
Blue lips, Blue veins



6 Years
12-20-2015, 08:45 PM
He stumbled into faith and thought
"God this is all there is"
The picture in his mind arose
and began to breathe
And all the gods and all the worlds began colliding on a backdrop of blue

Blue lips, blue veins

Voltage was on the search. Perhaps for the first time in a very very long time he wasn't looking for his daughter (though his eyes would always been looking for her, his heart always yearning for her, his soul crying for her.) He moved with purpose and with ease over the territories, searching for his sister. She had refused to come back to the pack, for a reason he could understand. Oh, could he understand it. Lately he had felt it too, and that had terrified him. But unlike Serefina, he needed his siblings to survive. He needed their energy, needed..he...he needed...

With a sigh he hung his head at the lie he repeated over and over and over. No, well, yes. He did need his family, but perhaps not to the extent he had always assumed. The Elementas were meant to be from the same cloth...they were supposed to need and depend on each other. So why, why was it that when he needed them most...they weren't there. And those that were looked at him, and handled him like they had never met him.

All except Glacier and Serefina, they always knew how to patch up his wounds, how to handle his energy, how to keep him from going off the depend end in his array of emotions.

He sighed in the ocean air, keeping close to the waters incase he might see a sign of his daughter. It was counter productive, wasn't it. He was searching for his firey sister but he knew for a fact that she wouldn't be near the water, and yet he couldn't leave the ocean's side. There was a part of him that still dreamed she may raise from the waves and laugh it off like it was all a prank and they would be together again and everything would go back to being perfect.

But that would never happen, no.

With a sigh he continued to move, searching endlessly for those he sought, his tired eyes heavy, his muscles like lead. He had been running at a crazy pace for so long, and the only good that came out of it was that he had a larger rock collection. Now, he was tired, but he continued to move on swollen paws, his jaw set and his eyes narrowed. He had to find at least one of them.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
12-21-2015, 04:28 PM

He was a fool, wasn't he? Voltage knew very well just how much she disliked the water, and to what extent she went to ignore it. That and the fact that it was winter, the season that she cursed to no end. She hated it with a passion, and Volt knew that better than anyone else. But yet he was still looking for her, near the ocean, and constantly moving. She grumbled as she followed his path, her own pace with slow as she trudged through the snow. The salt water stung her eyes and made her ears pin against her skull. She kicked at the larger piles of snow, head sitting level with her spine in an almost fighting like pose. She was more than grumpy, she had picked up Voltage's scent when she was trying to find a new den to hide in. Her hollow log seemed to be more than useless, when a snowstorm came in the snow blew right into it, trapping her at the back against the flakes until the storm stopped. So no more logs for her. It had been a few weeks since they had last seen each other, and no matter how much Voltage had begged for her to go back to their family's pack, she fought against it. She didn't want to go back there, surrounded by all these wolves who were supposed to be the closest beings to her. She felt betrayed by them, and Sere had felt herself slowly slipping away from their grasp. Lately they had began to feel more like a crutch than an actual asset, she had been happier in her time alone. The only one she really craved was Voltage, her almost twin. He had always been her other half, and she knew that there wouldn't be a time in her life that she wouldn't be close to him. He was her everything, probably one of the only wolves that she would love that strongly. Hell, she was even trudging through the snow for him. She wouldn't do that for anyone else. She had almost bit off Glacier's nose last winter, and the memory brought a touch of a smile to her lips. Maybe she should stop in to say hi, at least after the snow melted.

Serefina lost her train of thought when she saw Voltage's form, his pace had slowed and allowed her to finally catch up to him. Ears stood erect on the top of her head as she picked up her own pace to a trot. Aiming to come up on her side, Sere tried to bump her lightening painted shoulder against his flame. "You're not too smart, are you?" she hummed in a teasing manner, ember gaze looking over his form. He didn't look much better than when they last met, maybe a bit more sleep. It still made her feel concerned, even through her own grumpiness. Sere paused beside him to stretch out her limbs, a yawn parting her jaws. "What's on your mind?" she asked, a single brow raising. She could read Voltage, he didn't even have to speak. She knew that there was more going on his mind than just his missing daughter.


Art by Lunarcat7



6 Years
12-22-2015, 08:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 12:27 AM by Voltage.)

He took a step but then felt tired
he said "I'll rest a little while"
But when he tried to walk again
He wasn't a child

Voltage was jolted from his rumination, his eyes slightly wider as a force bumped, gently, into his side. He stumbled just slightly to the side before he caught himself and turned his suprised gaze to his sister. He was mildly shocked that he hadn't noticed her approach, hadn't noticed that she had stepped up. He always knew where she was, was always so in tune with her that he could find her if she were lost in a forest fire, blending into the powerful licking flames. A small smile would easily find its way onto his lips, not quite making it to his eyes. There was always a part of his mind that was on his daughter, on the loss he felt, and there always would be. Voltage was, at best, fractured. A part of his very soul was lost to the ocean that day, and he felt he would never find it again.

He laughed softly, shaking his head slightly. "Perhaps I'm not..." He said softly, tilting his head to his sister again. "I...I have a hard time leaving the ocean side, you must understand it." He said softly, looking at the water again before he sighed. What was on his mind? Well...what wasn't… Wasnt it easy to guess?

"Current hasn't been home in a week..." He said softly then, the anxiety starting to rise again. "I think she went out to find her...but without a word, Sere? I'm so...terrified that ive lost both of them." His brows had furrowed then as he worked the earth with his paws, clenching and unclenching his jaw. He missed his little girls. His eyes closed then before he promptly stopped and sat.

"I'm so tired, Serefina. My soul is so exhausted. I feel like I could sleep a year and it wouldn't help." there was so much weighing on him, so much he put upon himself. "I'm starting to think of things I had never thought before...and I'm so terrified. I feel so alone, I've never...felt alone before." It was true, he had felt loneliness, he had felt longing and had missed so dearly...but he had never felt alone.

With a sigh he'd look at his paws, before looking back at the water. "Glacier and Anais are having children. I'm happy for them but I feel chapter in our family and with the pack is coming to a close." Perhaps.…perhaps it was time for Donostrea to have a sister as a leader. Or a wife.…

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
12-27-2015, 02:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2016, 12:07 PM by Evelyn.)

Her ember eyes gazed at him with slight concern as he stumbled from her shoulder bump. It had not been that hard, certainly not enough to knock him over, and yet he fought to stand up again. Had he been that deep in thought that she had startled him right over? Blinking several times she stood beside him as he collected himself, silently eyeing him with a frown on her face. This was not the Voltage that she knew. This was merely a shell of her electric brother, nothing more than a walking reminder of what once was. He was empty, she could see that. He may be trying to put on a front for everyone else but she could not be fooled. His eyes were ghosts of themselves, where usually energy burned in their depths. Maw opened and closed, Sere pushed back the words that sat at the top of her tongue. Her brother knew how he was feeling, she didn't need to bring it up. He knew as well as she did that Sere knew how he felt, they didn't even have to speak to get a message across. Just a look, a movement, could speak paragraphs between the two of them. With a sigh she dropped her gaze, looking above him at the gloomy clouds that took over the sky. She was more than ready for winter to be over, maybe then she could be more assistance to her yellow marked brother. At the moment she was far too sluggish and sleepy to whip him into shape, she would already be on his ass by now without this damned snow.

Voltage spoke, her head lowering to return her ember gaze to his own. She did understand, Voltage was hoping that the ocean would give back what it had stolen from him. "I always told you that the water was evil," she said softly, eyes sparkling at her lame attempt of a joke. Anything to hear that laugh. And not a forced, sad one. Not the latest false smile that he used to try and fool the others. Serefina knew best. The firey woman pulled her rump toward the earth and sat on the snow, grumbling slightly as she shifted in the wet, cold substance. Tail curled around her and fluffed up, trying to warm her freezing toes. "No one can blame you brother, your world has been turned upside down." Words wee spoken softly, the woman leaning forward to brush her nose against his cool cheek.

She did not miss the panic that rose in his voice, making her pull back to study his features. "You told me that she blames herself, right? Well of she is anything like her father, than she has gone off to make it right. If she's like you she didn't want to worry or stress you out, but come home with everything in the right place." Serefina mused, a tender smile on her lips. Surly the girl was just like her father, Gaia was more timid and reserved. She didn't see her wandering off by herself. He joined her in a seated position, and she shuffled herself over so that they were shoulder to shoulder. Serefina rested her flame coloured face on his shoulder, softly nipping at his fur. "She will come back when all is right."

Her older brother went on to talk about how tired he was, and she sat in silence and allowed him to speak his mind. Her ears pulled back at the sound of Glacier having pups, a huff leaving her maw. "I really will die an old maid." she mused in a grumbly tone, before thinking about what else he had said. Letting out a sigh she snuggled closer into him, taking a few moments to formulate her words. "I have felt myself growing apart from the family, Volt. Everyone is meeting someone and wanting to settle down and make a family. That was never the life for me. It was much more simple when it was just us, but with all these others around its... complicated. I don't feel at home there anymore, so..." Pulling herself up off of him she tried to meet his gaze, studying his features. "Come away with me. Glacier and Anais can run the pack, make it a safe place for their little ones and the others who are settling down. But we can wander the world, find our place somewhere else. Just the two of us." Serefina's voice was hopeful, a touch of excitement bubbling up into her vocals.


Art by Lunarcat7



6 Years
12-28-2015, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 03:55 PM by Voltage.)

(And all the people hurried fast, real fast
and no one ever smiled
Blue lips, Blue veins
Blue the color of our planet from far far away

Voltage couldn't help the ironic snort that burst from his longs at the sentance, and his eyes narrowed just slightly at the thought. Yeah...she had said that, didn't she? He chuckled softly, weakly, looking at the rolling waves to the side. "You were right, I should have listened to you..." He said softly before a slow smile touched his lips. "But if we stayed at the volcano, Illie woulda probably fell in. I don't really know what is worse." He chuckled softly at the morbid joke, sighing gently before he blinked at Serefina. He blinked in surprise as she sat in the snow beside him, and without a word he gently lifted a paw to wrap around her and pull her into his warmth, if she would allow. He'd move to rest his chin on her neck, almost as if to cover her from the element itself. Snow, it really was her kryptonite.

She spoke of Current, and he couldn't stop the tender smile that touched his lips. He would lift his jaw to press a gentle kiss just behind her ear. "You must'a gotten all the smarts, Sere." He said with a gentle smile, soft but real. He missed her, missed her with all his heart, and he wanted her back. Full time, always, back at the beach so they can fight and try and push each other in the water, and she can sleep with him when his insomnia got horrible, and they could hunt and fight in the praries. He had wanted her to meet his daughters so desperately, and now there was a large chance she never would. He missed her, with all of his heart, missed her so terribly, that he wanted to cry.

His eyes closed tightly as he held her a little tighter, chuckling softly at her joke. "You will not. You're hardly a maid at all." He said with a joke, lifting his head to look at her again. "Your fire burns too strongly to be given to just one, but who knows...maybe you'll find that one special wolf that can withstand your flames almost as well as I can." He whispered with a gently smile, moving to press his nose against her temple. He could feel all his muscles tighten as she said she had grown apart from the family, and he knew that...he knew that well. "I'm sorry Sere..." He whimpered softly, meeting her eyes when she searched for his. And then...his brows furrowed slightly and he quickly looked away. A journey? Just the two of them? It...felt amazing. He closed his eyes softly then, as he thought about it, before looking back up at Serefina. "My entire life has been for you and our siblings. I was born...for you guys." He whispered softly, sighing again. "And Gaia...I...I can't leave her. I'm all she has now, and it's all my fault..." He loved his little cloud so dearly, he couldn't just leave her behind. He hummed then, glancing in the distance before a slow smile touched his lips. "Let's go to your favorite Volcano...get out of this cold. Just the two of us."

"Burn Baby Burn"