
Pass the Pickle!



9 Years
11-12-2015, 12:04 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2015, 06:29 PM by Dart.)

>>He trotted purposefully towards their new territory, he still held mixed feelings about the way things were handled, but it was over and done with and he would not speak of it. With a few Eagles feathers clutched in his jaws, Dart made his way onwards to a good spot he had found earlier. It had been a good while since he trained with the others of his ranking, and he had something fun in mind. It was imperative for a messenger to be quick on their feet, so he would sponsor a sort of race today. It would be fun right? He knew every land around here like the back of his paw, piece of cake.

Setting the feathers down, he glanced up towards the noonday Autumn sun. Yup. Perfect day for a good exercise. to call for those who wished to attend. His kind had a series of...odd calls, particularly their version of howling. Though it was normal for him and his kind, he was sure the wolves would startle at the sound. They would all probably come running, thinking someone was getting tortured or something. Instead, he opted to try something else. He was determined, he could prove he was as capable as any old dog. With a sly smirk, he lifted his head to the sky and began to yip as loud as he could, a string of them. He made sure that it was loud enough for those interested would be able to find him, particularly the messengers.

OOC//posts due by the 24th!

Finch I


4 Years

11-23-2015, 02:17 PM

The sound of the fox's strange calls was enough to capture her attention, and she rolled over to her paws. Shaking out her pale coat she let out a sigh, everyone was calling in the new land and she was still hesitant about it. Ears pulled back she marched forward, trying to be confident as she made her way towards Dart. It had been awhile since the last training had been called, and she had been talking to Lark about feeling like she didn't belong in any of the ranks. Maybe it was time that she started trying more, so that she could be more help to her pack and family. Everyone had left for the siege and she hadn't known if she would be able to see them again, and just stayed at home like a child. She didn't want to be useless anymore, even though she felt that her levels of shyness held her back. Another sigh left her lips as she finally found the fox, sitting with feathers at his paws. She instantly perked up, eyeing the feathers with wide blue eyes. They were so big! Far bigger than the ones that she had collected thus far. Finch was now far too distracted by the feathers to even utter a greeting, stepping forward as she touched the pad of her paw to the delicate things by Dart's paws. Oh, if she could only take them for herself!




9 Years
12-05-2015, 11:50 AM

>>The man waited. And waited. And waited. And waited...he was starting to think that maybe the other messengers just...didn't care. He found it really annoying, especially considering he had gone to that other girls training. Maybe she thought herself better then everyone else because she was a Rank higher. Don't let all that power squeeze your brain out. He thought with amusement. Just as he was about to get up and leave, he heard and scented someone coming towards him. And my oh my, it was Finch! The cute little daughter of Bass! Okay, maybe she wasn't exactly little...but she was pretty adorable. She came up without saying anything, instead going for the feathers he had collected.

"Pretty aren't they?" He chuckled as he dipped his head to her. "Morning, finch. Looks like it's just me and you today, I don't think anyone else is showing up." He hoped that she wouldn't be freaked out by that idea. The first time he met her, she kept hiding behind the other girl whose name he kept forgetting. Gosh, he needed to pay better attention to names. He stood up, stretching his legs and toes like a cat, loosening his muscles in the process. "I would stretch a little if I were you, what we're doing today is going to be fun! At least, I hope so anyway..and it wouldn't be good for either of us to stretch a muscle or something." He peered at her with interest, a grin slowly forming. "Did I mention, we'll be using these eagle feathers?"


Finch I


4 Years

12-07-2015, 02:10 PM

When Dart spoke she nearly jumped out of her skin, startled by his sudden words. She had been so focused on the pretty feathers that she almost completely forgot about him. Her ears flickered back, and she glanced up at him with her pale blue eyes. Her head nodded eagerly when he mentioned the pretty feathers, they were the best. She wanted to grab them for herself, but that would be rude. They weren't Finch's to take, she knew that. The fox had brought them here, and she wanted to know what his big plan was. Finally Dart moved on, and started to talk about his idea for training. Oh, a race! She did like races. But it was just the two of them, which made her shuffle on her paws a bit. Auntie Harmony had talked all about trusting fellow pack mates, and she took a deep breath in. Dart had the same rank as her, and if she wanted to get better she would need to learn to work with him, and others that may join the pack and want the messenger rank. She would show her Aunt that she was going to be good and trust him, to make her proud. She could do it! After all, all this talk about her wanting to do better, she didn't have many actions to stand behind it. Time to shape up!

She watched as the fox got up and started to stretch, making Finch giggle at his silly movements. Shaking out her fur she picked up her legs and wiggled them, bending her neck until she felt a nice pull at her muscles. And then he said that they would be using the feathers, and a gasp left her maw as she eyed with him with wide blue eyes. "R-really?" she asked, obvious excitement in her voice. "What a-are we w-waiting for then?" Finch asked with a bark, jumping around Dart in a circle. She was still a bit worried, scared that she wouldn't do good enough, but Finch was done with being too shy. She needed to get better! Plus Dart was really nice, and he had pretty feathers too. How could she be scared of anyone that had pretty things like that?
