
Protection {siege refuge}



9 Years
Dragon Mod
10-12-2015, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 12:23 AM by Silva.)

The girls tail wagged when she saw the big blue man approach when Ana called. She liked him, and she wanted to make friends with him. Despite her upbringing, she would make nice with Glacier for helping and also because she wanted to one day ride on the back of a giant blue woof! She adored the idea, and wondered if he would let her while they were here. He stopped to greet them, her eyes shining though she would quickly turn and give a face to Ana when the yearling only said a few words. Silva knew somewhat what was going on, having been here with her father and listening.

She turned back to the man when he spoke again, and then waited rather impatiently when he called for someone else. And she couldn't help herself, once again she stretched to peer past him, to see who he had called. Her tail wagged harder when she saw a yellow wolf appear, boy this pack was colorful! But the pikachu guy didn't look really happy...he looked at them, and she smiled but he quickly went into conversation with Glacier. Huffing, she waited till they finished. And finally Glacier told them they could stay, but they had to stay on the Prairie. She was grateful, but at the same time didn't like it. She wanted to see the beach! Maybe if she behaved well he would take her to see what a beach was.

When he told them everything, she nodded. Then thought about telling him some stuff. "Squirrel can't talk, he's our babysitter. Ana is kinda grumpy, but we'll behave!" Yay! She was helping! She looked at the rest of her siblings, eyes rolling at arc as her sister swatted Glacier's tail and called him a dummy, nooo she was going to make him mad and not take her to the beach! "Arc be nice! Glacier is nice so we have to be nice!" She looked back up at Glacier, a smile on her face. "Can I help hunt!? I wanna he-- Whoa who was that!? Her tail wagged harder and she couldn't contain herself.

Another wolf approached and she had purple! This excited her even more and the girl would run forward, right up to the silver and purple girl as she tried to reach up and place her paws on her chest, tail wagging furiously. "Hi! You're pretty! Are you related to Glacier!? He's pretty too because he's blue! But you're purple and that's prettier! Are you gonna help hunt too? I wanna help! Can I help!?"




2 Years
10-13-2015, 02:54 PM
The pups were fine, sitting or standing outside this unknown pack's border. The slave boy was worried though, both for his Masters and their home, but now he was turning his attention to Shiro who was having trouble breathing with his illness still around. Quickly he slipped by the other pups, going up to the boy and gently nosing his shoulder then up the neck to lick at his are with a low whine. As long as he la there, he would be fine, relax and breathe.

A howl was sent from Anaeia to call for this pack's leader, a blue colored man emerging from the territory and towering over the small group. Squirrel gulped as he looked up at the man, ears folding back against this skull and tail tugging in between his back legs. He wanted to know what happened, thankfully the brown colored shewolf answering his questions. But he wanted to talk to someone, stepping back and howling. Within moments a yellow colored wolf appeared, not as large but still easily towering over the group. Would they taking them in and enslave them? The slave boy wasn't used to be around such large and oddly colored people before, so he was pretty frightened.

After some talk the yellow one left and the blue one directed his attention towards Squirrel and Anaeia, nodding at the directions and restrictions they would be given for being allowed within their territory. But then one of the pups went up and started batting at Glacier's tail, sending panic over Squirrel's body. He'd step forward quickly, whimpering quietly to the large man in apology and was going to grab the girl but Anaeia took action faster. He'd pull back and keep his head lowered, flinching at her words towards the child while they were in the presence of these wolves. Another showed, white with light lavender markings. He just wanted this over with.

Silva's words would bring him back, nodding his skull rapidly before going still and remained sitting there with his gaze towards his paws, waiting.



6 Years
Extra large
10-15-2015, 06:30 PM

As he moved back to the group of youngsters one in particular, one of the pups wold smack at his paw – one of the only parts of him that wasn't already touching the ground that she could actually reach. He turned and smiled at the little one, finding the fluff ball's annoyance endearing, through he worried also. He didn't not want to be the one to break any bad news to these little creatures. The little one that 'attacked' him was quickly dragged away by the others. His eyes drifted to Silva then, the only familiar face, and the only one that didn't seem naturally hostile. She also became the voice of reason as she keyed him in to what was what. That made sense, the oldest wolf here who Glacier would have expected to be more forthcoming in information was mute. She was just going on to ask if she could hunt and he grinned, nodded his head, and then was distracted by the appearance of his Lavender sister.

“Oh... Gale” he said, and the relief was palpable in his voice. No doubt she wouldn't know how to deal with children either, but they could flail and be confused together he would be firm on that. He snorted in surprise at her first comment, through perhaps he should have expected it. “Ah yes, perhaps I should have mentioned, your officially in charge of tours, and they start promptly at 8am, we've been standing around here waiting for you for hours Gale” he said, his expression accusatory, before he shook his head, letting the serious situation show on his expression “These young ones have to stay here for a little while, I'm not sure how long, a day? Two? They have been restricted to the Algama Prairie only, and, well.. “ he leaned closer to his sister and whispered in her air “I hope you have some idea what to do with children because I'm clueless, I've got nothing” he said for her ears only, and pulled away to show her his grin, if he was thrown into the deep end, then his sweet sister was being taken with him.  




5 Years
10-24-2015, 05:38 PM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

She seemed to have arrived right in the midst of negotiations, though Gale could not for the life of her understand what a small pack of pups could have to negotiate with her brother and Donostrea. She was sure the confused look on her face expressed her feelings a little too well, perhaps a little too animatedly, but she could not bring herself to care overmuch. What was much more concerning was what part she played in all of this, though she could see within an instant after arriving that "entertainment" might have been a piece of it. Before she could even notice the girl who had noticed her, Gale was rushed by one of the pups. She stepped back and only just caught herself from leaping away as the child stood up to rest her paws on the lavender marked wolf's chest, and Gale drew her head back as far as she was able as she stared into a face that was far too close and lit up with enough energy to match the sun. What had she gotten herself into?

She tried, with some effort, to muster up a smile for the girl though she did not answer the endless questions that tumbled, overflowing, from her inquisitive lips. Instead she only chuckled, mostly nervously, and stepped back slowly enough to disengage from the enthusiastic child without causing her to tumble. Free, she rounded as composedly as she could on her brother, and knew she would not like what he had to say simply from the look on his face. Oh, if anything meant trouble, it was definitely that smile on Glacier's face, hands down.

It would have pleased her to hear him joke along with her opening statement had the circumstances been just a little different - with fewer bystanders and slimmer chances that the joke might actually be real - but as it was she still could not bring herself to smile sincerely. There was just too much confusion for it, though thankfully Glacier went right into an explanation that at least slightly appeased her need to know what was going on. These kids - she offered them a quick glance from the corner of her eye, still half expecting the exuberant one to leap at her again - were temporary guests, for a few days at least. And dear brother had wrangled her into pup sitting with him.

Gale blinked. And blinked again. He was serious. He had seriously gathered up a bunch of pups of varying ages - and one adult? - and was now responsible with watching them, keeping them safe, feeding them, all while they boasted the scent of another pack. It was a huge undertaking, one that she could imagine her brother had not taken on lightly. They already had two kids to watch out for, and Illume and Current were more than enough of a handful already. There seemed only one question that she could ask, and with her puzzlement and need for understanding clear in her almost painful expression she leaned in close to him and whispered back, "I liked this better when we were giving tours. Why in the world are we babysitting now?"



6 Years
Extra large
10-24-2015, 07:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2015, 07:09 PM by Glacier.)

He knew Gale's displeasure immediately and he couldn't hide his grimace, she didn't look extremely Psyched to be dragged into the babysitting business. Honestly, Voltage would be the one of them with the most experience now but his concern for his own children came first. What exactly did one do with children? How did one keep them out of trouble? This far his role in Illume and Current's lives where to help them get into mischief more then ensure they stayed out of it. After all, he had the role of favorite Uncle to maintain.

“Your right, tours are probably more fun, we get to get rid of them at the end of it” he teased under his breath even as he steered Gale a few steps away from the youngsters. “You where there when I talked to Surreal, did you understand much of the situation of Hellstrom? It seems I've inadvertently gotten myself mixed up in it. I haven't offered an alliance, I wouldn't get the rest of you dragged into that, but I might have let him know I wouldn't turn away his children if there was dire need, it seems that time has come. There pack is under attack and they hide out here, where our neutral standing making us the only ones who will not claim or hurt their young ones. We should understand the outcome in a day or two, and what of their pack remains should come and claim them at the end of it” would be his lengthy explanation, and one well out of earshot to the children, he would not want to speak so openly about the destruction of their homeland where they could hear it.




5 Years
10-28-2015, 01:25 AM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

The humor Glacier tried to weave into the situation did not get taken up by Gale quite so fully as he probably would have liked, though she did follow beside him as he led them both a few steps away from the kids - and one adult - who stood on their border. The lavender-marked wolf cast one quick glance over her shoulder, eyeing the girl who had practically leaped on her in particular, before she gave her brother and Ferax her full attention. There was a story here, of that she was certain, and she was very eager to learn what it was so that she could make sense of the new job description that she had been given.

He spoke after he had put enough distance between them both and the Hellstrom brood to allow for a fair amount of privacy, and the small grey wolf realized quickly it all had to do with things that were beyond her realm of expertise. The apparent confusion written clearly across her features transformed suddenly into nervousness, but despite the uneasiness of the topic Gale listened, nodding her head affirmatively at the appropriate times and staying silent through the telling. As she cast another quick glance at the kids, she felt a little of her heart go out to them. They were in a rough spot, that was for certain, and being removed from your home was something that Gale could understand all too well.

She sighed as she let her attention slide back to her mountainous blue brother, feeling the resignation beginning to settle into place. She was not a babysitter by nature, nor did she have the training for it. But she could see the good Glacier was trying to do, and it was strong enough to get her to help back him. "Well," Gale answered, "here's to hoping for a good outcome. Whatever that may be." Can any good come from a war? She pondered the question to herself, and sighed another time, this one louder than the previous one. "I blame you and your kind heart to the damage this is going to do to my nerves. Kids," she said the word with distaste, wrinkling her nose with a shake of her head. She exaggerated, if only a little, but there was nothing to say she needed to accept her fate with a nod and a smile, especially if not doing so meant she got to pick on dear brother.