
A Royal Death [Gerhardt]


04-14-2013, 01:30 AM

An ebony bolted to the borders of Seracia, he had very important and dreadful news about Adette, the queen of Seracia. The only thing the male stopped for was water, he had never experienced such a horror. He saw the the lifeless body, he watched as the healer pushed to save her, as the male tried to help her and drug her from the stream. From a boy who was turning 3 next season, it was terrible to experience that. Of course the others weren't far from his age either.

Rumble, the one born into Valhalla set aside all his personal problems about his mother, about his sister, and left it all behind to get this situation done with. He needed to find Gerhardt and tell him.

The male was about to run straight through the borders but stopped immediately knowing he couldn't run through to get the king, and so his eyes scanned the horizon. There was no wolf in sight and so his maw jumped to the air as he let out his vocal cords shooting a deep howl through the air clearly asking for the king only. If anyone else had come, Rum would need to be escorted to Gerhardt immediately.

He knew he looked like a wreck, and he needed to calm himself down, this wasn't like him, this being that possessed him was something completely different. So he took a few deep breaths and let his panting calm, there was enough time before the king arrived and approached the warrior Rum was. So he relaxed and calmed himself as he waited at the borders of a land he never knew.

Adette was dead.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-14-2013, 05:54 PM

The King had not slept all night, not that he'd wanted to. Even when he would lay down his body shifted, tossing and turning. He'd broken out into bouts of absolute frenzy. Emotions shifted all over the place, flipping from screaming to crying to snarling and back again. He'd never felt a pain like this, never imagined anything could hurt this bad, but under it all he knew he'd done the right thing. The King loved her, some part of him always would, but love wasn't everything in life. In creating Seracia he'd sworn himself to the Kingdom and everyone in it, he could not serve them as a proper King with Adette as his wife. As much as he hated to admit it, it was true.

He'd isolated himself from the rest of the pack, barred his den entrance by curling his back against it. No one would be allowed in during this time, not even his son or daughter. The King needed his peace, needed time to console himself, to grieve properly for the love he'd lost, the love he'd given up. The den seemed so cold without her, so frigidly cold that he was sure he'd freeze if he wasn't so hot with anger. Yes, he was still seething over their fight, even though it had happened hours and hours ago. The sun had long since set, but even now he imagined it would be creeping up any minute now, or perhaps it was already up, he didn't know and didn't honestly care.

A howl summoned him, foreign to the ears and demanding. It was urgent, but the King at first did not stir. Surely someone else could handle a joining wolf, though probably none of them would since the call was so concentrated for him. With a final deliberation he shifted and pivoted, crawling from his den in a haphazard state. He looked - and felt - like an utter mess, but shook off and tried to compose himself as best he could. He had to keep up appearances, even if he was dying inside. Legs that felt like jello carried him at a snail's pace to the place where the ebony male stood, finding him coated with Valhallan perfume. What was he doing here?

"I am Gerhardt, King of Seracia. Might I ask what your reason for calling is?" Words were polite and gentle, but lacked the usual fervor they might have carried a day ago. His tail hung limp and his head did not rise to it's usual Kingly level as he gazed glassy-eyed at the man.


Image by Ruelle.


04-14-2013, 06:30 PM

It had taken time, much time for the King to approach Rumble. He looked so... weak; so broken. Nothing like a King would stand, would walk, would talk. He was an emotional wreck, and so the realization came to Rumble: Adette didn't just drown, she drowned herself. She had taken her life because their relationship was destroyed.


All of a sudden Rum couldn't talk, he couldn't say it. He couldn't tell the King, nor any other being that their love was gone, dead. But this was different because Adette killed herself and it would hurt more to hear that. Rum couldn't relate to the situation, he never had a love.


The two males had never met before, Rumble only knew his name from outside of Seracia. And of course the male never knew him; the silence was awkward and sad. Rumble didn't know how to tell him, should he just come out with it? He hadn't even introduced himself and was about to tell the boy the bad news, and so he did anyway.

"King of Seracia, Gerhardt...Adette, your queen...She is dead."

Rumble was going to wait for his response, how he would act, but he wanted to tell the brute the he was serious, it was no joke. The king needed to know it was real, it wasn't a dream.

"I saw her with my own eyes...she drowned herself..."

The wind grew soft at that moment, Rumble's broken words made it harsh, made it as if he was feeling the pain himself, and so his eyes moved off of the King, and he waiting for his reaction. What was he going to do? Would he be angry? Would he be upset? Would he act like it was nothing and go back to his den and take it out there? What if he didn't even care? He obviously did care seeing the state he was in and it was hard for Rum to let it out. But he needed Seracia to know that their queen was now dead.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-14-2013, 06:45 PM

Ripped apart, torn to pieces, was what his heart was. Yet the ironic part of it all was that he had done this, the decision had been his and his alone. She would still be here if he'd just turned around, turned around and found a way to work this out. But there was no way, she and he had both known it in their hearts. At least, he had. What would she do, where would she go? These questions and more swam about the fabrics of his mind, the vast ocean that plagued him day and night. But he had not the time to think about her right now, this man was here for something, and Gerhardt intended to know what it was.

He started off with a stammer, one that unnerved the already overemotional King. What could be so important that this man would stammer over it? Then he uttered the King's name, and Gerhardt took a step forward, his ears swiveling toward the blackened man with interest. More time passed before the news came. Adette was dead. What? How could this be? He'd seen her alive only hours ago. What had happened in so little time? More words came, but Gerhardt scarcely heard them, except for the last two: 'drowned herself'. What!? His breathing grew shallow and ragged, and he spoke a rasped command.

"Take me to her. Now." He had to see her, had to know for himself, had to get closure. This man, he didn't care who he was or what part he'd played, Gerhardt just needed to get to his wife. No, his ex wife. The thought that all of this could be a trap only scarcely crossed his mind, but he knew that the odds were it wasn't a trap. Odds were, it was true. Adette had once said he was her whole life, he should have known she'd do something like this. He should have insisted she stay in Seracia, at least for a day or two until things calmed down, until emotions weren't so stricken. He should have done something, anything, but it was too late now.


Image by Ruelle.


04-14-2013, 09:04 PM

Take me to her. What? they must have disposed of her body by now...unless...


Rumble looked at him with pity, he felt bad for the man. But what if they go back and she isn't there? It would make Rum look like an idiot. It would make it seem like he was lying. Hopefully the king wouldn't think that and maybe even turn on him. Rum would just let it happen. But there was still a chance that her body was still there, there was even a chance she was alive.

"...She is at the Rio Grande...follow me."

Rum started off trotting slowly until he was positive Gerhardt was behind him. The male had no problem keeping up, which befitted both of them. The quicker they got there the more possibility she would have been there. But Rum saw her lifeless, airless body beside the river. He knew she was dead.

This time Rum did not stop to take drinks, he knew this was more important than anything to Gerhardt. And if they stopped, time was wasted.

Rumble came to the river where he was standing before. He had smelt the danger here, kind of like a six sense. He stopped for a moment and smelled the ground, then he remembered it was more down stream. So he took off again over the hill and where he had spotted the three wolves, they were all gone. He came to a quick stop at the top of the hill and his jaw dropped. They were gone.

Rumble took off in an effort to pick up a scent of one of them but when he was standing on the spot, the scents were gone. He looked around in a panic and looked up at Gerhardt.

"They were all right here I swear!" He shouting looking back at the spot Adette was laid.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-14-2013, 09:15 PM

Worry striped the man's face as he followed effortlessly behind the man. His limbs carried him automatically, and he need not even think about his movements. That was a good thing, for his mind lingered only on Adette and what a horrible thing she supposedly had done. Drowned herself. Gerhardt had not expected this of the once queen. True, she was rash and at times unpredictable, but to kill herself? He hardly saw that as something she would do. She was at the Rio Grande, the place that had started it all, at least the place that had started their life here, and their family. Her body would lay here forever. He wondered if anyone had tried to save her, if they would have even been able to. Drowning was not the easiest problem to solve, he was sure. The man leading him seemed certain she was dead, and Gerhardt couldn't bring himself to believe any different. Who could survive drowning?

They reached the Grande at remarkable speed, and the man quickly exclaimed that they were all here, but Gerhardt saw no one. Rushing forth he inhaled deeply in the area that the man gestured toward, finding Adette's scent faintly on the scene. The ground here was wet, soaking even, and there were signs of others, two by the looks of it. "They must have taken her, she must be alive. Do you think there's a chance...?" He trailed off. What chance was there that his ex wife had failed at drowning herself? What chance was there that strangers had stopped and been able to save her? Gerhardt made a tight circle, willing himself to ask the man where she might've been taken, but unwilling at the same time. Did he even want to know? Wasn't ignorance bliss?


Image by Ruelle.


04-15-2013, 01:13 PM


The boy seemed so inexperienced, he didn't know how to talk to this figure. His mind was all jumbled and he couldn't think of anything. They were here...I know I didn't imagine it... Rumble was utterly confused. He almost ignored the male standing before him because his eyes were wondering around on the ground. But then he heard the King with a delayed reaction.

"Oh...uh...I'm sorry Gerhardt."

This time he regained his thoughts and stopped wondering so damn much. He need to let the real Rumble out of his skin and control the situation.

"I don't want to hurt you Gerhardt...But how is there a way to save someone who drowns?"

Rumble thought the same thing as the King, was there a way to save her? He had never heard of it himself. But it would be a miracle to hear she was alive and well.

"The two other wolves that were here...They were Valhallan wolves."

That was the only information he could give him, and hopefully that could help the male. Maybe they could travel back to Valhalla together and he could settle it there. But that was ridiculous to Rum. He just felt like the King could figure it out himself and then all of a sudden, the real Rum was coming out and it was getting harsh.

"I hope that can help you."

Walk "Talk" Think


04-15-2013, 01:38 PM

More stammering. The King hardly noticed as he tried to calm himself. Adette was not his wife anymore, she was not really his concern anymore, and he could not go gallivanting after her when he had a pack to protect and serve. It was clear to him that someone moved her body, either in attempt to take her to safety or give her a proper burial. But why would they not leave her here, or bury her here? This place was as good as any. No, he would believe that she was alive, he had to. "I don't know, but I'd like to believe it's possible." He would retort meekly. He wasn't certain it was possible, but he had to believe that way, he just had to. Even if she was not his wife or queen anymore, he still loved her in some form. The man went on to explain that the wolves were Valhallan, but Gerhardt wasn't listening. Somewhere in his mind the information would be stored, but at the present time he knew not what the man had said in the slightest. The only thing that brought him out was the man's last words. He hoped it could help? Hoped what could help? The King could not recall. "Er.. thank you. I should be getting home, thank you for informing me about my ex wife and queen." With that, Gerhardt set off to gallop back home, to see if he could pick up the pieces of what remained of his life, and try to get over the fact that Adette might be dead, she might be living with Valhallans, or anything else.

Exit Gerhardt.


Image by Ruelle.


04-15-2013, 07:23 PM

The male seemed a little out of the conversation at this point, but he thanked Rum for giving him thee news and he was on his way back home.

"It's a pleasure sir, I will let you know if there is any more important news on the subject."

And with a bow of his head, rumbled looked at the King as he ran back home, and it was time for Rum to go back home and find his mother. His mind now left Adette, now left Seracia. And even though in the moment Rum didn't want to tell anyone something like that again, he would for it another time. The panicked Rumble could do it again any day. After he stood at the spot of Adette's death, he rubbed his foot on the ground like putting out a fire. And on his haunches he set off for Valhalla to reunite with his family.


Walk "Talk" Think