
Hold back the melancholy



3 Years
12-08-2015, 11:57 AM

This was his home. No matter which way he looked at it, this was where he spent most of his life. How he survived in the north he'd never know, and while every day his sis started to get stronger he remained as he was. His black tail flicked back and forth as he relaxed underneath one of the tree's. The moon was high in the sky tonight, as he breathed he could see it turning into a thin cloud of mist. As if he was giving birth to clouds. Razor wanted this time to himself - even if it might have been dangerous all the same. However lucky for him, Fiori was just next door if he needed.

Razor tried to remember his mothers scent, it was gone now. Replaced with loners and other wolves who had passed by this place. He shut his eyes for a moment to listen to the crickets singing in the snow. Opening them again he played with the snow with a paw, he didn't know what was going through his head. No one had ever asked him that, and he hadn't cared to answer. Since as long as everyone else was okay, he was okay too right?

Razor let out a sigh before he settled his head against his paws in the snow. His winter coat enough to keep him at least mildly warm. There wouldn't be any episodes to worry about tonight. But there would only be the emotional roller coaster he felt. What if someone he was close to was disappointed in him? What if he had messed up even with how hard he had tried? The boy shivered for a moment, moving his hind legs a bit to get more comfortable. Maybe no one would miss him tonight at home.

Razor Adravendi


12-11-2015, 09:43 PM

The scent of a pup was something that was quite easy to pick out, and just as difficult to ignore. Usually, children tended to be accompanied by adults, their parents or caregivers.. but this scent was independent from the others. It caught the attention of Védís as she wove between the draping willow trees. Even in the winter, their branches reached low to the ground, providing quite a bit of cover. She felt safe here, among the bowed branches of the willow trees, engulfed in the darkness of night. Her paws carried her silently across the earth, moving as stealthily as she could in the quiet of night and with the gentle creaking of snow beneath her paws.

Feeling too curious to ignore it, the female would begin to trail after the scent. Though Védís wasn't exactly selfless, she was not completely uncaring - and she wouldn't sleep well tonight unless she confirmed that she wasn't leaving a child alone, if they needed help. Her head was drawn to the earth, nostrils flaring as she moved closer. When the scent was closest, her gaze would avert upward, scanning the night for the stranger. It was a pup, as she had anticipated, and she swore she caught him shivering. A slight frown touched her lips as she took a few careful steps forward. "Excuse me, child?" she would ask gently, examining the boy quietly. "Are you okay?"



3 Years
12-14-2015, 11:02 PM

The boy hadn't thought anyone would bother him - really who would hurt him if he wasn't going to hurt them? He could hardly run some ways without it being trouble. Though he'd run for his life if he had to, still his ears pulled forward. Eyes widening for a moment wildly, until they calmed once they found the source of the voice. Oh, they were just asking if he was alright. The stranger made him nervous, but regardless it would be rude of him not to answer their question. He would give a nod of his head to her. He was fine, at least physically for the moment. He was still wrapping his head around a lot of things.

"Just mourning." his hushed voice gave an answer to her. Almost like a whisper in the wind. His black tail curled around the side of his body. Was she just here to check if he was okay. Why would a stranger do that? Though he was still not a year old, he had seen a lot of wolves act differently around him. Though - he'd been sick enough to only know about his family and some close pack members.
Razor Adravendi


12-29-2015, 10:42 AM
Védís had not been raised to be so.. caring. Her motherly instincts had only appeared after she had left her family behind - and even now, she was not outright kind. Just concerned over the possibility of a child left alone.. for she knew how harsh this world could be. She had brothers who would not hesitate to harm such a child. The faint, concerned frown lingered on her lips as she drew closer to the boy, her eyes adjusting to the darkness as she searched for him.

Perhaps wisely, he was wary of her - but she was just as uncertain of him, though she lacked the sort of anxious nervousness that he likely felt. Though she had an air of caution about her, it did not resemble fear in the least. Survival came first, above everything, even above helping this boy.. and she had no qualms with leaving if she felt threatened in one way or another. Her ears twitched, face shifting into a more solemn expression as he spoke - saying that he was mourning.

"What is it you have lost?" she would ask, a bit firmly for a question, but she wanted to know - mourning was generally done when one had lost something. What could this child possibly have lost, so early in his life? Perhaps her curiosity was a bit morbid, but she couldn't help herself.