck that he’d been distanced from the female in the first place. In her attempt to close the distance he had enough time to spin around and face her, and now he could make a counter move. Naoise would attempt to side step three paces to the right, avoiding the brunt of the female’s attack. No longer were his hips in play here, her chest would land on nothing but air. Right foreleg {Cascade’s} would close around air as well, though her left foreleg would sweep around his left foreleg and pull it towards her own body. Finally, the female’s jaws would instead land upon his left upper shoulder, her nose pointing over towards the right side of his body and her lower jaw laying directly over the topmost part of his shoulder in a crushing, severe bite.

Fighting against the pain Naoise would try to act on his own. He would try to bring his left foreleg back against Cascade’s own left foreleg, to yank her back towards him instead of keeping him in close proximity to her. In addition to this move he would attempt to jut out the bony part of his left shoulder to try and dig it into the flesh of Cascade’s left forechest, two inches before where her leg connected to her body. Finally, Naoise would attempt to clamp his jaws down upon the left side of Cascade’s neck, much like she had to him, in a severe, gripping bite. His top jaw would aim to land above her left shoulder and the lower jaw aimed to come down at an angle so that his nose was pointing outward from her shoulder at a fourty-five degree angle. He would at least not go down without a fight.

Naoise vs Casade for Protection From Claim || Round:: 1/2

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-23-2015, 12:55 PM
The boy spun to face her, and sidestepping avoided the brunt of her attacks, but Cas was unconcerned. She just bared her fangs in a broad grin at him as she released her bite immediately. Her weight re-centered as her paws struck the ground instead of his body. Rather than attempting to drag him around by a paw alone she had relinquished her hold on his leg as well, sliding her leg away to bring her back into a squared stance with all four paws on the ground, left shoulder beside Naoise's left shoulder rather than tangled up with him to leave her free to move. Her paws were spread, dark nails digging into the earth and joints loose for freedom of movement. Her elbows and knees bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, tail and head moving to level with her spine once again as her black hackles rose and her grinning muzzle tilted down to protect her throat. Ears plastered back against her head and bright eyes narrowed, Cascade planted her forelegs and swung her hindquarters to her right, pivoting in an attempt to face Naoise's left side.

Naoise's shoulder thrust slide along the front of her chest barely bumped against the front of her left shoulder, as her chest had been rotated away from the thrust, and only a minor bruise would arise on the front part of her left shoulder. With her paw no longer entangled in his and at an angle Naoise would be unable to simply pull her leg from under her, but his teeth still drew vicious but short lacerations down the left side of her neck from just in front of her shoulder blade down at an angle away from. He was unable to gain a grip with her moving, but the wound - while not crippling - was severe and enough that she would undoubtedly be laid up for a while once the adrenaline frenzy of the siege wore off.

Seeking to use the momentum of her pivot, Cascade attempted to slam the front of her right shoulder into Naoise's left side, aiming for the shortribs at the end of the ribcage and halfway down from the spine in the hopes of cracking one of these more fragile ribs. As she did, she attempted to dig her hind claws in and spring forward with her whole body weight, the rest of the front of her chest aiming to press against his left side ribcage behind his shoulder, seeking to bowl him over onto his side with her rush. Simultaneously she turned her head to her left despite the burn of her wounds and attempted to close her jaws overtop his neck with her lower jaw on his left side and her upper canines aiming for a grip on his right side, in a bid for a strong grip around his neck halfway between his head and his shoulders.

Round 2/2
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


10-24-2015, 08:41 PM

The woman released her bite on him immediately, rather than seeking a hold. She would also slide her leg away from him, bringing it back to her side rather than leave them tangled up together. Naoise was far from finished with this woman as his attacks went through. His shoulder thrust had barely bumped the front part of her left shoulder, the woman moving away from him as he initiated his attacks. As the woman pivoted his jaws would draw vicious yet short lacerations down the left side of her neck in front of her shoulder blade and at an angle. {{Basing this off Tea’s Post}}

Naoise sought to keep moving as well, attempt to get his backside moving to the right to keep him angled left shoulder {Naoise} to right shoulder {Cascade} with the woman. While he did so he would make sure that all of his defenses remained intact. Ears were pinned, eyes were narrowed, hackles raised, legs spread, toes spread, and claws biting the earth. Shoulders were rolled forward, tail tucked, and lips snarling.

Because of his own changed movements her shoulder would strike the bony part of his own. The rest of her pending slam in the lunge would meet air at first, though as her body continued with it’s momentum it would eventually hit the middle of his rib cage. The wind would be knocked from him momentarily, stumbling back on hind paws as he righted his balance and shifted his weight evenly on all his legs to keep himself from falling over. He’d twist his head to his own right, away from the snapping jaws of the woman, in part due to his stumbling, and managed to save himself from the bite.

Now came time for Naoise’s retaliation. He would attempt to clamp his jaws down upon the woman’s right upper foreleg, where the chest connected with the leg in hopes of tearing at the flesh in a gripping bite. In addition to this he would swing his left foreleg forward, hoping to grab the leg behind the knee and sweep it into his bite.

Naoise vs Cascade For Protection From Claim || Round:: 2/2

Ooc:: This probably got severely weird and confusing for which I apologize Arin. e.e I’m also being a bit careless with this post but... Just want this fight to be done with.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

The Judge


10-25-2015, 11:49 PM




- All Clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (chin) + 1 (neck) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (tail) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (knees)
Total: 10

+ 3 eye attack
+ 1 maim attempt
+ 2 body bulldoze
+ 2 chest slam
+ 1 leg wrap around
+ 1 grip attempt
Total: 10

- Rnd 1!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 50 / 50


- 2 “adjusting her body 30 degrees t the right” Did you spin? Twist? If your just shifting to the right it would be far clearer to “sidestep” unless your actually pivoting, in which case…how?
-2 “Strike the bony part of her left shoulder at a 45 degree angle” How? Did you pivot? Are you at a 45 degree angle? Towards or away from Birna? What’s going on…
Total: 6

- 2 assumed – by going to knock your shoulder against her knee then raising to bite her back (thus taking your shoulder away from the knee) it’s assuming the attack had been successful in a way. You can’t do an attack and then move away from it to do another attack in the same post.
Total: 8

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (jaws)
Total: 10

+ 1 dirt to face!
+ 2 shoulder to knee
+ 3 hip bite
Total: 6

- Rnd 1!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 40/50



- All clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (legs) + 1 (skull) + 1 (chin) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (tail) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to left thigh
+ 1 grip attempt
+ 2 shoulder throw
+ 2 shoulder to knee
+ 1 paw slam
Total: 9

- 1 minor bruising to left knee
-2 moderate lacerations to top of hip
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 46 / 50


- 2 “60 degree to her own left as well as move forward 3 steps” Uh…weren’t you all up and happy with Birna’s thigh? How is there any room to move 3 steps forward in order to displace all of Birna’s attacks AND still have room to lunge
- 2 “As she pushed up on her front” are you raising up as you did before? Are you just on your tippitoes?
- 1 “aim to step quickly to her left with her hind legs” This would put you at a VERY bent angle. Did you font legs shuffle or are they still pointing at Birna?
Total: 5

- 2 “to make them worse in a severe bite” You must still write a clear attempt for this
- 2 Nested attack. By “paw slamming” her knee then immediately dropping the paw to paw slam Birna’s, this is assuming the first one hit. BTW Birna hit her shoulder to the knee so it isn’t exactly the same move.
Total: 6

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (head) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (weight) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (jaws)

Total: 10

+ 3 bite attempt to rear
+ 1 grip
+ 1 paw stomp
+ 1 paw…slam
+ 2 hip check
Total: 8

- 2 moderate wounds to left thigh
- 1 bruising to left rear leg
- 2 moderate bruising to hock
Total: 5

Total for Round Two:  34 / 50


50 + 46 = 96 / 100

34 + 40 = 74 / 100

And the winner is...

ARIETTA must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Birna, your maim is successful and you may find another fight.


- minor bruising to left knee – 4 OOC days
- moderate lacerations to hip – 2 OOC weeks

- moderate bruise to left hind leg – 4 OOC days
- mild bruise to left thigh – 2 OOC days
- moderate bruise to left hock – 4 OOC days
- Moderate lacerations to left thigh – 2 OOC weeks


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

HO’MAN! That’s the highest score I’ve ever given. Great use of the entire body for attacks. Be wary of overwhelming your opponent, however. Creative attacks far outweighs a billion and one attacks in my eyes. <3

Wow! Dramatic shift from your other fight posts. However, there is a distinct difference between clarity and over explaining. It felt like I was reading a science textbook in places. Over explaining is not good at times because it can be seen as powerplay. Try not to depend on angles only to determine your whereabouts unless you are very clear what direction, where you are in relation to your opponent. Stating you moved at a 45 degree angle could mean you pivoted away from her or into her. Also be clear on if you pivot, turn, or your whole body just sidestepped 30 degrees. Precise, scientific details does not always mean clarity.

- By [Arin]

The Judge


10-26-2015, 12:42 AM




- 2 “Xephyris sprung forward” How much distance was between them?
Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (legs) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (tails) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (head) + 1 (chin) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to throat
+ 1 grip
+ 1 severity
+ 1 paw slam
+ 2 slam attempt
Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 46 / 50


- 2 “Sought to lift her right foreleg and shift her weight suddenly forward to jut the muddle of her right shoulder forwards into the deltoid muscle” This is a long sentence and it is very unclear whether the attempt is for her lifting her leg or if it is for the shoulder hit. You must attempt these movements and it wasn’t clear you did.
Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (legs) + 1 (tail) + 1 (chin) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (shoulders)
Total: 10

+ 3 throat attempt
+ 1 grip
+ 1 severity
+ 2 shoulder hit
+ 1 paw slam
Total: 8

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 46 / 50


- 2 “lifted her front left leg….with the pad of her right forepaw” You switched paws there, like magic~
Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (ear) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to top of muzzle
+ 1 grip attempt
+ 2 shoulder counter
+ 1 paw stomp counter
Total: 7

- Round 1!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 45 / 50



- 2 “her top fangs pierced the skin” Severity? Did she cause any damage anywhere other than puncture? Any nose damage? Any nerve damage?
- 2 “They met shoulder to shoulder in a painful clash” Severity?
- 2 How exactly would raising your leg save you from the neck bite? Did Raba get your leg instead? Is this a counter?
Total: 4

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (face) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin)
Total: 9

+ 1 paw swipe to face
+ 3 bite to foot
Total: 4

- 3 severe lacerations to muzzle
- 2 moderate bruise to shoulder
- 2 moderate bruise to ribs
- 2 moderate bruise to left foreleg
Total: 1

Total for Round Two:  28 / 50


- 2 “aiming to crash her right elbow down” Did she left her leg to accomplish this? You said she aimed to fall on him so did she lift her front paws up?
Total: 8

- 0

Total: 10

+ 1 (skull) + 1 (tail) + 1 (chin) + 1 (neck) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes)
Total: 10

+ 3 counter bite to paw
+ 1 grip
+ 2 body slam
+ 2 face punch! To eye
+ 1 elbow to side
Total: 9

- 1 light bruise to right shoulder
Total: 9

Total for Round Two: 46 / 50


- 1 Raba was aiming to kick to the face as well. You didn’t mention her. Are you avoiding getting in the way of this?
Total: 9

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (tail) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (chin) + 1 (shoulder) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips)
Total: 10

+ 2 gravity aided paw stomps to face
+ 3 bite to neck
+ 1 severity
+1  grip
Total: 7

- 0
Total: 10

Total for Round Two: 46 / 50


XEPH: 46 + 28 = 74 / 100

RABA: 46 + 46 = 92 / 100
MERCY: 45 + 46 = 91 / 100
TOTAL: 91.5

And the winner is...

XEPH must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Mercy and Raba, you may find another fight…if you can.


- Severe lacerations to muzzle – 2.5 OOC weeks, requires a healer
- Moderate bruise to shoulder – 4 OOC days
- Moderate bruise to ribs – 4 OOC days, tenderness.
- Moderate bruise to left foreleg – 4 OOC days

- Light bruise to right shoulder – 2 ooc days

- Moderate bruise to left shoulder – 4 OOC days


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Please watch your wounds, outline what the severity would be. Stating whether they are mild, moderate or severe would save a lot of points! It’s easy. Watch for realistic or unrealistic movements. A wolf can only raise it’s legs so high, so be careful of using that to block from severe attacks. Good job reacting to two opponents! That’s a lot more than you’re used too, and aside from everything you did excellent!

Whew! Good fight once again! Make sure you’re clear on your movements, just saying you fell on someone is fine, but make sure we know what youre doing with your hands! Also distance, I know I’m kind of strict about this, but it gives your opponent a fair amount of time to react to your movements. Loved the face punch.

I, for one, am AWFUL at left and rights, but just keep an eye that you aren’t magically switching paws mid move ;3 Very good and creative use of your paws, and your attacks. Keep up the good work.

- By [Arin]

The Judge


10-26-2015, 01:13 AM




- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (knees) + 1 (stance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (chin)  1 (shoulder) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears)
Total: 10

+ 2 Body slam!
+ 2 bear hug
+ 3 bite to spine
+ 1 severity
+ 1 grip
Total: 9

- 0
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 49 / 50


- 0
Total: 10

- 2 no mention of previous wounds or injuries and how they affected this battle.
Total: 8

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (weight) + 1 (tail) + 1 (knees)
Total: 10

+ 1 trip attempt
+ 2 shoulder hit
+ 3 bite to neck
+ 1 grip
Total: 7

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 45 / 50



- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (paws) + 1 (claws) + 1 (knees) + 1 (tail) + 1 (head) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips) + 1 (chin) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes)

Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder slam
+ 2 body push
+ 3 bite to neck
+ 1 grip
Total: 8

- 1 minor bruise to front left shoulder
- 3 severe lacerations to left of neck
Total: 6

Total for Round Two: 44 / 50


- 2 “continued with its momentum it would eventually hit the middle of his rib cage” How? You turned to face her. She’s surging forward, not turning into it. How could it hit his side/ribcage?
- 2 “the wind would knock from him” That’s it? No fractured ribs? No severity? That’s okay, I covered that for you.
Total: 6

- 2 No mention of previous wounds or injuries and how the affected the battle.
Total: 8

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (legs) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (tail) + 1 (lips)
Total: 9

+ 3 bite to foreleg
+ 1 grip
+ 1 leg grab
Total: 5

- 3 two fractured ribs.
Total: 7

Total for Round Two:  35 / 50


49 + 44 = 93 / 100

35 + 45 = 80 / 100

And the winner is...

NAOISE has been captured. Cascade, you may find another fight if you can...


- Minor bruise to front left shoulder – 3 OOC days
- Severe lacerations to left neck – 3 OOC weeks, requires a healer

- Severe lacerations to right shoulder – 3 OOC weeks, requires a healer
- Two fractured ribs on the left side. – 4 OOC weeks, severe tenderness.


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Good spar, creative moves, I loved it.

Make positive you’re keeping track of old injuries and using them in play, okay? Everything else is in my notes. Keep up the good work!

- By [Arin]