
you just might see a ghost tonight

Absinthe 1

12-06-2015, 02:45 AM

She was growing weary of all this walking and running and hunting. She missed the ease of being around others. Back when she was on her own as a babe, she'd starved for days. Now, she could very well hunt for herself, but she couldn't manage anything especially filling. A rabbit here, a vole there, and carrion in between. Where was the variety? The spice? Nowhere, that's where. Kicking a stone across the ground, she huffed to herself. She had just eaten, but she wasn't happy about it. Her mismatched gems remained downcast, glaring intently at the terrain as it was eaten up beneath the pads of her feet. She'd gotten lost during her trip, sidetracked, really. She didn't want to remember the reason why quite yet, so she opted to just leave it at lost. Violet plume swept rhythmically across her dark heels, catching the first dregs of winter sunlight. Her coat had thickened considerably in the fall, and now she was thoroughly insulated for the coming season. She considered going north, to see if Bacc had continued with the plans of the trip. If he'd kept going, she would definitely catch him on his return trip from the north.

Her toes nudged an old bone out of the way as she meandered toward a crevice in the rocks. It was looking like a storm was brewing, and she wasn't sure if she would like to risk being caught in it. Besides, the lavender damsel had been awake all night. While a few miles wouldn't be that hard to manage, she wasn't really feeling like walking around waiting for a storm to break. This was a good looking place to settle for the next little while. She could rest her feet, make a game plan. She really did need to find Bacc, it was approaching the second season without him. The third? Shit. Her audits lowered toward her delicate crown, and she ducked into the hollow. Oh jeez, that was awful. It reeked of sulfur and there were cobwebs covering every inch of it. No thank you. She muttered to herself, shaking her head as she backed out.

With a small yawn the girl continued, heading closer to the volcanic peak in search of a better nook or cranny to stay in. At this rate, she wouldn't even be fully settled in when the storm hit. Frowning as she walked, she glanced to and fro along her path. Even a collection of boulders would do. The clouds on the horizon were going to get closer, and she wanted to be in deep sleep when they hit. It was hard to fall asleep when it was crashing and rumbling like mad overhead.




2 Years
Extra large
12-12-2015, 12:29 PM
not sure when i want this thread to take place so gonna leave things vague

Mismatched paws would carry the huge wolf through the drifts of snow, having only a little trouble pushing the mass amount from his path. He was on a mission now. He'd finally caught a fresh trail. Absinthe had been here recently and he was not going to let her slip out of his grasp this time. That's what he told himself at least. It seemed the world was determined to keep them apart. His bright red stare would find the ominous clouds that rolled in the sky, the atmosphere would cause his fur to stand on end and his hopes for finding the girl would crash. His priorities would shift from her trail to finding shelter.

The mountain did not seem any place he wanted to be during a snowstorm, he'd skirt the areas that might lead him that away. The forest was his next stop, the trees that littered the base of the volcano would shelter him from much of the snow. Hopefully the storm didn't last too long, but already he knew he would lose Abby's trail before the night was over.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

12-13-2015, 01:50 AM

When the storm did arrive, the lass was wholly unprepared. She was barely halfway up the side of the volcano, caught somewhere between bitter memories and searching for shelter. Neither endeavour was altogether enjoyable. A rumble of distant thunder suddenly came to roar overhead, and rain came pitter pattering down from the sky. Slowly at first, gentle drops of water that chilled her to the bone where they crept through her undercoat. Winter was here, if she'd ever doubted it before. Perhaps she'd head south, where it might be a little warmer. After all, it had been a little longer than she'd expected to be gone. No doubt her pack had given up on her, and renounced her. Wouldn't be the first time a family gave up on her, now would it? Another loud rumble from the sky, accompanied a few beats later by a flash of blinding light. Part of her wanted to perceive this as a threat, for reasons unknown. A low growl would rumble betwixt her narrow ribs, eyes raised upwards to glower at the heavens. As if in response, electricity crackled through the air, and a gnarled old tree on the other side of the shale expanse burst into flames, long dead bark eaten up by hungry tongues of yellow and red. "Yeah, yeah, I'm workin' on it." She griped, soft southern affliction contrasting sharply with her harsh vocals. Mismatched gems rolled upward, then she resumed her search. Flicking her tail irritably, she scoured the mountainside.

Another little cranny in the mountainside, much larger than her, but infinitesimal in comparison to the titan shadow of the mountain. Plodding inside, she discovered a cavern that led into what seemed like an abyss. Probably an old lava tunnel, and she couldn't help but be curious. Maybe later, though. Alabaster toes skimmed delicately over the stone floor, fearing rocks and stalagmites, all the while waiting for her eyes to adjust to the light. The further she got from the entrance, the warmer it was, and she felt delighted. Based on the mouldy grasses lingering in the furthest corner, she suspected that this might have been someone else's hideaway. She brushed them aside with one paw, and scratched at the collected sand on the floor. It would do in a pinch, as most things tended to with her. Yawning widely, she slumped heavily into the divot in the floor. It had been a long day, and she could use some sleep. Of course, as she was so helpfully reminded by the shuddering of the walls, it might not be easy with the storm raging just outside. Frowning, she settled her dainty crown between her paws and pulled her tail close to her nostrils. No risk getting cold with that ever shifting wind outside. Her eyes slowly fell shut, and she sighed heavily. Bones settling and mind drifting, she wondered if anyone was looking for her. Hopefully, Bacchus was looking for her. He would be the only one at this point, if at all. Though she loved her adoptive parents as dearly as the ones who had borne her, she knew better than to assume they would neglect their flesh and blood babes to continue an exhausting hunt for their missing addition to the brood.

She'd given up believing mama Vi was looking her in her youth. Her crimson furred parent was long gone, and would probably never show her face again. Millicent could be anywhere, and she hadn't appeared at all during the trip. Perhaps mama Des had taken her with her..




2 Years
Extra large
12-17-2015, 12:03 PM

As his massive form was brought into the forest he'd sight a large cave at the side of the volcano, not thinking he'd have ever been so lucky he'd make his way towards it. So focused was he that he was halfway through the entrance before catching Absinthe's scent within. More astounding even was how fresh it was. He could feel his goal being attained now, Abby was close and he was not going to let her out of his grasp this time. He'd follow after her, just as careful not to knock himself out by running into an ill fated stone structure.

He was quiet, almost silent as his paws traveled over the stone. He didn't want to alert her to his presence too early, he didn't want to see her run off again. With the utmost care he'd eventually find her, curled up in preparation for the storm that raged outside. For a long moment he'd just stare at her peaceful form, unsure if he'd actually found her or if she was another trick of the mind. She looked and smelled so real though. "Absinthe." He'd whisper, wondering if he really had completed his goal.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

01-24-2016, 06:03 PM
ooc. vacations make for no time ever in life amirite? I'm super sorry for the late reply!!!

A whisper of a voice, tugging at her consciousness. Someone had said her name. The rumble of thunder almost drowned it out, but there was no missing it. Mismatched eyes would slide open slowly, and land upon an enormous silhouette. Cautiously, she would lift her crown to stare at the wolf. Familiar stance nagged at her, and the scent flooded her nostrils. She squinted, trying to make it out his face. It was Bacc! Leaping to her feet, the lass all but danced with glee. He'd come back to her! She bounded forth, only a few paces. "Bacc! Finally! I lost you, and so I just kept going, I figured you'd catch up to me!" She hesitated, frowning just a little. It definitely wasn't a pout. "But you didn't.." She whined, a little too pitifully. "Where did you go, Bacc?" She questioned in a whisper, two toned brows drawing together. Something about her best friend's expression made her a little nervous. Cocking her head to one side, she scrutinized Bacchus. Something was definitely wrong with him.

That's what it was! There was something on his face, right between his eyes! Obviously he was upset because he hadn't had the chance to clean up! She padded closer, finding herself dwarfed by his familiar bulk. "Bacc, you got a little something.." She would attempt to brace her forepaws on his shoulder, and clean the mark from his face. It didn't clear under the caress of her tongue, and she noted that it wasn't on his skin, but part of it! She gave it a few more helpless licks, feeling tears well up in her eyes. Why was she crying? Bacc should be crying, not her! Bacc had gotten hurt! She pulled her snout away from his forehead, and instead left it close enough that their noses nearly touched. "Bacc," she started. Who did this to you? What happened? Where are they? Where were you? Why didn't I look for you harder? How big are they? Will I lose a fight with them? I'm gonna fight this motherfucker. "are you okay?"




2 Years
Extra large
01-24-2016, 10:31 PM

She was slow to answer his call, but he had chosen the exact moment thunder rumbled over the land. He'd watch her in the dim light as she slowly stood, unsure what he would do himself as she approached. Her exuberance brightened him a little, but even she was quick to fall into his darkness. A whine, and her voice would lower to a whisper as she took a good look at him. Then she saw his scar, but it seemed like she didn't realize that it was a permanent fixture. He'd brace himself slightly as she used him as a ladder up to his face, he'd lower himself slightly to give her a better angle. It wasn't long before she'd realize. Was that tears in her eyes because it sounded like they were in her voice. "I'm alive," he'd rumble, unsure how much he wanted to tell her, or how much she wanted to know. "I fell.." He'd start, he wasn't sure when. His memories of that night were foggy, he wasn't even sure if she'd been with him when he'd slid down the cliff.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

01-25-2016, 12:21 AM

Bacchus didn't say much in response. He assured her that he was alive, and that he'd fallen. No shit you're alive, ghosts don't make good stepping stools. The thought entered her head without intention. She knew he was leaving something out, because her Bacc wouldn't have taken so long to come after her if he'd stepped in a gopher hole. The girl frowned, quirking a brow. "Into what, a coma?" She questioned, sniffling lightly. The burn behind her eyes had died down, but she still felt like one wrong word would send her into hysterics. Dropping back down onto her feet, she beckoned him to follow her back to where she'd been laying. She watched her steps carefully, not keen on stubbing a toe right now. "Let's lay down, and you can tell me the whole story." She hummed softly, glancing over her shoulder at the behemoth she called her best friend. He looked haunted, and Absinthe wouldn't stand for that.

Settling herself on her haunches, she brushed her paw across the sandy patch beside her. It was time for a real talk, one that was long overdue apparently. She had to tell him about the things she'd seen, and maybe convince him to show her where he'd grown up, since they hadn't had the chance when they were on their trip. She was still curious, though she'd been up north already. It was only fair, after all. When he laid down, she'd worry about getting comfy. Her first concern was her friend, and his well being. They needed to catch up, and get back on the same page. Not to mention, with the storm out there, Bacc would have no choice but to spill the beans. "Alright, tell me how you went and got your pretty face all fucked up." She snorted, beaming at him.




2 Years
Extra large
01-25-2016, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 12:23 PM by Bacchus.)

Her humor managed to bring a slight smile to his features, "If only," He'd continue to grumble as she shifted and removed herself from his shoulder. A heavy sigh would leave him, obviously he was not going to get out of telling her the story. Hopefully he'd have an easier time of it with her than he did with Lillie. He wouldn't put up anymore of a fight as she led him deeper into the cave, and suggested that they just lay down. He wouldn't be going anywhere fast with the storm outside anyway. Though he would notice she was awful chipper for the story she was about to receive, maybe still trying to cover up those tears because she realized how serious it was about to get.

He would slowly follow after, first looking at his intended place and back to her as she offered the seat beside her. Another softer sigh would filter through his lips as he shifted and lowered himself to the earth. She was very much determined to get it out of him, but Bacchus wasn't ready yet. "I want your story first." He'd decide, his ruby gaze coming to lay on her own. With a seriousness that would not be argued in his voice, Bacchus was determined to get her course of events first. "Start when you first noticed I was gone."
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

02-04-2016, 09:28 PM
ooc. I'm sorry this is so late! School is super busy this semester, but I'm trying to stay caught up! D:

Bacchus was stiff as a board as he settled onto the ground. Jeez, something was definitely up. This wouldn't a fun story. She leaned back against his flank, tucking herself into the crook of his thigh and adjusting her shoulder blade so it wouldn't impale him while they talked. She wanted to rest her chin over his back, but this wasn't a conversation for almost napping. He almost immediately asserted that she would be the first to tell tales. Absinthe sighed, frowning at him. However, it wasn't her place to push. He looked haunted, and that irked her immensely. Her best friend prompted to start from when they'd been separated. She settled further into the soft bulk of her steel coated friend, and let her tail still against his. "Alright, well, you know all about the storm of doom. You told me to go on ahead, and that you'd follow, remember? Well, I went on ahead, and found somewhere to hole up, right? Well, you weren't there, you never showed up." She muttered, staring at her alabaster toes. That had been a dark time for her, she'd been so worried but that storm would have swept her up in a heartbeat. She would have been killed in a second, it had gotten so bad.

"I looked for you, obviously. You don't think I left you, do you?" She questioned softly, mismatched brows drawing together. "After the storm stopped, I wandered around for days, looking in every nook and cranny for your big dumb face." She sighed, holding his ruby gaze with her odd eyes. "When I couldn't find you anywhere, I decided I'd continue on the route we had planned. I figured you'd do that too, because it seemed like a good thing to do, you know? I got all the way to the north, and stayed for a while. It was nice, up there. Nice and cool, I could imagine little baby Bacc running around with your brothers there." She giggled, trying to lift the mood of the conversation. It was true, she had been able to clearly envision her best friend frolicking in the snow drifts with his brothers, having the time of his life. She'd never found out why the family had moved to Fiori.

"When you didn't show up, I figured you'd gone home. You weren't there though, I didn't catch anything anywhere in the east." She murmured, dropping her cheek against his side and breathing in his musk. "Where were you, Bacc? What happened during the storm?" She whispered, trying to stop her vocals from trembling. Why was there a scar on his face? He'd been right behind her in the storm, she remembered that clear as if it had been yesterday. When the wind got too bad, she thought he had bitten her tail. Had he? Trying to hold onto her, probably, or making sure the wind didn't carry her off like a leaf on a branch. She'd been so heavily dissociated from her emotions while she searched for him, she didn't want them to get in the way. Now, she felt the distant dread roiling in her gut.
