
Prepare for Trouble

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-02-2015, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 03:25 PM by Rhyme I.)

Rhyme's long and gangly legs would carry him somewhat awkwardly through the rows and rows of trees that was the Orchard. Rhyme loved running in the snow. His winter coat had come in fully, he was quite puffy. The added fur almost made his proportions look okay but his limbs were still ridiculously long. It was almost comedic watching him travel at fast speeds, but he didn't mind. If he was having fun he didn't care what he looked like. This particular form of play was quickly forming the muscles that would propel him into battle with enemy as well as prey. He was quite the little hunter, or chaser at least. He was chasing the stray deer in the woods. Some of them were still in herds from the previous season's rut, but others had gone their own way and Rhyme intended to chase all of them.

Of course the game never lasted as long as he liked it too, he'd attempt to track th ecreatures once he'd lost sight of them but with all the hoof prints a novice like him couldn't really get a grasp of where his quarry had gone. So breathless from a good game, the young Rhyme would flop onto a felled tree. Snow covered the surface, but Rhyme paid no mind to that. Pulling himself upto its height he'd find a comfortable place rather easily. His tail would hang over the side and his four paws would find their purchase easily beneath him. Sighing heavily as he caught his breath the boy would look around him, what was he going to do next?