
Try It


11-30-2015, 10:03 PM

He wasn’t in a good mood.

The fight between Akemi and Valentine really had him on edge. What the man thought of his mother... He’d grit his teeth. No doubt he looked down upon her. Sure it was just speculation... But Einarr didn’t like the thought. So, needing some time to cool his head, he had left Imperium for a while.

His paws hit the snow hard, his breathing coming fast. Einarr was angry, and he definitely needed some sort of distraction. His mother had been hurt. Hurt by a man he had respected. He didn’t like that. No. He didn’t like that at all.

Einarr would press on, not caring where he was going, what he was doing, who he came across... Nothing mattered. Hell, he was half tempted to waltz over to Sonticus and spend some time with his mother and... Step father. He still wasn’t sure how to feel about Ravine, but he made his mother happy and that was good enough for the tan male.




6 Years
11-30-2015, 10:49 PM

This was the closest she had gotten to her old childhood home since she returned to Alacritis. She stared in the direction of the range, her tail flicking and ears laying back against her skull. She hadn't really wanted to go back, but she felt obligated to visit it for some reason. It was like a pilgrimage for her. She still had vivid memories of playing around the wooden fence and having that man help her up onto the rusty tractor so she could see all around. However, she was stopped in her tracks as she ran into the scent of a pack. Somehow she went from not entirely wanting to go to being infuriated that she couldn't. She took in a deep breath and let it out through her teeth with a shake of her head. There was nothing to be done about it now.

She turned around to leave just as the sound of pounding paws reached her ears. Her ears perked, her one tattered ear turning toward the noise just before she looked that direction to see the large tan-hued male running in her direction. One brow lifted curiously and at the same time she went on guard. She had gotten into far too many fights and dangerous situations to be entirely at ease when a seemingly furious man came running at her.



12-02-2015, 11:20 AM

Einarr wasn’t focused on what was ahead, only what was on his mind. He worried for Akemi. She was spirited, even if her smaller body suggested that she should watch herself. Especially around such giants. Yet... The femme fought gallantly. Einarr would feel the thoughts churning in his mind, over and over, driving him mad. He would give a low growl, almost barreling right towards the femme that was in his path.

It was a good thing he happened to lift his gaze to her eyes. That was when Einarr would come to a stop, mere feet before her. He would let out a huff, taking a step back as he eyed her. Scarred she was, just like his mother, though not as severe. Einarr would dip his head almost awkwardly to her, trying to find some sort of words to apologize for nearly running her down.

“Err... Hi.” Okay that wasn’t an apology, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad start. “So uh... Yeah...” Good job Einarr. You were making a great conversation.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
12-03-2015, 09:07 PM

She had waited to see if he would notice what he was doing and stop, but since he didn't seem to be she was about to jump out of his way when suddenly his pink gaze met hers. He came to a stop just feet from her and all she could do was stare at him with one confused brow raised. Even as he gave a slight dip of his head and an awkward greeting. "So uh... Yeah..." That finally made a slight smile break across Jendai's muzzle and she chuckled with a small shake of her head. Well, that was one way to introduce himself she guessed.

"Um... Hey there," she finally replied with a chuckle. "Is there any particular reason you were about to run me over?" she asked as she breifly looked him over. He was over a foot taller than she was, but that was no surprise. She was tiny compared to pretty much everyone she met. She couldn't remember a single time when someone was the same size or smaller than she was.



12-04-2015, 12:09 AM

Yeah, meetings were not Einarr’s strong point. He’d scoff slightly, looking away from the femme. Why was she so happy? Chuckling like everything was okay... Everything wasn’t okay! Far from it! He would let out a sigh, trying to catch himself. Mother would not be too happy if she found out he was getting growly with some stranger. She would encourage him to be polite, to not challenge her right off the bat to gnawing her face off. That was just... Kinda how he got to know someone.

“...It’s none of your business.” He would keep his voice in check, keeping it level. “But I suppose you can be a vent outlet.” Red-violet eyes would lift back to her scarred face. “...My alpha fought my mother... And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I don’t know what he could be planning now... Whether for me or her... But I doubt it’s something good.” He’d give a grunt.

“Sound like a good enough reason?” Okay, his cold demeanor was back.
"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
12-04-2015, 01:17 AM

She blinked from his sudden cold reaction from him. Her smile disappeared and she eyed him with equal coldness. Fine, he was probably right, it probably wasn't any of her business anyway. Heaven forbid she try to make conversation- but then he went on to say that she could be his outlet to vent to. She settled on her haunches and looked at him quizzically until he went on to describe the situation with his alpha and his mother. She studied him for a moment when he questioned the validity of his reasons compared to his actions. "No," she finally said, her tone blunt and honest.

"No, I don't think that's a good enough to go running over someone else. I think that sucks and if it were me it would piss me off too, but that's no reason to act recklessly." She rose to her charcoal dipped paws again, her acidic green gaze not leaving his. "Plus, I don't know about you, but talking was never a great way to vent for me, especially when it's just to talk about how much something bothers me instead of trying to come up with a solution to it. I've been dealing with anger problems since I was a pup and the only thing that's ever helped is fighting." She smirked a little and settled down into the defensive crouch that her muscles knew all to well by this point. "What do you say? Wanna spar with me to let off some steam? Besides, it's the least you can do after you nearly trampled me." That was a little bit of an exaggeration, but she didn't care. She watched him curiously, wondering if he would take her offer.



12-05-2015, 01:56 PM

Such a blunt answer! Einarr would have to smile at this. Well, more like smirk. He would watch her as she spoke, and finally he would let out a laugh of his own. “Now you’re speaking my language, my friend.” He seemed to loosen up at the mention of fighting. She seemed to understand... And that made him relax some. Einarr would shift his body, dropping into a defensive stance. Yes... This was definitely his element. The element of fighting. “I think you’re right... It’s only fair.”

The large male would throw up defenses, bracing himself as he kept his gaze upon the female. He felt his heart prickle with excitement, his red-violet orbs narrowing almost playfully. “Mother would chew my tail off if I didn’t show at least some sort of manners after all this. Would you like the first move?” He’d ask, voice soft. He was definitely opening up a bit more now.
"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
12-05-2015, 04:37 PM

She grinned a little wider as she watched him, visibly relaxing a bit at the mention of a fight. She could always tell when there was another wolf who struggled with the same kind of problems with emotions that she did and she could pick a fellow fighter out of a crowd even more easily. She laughed a little when he mentioned using his manners so his mother wouldn't chew his tail off. She was sure her mother would have a heart attack if she was still around if she saw her tiny runt of a daughter going around sparring random strangers. "I'll be more than happy to," she said in response, quickly settling into her defenses.

Her paws settled into a comfortable, widened stance under her and her knees bent ever so slightly to make it a bit more easy to move. Her ears fell back against her head, eyes narrowed, and tail tucked out of the way under her. Her head lowered to be more level with her spine as her hackles raised and her shoulders rolled forward to bunch her loose skin protectively around her neck. She didn't expect anything too extreme from a casual spar, but she always lived by the motto that you can never be too careful. She didn't know so much as this man's name, much less how rough he fought. Then again, she had never been one to go half way when it came to a fight.

Moments before she tried to launch herself at him, her nails would dig into the ground for traction and her lips would pull back into a snarl to expose her teeth. Her game plan was to use her tiny size to her advantage. She knew many larger wolves weren't quite as nimble on their paws as she could be, so she was relying on that knowledge as she lunged forward in his direction. As she moved she would drop into more of a crouch, making her already tiny stature even smaller. Her goal with that was to make herself a smaller and, hopefully, harder to hit target. She wanted to dodge toward his right side and aimed to snap a small bite at his side or lower stomach. Nothing too deep of course, but she wouldn't be upset if her teeth grazed his skin.

As she tried to run past him, she would swing her haunches and aim to throw her weight into his right shoulder. In reality her hips really only came up to his knee when she was in his crouch, but she hoped the same principle would apply. She just wanted to throw him off balance enough to give her a chance to get spun back around to face him again.

Jendai VS Einarr FOR Spar
Round 1 of 2



12-09-2015, 05:15 PM

Einarr would take a moment, just a moment, to set his defenses right before the woman came at him. Ears would fold against his skull, eyes would narrow, and shoulders would be rolled forward. He would lower his head down to align with his spine, tipping his chin forward, as tail lifted to align with his spine behind him. His legs would bend, his weight distributed across his spread legs. Claws would bite into the soil, and hackles were raised as he eyed her. Let her come, he was ready.

Lips would pull back in a snarl of his own as she launched forward. The woman would come in at his right side. He would feel fangs clip his lower right stomach, piercing skin only slightly. A minor wound for certain, though with the potential to get worse as the fight wore on.

Einarr would anchor himself down as she began to push past him. He would aim to counter her slam with her hips into his body by dropping down slightly and throwing his weight to the right. Einarr aimed to slam his right shoulder into Jendai’s right hip in a grinding attack with her own. He would feel counter damage for certain, but perhaps he would be able to knock her off balance instead, or at least give her a nice bruise to think about.

In addition to this Einarr would tilt his head to the right and downward, upper jaws snapping at the left of the base of her tail and lower jaws landing on the left. Not only did he want to try and bruise her {or best case knock her off balance} he wanted to gain control of the situation by gaining a hold where her tail connected with her body. He wasn’t going all out just yet... Holding back some steam for the next round.

Round ONE of TWO
