
Here Goes Nothing!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-03-2015, 10:19 PM

It was only after seeing the fights between valentine and cypress as well as against Akemi, and including the death match that she would decide to go to the battlefield and try to strengthen her skills. Valentine believed in her abilities, so why not try to better them and put herself to the test? She had beaten two abaven members so far, now she was going to try for a third victory. Stepping onto the fields bathed with countless buried bodies and old blood, she stalked first timidly onto the land, then grew confidence the further she went. Her large fluffy form was fluffed up against the cold winds of winter, and within a short time she was nearing the center. The fights she witnessed were enough to make her think, and she wanted to get back into shape after birthing her children.
Once she found a suitable spit, she tested the ground by flexing her toes, tail held level as her head rose to invite whoever was around for a spar. Her song wasn't forceful, more inviting then challenging. She was curious if anyone would show at all, and hopefully someone she could test herself against.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus ??? for Spar





Out Of Character Notes:


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-03-2015, 10:33 PM

She had taken the time to let her scent wash out. While she had notified Sin of her leave, she had warned him she may not come back to him. Their bond was not close enough to be considered betrayal. It wasn't as if particularly the female had benefitted or harmed him in any way. The winter chill brought on her age, as well as the beast appearing for the first time in a season in the battlefield. The familiar cry of a female coming to her attention.... Avalon. She no longer smelt of Sonticus and more of Imperium. What had brought this decision along? Well it was no surprise seeing how Valentine was since she had met the man once. She had her own thoughts in mind though as her paws stopped her in front of the other. Packless - she still was a war mongrel.

"Hello Avalon - It's a nice day." Amachi looked at the sky. She would allow Avalon the first move. Setting her defenses, Amachi bent her knees to compact her body closer to the ground. Limbs spread to distribute her weight, toes spread across the land. Chin tucking slightly, her ears pinned to the back of her skill. Eyes narrowing and her lips pulling back to show off her canine's. Her shoulders rolled forward and her tail leveled with her spine. Finally her scruff pulled upwards with her hackles raising. Making the war monster ready for a fight.

Amachi vs. Avalon for spar.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-03-2015, 10:56 PM

Surprisingly, it didn't take long for someone to find her. Surprise lit in her eyes as she recognized the scent and form of Amachi--her former pack mate before she had gone off to follow Sin, the man who had killed Arian. She wasn't sure what to make of it, whether Amachi was a traitor or if she should be glad to see the woman was alright. She would settle for the former, her hackles instinctively rising as Amachi greeted her. Avalon offered a curt nod, something rare in the woman. But anyone associated with that bastard was no friend of hers anymore.

"Amachi...I wish I could say the same. But things are different now." Her legs spread evenly apart, her tail swept out and aligned perfectly with her spine as her head lowered too. Her chin tucked closer to her breast, her hackles bristling as they made her already fluffy form look even fluffier. Her ears pinning, hiding among the long fur of her body, amber gaze narrowing in on the larger female. Her muzzle wrinkled as her somewhat yellowed fangs bared, toes spreading as her claws bit the earth for traction. Her legs were bent slightly, weight evenly distributed as she rolled her shoulders forward and pulled her head back slightly to roll the fatty layers of her scruff.

Even though Amachi didn't smell of a pack anymore, she knew not that Amachi had decided to abandon Sin after the siege that took place. All she knew was that the woman had left to follow him, and had now decided to show up after Arian's death. That memory alone was raw enough to make her growl, and now she would be fueled with it. With the rarity of anger in her life, she was pretty angry now.

Without waiting further, Avalon kicked off and attempted to close the distance between them. When she came within two feet, she opted to sidestep once to her right, the point of her left shoulder aiming to thrust out into Amachi's throat. She hoped to make contact, her broad chest seeking to slam into The left side of Amachi's upper chest to bruise her as much as she could, while her shoulder aimed a choke slam into the woman's throat. A snarl ripped from her maw, taking her by surprise for a moment, but it didn't stop her.

Next, in one fluid motion, she attempted to snake her right forepaw around Amachi's left foreleg, aiming to pull it towards her and potentially unbalance the woman, if not compromise it. Hopefully her claws would be able to rake the inside of Amachi's left foreleg as well, though she wasn't too hopeful on that. Lastly, her head tilted to her right as sher jaws sought to move left, aiming to grip Amachi's head in her teeth. Her top fangs sought to grip right behind Amachi's left ear, and her bottom fangs sought to place a firm grip just below Amachi's lower jaw on the left side. The least she could do was try to puncture her face, maybe even puncture the thinner skin that hid the bottom hinge of the larger woman's jaws. She was furious yes, so she wouldn't realize her potentially violent actions just yet.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Amachi for Stakes

Round/Move: 1/3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
12-04-2015, 07:38 AM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2015, 07:39 AM by Integra.)
ooc: *throws in spectator* :D xD

Integra was in a slightly better mood after her discussion with Atreides but her morning patrol was swiftly interrupted by the scent of Avalon heading toward the battlefield.  Her magenta eyes narrowed and she growled.  Right, the woman was free and could go where she wanted despite being fresh from an enemy pack.  It also meant she'd left her precious babies alone in Imperium, the thought of having that leverage caused the Armada woman to smile.  She danced lightly from paw to paw… to follow the mother or mess with the brats?

Slowly her face dissolved into a somber expression as she strode out of Imperium.  She had a duty now to protect her pack.  A duty she'd fought for and there were only two conclusions she had drawn about Avalon.  The first was that she and Valentine had been seeing each other before the claim and thus she had some how earned Valen's trust, not just his fancy.  Hell perhaps his claim challenge was rescuing the woman from something.  Maybe she wanted to be taken and if that was the case Integra would applaud her, welcome her right into Imperium herself.  Well played… but she could drop the goody-goody act.  The only other conclusion Integra had was that Avalon had caught Valen's fancy enough to worm her way into Imperium to act as a spy…. and if she was a spy then Integra was all to happy to eviscerate her for the good of Imperium.  There were other lovelies for Valen to fawn over without risking retaliation of an enemy.

Integra would enter the battlefield quietly, eyes narrowing as she watched Amachi approach.  There was a good chance Avalon knew she was following so she'd ignore the words for now but the fact was Avalon was meeting with one of Sin's wolves.  Her eyes took in the others movements, making notes.  There was nothing solid enough here to pass judgement but she wasn't going to make it easy for Avalon to go crying back to Imperium's enemies if she could help it.  Herbs hung lightly from Integra's jaws as she remembered she'd been rotating her stores….  she watched the others for wounds but had yet to decide if she'd help heal the suspicious new member in their ranks.  She knew it was her duty but her mistrust was strong and the two would battle inside her just as Avalon and Amachi would battle before her.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-05-2015, 02:31 PM

Many wolves from her side of the woods would just others on her appearance. Just as Avalon did, Amachi stood out like a sore thumb no doubt. However - she held no ill will towards Avalon though she was sure the other thought her loyalties were weak. Well once things didn't seem to benefit her she did leave, or rather she didn't think she would benefit the situation at all. Amachi was curious as to why the woman bore Imperium's scent as well. Avalon was a wolf she rather liked - and Amachi had ignored the newcomer who had come to watch the fight. Automatically Amachi stayed with her defenses and waited for the other's approach. They could talk after the fight if that enough was aloud.

Amachi’s ears remained pinned to the back of her head, eyes narrowed on her opponent and pupils dilated her chin slightly tucked to her chest. As her teeth pulled back, she saw Avalon move quickly. The beast used her hind legs to shift to her own right her left hind leg stepping first before bringing her right around, trying to swing enough to place them at a right angle. Having Avalon’s left shoulder grazing her chest not a sound emitted from Amachi as she stayed relatively calm. Though her veins started to pump, heart quickening with the hormones. She redistributed her weight on her four legs, Avalon’s right forepaw hooked on Amachi’s left. Immediately she lifted her left leg and brought it down with high force to smash into the woman’s toes and paw aiming to potentially break them(counter). With her shoulders rolled inwards, hackles raised and scruff rolled forward Avalon’s jaws would sink into her left shoulder. Upper jaws locking just behind her head and the lower closer to her chest. The half inch wound bled through making Amachi let out a stifled growl to the moderate damage. The two of them were large, but Amachi was larger and heavier.

Tail leveling to her spine, Amachi sought to bolt up on her hind legs. Right forearm aiming to land on Avalon’s left side that was facing her. Amachi’s jaws opened head tilted to the left, her upper teeth hoping to hook on the right side of Avalon’s spine, her lower to the left. While attempting to lean her chest into Avalon in the hopes of pushing her into the dirt. Her abdomen muscles tightened, protecting her stomach. Back toes spreading into the dirt.

Amachi vs. Avalon for rekindled friendship.
ooc: My stakes are stupid xD Dragon's got my skype for any questions.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-13-2015, 08:22 PM

Her heart was wildly pumping in her chest, her adrenaline pumping. And the feeling of it felt good. She couldn't think about anything else at this moment, as she thought about potentially bringing down the bigger woman. If she succeeded, then she would be filled with more confidence. If she failed, then at least it would spur her to keep trying until she did win. Especially against someone who hadn't cared at all about the others who had taken her in. Granted, she herself had been taken in...and she'd been very grateful for it. Her heart still wept for Arian, but time would heal that wound. In the midst of her charge, she failed to notice that one of her new packmates had come to watch them. Everything else was blocked out, the only one in her sights was Amachi. Her lip curled, bracing for the impact that she sought to deal. But to her disappointment, the larger woman had moved slightly to her right, thus causing Avalon's frontal assault to simply graze Amachi's chest.

Narrowed amber gaze remained locked on her opponent, hackles stiff along her spine, ears pinned to her skull, her shoulders rolling forward to protect her neck while her head pulled back slightly to roll her scruff. Meanwhile, her head lowered over her throat, aligning with her spine as did her tail--the plume flagging out to act as a rudder as she moved. Her toes spread over the cold ground, nails biting the frozen earth for traction. Her teeth were bared, cold air streaming from her nostrils in quick succession. She felt her paw hook around Amachi's left foreleg for but a moment, her own three paws still grounded and weight distributed evenly. However, her hopefulness at unbalancing her would be cut short as Amachi's paw slipped away from her. She then felt Amachi's paw graze down her right foreleg, leaving mild welts until she felt the woman's paw slide down to her own. With a snarl, Avalon's paw would be taken to the ground, though not the way Amachi had fully intended. Moderate bruising would result from her opponent's paw slam, but the hope for success in breaking would not accompany that.

Somehow, Avalon would fail to grab hold of Amachi's head, and instead her bite would be misplaced on the larger woman's left shoulder. Immediately, Avalon released her hold and sought to tear herself away, she ducked towards her right (Amachi's left) and aimed to surge forward, attempting to bring them slightly parallel to each other with Avalon's head lining up with Amachi's neck. Amachi's foreleg would grasp nothing but air, her teeth cutting down Avalon's left side just behind her shoulder leaving nothing but moderate lacerations about a half inch deep and a half inch wide. Bleeding slightly, Avalon would not falter in this fight! Once again, she would aim to shove the point of her right shoulder into the center of Amachi's left shoulder joint (between the shoulder and chest), hoping to cause discomfort and maybe stress the joint and muscles to render it painful or handicap it for the remainder of the fight. Simultaneously, her head would tilt upwards, teeth seeking to grip Amachi's throat. Her upper fangs on the outside left of her opponent, bottom fangs in the center over the windpipe. Her goal was to choke her, not kill her. Meanwhile, her abdomen would tense and her tail would tuck to protect her underside, weight distributed evenly as she sought to end this as quickly as she could.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Amachi for Spar

Round/Move: 2/3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

The Judge


12-31-2015, 11:28 AM
And the winner is...

AVALON! Due to Amachi not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Avalon's favor. Amachi must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.



5 Years
Dire wolf
01-05-2016, 12:33 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2016, 12:33 PM by Amachi.)

Amachi seen for a moment it seemed Avalon's new pack had an admirer. It meant many things to the warrior, however it was clear the air had left some odd ties. Her distraction might have been a disgrace and she cursed herself for it before she stumbled backwards on her paws. Her face ducking as Avalon's teeth clamped hold instead of her throat. Amachi while she didn't know entirely how to whimper in pain her gray eyes stared at the female. She lowered her body, tail between her legs as she lowered her head. Giving up a fight to a stronger opponent only made sense. Avalon had gotten much stronger since the last time the strange magma lady had seen her. It made her smile for a moment, a small chuckle leaving her lips.

As the tip of her tail twitched in her submitted position, she would look towards Integra for a single moment before attention was moved back to her former packmate. "You've gotten stronger Avalon - I've gotten rusty." she laughed. She would be lying if she hadn't said she didn't enjoy Avalon's company. "I'm alone now, maybe another time we can do it again." It was at that moment that she made it clear she had no connections towards sin or her previous pack. A loner and a wanderer, she found it hard to settle herself down because no one actually needed her.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]