
So Scary



5 Years
10-24-2015, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2015, 01:05 AM by Glacier.)

Walk | Talk | Think

Padding quietly through the Prairie, Anais left the trail she had been following in pursuit of the stream that ran across one end of the territory. She had spent the better part of the last few hours simply keeping an eye on the animals that called the Algoma Prairie home, watching the movement of potential targets and the locations of the more stationary ones that she logged away for later times. Most of what she had been catching since her promotion had been of the smaller variety, things that were easily hunted down on her own. With the majority of the pack doing their own thing, Anais was afraid to call together any hunts involving the group as a whole, fearing that there would be little interest if any at all, and not enough to make a group hunt worthwhile.

The smaller game helped double at keeping her occupied into the autumn season. It might have made keeping the pack fed a little more daunting and time consuming, but with her attention and energy given over to that important task it left only a minimal amount to be given over to the other changes that had started to take place. She had noticed it a couple weeks into autumn, and it had taken her at least a day to recognize what it was. Her body felt restless, her emotions more prone to insecurity, and thoughts that had once invaded her mind a year before were starting to creep back in. She was educated enough to understand what it all meant, but far too self-conscious and unsure to let her new found impulses try to take the lead. Even thinking about it, however, did nothing to help, and so busy work seemed the next best option.

The only problem with that solution was that it was sure to be noticed. Glacier, of everyone, kept her company the most, and usually she welcomed him wholeheartedly into her daily routine, however he wanted to be a part of it. But having him around now only seemed to escalate things to a new level, and she could hardly look at him without blushing self-consciously. Anais knew she would need to talk to him, need to ask him questions and figure things out between them for what the future would hold, but the whole notion sounded much more scary and daunting than feeding the pack with small game did. She decided, as she approached the stream, that she would take a break and think on it now, to try and figure out what she should say to him when they did finally have their important talk. It was bound to come up soon, so the sooner she prepared for it, the better off the both of them would be.

Satisfied with her decision, the golden brown hunter stopped beside the stream and paused to release a heavy sigh. Why did it all have to be so scary?
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-24-2015, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2015, 10:58 PM by Glacier.)

Anais's busy schedule hadn't gone unnoticed by Glacier, nor had the heady scent that had begun to stir in Anais. For the most part he let her be, giving her the space she sought in her long hunting trips. Of course, her absence was unusual and he felt it keenly, but for the moment it was the better option. He wanted to give her time to re adjust to her body's changes, the first time she had been in heat around he had lost himself a little and in that loss of control they had formed a relationship. Of course, that also highlighted the fact that the two had been together for a year now and that wasn't something he wanted to leave unappreciated.

In the stream that ran along their territory he found a stone, run smooth by the rivers gentle current. It was a dark, obsidian color and unusual to look at, it reminded him of pieces of meteorite he had seen before. Its rarity is what drew him to it, and decided it for him. It wasn't just another rose or sea shell, it was something more unusual and rare. With this gift in his possession he would hunt down his Anais. It breached his desire to give him space, but intended only to spend a short time in her presence to commemorate their year long relationship.

He found her resting beside the very stream the rock had originated from, his tail took up a gentle wag behind him and his head titled as he grinned wide around the rock. He moved near her, leaving a few spaces between them for her to leave or fill as she wished. He put the rock down then and nudged it with his head, indicating it was for. “Happy anniversary Anais” he said gently.




5 Years
10-24-2015, 11:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The golden brown wolf licked her lips after taking a drink from the stream, and sat down beside it as she forced her thoughts down paths she had been avoiding. She needed to talk to Glacier. While their relationship seemed to be headed down a strong and stable path, full of happiness and companionship to share between them, the current changes were bringing up new ideas, new paths that they could explore together. The biggest and most obvious was possibly the chance to begin a physical relationship, but, even more than that, was the option of starting their own family. The two went hand in hand in Anais's world, and she was starting to wonder if the timing was right for it. Voltage had already started a family, and they were proving that they had the skill to care for pups as a pack. And the thought of her child or children growing up surrounded by cousins and aunts and uncles, people who loved made her smile.

She was still smiling when she heard the familiar tread of her love approaching, and accompanying the automatic flutter that he caused within her stomach was a little jittery sort of sensation. Had her thoughts called him to her, summoning him without realizing? Oh, if he had any idea the thoughts that had been going through her mind... She blushed beneath her fur just thinking about it, but offered him a welcoming smile nonetheless, happy to see him as always. But of everything about him, it was the rock he carried in his jaws that caught her attention the most. With it to puzzle over, she was able to forget her own thoughts, her own self-consciousness around him to focus on it, and he did not leave her puzzling over it long. He approached her and set the rock down between them, indicating it was meant for her, and offered a sweet reminder that she had embarrassingly forgotten.

The rock was beautiful, as shiny as the shoreline where they made their home and certainly the envy of many of those that Glacier's brother made a point to collect for himself. She eyed the lovely stone for a moment in wonder, amazed not only that he had been able to find it, but that he had had the forethought to get it for her as a gift to celebrate their first year of being together. Touched beyond words, her view of the stone became blurry as her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and a few leaked out as she tried to blink them away. She felt awfully silly for all of her worries then, all of the time she had been giving herself away from him. Did it matter what was decided in the end, whether their relationship would take a new turn now or sometime in the future? Whenever it happened, she knew she would always be happy with him, no matter what was decided.

She rose and stepped closer to the stone so that she could lift her paw and delicately brush it across the surface, admiring the sheen of it as it moved under her touch and caught the daylight. Anais could hardly stop herself from smiling as she looked up again into the brilliant and kind face of her big blue protector, and no matter her earlier feelings she stepped toward him, closing the distance, and reached up to nuzzle into his neck. "It's beautiful, Glacier," she remarked with awe, "thank you." She lingered there beside him, leaned slightly against him, as she was reminded of his strength, his gentleness, his patience. "I wish I had something to give you too," she added in a halting apology, though even as she said it her thoughts wound back around to where they had been just before he arrived. Against her will, she blushed again, and only hoped her close proximity to him would prevent him from noticing it in its entirety.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-25-2015, 12:16 AM

When Anais looked up at his approach, he would catch the heat in her cheeks that told him he had caught her somewhat off guard. His own lips quirked upward and he found himself wondering what was going through her mind. He hadn't a chance yet to catch her scent, with the distance between them and the wind in her favor. It was probably for the best at the moment, he was better off with a clear head and the absence of awkwardness that might bring with it.

Anais's eyes didn't move from the gift and he saw in her eyes unshod tears, that brought a brightness to her golden expression. His heart melted, and his resolve to give her space nearly disintegrated when a few drops leaked free. He didn't need to move, as she closed some of the distance between them, putting herself in position to admire her gift. He watched her as she touched the surface with a delicate paw, before she took another step closer and pushing her muzzle into his neck. He smiled and tilted his head so it pressed against her own neck, taking in a breath of that alluring scent. It was a subtle smell, yet powerful, full of life and sweet things, everything that Anais was.

“I'm glad you like it” he breathed into her neck, unable to keep himself from pressing his nose into her coat. He would go no further then that, pushing back the thoughts of her beauty and wonder to concentrate on her voice and words. His lips parted in a chuckle at her last sentence “Your gift is your smile” he promised her, his head still leaning against her and his eyes slipped closed. It was always so wonderful to be in her presence, when nothing but her fulled his senses. Of course, the scent of her was also making him a little dizzy and perhaps even more sentimental then he normally was with her. It was always hard to tell, when it overpowered his senses. He sighed, and took a step back, shifting his nose in the direction of the water to give himself a clear breath and clearer mind. He grinned at her sheepishly then, no doubt she had noticed his movements. “Are you taking a break from hunting? You deserve one, your single-handedly feeding the pack judging by how much of the kill in the stash is yours” he teased.




5 Years
10-25-2015, 02:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Naturally Glacier did not see her lack of a gift as any sort of problem, but it still did not entirely change how she felt. He had done so much for her that Anais wanted in that moment to give him something just as fantastic, as beautiful, to convey the depth of her feelings for him, just the same way that he had. She smiled to herself as he promised that her reaction was enough, and continued to lean against him as he wrapped his head around her neck, but promised herself that she would set aside time to find something for him - a stone, a flower, a shell from the shoreline - something that would offer him a reminder of her and, if possible, match everything that he had already gifted to her. It would in no way be a simple, quick assignment, but considering how much he meant to her time was inconsequential.

The longer she stayed beside him, against him, the more the self-conscious girl wanted to immerse herself in his warmth, his sweetness, his consideration for her. She wanted to wrap herself up in everything that made him wonderful and stay with him for days and months and years on end. Lifting her head again, she nuzzled once more into his neck, her own eyes closing as her cheek brushed through his thick blue fur. There was a strong temptation to kiss his cheek, a temptation that she was not sure would be wholly satisfied with that single act alone, but before she could decide whether to act on it or not Glacier stepped away and turned his head toward the stream. The smile on his face spoke plainly enough why he did it, and, as she seemed incredibly prone to doing today, she blushed another time, certain she needed the small amount of space between them too.

His inquiry expertly steered the conversation away from the seasonal awkwardness that hung over them like an intoxicating cloud, and Anais could not stop herself from chuckling at the accurate description he gave of her work thus far. "I know," she answered almost apologetically, feeling sheepish herself at how much of the hunting she had taken on solely for herself and how consumed she must have appeared to those to who saw her over the past month. "I'm still nervous about calling any hunts together to share the responsibility. I've sort of convinced myself your brothers and sisters are too busy to help out," she explained, though only partially admitted to the truth. She was also afraid they would simply turn down her request. "But the hunting's been good for me," she added with an affirmative nod, and had to force herself to add, "it's given me time to think." Was she really going to bring this all up now? She had just created the perfect opening, the perfect chance to find out if they were on the same page or whether she was a couple pages ahead. Though she sat again and shifted her weight nervously, Anais prepared herself to unveil her thoughts to her slow and steady partner.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-28-2015, 01:21 AM

Color heated Anais's cheeks once more as he moved away from here, and one eye blinked lazily closed in a wink as he turned his face back to her. She was still so innocent and gentle, and he knew that no matter what happened he would never, ever, push his wonderful Anais. If it meant taking a step back in times like these then he would do it, and she surely understood his need to clear his head. He would never forget how she had been in the first few moments they had meet, the timid shy creature curious and uncertain by the giant on the frozen lake. It had been slow work to get her to trust him, but it had been worth every second of wait to have the chance to hold her in his arms and call him hers. It was that very innocence that caught his attention and watching her unfurl from her shell and trust him had been a rewarding moment.

He was brought back to the present with her words, grinning at the almost apologetic way she accepted the credit of their packs entire stash and he chuckled softly. Without her, the pack would probably be half starved by this point. He needed to try again to kick their lazy butts and wake them up, his siblings seemed to be walking around half asleep these days. Perhaps a bit of hunger might have helped to wake them up, but he did not undervalue Anais's hard work. He snorted louder at her next words. “There too busy working on their tans. You should call a hunt, tell them doctor alpha's orders if you want” he grinned “boot them in their lazy butts, and you can blame everything on me” he teased her lovingly, moving closer towards her as he spoke without actually realizing his actions.

An eye would be raised at her next words “I've noticed” he began, his soft tone clearly teasing her before he continued. “Anything interesting going on up there?” he asked, his lip quivering just slightly, it truly seemed he was incapable of keeping serious in Anais's presence. He simply felt utterly and completely at home beside her and she got to see all the humor hiding behind his serious exterior.




5 Years
10-30-2015, 01:56 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could see plainly that Glacier did not agree with her assumption of his siblings being too busy to help with hunting duties. Truth be told, his point of view had crossed her mind at least once too, but she hated to think she was accusing them of something that she did not know for certain. It seemed kinder to assume they had other things to tend to, other important matters that prevented them from being around to help her feed them, and so she had stuck with that. It did feel somewhat liberating to hear her giant blue wolf encourage her to drag them out of hiding and into a proper hunt, and though she was still a little unsure about how it would all turn out, she did find herself considering it more strongly. "I might do that," Anais mused through a subdued smile that spoke of cautious optimism. Maybe she would. And maybe they would surprise her.

Just the same way that Glacier continued to surprise her. He must have gotten his breath back because he stepped closer to her once more, and as he came nearer Anais felt her heart beat steadily faster in her chest. There was enough pressure as it was to have the conversation she intended to have with him without her season playing with her thoughts as well, and the closer he got the more those wires got crossed the point she had to think a little bit harder in order to keep her thoughts on track and not simply become distracted by him. Anything interesting? Oh, if only you knew, she thought with a nervous, almost guilty sort of giggle, fully aware of the influence she was under but unable to properly get her mind and feelings under her full control. Oh goodness, this was so much trickier than she had ever expected it to be!

But she had already started it. There was no going back. "Maybe," Anais answered, her voice quiet and coated thickly in a nervousness that was growing increasingly more difficult to hide. The smile on her face slowly faded and the look about her became one of uncertainty and question, her golden eyes searching his face for any sort of reaction or response. "Possibly. I've been thinking a lot about us. About where we're headed. It's been...distracting, really. But I realized something." She continued to restlessly shift her weight from one foreleg to the other, and visibly fought to keep her ears from tipping back to rest against her head. "I love you, Glacier," - the words were spoken with heavy sincerity, drowning in the fullness of her affection for him - "and I know you love me too. I think..."

Anais paused, collecting herself as she stared upward into Glacier's face with nervousness written on hers. Was she really doing this? Was she really going to suggest they cross that line? It was frightening, all of it foreign and unknown to her though she had been given the lessons as a youth. And children...they were the biggest responsibility she had ever known in her life. But I love him, she reminded herself, and felt her heart swell again as it helped to bolster her nerves. Her anxiety had almost stopped the words in her throat, but with a patient effort she eased them out. And he loves me. "I...I-I think I'm ready. To be with you, and...start a family." It felt so very terrifying to say it aloud, made her feel incredibly vulnerable and painfully exposed. But she loved him, loved him with everything she had in her, and despite her worries she felt she was ready to take the next big step with him. If only he was ready too.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-30-2015, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2015, 02:11 AM by Glacier.)

The giant rewarded her with a brilliant grin when she admitted she might just attempt a group hunt. Honestly, it would be amazing to see Anais take charge, for her to see for herself that others could look up to her and take her lead. It would also double, of course, as a rewarding sight to see his siblings booted off their lazy asses. He was close to her again, his unconscious steps bringing him closer to her form as through she hypnotized him, as through he simply could not keep away. His next breath was fulled with her intoxicating season and he breathed deep and long. There was so much of Anais in that intake, she smelled like grass and flowers, she smelt like the bushes she had brushed against as she hunted day in and day out.

Her little reply, her 'maybe' dragged out another smile, this one fulled with fond teasing. It dropped away slowly as her own face became more serious and he seated himself on his rump so his traitorous body couldn't steal the last few steps that would allow him to dig his head into the soft coat of her neck. His expression was gentle now, encouraging, and his eyes never left her face. Her words confused him, and he found all traces of playfulness dropping away as he listened intently, searching for meaning in her words.

His eyes melted a little with her words, through he didn't speak yet, she had the floor wholly and utterly and he listened with rapt attention and supporting eyes. Her last words hit him like a bulldozer, his sweet and gentle Anais was willing to go as far out of her shell as one could, all for her love for him, her love for the idea of starting a family. He closed the distance between him and buried his nose in her coat, breathing in the scent of her, before pulling his head back and looking deep into her eyes, and at last he would allow himself to speak. “I love you Anais, I love you so much it terrifies me, it remind me of how alive I am. For you, I would wait till the ends of our lives if I must, I want you to know that no matter what you should never feel rushed or compelled to do anything you don't want to. The idea of starting a family with you... sounds like my wildest dreams come true, but even for that, I would wait till the end of the world if I must. Anything we do, we do because you want to, because I want to, because we want to, together” he promised her.




5 Years
10-30-2015, 02:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was an absolute bundle of nerves as she awaited a response from Glacier. She had always assumed he was the slow and steady type, the one that never rushed anything and chose instead to crawl through life at a snail's pace, not to hinder those around him but because that was what suited him best. It was that patience that had caused her to open up to him, to give the big, intimidating, giant of a wolf a chance to show himself as something other than what he appeared. It was his gentleness that had won her over in the end, that had enabled her to give him her trust, and it was everything that he was combined that had stolen her heart before she even realized it was happening.

But while he continued to remain seemingly content with how things were, with the slow and steady route, Anais felt like she was getting ahead of him. She felt her season was rushing her along and, in a way, pulling her away from the wolf that she loved. She did not want her suggestion to surprise him, catch him off guard, and cause him to step back when she was already so much further ahead. She had to hope, and trust, that his patient ways would work in her favor to make him think and consider her point of view, no matter that she feared otherwise.

She felt shaky as she watched him, unable to read anything on his face either because it was not clear or her own mind was too frazzled to make sense of it. Her heart sputtered a beat when he moved and her ears did fold back then, her eyes never leaving him. He came closer, foregoing the small barrier of space that had been put between them to press his face into her golden brown fur. Anais's eyes closed and her body trembled as she reached up to nuzzle her cheek into the soft fur of his shoulder, feeling her lip wobble as she stifled a whine. What did this mean? Was he ready as she was? Was he trying to slow her down? The unknown was nerve wracking, and she tried not to cry as she bit her lip and looked up into his face one he drew back to meet her gaze. What are you thinking?

He told her, and she realized that she had been reading him wrong. His thoughts had paralleled her own, for who knew how long, but he did not want to rush her. He had not been uninterested in the thought of starting a family with her, nor had it been something he was not ready for. He had only been waiting on her to bring it up, to say that was what she wanted and that she was ready. Though she had not known, he had been trying to be considerate of her again, offering her patience and time to warm up to the thought instead of planting the idea in her head in order to pressure her into making up her mind faster. She felt incredibly silly for worrying, for not knowing until now, but so much more relieved. She had thought she was ahead of him, but he had been secretly waiting there for her to catch up the whole time.

The tears that had begun welling in her eyes, from relief and happiness, spilled over with a laugh that was almost a sob as Glacier finally revealed to her his thoughts on starting a family with her. She could barely breathe let alone speak around the lump that had formed in her throat, silencing anything she might have answered him with, and instead she nodded her head profusely, repeatedly, in agreement with each final phrase he made. Together. They would make the decision together. She could hardly control herself as she stepped into him, pressing her face into his neck in a rough nuzzle as she leaned against his frame. She felt certain she could never get close enough to him. A little watery laugh slipped out of her as she smiled, pulling away from his neck to place kiss after quick little kiss against his cheek, wanting to shower him in an endless flow of affectionate gestures. "I love you, Glacier," she repeated again in a whisper, smiling teary eyed while meeting his silver gaze as she informed him, "I don't want to wait anymore."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-30-2015, 03:27 PM

He hadn't realized the thought had been growing in her mind, that the temptation of starting a family had started to nag at her. Her season had come about, marking the month he had admitted his feelings for her, and her to him. They had been together for a year and he had slowly introduced her to the quite life of his family and the change of pass of having a mate, through one that took things slow. He needed her to know that he would always wait for her, to ensure that whatever steps they took forward where ones made with complete acceptance, that she was ready and willing to take that step.

Her little hiccuped laughter almost stuttered his heart and he pulled her in closer and held her tight. When he felt her pull away he lessened his hold and laughed softly as she showered little butterfly kisses along his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against hers, breathing in the scent of her. Somewhere along the way he had stopped taking in her heat consciously and he let himself enjoy the alluring beauty of it now.

Even the stone giant was only a wolf, and the scent tempted him in ways he would never want to admit. It was why he always tried so hard to keep a clear head around his Anais whenever she was on heat, he needed to show her that there was all the time in the world. “I love you too, my Little Mouse” he said softly, calling her by the nickname he had decided upon in their first meeting, when her shy little ways had caught his attention, on the bank of a frozen lake. “Then you wont have to wait any longer” he promised her, already began to think about the best way to go about this, how to make it special and memorable to her, this day when they decided to start a family. He kissed her cheek gently “Would you come away with my my Anais, to the cliff tops where, when the sun sets, we can see the stars?” he asked her softly.




5 Years
10-31-2015, 02:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Another quiet, giddy little chuckle fell from her lips as he spoke her nickname, the very name that he had chosen to call her even before he had known what her true name was. That it had managed to stick over all this time was somewhat surprising in retrospect, but she could understand why it did. As much as she liked to think of herself as the brave, enthusiastic adventurer that she had been in her youth, Anais knew she had changed. She was cautious, nervous, and at times quiet: just like the Little Mouse he named her for. She loved hearing it, loved knowing that he was the only one to ever use it, and hoped that he would continue to do so into the future.

She was so lucky to have him. She knew it as he promised her their waiting was over, as she watched the gears turning behind the shimmering silver eyes of his. He had plans, grand plans most likely, and he alluded to them with a question of the cliffs, of sunsets and stars. Her timid but delighted smile softened as she sighed, touched by the romantic picture that he was painting. It would have been an ideal spot if it did not hold a special place in her heart, but the fact that it did only made it more significant and important to her. Those cliffs had been where she had first realized the true extent of her feelings for him, where they had stayed up half the night talking and learning so much about each other. She loved the location, the memories attached to it. And she loved that he had been thoughtful enough to think of it.

There were butterflies in her stomach that fluttered about incessantly, and her heart felt full to bursting with the love she felt him. She did not cry again but tears remained welled within her yellow-gold gaze, almost sparkling as she smiled at him and with a dreamy, conceding tone of voice answered, "I'd go anywhere with you." Perhaps it was just a little exaggerated for what he requested, but deep down she knew it was truth. She loved him, unconditionally and beyond her control. She had to be with him, and would go wherever it was that he wanted to go. Even if it was just up to the cliff tops in order for them to see the stars come out together.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
10-31-2015, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2015, 04:43 PM by Glacier.)

He leaned over and cleared away the last of her tears with a gentle brush of his tongue. He could see more shimmering in her golden orbs, marks of happiness rather then despair. When she replied, and told him that she would go anywhere with him, his eyes crinkled with the ease in which he smiled. “Perfect” he promised her, and nuzzled her head gently, pulling away and nudging her side as he did so, gently indicating she should follow. He no longer attempted to keep his head clear of her wondrous scent, instead he took in a deep breath and felt his head swim, feeling a little out of his mind.

He let her from the Prairie and back to the beach, ducking through the hollow cave and out its back door and up the circled path that wound to the cliff top. He swept a paw over a spot of rough earth, smoothing it over and creating a spot for the two of them to sit together. He settled himself down, and only then would he speak again. “Remember when you use to come over for adventures? A few times you would stay over and we would stay up and ask each other questions of our lives. You told me then you'd never thought of having children before, how long have you been thinking about it? About raising a family?” he asked softly, and then his lips tilted into a mischievous smile “Feel free to turn this into a chance to ask me questions too by the way” he offered, he wanted a chance to better understand what was going on in that pretty head of hers, where her thoughts had lead her.





5 Years
10-31-2015, 05:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her golden eyes closed as Glacier kissed her tears away, another soft giggle drawn out by the sweet gesture. Goodness, she could not remember feeling this happy before, this excited and nervous all at once. It made her feel jittery and restless, but not in a bad way. In fact, she could not imagine anything that could have made the moment better, anything that could make her happier than she already felt knowing that Glacier was in agreement with her on where they stood in their relationship. And soon - no more waiting, he had promised - they would be taking the next step together.

She leaned in as he nuzzled her, so glad that he was no longer keeping his distance, and breathed in deeply his scent much the same way that he did hers. This was good. She liked the closeness, the sense of belonging, of protection, of love. They were making a good choice, and the timing for it felt right. Their pack was stable, safe. There were already pups running about the place, proving that the pack could handle the responsibility even if everyone did not play an active role in the lives of the young ones. But it was a good home, a happy home, and Anais could not think of putting the decision off for another year. Now was a good time.

He drew away and, with a careful nudge, coaxed her along with him. Tail wagging, the golden brown hunter beamed upward into his face as she fell into quick step beside him, sticking close and occasionally brushing her side against his. They traveled back toward the beach, through the cave and up the rise behind it toward the cliffs that overlooked the ocean. Anais waited as Glacier cleared a spot for the pair of them where they had a great view and then sank down beside him as he began to speak, reminiscing about the previous times they had been there. So he remembered the significance of the location after all!

But it seemed she had forgotten a bit of that tale too. He reminded her of their question game and of the children he had asked her about. Thinking about it now, Anais felt her cheeks coloring again as she remembered answering just as he said she had. That had been so long ago, or at least it felt like ages. So much had changed since then. She laughed once, gently, before answering. "Not...too long," she admitted. "I think your brother's children helped." She might not have gotten to see much of Illume and Current, but she had caught enough glimpses to feel her heart tug at the idea. "And then all those other ones taking refuge here," she added, "just got my thoughts circling back to it more." Of course, it being her season helped too.

She stared at him a moment before shifting closer, snuggling up against his side and reaching out to nuzzle her face into the soft fur of his neck while her ears folded to her head. Just a little timidly she reached out to place a lingering kiss against his cheek, and as she drew back she asked in a quiet but curious tone, "Did you think about it before?" He had been waiting for her to catch up, after all. Maybe he had known from the beginning that they would end up here one day.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
11-04-2015, 05:28 PM

She gave real thought to his question, and it was a good thing she did. His reason for asking, his need to get a feel for what was going on in her mind helped ease him into the idea of taking the next step with her. He did not want to cause her pain or heartache, he needed to know she would be ready for more then the potential night ahead of them, but what resulted from it in the long run. Yes, she had told him she was ready for children, but to hear more of the going on in the veil behind her eyes was a help to the giant.

His breath caught as she pushed herself closer into his side, before a content sigh escaped him. He used his muzzle to gently pull her closer yet as she nudged her head into the recess of his neck. That gave him reach to an area just behind her ear and above her cheek and he pressed soft kisses along it, working his way down to the part of her muzzle that wasn't snuggled into his coat. He found her lips just as she asked her question of him and he felt the movement of her words as she spoke them. His body gave a gentle shake as he laughed, a playful rumble emanating from somewhere in his throat. It was perhaps blatantly obvious that her scent was bringing out his playful side and his gently places kisses where less then innocent.

He pulled away from her cheek with a reluctant sigh, through a grin parted his lips as he spoke. “In truth, i'm never really sure what to do with pups, but Voltage's hoard has shown me how precious and wonderful they are. Through I can't myself imagine raising them – I would prefer to shower them in gifts and get them into trouble then discipline them” he breath rasped in a soft laugh “Through the idea of you a mamma to little creatures we made together melts my heart” he said gently.





5 Years
11-15-2015, 04:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Distance was a thing of the past. She had been practically avoiding him since the beginning of the season, turned shy by its effects and needing the time to sort out of her thoughts, and now realized just how much it made her want to be beside him more. If anything, it had only made the problem worse. As she snuggled in, Glacier drew her even closer, and her smile was a giddy mixture of excitement and nerves. The feel of his kisses behind her ear tickled as much as they thrilled, and her shoulders rose in a natural response that was paired with a breathy giggle while the rest of her tensed and then relaxed. Each kiss after left a trail of tingles across her cheek that led to her lips, and feeling his against hers while she spoke, as well as his breath when he laughed, made her almost dizzy with unknown delight.

He drew his head back, and Anais took that moment to blink, to try and clear her mind from where his suggestive kisses and warm breath had taken her, and listened as her mind came back to her the answer that he gave. It surprised her to hear he was uncertain how to be with the idea of his own children, though she had seen herself how patient and generous he was with the refugee pups and knew by how he treated his family that he would make a great protector. How did he not see it?

She became momentarily distracted by his reaction of her as a mother, and felt her own heart skip a few beats as a bit of color returned beneath the fur of her cheeks. Admittedly, she enjoyed thoughts of being a mother too, remembering how it was to help raise her brother alongside her siblings when their mother passed away and knowing in her heart that this time, with children that were truly her own, would be even better. She returned to the subject, however, with a warm, sincere smile, wanting to bolster up her love and feed his own confidence with how she saw him. "I know you'll make a great father," she assured him wholeheartedly, leaning forward to rest her forehead against him as she closed her eyes and added, "You've had practice taking care of others too. Just like me."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
11-15-2015, 06:20 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2015, 06:21 PM by Glacier.)

His sweet Anais seemed to have no doubts that he would make a great father, and certainly it bolstered his resolve to know she believed in him raising a child along side her. His body shook a little with a warm laugh as she pointed out that they both had had practice in this area. Perhaps they had, through he didn't know how much actual raising he could account for. Nonetheless, their siblings had turned out stable and comfortable with their lives, and that certainly wasn't thanks to their neglectful parents.

He sighed contently and nestled his head on the space between her ears, shifting it gently back and forth to flatten her hair and create a comfortable spot to rest a small portion of his weight. His eyes drifted out to the breath taking view of the ocean stretched out before them before he let his eyes slide back to his Anais. She easily outmatched the beauty of the scenery, and she was the thing he most wanted to rest his eyes upon. “You are so beautiful, sweet Anais” he whispered gently, poking his tongue out he used it to pull her ear into his mouth where he playfully tugged it. “I want no one but you” he added through his mouth full of ear. Letting go he moved away slightly to fall to the earth with a soft thump, an 'humph' escaping his body at the impact before he shuffled and rolled so his back was on the earth and his paws hang up in the air. He looked up at Anais playfully “Wont you join me?” he teased her, through he was worried about pushing her, was she ready to go the distance today? Or would she rather wait a little while longer.





5 Years
11-15-2015, 07:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She felt the weight of his head rest atop her own and shift from side to side, as if offering an awkward nuzzle or prepping the spot to accommodate his chin. With her ears tucked, Anais smiled, feeling content despite the jittery sensation that being this close to him stirred in her. She had felt only part of it the season before, a small sliver compared to what she felt now, and though she knew what it meant, knew what it wanted, the golden brown hunter was still unsure how to proceed. This was new, uncharted ground for her - for Glacier, too, she assumed, though from the steadiness he offered at her side and the playful tug he made to her ear he seemed to be much more at ease than she felt.

Each word caused her heart to stutter with a warm love while each touch ignited new yearnings. He all but mesmerized her with both, to the point that she felt almost dizzy again by the time he moved, reaching a paw out to steady herself over the ground and keep her balance. Yellow-gold eyes followed him as the dark blue giant retreated a step and playfully fell to the ground, rolling onto his back. His playful manners made it impossible for Anais not to smile, and her tail wagged once before falling still while she fidgeted a little where she stood. He invited her over teasingly, and though she felt her stomach flutter nervously she rose and stepped forward.

A timid smile remained set upon her lips as she approached him, and her mind whirled as she watched him. As she stopped at his side, she stood a little uncertainly and then did as he had requested. The golden brown wolf lowered herself to her stomach carefully and then with a press against the earth rolled to her back. She turned her head to gaze up and over at Glacier beside her, tempted to scoot closer but choosing for the time being to remain where she had ended up. Folding her paws to her chest, she offered him another shy smile and then turned her gaze skyward, studying the play of the colors in the sky as she quieted her nerves.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
11-15-2015, 07:43 PM

He did his best to put Anais at ease, through he could tell that she was nervous and uncertain. Her movements as she rose and moved over to him where hesitant, but she made them any way, putting her trust in him. He smiled gently as she lowered her stomach to the ground, and chuckled as she rolled over and ended up on her back looking up at the sky. He let his own eyes drift upwards, feeling the distant between them and giving her a moment to adjust. “That one looks like a turtle” he decided, pointing his nose towards a puffy cloud with four potential arms and a rounder face.

He turned his head then to the side to grin cheekily at her, and scooted over to her. He tilted his head to the side so it gently touched the edge of hers, but otherwise no other part of him brushed against her fur. It didn't pass his notice that she said nothing, making no comment to his confession of love. He had hadn't meant to make her so nervous and would tilt his head skyward, through it still touched gently against her own.

“That one is definitely Voltage, looks like its dancing against the sky, looks at ridiculous as he does, too” he added, and winked at Anais. He could never tease his brother too much, and he brought Anais in on the joke.





5 Years
11-15-2015, 11:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais's golden eyes followed Glacier's gesture as he smiled and brought her attention to one of the clouds overhead. She was still nervous and it took a bit for her to concentrate and see it the way he saw it, in the shape and form of a turtle, but after a little looking she thought she recognized it. "I see it." It made her smile, though the waiting still grated on her. Relax, she told herself. Getting herself worked up over it was not going to do her any good, and eventually Glacier would notice. She did not want him thinking she was getting cold feet, that there was any doubt in her mind about what she had suggested and asked of him or that she was worried about what was to come. She knew, more or less, what it would entail, but it did not stop it from making her nervous.

She turned her head and settled her gaze his way again, and was not surprised to see him smiling her way, a mischievous sort of quality about his silver gaze. It almost made her blush again, and she was grateful when he scooted close enough for his head to rest against hers since it made it more difficult for him to see her face. There was still that little temptation that spoke to her and suggested she move closer to him, but again she told herself to relax.

They were starting a game, it seemed. Glacier once more drew her attention to the clouds overhead, and Anais spotted the one that he referenced. She laughed quietly as he associated it with his brother Voltage, and though it was a little harder to see than the turtle she thought the notion of it still quite funny. Searchingly she stared up into the sky, trying to cast aside her worry and instead take up their game. It took her a moment to find something worth noting, and eager to contribute, she turned her head slightly against his and lifted a paw to point. "That one looks a little like a fish." And it did, if she turned her head just a little. She hoped Glacier would see it too.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
11-16-2015, 06:37 PM

His attempts to soothe Anais's worries where partially successful, and after a moment she would begin to see the shapes in the clouds that he pointed out. Her gentle laughter as she saw the 'dancing wolf' was rewarding, through likely she couldn't see his cheeky grin with the way their heads where angled together. His attention returned to the sky as he scanned the clouds for another potential joke to share with his Anais. The woman beside him would beat him to it and he laughed softly at her words. “Of course my little hunter sees the fish” he agreed, a warm chuckle emitting from somewhere in his chest as he rumbled his pleasure.

He shifted his body against the earth and tilted his head to kiss her forehead. He knew she had never really been in love before and nor had she ever done what the two where contemplating doing. Glacier also was in the same boat, he was built to love once and for life. It could be said that he had been waiting all his life for Anais, and perhaps that explained his gentle patience in waiting until she was ready. “My sweet Anais” he murmured gently as he shuffled his body close to hers, wrapping a paw about her. “I will love you for the rest of my life” he promised her softly.
