



5 Years
11-27-2015, 12:11 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The winter season came as both a relief to the autumn-born healer, drawing her out of the hormonal frenzy of her heat, but also as a time of difficulty. It was the herald to the time of her first pregnancy, her first litter than had been born in the north. More importantly, it was a reminder of her time in captivity, as a prisoner of the demon who seeded his spawn inside of her and claimed the brats before they were even born. All of it was one giant unpleasant memory, flashes of a time in her life that had changed her irrevocably and haunted her even to this day. Her companion, the scrawny black cat Belladonna, had noticed. By now she knew the story, if only in bits and pieces, and as a means of assisting her gloomy mistress she offered a suggestion. Perhaps a vacation is in order.

At first Callisto had not been able to see the sense in the idea. The Fern Gulley had plenty to offer her as a means of useful herbs and plants, remedies that were waiting there for her to find them. But the cat explained, and eventually the stubborn wolf had come around to it. A chance to get away for a while, a change of scenery that would take her mind off of things, offer her something else to focus on... Maybe something of that sort could actually be helpful, given the downward spiral her thoughts had begun to make again.

Their destination, it turned out, was a place that she had not even known existed. Her companion had apparently traveled much before becoming a burr in her side that refused to budge, and it was her suggestion also that they travel to the southern continent. For safety's sake - and because he had indeed become a fixed figure in her life - Jakart was asked along. Considering how they had been spending the majority of the past season, Callisto expected an eagerly affirmative response, and that was what she received. Together, with her companion taking point, the healer and warrior traversed through the southern portion of Alacritia proper and across the land bridge that brought them to the other side.

Callisto noticed immediately the warmth. While winter had begun to drag icy fingers through the Gulley and chill everything it could touch, these lands appeared stuck in an opposite climate, warm and vibrant and green. So much green. That alone began to turn her mood around, allowed her thoughts to become distracted with the possibilities this place possessed. There could be something new here, something we can't find back home. I could discover something new. It was exciting, thrilling, and made her uncharacteristically optimistic. Maybe the cat had the right idea after all.

She had no idea what land they traveled through, or whether it even had a name, but as she and her companions traversed the thick woodlands Calli's silver-blue eyes could not stop their constant scanning. She wandered distractedly behind Belladonna, who continued to peer over her shoulder to make sure the two quiet canines behind her had not lost their way. Noticing Callisto looking about, the edge of her lips quirked into a little grin. "Let me know if you find anything interesting," Bella informed them both as she returned her attention ahead. Calli barely registered the words, still reveling over the fact there were still plenty of green things here as opposed to the dormant plants back home.



5 Years
11-27-2015, 05:32 PM
With winter came the promise of cold and scarce prey. A fact that Jakart was prepared to live with for however long that was. Last years winter was a long one, the nip of cold proceeding far into the next season, and so likewise he expected the same to happen this year. It was a simple process, and one that had changed last year with the meeting of the she wolf who strode right beside him now. Jakart looked at Callisto, paws sore and weariness in his mismatched gaze. Ever since she had reentered his life Jakart has made it his mission to keep the healer happy and content even if it meant she was using him. He knew that to be true even if she wouldn't admit it if asked, but it was the loss of his sisters to pack life that drew him to protect the well being of another.

And so Callisto's cat Belladonna came to him one day when winter had just started it's decent from the sky to blanket the land with its chill. A few days of wallowing in the snow and scavenging rodents in the shrubbery of the Fern Gulley was enough to convince him to leave, small game now hibernating and elusive. Callisto mentioned a move down south, and Jakart eagerly complied. It was a few hours to gather up his brothers and begin the journey, his siblings remaining strangely auiet after they had called Lior at the border of Donostrea and told her of the move. Everyone was carrying herbs during the trek, no doubt Callisto was grateful for such help when being seperated from valuable and rare medicinal plants. The grey wolf had departed with Callisto and continued down south, leaving his brothers and Callisto's herbs stashed safely in the territory where his parents were buried.

It was after crossing the land bridge that he had first noticed the sustained warmth. All the green and trees and above all else, Callisto's attitude. A few more miles of wandering and the place the two wolves and cat found themselves in was awash in shrubbery, bright petals obscured by twisting green vines all spread about across the earth. Jakart stood at the edge of the forest, silent as he stood next to Callisto and taking in the vegetation. Such a bounty to behold. His ears flicked at Bella's words, gaze turning to Callisto expectantly and ready to help in any way he could.



5 Years
12-17-2015, 08:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With her silver-blue eyes alert and scanning, Callisto proceeded onward into the forest, traveling slowly behind the feline that led their way. She looked left and right as she walked, letting her nose, her most valuable asset in searches such as this, guide her as she went. The forest smelled alive, strong, and warm, so unlike the frosty scent the Gulley had begun to take on just before they departed. Was it like this here all the time, always green and growing, never touched by winter? Or would winter eventually take its hold here too? She almost wished, foolish as it was, that it stayed like this always. It might have made it even as desirable a location as the Fern Gulley was back home.

The forest distracted her, captured her attention as only the bounty of nature could, but she caught herself sending quick, sidelong glances at the grey wolf that kept pace with her. They pretended at normalcy, acted as if they were fine, with each other and what they had begun. But as the end of her season had come about and her mind was no longer consumed by hormones, she realized it was time to take a step back. Suspicions arose again that Jakart was no longer looking at her as merely a fling that lasted the length of autumn but as someone that he might spend his life with, someone that he would commit his life to. Seriousness had never been on the table when Callisto had instigated their affair, and she felt, strongly, that it needed to be taken care of before things escalated too far. Bella was right; he needed to be let go before he was hurt.

The problem with that was she had no idea how to go about it. Conversation had never been her strong suit - hell, it even surprised her sometimes to realize that she had someone tagging along with her who actually wanted to be around her, and for absolutely no reason that she could fathom. But, during the rare times she had actually conversed with others, for whatever purpose, she had never let her social inadequacies hinder her. And she damn sure was not going to let them do so now.

"Jak, we need to talk." Blunt, straight to the point, Calli addressed him as she stopped, turned, and faced him. She steeled herself as she lifted her chin with a stubborn set and eyed the wolf that had, unquestionably, wheedled his way into her life, the wolf that she needed to step away from. She should have done this sooner, she realized, before she had dragged him this way on a vacation of sorts, away from home and family. She wished she had realized it sooner, remembered so that they could be spared the awkwardness of traveling together if it came to that. But there was no way she was going to wait to bring it up until they returned, no way she could stand that nagging in the back of her mind that she was leading him on. The sooner she did this, the better off they would be.



5 Years
12-18-2015, 05:54 PM
With a dip of his head Jakart would look down at the blooming herb beneath him, eyes narrowing to try and get a closer inspection. The males breath fogged into the crisp air as he drew back with a loud yawn and blinked. In a few weeks time perhaps the surrounding scenery would no long be so lush once winters more severe chill drifted down from the north. This garden of vegetation and trees would however remain untouched by snow for now, only the passage of time would tell just how hard this southern land would be claimed by winter. His thoughts turned to his brothers and wondered just how they were fairing with the weather along with his sisters in Donostrea. Jakart sought to catch up to Callisto, the healer having walked a bit ahead as he was busy inspected the greenery.

Her voice brought his attention forward as she stopped and turned. Already the male could see her features were busy trying to hide some and he came to a stop a few paces away. Something was up, Callisto saying that they needed to talk. Not sure at what else to do at the sudden predicament she brought to him Jakart took a seat and nervously tucked his tail around a hind leg. "Alright..." He voiced with uncertainty, mind racing at the possibilities of what she wanted to talk about. Was she revealing an ulterior purpose for coming down here? He didn't think she had ever been down this far south. But then again, how did she know to come here with a place that held such bounty. Had it been by chance? Jakart gave a quick glance at Belladonna to try and gauge the cat's reaction. He had so many questions, biting his tongue and letting Callisto say whatever was on her mind.



5 Years
12-23-2015, 01:53 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

An ear atop Belladonna's head flicked backward, intent upon eavesdropping on the conversation behind her while her quick paws slowed and eventually stopped. She turned, cast a glance over her shoulder at her companion and the grey wolf who traveled with them, and felt the wheels beginning to turn. What was this about? Callisto had mentioned nothing to her about a serious talk, and though it irked her not to know beforehand she was incredibly curious to find out what was going to be discussed. Discreetly, sure that she had been forgotten, Bella turned completely and stalked back silently toward the wolf pair, seating herself still at a distance but close enough that she could listen without strain, and pursed her lips as she watched them through wide, pale golden eyes.

To Callisto's eyes, Jakart looked nervous. He probably had a right to be, she supposed, fully aware she hardly made the best traveling companion let alone companion in general. It puzzled her again why he saw fit to remain, especially given the companion bit, but tried to put it from her mind. That was not what she wanted to speak to him about. "I'm done sleeping with you." She had not thought about how she would tell him, nor did she consider what might be the best way. Instead, she followed her natural, straight-forward approach, speaking her mind without tiptoeing around the matter. "I'm ending our fall arrangement. Next season of mine, you don't have to stick around."

But would he? He had been making such a point of meeting whatever need she had, whether it be physical, emotional, or otherwise. Her stoic expression was hard, set with a strong determination and a cold front that she hoped would deter him from trying to change her mind. She was set on it; she did not need him pining after her, whether because he was growing attached or expected more physical compensation for his company later on. "Will that be a problem?" Callisto queried, a brow raising.

Bella watched and exhaled slowly, quietly through her nose. Well, she should have seen that coming. Even she had noticed the closeness the two wolves had developed over the course of the last season, a closeness that had surprised her in regards to Calli. She averted her gaze, not certain she wanted to see Jakart's reaction on his face. Was it too late not to hurt him now? Turning, she loped ahead again, searching for something within the forest to distract from the conversation once it was over.



5 Years
12-29-2015, 01:49 PM
The male's paws ached to get moving again. This sudden stall in their venture wasn't doing him or Callisto any good. Herbs needed to be picked, roots dug up and nooks explored. Already he could see a brightly petaled bloom with thorns along the stems right past his oncemate. Did Callisto know all of these herbs before them, their uses and applications? He was about to speak and break the minute silence Callisto had brought before them with her pause and voice words of his own. Mainly about what they should be doing about gathering said herbs if it was her purpose to pick some or just see what was where in this place.

But no. She brought up a subject far from his mind now that her season was done and over with. The healer voiced that she was done with his services the next time her body became ready to bare children. Did that mean they would stop seeing each other as lovers and as friends again. A step back in their strange relationship, sure, but as Jakart came to grips with the weight of her words he simply sat and reflected. Was it something he had done? Had he hurt her unknowingly? Anything he could do better? He told himself not to ask Callisto these things and kept quiet, gaze softening as all the tension his body was harboring was suddenly released in a quick breath. So that was it, Callisto not following up by asking that he leave her company, but if anything he would tread even lighter now.

"No," He voiced simply. "It won't be." With that surprise matter settled Jakart would amble forwards past Callisto and went up to the bush he spotted a moment ago and turned back to look at his ex lover. "Do you have an idea what this could be used for?" Broken hearts for one, or a sign of affection. He'd seen roses before, and like their meaning his feelings for Callisto were just as confused now. No matter, for she did not dismiss him and the grey wolf would remain in her company until told otherwise.



5 Years
01-01-2016, 09:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She maintained her stern expression, ready to fight and argue if he saw fit to question or counter her terms. He was typically so compliant and understanding that it would have been out of character for Jakart to become irritated over her sudden reversal of their affair, but then again she could no longer say she knew what he wanted or expected from their complicated relationship. Because of that uncertainty, she prepared for the worst, awaiting argument and irritation, hurt and pleading.

He reacted with neither. For a moment he might have been thoughtful, confused even, but on a sigh Callisto could see the acceptance settle in. Is that it? Would he let it slide, agree to be done with the physical relationship they had developed and just move on? Can it be that easy? She stared, skepticism within her silver-blue eyes as he told her the new terms she defined were alright with him, that he could make the adjustment. Rather than answer, she stayed quiet, watching him as if expecting him still to revert back to one of the responses she had already been prepping herself for. It can't be that easy...

As if forgetting the conversation already, Jak darted forward and over to a rose bush, asking her about the plant as she slowly drew closer and continued to watch him warily. "No," she answered, turning her gaze from the grey wolf to the plants. Pretty blooms, that was for sure, but dangerous with all of its hidden thorns. She could relate. "I'm not sure it has any uses." Maybe that was something she needed to explore better, just to be sure of it.

She was still staring at the plant when Belladonna came bounding back toward them, a eagerness in her step. "Hey, I might have found an interesting place up ahead," she chimed in as she strolled to a stop, her spindly tail up and waving as the black cat looked from wolf to wolf. "Might be worth looking at?" It was better than wandering aimlessly, no matter how green this place was. With another glance at Jakart, Callisto began to walk in the direction her companion had returned from, and let the eager cat retake the lead again and bring them to whatever she had found.

-End thread-