
I'm Too Much!


11-30-2015, 10:00 PM

The movements of the woman were swift, accurate. She moved as a beast on a mission, her heart, her body, her very soul seeking out something. What was it? Why none other than her lovely little snack of course. Bernadette moved across the snow with tail raised in the air like a banner, her eyes aglow with interest. Soon, she thought, soon she’d have her tasty little treat!

Bernadette would give up after some time however. It was getting colder, and her paws were starting to feel numb. Ahh, stupid rabbit. Probably was too stringy anyway. The woman would huff softly, flopping down into the snow. She would curl up in a ball, attempting to warm herself up. Tail would curl across her form, tickling her nose as she lay there. Ahh the joys of being a winter baby. While she loved the cold, sometimes there was such a thing as too much of the stuff.


11-30-2015, 10:59 PM

Gods, why had she come up this way? Her wandering had been aimless and unending lately, but why had she felt the need to come up north in the middle of winter? She fluffed out her fur grumpily, trudging on through the snow. She had never really been fond of the cold. At least her fur was naturally fairly thick so she wasn't too awfully cold, but it still wasn't all that pleasant either. All she wanted was somewhere to rest for the night and then she could head back down south in the morning so she'd never have to be in such bitter cold again.

She spotted the ship up ahead and she was glad for a moment that her memory of the lands was still pretty sharp. Hera was making her way toward the huge metal contraption, thinking that she could at least get out of the wind if nothing else, suddenly she noticed a ball of black and red fur right before she was going to put her paw down right on top of whoever it was. She stumbled back a couple of steps to keep herself from stepping on them, one brow pulling up quizzically. The wolf was curled into a ball, the snow coming up on either side of her and making it so she hadn't seen her until she was practically on top of her. "What in the world are you doing? I nearly stepped on you! Why would you want to lay in the snow?"

Speech Others Thinking


12-02-2015, 11:31 AM

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Someone was stepping in the snow. Bernadette would twitch her ears, the snow settling upon her body carefully. At least she felt a bit warmer, curled up as she was. Bernadette was content for the moment, she’d move on later. At least, if whomever it was that was walking hadn’t practically stepped upon her.

Bernadette would uncurl in the snow, raising up to look at the other femme. She would eye her with bi-colored eyes, her voice sharp and serious. “I was warming up. My pads were getting cold after traveling most of the day on the snow and I wasn’t quite ready to make my way home.” Berny would tilt her head to the side, back on her paws now.

“...Sorry if my resting here has offended you somehow.”


12-03-2015, 11:06 PM

Hera blink, taken aback by the woman's justification for her actions. She wanted to warm up, so she... curled up in the snow? A brow over one of her silver eyes raised with confusion. "No, no, it's not that, I'm just... I don't understand why you'd want to lay in the snow. If you're cold, that thing makes pretty good shelter-" she said, motioning with her head toward the large ship. "It's not terribly warm, but it's out of the wind and it's gotta be better than laying on... well ice basically."

She eyed the woman for a moment before shrugging and beginning to make her way around the black and red wolf. "It's up to you of course. Just seems to make more sense to me... And sorry for almost stepping on you." She continued on her way toward the ship, only briefly glancing over her shoulder toward the woman behind her before focusing on the ship. She didn't care if the woman followed her or not. If she wanted to lay in the snow that was fine by her. It was her life.

Speech Others Thinking


12-09-2015, 05:39 PM

Bernadette would glance towards the large ship that the woman directed her to. She would frown a bit, almost uncertain. Things that were different were not always so welcome to the femme, especially such... Foreign things. Berny would glance back towards the other woman, shaking her head. “There is no need to apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong.” Her words were almost soft. “I suppose old habits die hard. My mother taught me that trick for warming up, even if its in the snow.”

Bernadette would trail after the other, deciding that since the other femme had showed up she may as well make conversation with her. That is, if the pale woman didn’t grow annoyed with her antics. Even if she did it wasn’t so much Bernadette cared. She could go find someone else to talk to she supposed. But where was the fun in abandoning someone you just met?

“...Have you... Been in that thing before?” She’d ask, her voice almost wary. “It doesn’t look all that sturdy...”


12-10-2015, 08:49 PM

Hera was a little surprised in the sudden shift in the woman's attitude, but she wasn't ungrateful for it. She wasn't really in the mood to fight random strangers. She smiled slightly when she saw the red and black form following after her. The company was welcome at least. Her silver gaze turned back toward the ship in question at her question and she would nod. "I have. I wandered a little bit of everywhere with my mother for a while when I was younger, and we stayed in this ship a night or two on our journey. It's much more sturdy than you'd think it would be."

She led the way over to where she knew a hole in the side of the ship was so they could slip inside. It just took her pawing away some snow that had blown up around the hole for them to slip past the outer hull of the ship. "There we go," she commented as she shook the snow off of her fur and blinked to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. There was some light filtering in here and there from the sparsely placed windows and of course from the hole they had just come into so they weren't in complete darkness. The air was still so at least the wind wasn't blowing on them any more and they had escaped the snowfall. "See? It's pretty sturdy." She chuckled softly and padded a little further into the ship before she looked back at the woman again. "I'm Hera by the way. Who're you?"

Speech Others Thinking


01-16-2016, 10:48 PM

Bernadette would listen as the femme spoke again. So she’d been in the ship once before, hmm? Though some time ago. The thought of a journey wasn’t necessarily a bad one, though Bernie had officially settled within Yfir and believed that she had found a place for herself there. It honestly had Bernadette wondering, however, where this fae might choose to settle down. She didn’t seem like she’d be the viking sort... Though who could judge a book by it’s cover?

Bernadette would follow the pale woman both too and inside the ship, slipping inside quickly and a bit uneasily. Though, as she glanced around and had her paws set on the wooden planks, it didn’t seem all that bad. It was cold still, though a bit warmer than it had been out in the wind and snow. She’d breathe in slowly, allowing her bi-colored orbs to adjust to the light of the ship before glancing once more towards the other femme.

“Hera huh? I’m Joker, Joker Black.” As usual her alias would fall easily from her tongue, and, with a chuckle, she’d add. “Though I’ve also been called Forbidden Salvation as well. Whichever name suits you.” Though when she told most her second name it was more just a play on what a joker she was to them. The femme would let chuckle softly.

“This place is strange...” She’d muse, looking towards the windows. “It even smells different... I wonder how it came to be.”