
fragile state


11-10-2015, 09:53 AM
We've been flying high on borrowed wings

The silence was deafening. Each step was precise as her left paws moved first, and then her right, in quick synchronization. Védís Hróðvitnisdottir didn’t know where she was going, but she had a goal in mind - to find her siblings that had left the pack long ago. Things had changed significantly since her father’s death, and since Hati and Loki had initially taken their leave. It seemed more and more wolves left by the season, until it hardly felt like home at all. With that she had left, for once not looking back, determined to reunite with at least one of her siblings.

The tall woman’s gait was tense as she moved through the underbrush, weaving expertly through the trees. The land was dark, illuminated solely by the pale moon overhead, and she snuffed loudly she bowed her head to the ground and tested the scents in the crisp air. Védís had sworn she’d caught a hint of a familiar scent a few miles back, but as soon as she’d gotten onto its trail she had lost it again.

Her white and black tail twitched absently as she moved, her gold and blue eyes searching her surroundings fervently. Something in her gut told her she was on to something, and so stubbornly she would continue onward, oblivious to the ache that was beginning to settle in her limbs and the hunger gnawing at her belly.

Viridian 1


3 Years
11-10-2015, 11:39 AM

Viridian found recovery quickly, after Glacier had found her and helped to repair her neglected body. She'd starved herself, and that mistake sent her back too many steps for her to count. The giant Elementas had been quick to point out that she needed to take care of herself first, or she was never going to find Solar. After that she'd calmed down considerably and allowed the kindness of strangers to help return her to prime shape. As soon as she was given the all clear the young woman had not hesitated to return to her search. She had promised them a returning check in before she moved on to a different region, knowing she had someone here in alacritis that cared for her brought a warm sensation to her form. It kept away the worst of the chill on the cold Autumn night.

Silver paws carried the elegant girl through the tightly wound trees, they'd find their purchase expertly as she crawled under roots and scaled low branches. She was quiet, and focused as she searched. Viridian would not rest until she found her sibling despite having found not a single trace of him since right after arriving. Cathaoir was helping her search too, but she had doubts that he was doing any better than her. Knowing someone else had their eye out for him helped ease her worries just slightly.

She'd try to keep her mind from focusing on possibility that she might never find him, or that years might pass before she saw him again. Those thoughts hurt too much to bring them to the surface, and as they swirled in the depths of her mind she'd push them back down. The forest was quiet, and she had little to distract herself from them until she'd catch the faint scent of another wolf. While Viridian wasn't so overly friendly that she would go up to a random stranger and introduce herself she found that she couldn't help but wonder if they'd seen Solar.

Pulling herself from her trail the silver she wolf made her way towards the scent of this stranger. As she drew more near she'd try to suppress the hope that grew in her breast, it wasn't likely he'd been seen by this.. impressively tall woman. She challenged Glacier's height but was colored completely different. Shaking off her sudden stupor the Memoire girl called out curiously, "Excuse me!" She tried to project her voice over the distance but she wasn't the loudest of wolves. "May I disturb you for a moment?" The words were a little more confident as she tried to catch up to her target.


11-14-2015, 09:50 PM
We've been flying high on borrowed wings

Despite the fact that she preferred to not be alone, she had gotten quite accustomed to solitude. Védís had grown used to relying on no one but herself - though in reality, she'd been trained to be independent since birth. Still, she had been away from her family so long that she found herself longing to find them again. Her steps were cautious as she moved swiftly through the forest, finding the promise of catching a familiar scent far more intriguing than the possibility of a meal at the moment.

Through the darkness she crept, even more wary despite the silence that lingered all around. Her focus was zeroed on the scent, so focused that she nearly missed the presence of another until she heard the soft rustling of grass near her. Her posture would instinctively stiffen, her head swinging to the side as she anticipated the arrival of a stranger. This woman was not the scent she had been trailing, and she sniffed the cool autumn air to examine her aroma briefly. A moment after she heard her, and smelled her, she finally saw her; her eyes narrowed skeptically as she sized her up.

"Yes?" she called out to the smaller female, feeling wary to be approached so suddenly - and with such little warning. "What is it that you need?" Though her voice held a bit of concern, she was more uncertain as she eyed her as she approached, taking a few long strides closer.

Viridian 1


3 Years
12-05-2015, 09:36 PM

Viridian was aware of her bad manners but she wouldn't give much thought to them, she was much too focused on finding information, from anyone. She'd gain the other's attention easy enough, and she seemed at least half receptive to her sudden appearance. The silver girl would come to a stop a polite distance away, this time thinking about her actions now that she was close. Her ears would fall to her head as she tried to be respectful of the one she was asking a question to. "I'm looking for a wolf, and wanted to know if you might have seen him. He's dark with white on him kinda like me." She'd offer her left shoulder in example. "His name is Solar, or sometimes goes by Coal." It was a long shot, but she couldn't help but get her hopes up just a little bit.


12-08-2015, 08:10 PM
Let me down easy, let me down slow

Though she wasn't exactly offended at the stranger's sudden approach, she was a bit taken by surprise. Her posture visibly stiffened as she approached, wheeling around on her four paws as she faced the woman head-on. That way, there was no room for surprises. Her own ears would fall briefly to her skull, though grew erect again, flicking as she took in her words. Her nostrils flared again, taking in her scent and taking it to memory.

"He doesn't sound familiar," Védís replied carefully, her head shaking side to side in a quick motion.  Often the female kept to herself - she would know if she'd anyone that reminded her of the wolf she described. "What's your name?" she would ask her after a moment, brows furrowing slightly as she examined her. "In case I find him." ..that, and it felt strange to be approached so suddenly without being offered a name.