
Those lips and your brown eyes


11-29-2015, 12:08 AM

He had begun to loose count of the days. It wasn't until the air began to get colder and suddenly their was snow on the ground that it registered in his mind how long he had been searching. The events of their past had made him incredibly attached to his brother and now that he couldn't find him it was putting him more and more on edge. He went nights without sleeping and his paws were worn and cracked from walking for hours without stopping. He was almost positive that he had covered every inch of this continent, but Senca was still nowhere to be found. He forced himself to stop for a moment, his muscles aching from use and tense with stress. He had to give it up, he knew that. He wasn't exactly sane, but he certainly wasn't stupid.

Isolde's warm, brown eyes and gentle curves came to his mind and it was like a switch flipped in his mind. She was his new goal, one that was hopefully much more attainable than his wayward brother. He reoriented himself and began heading toward the place where he had left her, hoping that if nothing else he could at least get a starting point to go off of to start his new search. He hadn't explicitly told her to wait there for him since he hadn't been sure how long he would be gone, but perhaps she had lingered in the area or at least came to check and see if he had returned. Gethin honestly wondered if she really even wanted him to return to her or if she had given up on waiting on him.

As he neared the woods where he had last been with his spotted queen a painfully familiar yet slightly different scent reached him. A mix of relief, realization, and interest all washed over him at once and he hurried toward her scent, dark paws carrying him at a steady but insistent trot. His steps slowed when he spotted her, slowing till he was moving at a slow walk toward her. His ruby gaze traced over every inch of her and it wasn't till then that he realized just how much he had missed her in the time that he had been gone. "Isolde," he rasped quietly, his voice slightly rough from lack of use. He would try to press his face into the side of her neck and nuzzle into her neck and shoulder if she would let him.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-03-2015, 11:20 AM

Isolde had not gone so very far despite the long days that passed since Gethin's departure. The season would slowly change wo winter, aiding in Isolde's will to linger where she was. She'd always had trouble with the winter. She was always cold and could never find quite enough to eat. This year her luck was slightly better, for a few weeks she'd been dining on a deer that had broken its leg. Debilitated it had crawled around in pain and terror until Isolde found it and put it out of its misery. At this point Isolde was begging to be put out of her misery. The last winter she had endured she'd been a slave, and knowing that she couldn't get pregnant in that situation she and Soliloquy had not touched one another no matter how badly they'd wanted to.

Sol was on her mind a lot over the time her new companion was gone. She'd loved the man dearly, and every time she went over the events that passed she cursed herself for being so stupid. She'd tried to save her son, and in the end she had lost all of her family. These dark thoughts seemed to suppress the desires of her heat. There had been a couple of suitors that had come to search for her, but neither had been Gethin and she'd done her best to keep herself hidden from them.

She was laying out now, she wanted the fresh cool air despite its temperature. She'd thought she was going to be alone too, there hadn't been anyone snooping around the last few days so when she heard the crashing of paws steps through the woods she'd feel herself tense. Would she need to get ready to run? Her soft brown gaze would watch the forest intently, all but coiling her feet beneath her. She waited until the last possible moment, but when she finally saw the face with the form she'd relax all over again.

Ears would fall to her skull like an eager puppy seeing their master after a distance apart. She'd smile softly and lower her head slightly as her tail thumped rhythmically at the ground behind her. She'd whine softly as he made his way to her side, her name would leave his lips as he pushed against her and She'd lean back into his touch as she made to nuzzle his furry cheeks. "Hello, Gethin." She'd whisper back as she tried to with hold the relief she felt at his return. Before he'd only kept her for the majority of 24 hours, but in that time he'd grasped her firmly. Isolde felt herself his.
touch the stars

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12-03-2015, 03:16 PM

When he felt the excitement radiating front her at his return and her nuzzles on his cheek it felt like all of the tension feel out of his shoulders. He didn't understand it. He couldn't comprehend this hold she had on him. He had been with too many women for him to keep count, had seen his father do what he wanted with even more than that, had even had a couple of women that he had revisited several times. Never had he met a woman that he felt the need to cling to so tightly and protect so fiercely. He'd been with her all of a day, but still, he had gone out of his way to make sure he returned to her. Something about her just made him gravitate toward her. A small part of him actually felt guilty for making her wait for him. He refused to entertain that thought right now though. He simply reminded himself that if she had wanted to she could have left. She could have covered her tracks and disappeared much like his brother had and he may have never found her again. Instead, here she was, right where he left her.

"I'm glad to see you're safe," he rumbled softly as he breathed in her intoxicating scent. He noticed that there wasn't a single trace of another wolf's scent on her, only her beautifully sweet scent mixed with the scent of her heat. It was heady and intoxicating. He had always made a point of not mating with a woman if he found them in heat... but he wasn't entirely sure he could refrain this time. He forced himself to lay down beside her, still leaning his body into hers and taking care to shower her with as many affections as he could. He wanted to reward her for her diligence so badly. He nuzzled her neck and cheek, covering her face and ears with gentle licks. "I'm honestly a little surprised to see you still here, my queen," he commented between kisses, trying to speak what was going through his mind to keep himself from thinking about other things. "I was sure I would have lost you when I realized how long I had been searching."

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-05-2015, 11:39 AM

Isolde could have left, could have gone back to be with her birth family easily. She felt ashamed though, she couldn't go back to Fiori after she had failed so miserably at creating her own life. She'd lost everything and she couldn't give those truths to her mother or siblings.. what would they thing of her? The thought of leaving had been quickly shoved rom her mind and she had awaited the one other wolf who had shown her affection. He'd wanted her and far too much time had passed since she'd felt such an attraction towards another wolf. It had been too long since she'd felt safe with another, but from those few hours she had with him she felt safe.

His rumbled words would reach her ears as he pressed into her form and reunited them. She'd sigh heavily and relax into his c=touch, feeling little electric shocks where ever he placed his eager affections. Isolde would lean her body into his as he curled around her and groomed the places upon her pelt that he could reach. His quiet words would reach her ears as he kissed the shorter fur near her nose and eyes, he wa surprised that she'd waited for him. "You did make me wait too long," She'd agree as she swiveled her features to kiss the short fur around his lips. An affectionate and submissive behavior, "But I'm glad I stayed." She'd whisper as she obviously enjoyed his administrations.
touch the stars

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12-05-2015, 07:50 PM

Gethin never really wondered about anything below the surface when it came to his companions, but Isolde made it hard for him not to. What was it that made her so willing to stay with him? What made her seem to naturally fall into this wonderfully submissive role? He was sure there had to be something in her past that had made her this way, just like his past had so greatly shaped his current state, but he had never once wondered these kinds of questions about someone and had no idea how to even approach those topics. Was it normal to ask more of someone than their name and if they wanted sex? He had no idea.

Her admission that she was glad she had stayed pulled a slight smile onto his muzzle. "I'm glad you think I'm worth staying for." He gently groomed the thick fur of her scruff and worked his way up till he was placing tender licks over her ears and the top of her head. "I never should have bothered trying to look for him," he grumbled between licks and nibbles. "I lost his trail a couple of days into my search and I never picked it back up. I don't know what's happened to him." He was honestly so tired of looking for his brother that it was hard for him to care any more. He was still mad and still hurt, but it just felt like a dull ache, like a headache that wouldn't quite go away.

The longer he laid with her body pressed against him and his nose buried in her fur, the more enveloping and intoxicating her scent felt. He knew better than to want her this badly while she was in heat. There was a reason he avoided feas while they were in heat, but of course he couldn't just keep himself away from Isolde for another whole season. A quiet growl rumbled in his chest while he nibbled along the edge of her jaw, a sigh passing his lips. "You smell good enough to eat," he commented softly with a quiet chuckle. It really was taking all of his self control to not devour her completely.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-06-2015, 11:57 AM

She'd close her eyes blissfully as she leaned into Gethin's side, she wished she could say that his touch was calming the raging fire beneath her fur, but if anything he would only stoke it. When she had to she could refrain from the incessant drive within her form that urged her to reproduce, but now that Gethin was again beside her with his warmth so comforting... how could she resist him? He'd groom her softly and would tell her about his trip at the same time. For a long moment she thought she might have to endure longer, to try and ignore the begging of her body as he held her.

His growl told her otherwise as he played with her sensitive ears she realized that he was holding himself back even before he spoke. A playful chuckle slipped from her lips as he commented on her smell, "I wasn't sure you noticed" She'd say quietly as she opened her eyes back up to him. She'd shift slightly, arching her neck as she aimed to nibble at his own jaw before trying to move closer to his ear. "Will you have me again, Gethin?" Isolde would ask in the softest of whispers, the need in her voice was more than obvious. She'd flip her tail lazily, both moving it out of the way and dusting her perfume in the air all over again.
touch the stars

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12-08-2015, 05:39 PM

The conflicting feeling of needed to hold true to the promise he had made himself and the absolute dire need to have his queen this very moment was driving him mad. It didn't help matters when she chuckled at his comment about her heat scent and turned her head to nibble along his jaw and up to his ear. The toes of his front paws curled at the feeling, his claws cutting through the snow and into the dirt underneath. God he wanted her... And then she dared to ask him to have her again. A shiver went down his spine at the obvious tones of need in her sweet words. As much as he regretted it, his better judgement was quickly failing him. His muscles tensed for a moment while he fought against every carnal need that was begging for him to have her, but all it took was him to bury his face in the fur of her neck again and get a nose full of her intoxicating scent for him to be undone.

"Damn it, Isolde..." he'd growl, his voice no more than a quiet, frustrated rumble, as he pushed himself up onto his paws and quickly moved so that he was over her. His front legs hooked around her and pulled her spotted rump up hard into him just as his jaws reached up to grab her thick scruff. He hadn't had another woman while he was out on his search and he didn't think about this fact until he realized the immediate and intense relief he felt from making her completely his again. His actions were not nearly as gentle or as tender as before, driven on by his deep need and the slightest bit of anger at himself for breaking his own vow. He tasted her blood on his tongue before he ever realized how hard he was biting her scruff.


He felt guilty. He felt guilty This was a feeling so foreign to him that at first he had no name for it. The emotion hit him like a train as he parted from Isolde's form and he saw the blood staining her pale russet scruff. The wounds were minor at best, but they were enough to draw blood and it pulled back to his mind the promise that he had made after their fist time together, that he would never let her see this dark side of him. He had failed himself twice in one go. The smallest, most quiet whine escaped him as he settled onto the ground with her and he began to carefully clean and groom the fur around her scruff. "I'm sorry," he told her softly between careful licks, not letting his gaze meet hers. Never in his life had he felt guilty after taking anyone like that. The fact that she managed to make him feel like that was so infuriating, but he tucked at anger away deep down for him to dwell on later when she wasn't around to get in the path of his wrath. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-09-2015, 10:44 AM

She'd ask her question, mostly sure of the answer she would receive as she nibbled teasingly on the fur near his ear. Still smiling as she enjoyed his presence, but shaking slightly at the feeling of need that overwhelmed her. She wanted Gethin to use her, the feeling of emptiness was too much. Especially with his sitting so close. She didn't quite expect his reaction though, with a low growl he'd curse her before standing and moving himself above her. What had she done?

She wouldn't be given any time to think or apologize for her actions as he grasped her tightly and pulled her hard against him. She'd squeak slightly at his movements and would gasp in surprise as he took a hold of her scruff. She wouldn't be able to keep quiet as Gethin claimed her, his actions a far cry from the sweet good bye sex they had enjoyed before he left. Despite the rough treatment Isolde would still find herself in bliss, losing herself even farther with the abuse.


With labored breathing, a bloodied scruff, and her body satisfied the tiny she wolf could think more clearly on her companion. He'd leave her only to surround her once more beside her instead of on top of her. Now he would be tender, his movements were sweet as he went to cleaning the damage he'd done. With out her adrenaline pumping his tongue across the broken flesh stung. She'd flinch involuntarily, "I'm sorry." would come his soft words, she'd find his gaze and smile softly. "I didn't mean to hurt you." She'd reach over and kiss his nose sweetly, Don't be sorry, Isolde was still close to his muzzle, her voice no more than a whisper. It didn't hurt, I like it rough.
touch the stars

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12-09-2015, 11:40 AM

His ears flicked forward to catch her words, not really quite understanding what he was hearing coming from her lips. He understood them perfectly fine as words, as a sentence, but he had never dreamed of such a thing coming from such a sweet and delicate fea. He'd blink with surprise, even as she kissed his nose and his gaze found hers again. He searched her eyes and saw no reason not to believe her. The shock had disrupted his self loathing and for a moment all he could do was chuckle and place a little kiss on the end of her muzzle as well. "You're full of surprises, my queen," he'd tell her as he leaned forward to nuzzle her cheek.

The momentary delighted shock and surprise faded as his gaze found her scruff. The blood was cleaned away now, but he could still see the bites he had left behind. "If you like it rough then I'll have you like that whenever you'd like," he'd tell her softly with a gentle lick over her ear. "But I never should have let my anger get the best of me... For that I'm sorry. My queen deserves only what she wants and nothing more." He would bring his gaze back to hers, only because seeing her warm brown eyes kept the furious self doubt at bay. He hesitated for a moment, but he finally went on to explain, "I had made a promise with myself to not mate with anyone when they're in heat. I never wanted to be my father-" he'd stop. Uncertainty lingered in his gaze even as he curled his body around her more tightly. He didn't want to scare her away. Or maybe he should, maybe he should just make her afraid of him, make her never want to be near him again so he wouldn't have to worry about hurting her. "My father was not a good man," he'd say simply, his voice a quiet whisper. "I'm not a good man. I've followed in his footsteps much more than I'd like to admit..."

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-10-2015, 12:00 PM

She threw him off guard quite obviously, and as he offered her a chuckle and comment about how full of surprises she was she'd join him. The bell like laughter would be heard as he nuzzled her cheek affectionately. She'd continue to smile as his thoughts returned to him, he'd sober slightly, making sure she knew what he had been sorry for, and she would nod. Making a note to herself of what he'd told her. If she wanted to be abused all she need do was ask, but that was the only time she deserved such treatment. He'd tell her he'd let his anger get the better of him, and he'd meet her gaze. She'd smile softly and bump her nose to his, a little token of comfort.

He'd even go on to explain, her ears would perk slightly at his words, and she couldn't help but suspect she was the first she wolf to have heard such words from him. There was no doubt that he'd enjoyed many a she wolf before herself, but she felt special wrapped up in his embrace as he told her a little bit of his past and who he was. I'm sorry I made you break your promise." Of course she hadn't forced him to take her she couldn't help but claim a bit of responsibility. "You've been good to me," She'd make sure to tell him with an honest smile as she tried to kiss his nose again. He'd been very good to her, even with her new bite marks.
touch the stars

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12-10-2015, 07:58 PM

Gethin felt quite a bit of comfort in her laughter and small affections. He had never allowed himself to get this close to someone else before. The fact that he had allowed himself to show her a bit of what had made him him was more than he had ever done with anyone else. He hadn't expected any kind of apology from her, nor did he really think she had anything to apologize for. When she apologized he was quick to give a little shake of his head. "No, this is my doing. Don't be sorry. I'm just too weak to resist you," he replied with a small grin, giving the edge of her jaw a light, teasing nip. There was so much truth in that statement and he wasn't sure if she really understood the profound effect she had on him.

A low chuckle rumbled in his chest at her comment about how he had been good to her. "Yes... I'm trying very, very hard to be the best for you, my shining star." He gently kissed her forehead and tried not to consider the possibility that she may very well be pregnant with his children now. He knew there was a small possibility of that happening even when she wasn't in heat but... No, he shoved that thought away. He refused to even consider the thought until it was unavoidable. He distracted himself by focusing entirely on entertaining her. His teeth lightly nibbled on the edge of her ear before he ran his tongue over the delicate skin there and nuzzled his face into the thick fur on her scruff. "What a reunion this has been," he commented with another chuckle, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
12-12-2015, 01:29 PM

He wouldn't accept her apology, and would even go as far as to call himself weak in regards to her. She'd offer him a quick look of uncertainty before being distracted by the nibble on her jaw. She'd snuggle closer to him, eager for his warm and touch. He was sure to tell her that he'd been on his very best behavior just for her. He'd kiss her forehead and call her another of the various pet names he'd decided for her so far. She couldn't help but believe him when he said she meant so much to him. She had to, he'd come back to her and showered her in affection. She adored the attention, and was quickly beginning to feel the same about the man that gave it.

She wouldn't think about the potential outcome of today, or the days after. She wished only to enjoy him and the reunion they shared. He was completely correct, this had been quite the rendezvous. "Mmm, it has been." She'd arch her neck back over his own and give the flesh there a few nips of her own.
touch the stars

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