
There's an Empty Road to Rediscover



2 Years
Extra large
12-05-2015, 01:55 PM
Massive paws would bring the towering brute closer to what had once been his home. He hadn't thought it possible but he'd caught the scent of Absinthe after all the time that had passed. It was very much stale, and incredibly impressive that it was there at all, but she'd been here. He didn't know what he would do if he actually found her again, when he thought about her all he could feel was anger. If she hadn't gotten separated from him he would be here right now, he would be scarred, and life might have still made sense.

After his time with Artex.. another name that only bred anger within his being, he'd changed. Because of the time spent with the other wolf as well as the end of their time together. He could still hear the man's dying scream and taste the blood on his lips despite them being clean for weeks. If he wasn't careful he'd often see the silhouette of the man, despite there being nothing in front of him. Bacchus was messed up.

Lowering his head to the ground the Armada would take in the familiar scent one more time. Absinthe seemed like a lost link to his past, she was a part of him that would never return. He wanted to feel the loss of her, he wanted to miss his friend, but all he felt was bitterness and resentment to all of those that had once been in his life. He was jealous that they were still safe and at home, while he had been forced to see the evils that controlled the world. Brining his head back up in a quick jerk he'd look in the direction that Fiori stood. His heart would begin to race, his emotions no longer willing to be kept quiet. He'd feel his hackles raise, and a snarl appear on his features before he pulled his head back and let out his anger. His howl was more of a curse than a song, but the anger would fully cover the sorrow he felt for what he'd lost.
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7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-05-2015, 03:55 PM

He still couldn't believe that he had two sisters now. He had just left his mother's den, trying to give the both of them some time alone with their new pups. He was the tiniest bit jealous that the two girls would be getting all of the attention from now on, but really he was just excited to see his mothers happy again and to have two baby siblings to help look after. He chuckled to himself as he walked aimlessly, wondering if it was just a thing for his mother to have all matching pups. His litter had all been large boys and this one was all little girls. He had no idea what percentage of change there was for that to happen or what dictated things like height and gender, but he thought it was amusing none of the less.

He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, his ears alert and the fur on his scruff standing on end when a haunting howl reached his ears. It wasn't terribly far from him at all and a moment after the voice faded into an echo it dawned on him that he knew that voice. "Bacchus?" he asked himself in a whisper, his tone carrying his disbelief. The last time he had seen his white-splattered brother he had been getting ready to go on an adventure of some kind with Absinthe. He hadn't seen either of them since... Without another thought, Tib turned and trotted toward the howl, his huge paws crunching easily through the layer of snow on the ground. He wasn't the fastest wolf around, his massive size causing him to lumber rather than race anywhere, but with wide strides of his long legs he was able to catch up to his brother fairly quickly.

"Bacchus!" he called from a short distance off, seeing Bacc's distinctive slate blue and white form easily. He approached him so that he was heading toward his brother's side, but he slowed to a stop a few feet away. "You're really here! I heard your howl, I couldn't believe... But here you are!" He felt a strange mix of excitement, relief, curiosity, and worry as he looked at his brother, his silver marked tail wagging slowly behind him.

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2 Years
Extra large
12-05-2015, 06:10 PM
Many of his memories had not yet returned, or they were there but there was still so much fog. Even after his time with... Bacchus would shake his head as he tried to dislodge the more recent memories. He was filled with anger, confusion, and frustration. His song was proof enough of that. Had he been thinking more clearly he might have withheld his call so close to where his family lived. Bacchus didn't want to see them again, he didn't want to have to tell them about what had happened to him, why it was their son, their brother, had never returned home. At the same time he both wanted them to know the suffering he'd endured, the monstrosities he'd seen. He wanted to be even with them, but some part of him, that tiny part of him that still cared for those he called his closest family, didn't want them to ever know what he'd been through.

Bacchus was lost in his thoughts again, something that happened much too often. His giant form would stand still in the snow, his head lowered slightly and his gaze focused on nothing in reality. He'd lingered so long that he hadn't even moved once before he heard the sound of foot steps in the snow. Bacchus didn't want to look or even refocus his eyes as what could possibly be an enemy approached. He'd killed before, and he wasn't going to hesitate to do so again. The steps were heavy though, obviously this opponent would challenge even Bacchus's height..

As he finally turned his head his expression would remain the same as Tiburtius came into focus. He'd blink slightly, making sure this was not just some other trick of the mind, before he could hear his name on the other's lips. He'd take this chance to raise his head slightly. His body would not move otherwise as a greeting was given.. so he had heard his howl. "Yeah," he'd answer simply. He could clearly smell Amalia and Athena both on his pelt, but there was more. Birth? Children? Bacchus would think for a long moment in silence, completely unaware at how abnormal his behavior would be to his brother. He'd take another look at Tiburtius, "did Absinthe return to Fiori?" He'd ask, wondering if this stale scent might have led to home. What would he do if she had returned though?
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7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-05-2015, 09:27 PM

The disconnect in Bacchus's gaze made Tiburtius's brows pull together with concern and worry. His brother answered with a short "Yeah," and nothing else and slowly Tib's tail would lay still again. His excitement and relief slowly drifted away as the silence stretched out for much longer than felt comfortable, leaving only worry and a concern driven curiosity in its wake. He felt like he should say something to break the silence, anything really, but what kind of response could he give? There was no happy reunion, no excitement in seeing his brother again for the first time in ages, just... silence.

Finally, thankfully, Bacc would speak again, but it would only be to question if Absinthe had returned. Tib's expression grew even more confused as he spoke. "No... she hasn't. The last time we saw either of you was when you both left Fiori." He tried to read whatever was happening in his brother's mind, but he couldn't get anything from his expression. "Archy and Vitus are gone too... not that they were around much to begin with. It's just been me, Mom, and Ama for a while now... Mom had more pups though. Just this morning actually. Two girls. Jayne and Diana I think they're calling them." He wasn't entirely sure if he was speaking because he thought Bacchus would want to know all of this information or if he was just trying to fill the awkward silence.

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2 Years
Extra large
12-05-2015, 10:06 PM
Bacchus wouldn't take note of the way Tiburtius fell as he realized his brother's state, nor would he notice the confusion in his expression or words. All he would realize was that he'd said Abby had not come back. He'd sigh, almost missing the next words to come to him as he looked off into the horizon again. His gaze returned to being focused on something very obviously not there. Archelaus was no longer around, neither was Vitus so Athena had conceived another litter. Bacchus attention would focus more strong on Tib again as he spoke of their mothers. Enough that his vibrant red gaze lingered at his brother's features. So they'd been replaced. Bacchus would nod quietly, it made sense. Tiburtius was the only one around anymore anyway, and Bacchus... he didn't have much intention of returning home again. "Right," his words were almost an after thought as he turned to walk in a different direction. Absinthe wasn't here anymore, nor was she in Fiori he'd have to search somewhere else. Maybe he'd find Basileus again. He didn't care. He just couldn't go home again.
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7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-05-2015, 10:41 PM

Tiburtius couldn't believe what he was seeing. Or better yet, what he was hearing. Or not hearing anyway. This wasn't the Bacchus he knew. The last vivid memory he had of his brother, prior to him leaving with Abby of course, was him playfully challenging him at the last fight training that their mother had called. Actually, now that he thought about it, Fiori hadn't had a single training of any kind since Bacchus left and Vitus and Archy went missing. A little touch of anger got stirred into his mixture of confusion and worry that was about to swallow him whole. Their mothers had been missing his brothers all of this time and now Bacchus shows up out of the blue and all he had to say was "Right."

He gaped at his brother as he suddenly turned and started to walk away from him without another word. For a moment all he could do was stare at his brother's back in shock. "Bacchus... Bacchus, wait!" he called after him, his touch of anger suddenly bubbling up into an all out rage. Tiburtius was never one to be angry, especially at a member of his family. He had done nothing but try to fill the void his missing brothers had left for his mothers. How many more times would he have to see their sad smiles as they spoke of them or memories from their childhoods? How many more times would he have to walk up to their den only to quietly back away when he heard one of them tearfully talking about failure?

He ran to catch up with Bacc and then fell into step beside him, trying his best to keep his anger in check. It was impossible to keep some of it from slipping into his voice though. It was all he could do to keep from grabbing Bacchus by the scruff and shaking him. "Right? Right? That's all you have to say? Every time a season passed and you didn't come home they were crushed. Mom hasn't called another fight training since you left. Ama started studying so hard to keep herself busy that she keeps making herself sick. The stress was tearing their marriage apart and all you can say is yeah, right, and ask about fucking Absinthe?!"

He hurried ahead of him and spun around in front of him to face his brother and look him in the eye, blocking his path and refusing to let him by. His whole body was trembling with anger and as he spoke his voice became hushed and pained. "They hope every single day that you and Vitus and Archy will come home. Hell, I hoped you would come home. We all love you so damn much. And you don't even care. I don't know what happened to you out there, but there is no reason for you to treat our mothers like this. You're going to just walk away from us again?" He stopped with a sudden shake of his head. "No. You know what? I'd rather you just leave. If you're just going to disappear again I'd rather you just fucking leave."

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2 Years
Extra large
12-07-2015, 11:30 PM
Bacchus almost surprised himself when he slowed to a halt at his brother's words. He'd been suppressing his memories of those times. That wasn't who he was anymore and he couldn't dwell on what could not be. The wolf he used to be would have mourned for what he'd become, a cold shell of the vibrant youth he'd once been. Things changed, he'd changed. His distant gaze would find his brother as he came up beside him, the anger in his voice stirring the emotion in Bacchus as well. He'd let his brother talk though, allowing the rage to stew before he returned the words. He'd find his gaze narrowing and his lips begin to curl up at the heated words that were thrown at him.

He could withstand most of it, deep down he knew the misery he must have been causing his mothers but he could do nothing about it. He'd been a captive for the majority of the time anyway, and would Amalia, or even Athena, even be able to stand seeing him the way he was now? Was it not better that he remain that bright shining star in their memories. "you don't even care." Bacchus gaze would grow ever more dangerous at his litter mate's choice of words. "there is no reason" At those words the hackles along his spine would rise and he'd feel a low growl boil up from his chest. Bacchus remained calm, but as he spoke there was an edge to his words that had never been there before.

"You're right. You don't know what I went through out there." His voice was barely more than a whisper but his words were colder than ice. "Enslavement, torture, Tiburtius I took someone's life." The white marked Armada would admit with a hiss. He'd grow silent again, the weight of the moment causing him to pause as he took a breath and looked back to the horizon. A tiny spark of what used to be would glint in his eye. "They're better off thinking I'm dead."
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7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-08-2015, 08:36 AM

The rage would continue to bubble in his chest and he refused to back down even as Bacchus's gaze grew more and more intense and his hackles rose. He dared Bacchus to fight him at this point. But no, that's not what his furious words would get him. Instead, Bacchus shot back his own hurtful words. Much fewer in number, but just as cold and harsh. They did nothing to shake Tib's anger, but it did manage to bring furious, frustrated tears to his eyes. He tried to quickly blink them away, looking away from his brother so hopefully Bacchus wouldn't see.

"How dare you think that we'd see you any differently? he'd ask, his voice quiet and seething with all of the emotions that he was struggling to control. "We're family, Bacchus! We're here to support and care for you, not judge or ridicule." He finally pulled his glare back up to his brother's face despite the fact that his mismatched gaze was still shining with tears. His anger would slowly drain away, leaving nothing but tired sadness and disappointment. A heavy sigh would pass his lips and his shoulders would sag with the weight of everything that had just transpired between him in Bacchus.

This was not the reunion he had been hoping for all this time. "Our mothers would rather come to terms with how the world has changed you than have to continue to wonder every night whether their sons are okay or if they'll ever come home. They shouldn't have to grieve for a son that is still alive." He'd sigh again, his gaze drifting away from Bacchus. "I can't force you to do anything. It's up to you. I won't even tell them that I saw you here if you don't want me to. I just hope you really think about what you're doing before you disappear again."

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2 Years
Extra large
12-09-2015, 09:26 PM
Neither women deserved to see their son beat down a bruised the way he was. How would they react to the massive scar that now marred his face? Would he ever be able to admit what he'd done to them, should he even consider it. As he stared off into the distance Tib continued to try and convince him back. He practically begged on their mother's part to see them again, to assure them that he was not dead. But the Bacchus they knew was gone. He'd been gone for a long time. "Really think about what you're doing" The Armada would heave a heavy sigh as his hackles fell and the sparks of anger left his fur. Tiburtius was fighting for their mothers.. for their family. Too much time had passed since his family had been his number one priority. "I envy you, Tib." He would confess quietly, turning his features only slightly towards the other Armada before turning to leave again. "I might find my way back." He'd offer finally, feeling even more so the need to be alone with his thoughts.

-exit bacc unless stopped-
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7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-11-2015, 09:35 PM

Tiburtius felt tired. Truly tired. His expression held such deep sadness and his shoulders slumped with the weight of it all as he watched his brother walk away. Again. He couldn't bring himself to call out to him again. It felt like he was talking to deaf ears. A sigh would pass his lips while he watched the slate blue and white figure disappear into the distance. He'd blink back the tears that had welled up in his eyes and he turned back toward home, his paws feeling like they each weighed a hundred pounds. His head hung low and all he could think about was distant memories of him and his brothers as pups, play fighting and joking around together. That felt like a different life time. He avoided going toward his mothers' den entirely, instead making his way toward the one he was now sharing with Arivae. He didn't want to face his mothers just yet. Not after that. He barely wanted to face Arivae, but he needed to be with someone and he could only hope that she would just let him lay in silence with her for a while.

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