
Mirror, Tell Me Who's The Loneliest of All?



4 Years
12-02-2015, 08:10 PM
The ababaster and ebony woman stayed silent for most of her trip back home; mostly due to the fact that her voice almost seemed to be lost in the essence of time and space. Though she could still talk, she felt like she had no use for her voice at the moment. The smell of her home would surround her nostrils, and she would sit down by the stream close by to where her father and little siblings were located. Little Mako, how he didn't even have a chance to know their mother, and the thought sickened and saddened the woman very much. However, she would turn to see that Felicien was still beside her, and a small smile spread across her maw.

Her right eye, blinded from the beast that took Annette's vision and scarred her. Right ear torn to shreds, barely even there it would seem, but the woman didn't give a damn anymore. What was the point of a missing ear? Nothing. Nothing at all it would seem could fill the dark void that hung around Mystic's heart, and a sigh would leave her maw. Though she thought Felicien would be a good friend, she wasn't even sure what she thought of him. Would he even be considered more as a friend, or just an acquaintance? She wouldn't know for some time, but, he did seem kind, and that was something that she was thankful for.

Her cranium looked to the frozen water, an eyebrow raised as she smashed her paw against the ice, and it would break easily. Her stomach growled with hunger once again and she dipped her head into the water, nose out of the water so she could breathe and mouth agape. Before long, a slippery morsel banged against the side of her teeth, and she snapped down quickly, managing to catch it rather quickly as she brought the food to her paws and gave a powerful bite, killing it.

Her crimson optics shifted over to Felicien, a small smile still located on her maw as she lied down and tore into her meal, only leaving a few scraps for the crows as she tossed the bones away, not caring where they ended up at the moment before looking to the sky. The sunset began to shine, darkening the sky in beautiful rays of crimson, orange, and yellowish tints. The clouds almost held a pink appearance, and she thought it was rather beautiful. The only time she ever saw something so pretty was when she was a pup, and her father would always spend time with her, and she was always happy to be around him. When he passed on into the next world, she wasn't even sure what she would do. But, she would close her eyes and listen to the sounds, even listening to see if Felicien would even talk, but, if not, at least she was home.

"Thank you for bringing me back home. I appreciate your help and hospitality, Feli," she would give a small grin, her crimson eyes focusing on him. Though, due to one eye having a gash over it, her only eye focused well on him and she would focus in on him, listening to his reply.


12-03-2015, 09:03 PM

Félicien had traveled with the woman to Southern Alacrita. Waiting patiently each time she needed to rest, or even when she hunted for fish. He’d never been much of a fisher himself, and he wondered for a moment how she might have learned. Had her parents taught her, the male wondered? He wasn’t in any hurry to get to where they were going, only wanting to make sure that the maiden was brought back safely. Though she was back in the southern most lands... She was still yet with her family, and that worried the young man.

“It is no trouble, miss Mystic. It was my pleasure to accompany you back here. Though, if I might ask, what of your family? Surely you’d been gone a while... Are you certain that they are still here?” He’d scent the air. The only ones he smelled were a young one and an older male. He’d glance back to Mystic, hoping for an answer.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-03-2015, 09:12 PM
The alabaster woman nodded, "That's pretty much all that is left of my family. I don't know what happened to the rest of them. So, it is basically just my father, little brother, and myself." She would say, hearing the sounds of the birds as they called out their rambunctious songs, a sigh escaping her. "My father is still young, but he is getting up there in years. My brother and sister wanted to be on their own adventures, and I don't know what had become of my other younger siblings, but they're gone too," she explained as she closed her one good eye. The smell of the fish intoxicated her nostrils to the point they began to burn from the scents, even though it was only bone now. Her eye would shift over to Felicien, "What about your family, what has become of them? And, surely you would have had a mate by now, right?" She titled her head slightly in wonder.


12-03-2015, 09:25 PM

Félicien would frown with worry. That was all that was left of her family? Her father, her little brother, and herself. He would feel badly. A large family, splintered off. Much like his own. Féli would sigh softly as the question was turned around, a mention of his own family. It was as if a knife had sliced into his heart. He would feel tears threatening to form, and he fought against them. No... He had long since accepted that his family was gone. There was no more tears left to shed over them.

“My mother and father went missing long ago, along with my sister. My brother only just recently left... When Hellstrom destroyed the pack my family had made... Threar. Now, all that is left is me and my little cousins. We live in Abaven now with some of our other distant family.” He would try to smile. “So though my immediate family is gone... I can say I’m blessed to have some still in my life.”

The mate comment was just a deeper stab into his heart. >“My mate disappeared.” The male would sigh heavily. “She’s not coming back.”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-03-2015, 09:34 PM
Mystic felt bad for Felicien. It would seem that they had something in common: both of their families were either killed or just left for no reason and with no evidence of ever coming back. She felt horrible for bringing up the heart-felt discussion, and she would notice how Felicien was probably trying to hold back tears, and the thought saddened her as well. She stood up and approached him, an alabaster paw gently placed on top of his own while a crimson orb focused on him. The dame smiled, trying to reassure the brute, and, a friendly nudge was given to his cheek, trying to show that she was sorry and wanted to comfort him.

"I'm sorry about your family. One pack when I was a pup wanted to make me a slave, but my father had stepped in and made a trade to keep that from happening. My father is basically a wolf whom I admire and would like to be like someday," she would explain before looking to the clouds, her eyes closed as the wind blew past her body, and she would howl gently, a beautiful melody that echoed throughout the lands, serene and delicate as well. "I am also sorry about your mate. You're very kind, and very brave for facing these issues and still willing to be helpful and smile," she would explain, her crimson optic still focusing on him, "And I admire that in a wolf."


12-05-2015, 01:21 PM

Félicien would feel slightly better seeing her smile, feeling that friendly nudge to his cheek. It was alright. Though he had lost many of his family members he still had Abaven, and his owl companion Sophitia too, though where she was he couldn’t be too sure. The owl had been on her own for a while, and truthfully Féli kind of missed her. Both his mother and brother had owls of their own... It kind of made sense that Félicien had gotten one as well. But without his family here... It just felt... Strange.

Hearing her words made him think of Yfir. The pack that had raided Threar. He would flick his ears back, giving a small nod. “It is good goal. To become strong enough to protect those you care about. It’s not uncommon that our parents are that source of inspiration.” Féli would smile. “...and sometimes it is another, but in the end we all have someone we are drawn to be like.”

Félicien would shake his head at her next comment though. “...just because we suffer a loss it is not a reason to give up. We have to keep pressing on.” The young man would offer a smile of his own, the tears no longer threatening to flow. “So don’t give up, alright?” Féli would give a gentle nudge back to her. “...and like I said, if you, your father, and brother ever need a place... I’m sure Abaven would have you.”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-05-2015, 01:29 PM
The alabaster woman nodded in agreement. She believed that things happened for a reason, but, what was the reason that her mother had to leave and make her father seem depressed and upset most of the time? She remembered a lot on how when she was a pup that he always took her on adventures; now, now they never even happen anymore. Her crimson optics would widen slightly when he gave her a friendly nudge, feeling the warmth of his fur made the dame feel relaxed and tranquil, and it made her happy to know someone who happened to have lost family just like her, and he would know what she was feeling.

"I appreciate your words, Felicien... I understand that things happen for a reason, but, I just wish that we knew why reasons such as these happen," she would look to the river and sighed, "I just wish that there was some way I could make my dad happier. Ever since my mother died, he has not been himself, and it makes me worried about him too cause he has my little brother, and I can't provide him the best care if he does die..." She turned to look at Felicien, "I appreciate you'd think that your pack would accept me and my brother, I'm thankful for that, but, I'm just worried that they would reject us."


12-05-2015, 01:49 PM

Félicien would give another nod as Mystic spoke. Yes, it would be nice to know why things happened. He’d love to know the reason that Threar had been lost the way it had... why so many things had happened. “I don’t think you need to worry too much about your dad, to be honest. He might not be acting quite like himself, but perhaps it is his own way to mourn the loss of your mother. As long as he has you and your little brother he’ll be alright. We can always rebuild. It is loneliness, true loneliness, that takes us.”

Félicien would shake his head the moment Mystic even mentioned the idea that Abaven would reject her family. “I doubt that they would. From what it sounds like your family has good morals, strong loyalty to each other. That is something any pack could respect.” The young man would tilt his head to the side.

“Has your family been rejected from a pack before, Mystic?” He was curious as to why she thought that way.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-05-2015, 02:07 PM
His voice echoed in her ears, and she would nod her head in understanding when he spoke to her. She closed her eyes and gave a small sigh, looking over to him, "I understand, and as for being rejected, my last mate was from the pack who had kidnapped me when i was a pup, and the pack's name was Yfir, so I have been told." She looked to the sky once again and kept her eyes closed, "I do appreciate the possibility of joining your pack, but I don't really know how to live around a pack or what jobs I would have to do due to the fact that I have lived with only my mother, father, and siblings all my life."

The thought of having another large family did make her happy, pondering about it she would smile and look back over to the brute, "but, a pack does seem nice," she kept a small smile upon her face now as she thought about it more and more, and it made her even more happy at the thought.


12-09-2015, 05:29 PM

Félicien was surprised to hear that her former mate had been part of a pack that kidnapped her as a pup. Yfir the pakc was called. He would allow his gaze to soften with sympathy. “I’m sorry to hear that. But I promise you, Abaven isn’t like that.” Féli would lift his ears slightly, speaking in a soft tone. “As for what you’d do in a pack... Well... Much of it as similar to what you’d do as a loner I’d think. Just as a group. Like hunting, or patrolling the borders.” Féli would give a light laugh. “It’s safer too. Everyone looks after each other and all...” Félicien would close his eyes. “...and Abaven doesn’t force those who don’t wish to to fight. Everyone has their skills, and that’s respected.” At least from where hes stood anyway.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-09-2015, 05:42 PM
The alabaster and ebony woman nodded her cranium in understanding as the salty smell of the fish surrounded her nostrils, becoming intoxicated by its smell. Her crimson optics shifted over to where her father and brother lie hidden in the den close by. She wished she could help them with the daily activities, but, she had to be hunting to help provide for her little brother and father as well. Ever since her mother had died, things had down hill drastically, and who knows what could happen within the coming months, Mystic hated to think about it.

Since her mother wasn't around, she would be more of the motherly figure to her little brother, even though she was his sister. However, when Felicien spoke to her, she knew she have to think about joining a pack with her family, and, it would be a good source of protection for her them as well, and they wouldn't have to go too far to find food, even though South Alacritia did hold a bunch of food if one were to look hard enough.

She closed her eyes and gave a small yawn before looking over to Felicien, "Again, thanks for bringing me back home. It is nice to find a wolf who wouldn't hurt someone like me," she would smile, nudging his chest gently in a friendly way.


12-14-2015, 09:08 PM

Félicien would give a warm nod in response to Mystic’s words. “But of course. No one should desire to hurt another of their own species. We all have to look out for one another, you know?” ‘licien would look to the skies, smiling as he saw a familiar form making her way towards them. It was good to see the owl after so long. He’d honestly missed Sophitia’s company, and, perhaps, she could be a good companion to Mystic as well.

“You are about to meet someone very special.” Félicien would explain. He’d gently nudge her back, motion towards the skies. “See that form in the sky? That’s my friend, Sophitia. She’s an owl.”

As she got closer Sophitia would begin her descent. She would land on the ground beside Féli, gazing up at the injured she wolf with a gentle gaze. “Hello dear. Are you a friend of Félicien’s? It’s a pleasure.”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-14-2015, 09:33 PM
The femme would focus on the brute with a calm and gentle gaze. Her heart was racing when he spoke his mind, and it brought back Hypnos and his kind words. She had missed him, but, perhaps she and Felicien could be something more, but, only time would tell now. Her crimson orbs shifted to the form that flew above the sky, soon landing down in front of them, somewhat startling her, but the alabaster and ebony woman smiled in kindness to the owl.

"Yes, I am a friend of Feli, at least I hope that he considers me a friend," she would grin before looking to the sunset. She wondered how her other siblings were doing, for she missed them dearly, as well as her mother despite not being as close to her as she was her father. The smell of the oak and maple wafted throughout her nostrils, the wind blowing against her coat as she sighed, feeling the wind against the opening in her ear, and her torn eye. "My name is Mystic, it is nice to meet you," she spoke to Sophitia.


12-15-2015, 05:17 PM

Sophitia’s arrival was certainly a welcome surprise for the young man. The owl wast the closest thing he had to family now besides his little cousins, and though he adored the little ones he couldn’t talk to them about mature subjects like he could with the owl. She was a good friend, another set of eyes within the sky. It seemed like only yesterday Félicien had found her within Threar’s lands, injured and refusing help. For one who spoke so softly she was also very stubborn. Perhaps with a bit more bark behind her bite than she would like to admit.

“Oh dear I’m sure that he does. Félicien wouldn’t be stranding with a stranger this long if he didn’t consider them a friend.” Sophitia would hoo happily. “...and it a pleasure, miss Mystic.” Sophita would hop a little on the ground, growing excited. This was good, yes, this was very good. Féli had moped for far too long. Having another female friend might just be the thing he needed to get him going again.

Félicien would give a gentle nudge to the owl, giving a soft chuckle. “Yes, Mystic is a friend. A good one.” The brute hadn’t known her very long yet, he felt a connection of sorts. They both understood loss, and didn’t want to be alone. He would breathe in slowly, letting his gaze turn towards the setting sun. It was a beautiful sight -- hues of orange, pink, and purple filling the skies. It was the first time he had watched the sun setting in southern Alacritia.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Féli would ask Mystic, glancing towards her. He would let his muzzle turn up in a smile. “Mystic... Would you like me to come again in a couple days? I’ll need to take care of some things back at my pack first but... I’d really like to check in on you again.”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
12-15-2015, 05:45 PM
The fae would smile, crimson optics reflecting the setting sun from them as she smiled, maw spreading evenly. The owl who had approached her and talked seemed rather kind, and caring as well. The smell of pine and maple wafted within her nostrils, and she kept the smile upon her paw as she would turn her cranium, seeing Felicien as he talked about coming back and seeing her once again. She would give a soft chuckle, the smile still noticeable as her one good eye focused on the orbs of the light tan colored brute. He was rather handsome to her, but, she did not wish to get her hopes up.

"It would be nice to see you again, Felicien. I hardly have any friends to come and spend time with, so you're more than welcome to come back and visit at your leisure," she would reply, tail swaying to and fro from the ground. The cool wind blew past her pelt, her alabaster and ebony coat blew as she sighed and looked back to the sunset, "And the sunset surely is a beautiful sight. Sometimes, I wounder what it is like, being among the stars."


12-17-2015, 08:56 PM

The world certainly seemed to be at peace. The sun setting, painting the skies in brilliant swatches of color, reminded the young man of the sunsets he’d watch back in Threar.
Félicien was glad, so endlessly glad that Hellstrom had been thwarted. Though he had not been part of the battle he finally felt like there was some justice for the fallen pack. For Novella and Frith... Though their children still bore the consequences of that day. Féli would breathe in slowly. Arkay, Farore, and Thalos... They deserved so much more than what he was able to offer them. Should have had so much more.

Félicien would look back to Mystic as she spoke. The poor fae had to be lonely, without any friends to come spend time with her and all. “It’ll be nice to see you again too.” Féli would say softly. “I’ll definitely be back, that I can promise you.” Félicien would begin to wag his tail back and forth, taking a step closer to Mystic.

“As for the stars, well, I’m not too sure. I’d like to think that it would be a nice, light feeling.” Féli would say softly. “I would also imagine you’d be able to look down and see all those that you love.... A guardian angel of sorts.” Félicien would give a soft chuckle. He’d glance at Sophitia, seeing that the owl was watching the two of them. “What is it Sophitia?”

“Nothing ‘licien. Nothing at all.” She would hoo softly. She’d take a few hopping steps, spreading her wings. “Shall we get going?” She’d ask. The golden brute would look towards Mystic, giving a gentle smile.

“See you next time.” And with that he would turn to leave.

--Exit ‘licien Unless Stopped--

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen